Hidalgo County Democratic Party Chair reacts to Gov. Greg Abbott's address 1 month 2 weeks 4 days ago Tuesday, February 02 2021 Feb 2, 2021 February 02, 2021 8:28 AM February 02, 2021 in News - Local Share: Gov. Greg Abbott addressed lawmakers and Texans during his State of the State address Monday night, acknowledging the hardships and losses brought on Texas cities by the coronavirus pandemic. "Texans are returning to work," Abbott said. "Students are returning to school. Families are re-establishing routines. With each passing day of more vaccinations and increased immunity, normalcy is returning to Texas." Hidalgo County Democratic Chair Norma Ramirez says the reopening was too soon. "He proposed to open the schools in the midst of the highest of the pandemic, leaving our teachers, our administrators, our bus drivers, our security people, our meal prep people at risk," Ramirez said.