High Country Every 1/8th jar of Veritas Fine Cannabis flower comes with a coupon code sticker to enter online for a chance to win a pair of Icelantic Nomad 105’s. Courtesy Veritas Fine Cannabis The award-winning Nomad 105 is Icelantic's flagship model, best-selling ski and the foundation of the Nomad Freeride Collection. (Courtesy Icelantic) The custom top sheet graphic was designed by Denver-based artist Joe Palec. (Courtesy Icelantic) Soon after moving to Colorado in 2007, I quickly learned that shopping and supporting local was ingrained in the community more so than anywhere else I’d lived before. Venturing out for my first season as a resident on Vokls, the following winter I splurged on my first set of Icelantics after discovering the then up-and-coming, homegrown gear brand through my magazine job at the time.