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HKU Paleontologists discovered shallow-marine ecosystem coll
HKU Paleontologists discovered shallow-marine ecosystem coll
HKU Paleontologists discovered shallow-marine ecosystem collapse and recovery during historical hyperthermal event
The ongoing and future warming is causing expansion of the ‘oxygen minimum zone’ where oxygen is less soluble, it makes the habitable shallow-marine
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Maryland ,
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Mashonaland East ,
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Moriaki Yasuhara ,
L Condamine Universit ,
Marcim Robinson Florence Bascom Geoscience Center ,
Us Geological ,
University Of Hong Kong ,
Swire Institute Of Marine Science ,
School Of Biological Sciences ,
Research Paper ,
Smithsonian Institution ,
Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum ,
Biological Sciences ,
Swire Institute ,
Marine Science ,
Hong Kong ,
Salisbury Embayment ,
Atlantic Coastal Plain ,
Paleocene Eocene Thermal ,
Skye Yunshu Tian ,
National Museum ,
Natural History ,
Florence Bascom Geoscience Center ,