Frontier Community College Adult Education Director Angel Maguire was recognized recently as Administrator of the Year by the Illinois Adult and Continuing Education Association. It chose Maguire from applications across the state, marking the first time someone from FCC has received the award. Anyone interested in enrolling in the Adult Education program can call FCC at 842-3711. Fairfield Community High School has announced a change in its football schedule. The game scheduled for Saturday at Vienna has been forfeited to Fairfield due to Vienna’s low numbers, and FCHS will now play at Harrisburg tomorrow at 7. Tickets will be distributed to players and cheerleaders today and tomorrow, and those who attend must have a ticket, though there will be no charge and no concessions. People should enter the Harrisburg field at the North Gate, socially distance, and wear a mask. Additionally, the baseball and softball games against NCOE tomorrow will now begin at 4.