If you are using ad-blocking software, please disable it and reload the page. 'When Calls the Heart' Cast on Elizabeth Choosing Lucas and That Passionate Kiss! (Exclusive) “The fans have been very vocal. I don't think it's surprising,” Hutton says when asked if she’s seen the mixed response on social media. “We created two teams. We created a Team Nathan, and we created a Team Lucas. As soon as you create teams, whichever team doesn't win is going to be upset. But we've had the fans be upset about certain things before. They were upset when Jack died, they were upset when Rosemary was introduced to the show and she was trying to split up Jack and Elizabeth. I've always interpreted that as not a negative thing, even if some of the fans are upset, it's not a negative thing. It's indicative of how much they care, how much they love and care about these characters and about the storylines and how invested they are. I think that's a positive indication of the show, of how much people are just invested in this story and invested in the show."