Press Release – UNAIDS Pacific Office The HIV response has disappeared from the priorities of governments of the Pacific. This is the consensus made by civil society organizations engaged in a series of consultations organized by the UNAIDS Pacific based in Suva. These consultations … “The HIV response has disappeared from the priorities of governments of the Pacific”. This is the consensus made by civil society organizations engaged in a series of consultations organized by the UNAIDS Pacific based in Suva. These consultations were part of the review of progress of current political commitments and advisories for the upcoming United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on HIV and AIDS that will place from 8 to 10 June 2021. The high-level meeting will review the progress made in reducing the impact of HIV since the last United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on HIV and AIDS in 2016 and the General Assembly expects to adopt a new political declaration to guide the future direction of the response. The high-level meeting will take place as the world marks 40 years since the first case of AIDS was reported and 25 years of UNAIDS.