RNZ Judge Michael Mika leading the manuhiri on to Waiwhetū Marae. Photo: Dominic Godfrey / RNZ Pacific The New Zealand city of Lower Hutt has become the first outside Auckland with a Pasifika resident District Court judge. The selection of Michael Alaifatu Mika, a Samoan New Zealander, is being hailed as the vanguard of diversity and representation, the embodiment of Te Ao Mārama – a reflection of the changing judicial needs of a multicultural Aotearoa. At a powhiri at Waiwhetū Marae, Judge Mika described taking up the new role as a homecoming. The 53-year-old grew up in Kairangi – the Hutt Valley. His mother Fou and father Salafai, the Methodist faife’au (reverend), drilled into him and two younger brothers a strong sense of direction and tautua, or service.