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<p>San Antonio in the 1960s faced many of the same challenges of cities throughout the South; its emerging Mexican American political leadership helped steer the city in a progressive direction. </p>
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United States ,
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Texas ,
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San Antonio ,
Brackenridge High School ,
Americans ,
America ,
American ,
Lyndonb Johnson ,
Robert Ytuarte ,
Lyndon Johnson ,
Martin Luther King ,
Victor Castillo ,
Antonio Riverwalk ,
Warren Mcvea ,
Carlos Cadena ,
Henryb Gonzalez ,
Albert Pena ,
Mi Teirra ,
Antonio Latino ,
Robert Kennedy ,
Mary Andrews ,
Our Lady ,
John Kennedy ,
Johnf Kennedy ,
Antonio Hemisfair ,
Leo Tanguma ,
Ricardo Romo ,
Us Congress ,
Woolworth Department ,
Lake University ,
Bexar County Commisioner Court ,
Gonzo ,
Supreme Court Brown ,
West Side ,
Mexican American ,
Viva Kennedy Clubs ,
Catholic President John ,
Mexican Americans ,
United Farmworkers ,
Congressional District ,
Texas Mexican American ,
San Antonians ,
Vice President Lyndon Johnson ,
Fox Tech ,
Aztec Theater ,
North Carolina Woolworth ,
Rights Act ,
President Lyndon ,
River City ,
San Antonio Riverwalk ,
San Antonio These ,
Bexar County Commisioner ,
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