Gunnison Basin Roundtable The Gunnison Basin Roundtable is currently accepting letters of interest for ten elected seats. Five of the elected members must have relevant experience in the following types of water use: Environmental, Agricultural, Recreational, Domestic Water Supply or Industrial use. Applicants for the Environmental position must be nominated by one or more regionally, state-wide, or nationally recognized environmental conservation organizations that have operated in Colorado for at least five years. Five of the ten elected members are at-large, and at least five of the ten elected members must own water rights. Terms will expire in November of 2025. The Gunnison Basin Roundtable members will hold an election for the ten seats using a remote voting process the week of May 3-7. Letters of interest should indicate which seat is being applied for, and include relevant water experience and water right ownership information. Letters should be sent no later than April 23th to Sharon Dunning via email, For more information regarding the Roundtable activities please contact Kathleen Curry, Chair at or Mike Berry at