The Daily Telegram ADRIAN TWP. — A patient care technician at ProMedica Charles and Virginia Hickman Hospital has received an award for outstanding service. Erin Leininger is a patient care technician in the critical care unit and started working at Hickman Hospital in February. The ROSE Award, which stands for Recognizing Outstanding Service and Excellence, first started at ProMedica’s Metro Toledo hospital. It is given out quarterly to honor the hard work of employees who are not nurses. “Erin has only been with the department since February and has made amazing strides on our night shift. She comes to work with a great attitude and up for new learning opportunities,” Cinnamon Bernardo, the nurse director of the critical care unit and Leininger's supervisor, said in a news release. “Her quiet kindness and compassion with her patients is why she was an excellent choice for the ROSE award. Our team is so appreciative of all of Erin’s hard work. Congratulations to Erin!”