Fairfield officials have detailed the procedure for filling a vacant mayoral seat following the tragic and unexpected death of Mike Dreith on May 30th. Aldermen have called for a special meeting to appoint an acting mayor tomorrow. At the special meeting, aldermen will nominate one of their number to serve as acting mayor until the election this coming spring. In Spring 2023, an individual will be elected to serve a two-year term to fill the remainder of Mayor Dreith's intended time in office. Illinois population estimates continue to cause debates about whether the state's population is growing or shrinking. A recent Census follow-up survey showed the state was undercounted in the 2020 Census by nearly two percent. A new U.S. Census report, however, shows Illinois lost 104,000 people in the year leading up to July 1st, 2021. Updated migration data from the IRS shows Illinois lost 101,000 people. Edwards County Commissioners will meet today at 4:30 at the county courthouse. Business items include approval of a lease renewal for the county EMS at the West Salem facility and contract approval for software. The county solar project ordinance will again be revisited, with proposed setback revisions possible. Other action items include approval of a liquor license for Homestead Vineyard's and a building decision for the county Highway Department. Wayne County Mobile Home Tax Bills have been mailed and are due July 1st. Anyone paying after July 1st will be subject to a $25 per month penalty. The total amount extended this year is $91,605.77 for 965 mobile homes. Last year, the extension was $98,248.35 cents for 1,040 mobile homes. Payment may be made in person at the Wayne County Courthouse, in the drop box on the courthouse's west side, or by mail. According to the CDC over the weekend, 6,420 people in Wayne County were fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or 39.6 percent of its population, including 48.8 percent of people over 18 and 68.9 percent of people over 65. 46.9 percent of fully vaccinated people had been boosted. 40.5 percent of Edwards County residents were fully vaccinated, including 50.3 percent of those over 18 and 75.8 percent of those over 65. 47.1 percent of vaccinated people had been boosted. River stages as of early this morning: the Little Wabash east of Fairfield stands at 6.49 feet, below the 17 ft. flood stage. Meanwhile, the Skillet Fork at Wayne City has a reading of 5.10 feet (flood stage is 15 ft.). The Little Wabash below Clay City is at 5.63 feet (flood stage is 18 ft.). Bonpas Creek at Browns reads 1.74 feet, and the Little Wabash at Main Street in Carmi reads 4.64 feet. The Wabash River at Mt. Carmel sits at 8.88 feet. Today's crude oil price is $111.75, up $2.00 from Friday. The July crude oil price is $119.68, up $3.87 from Friday morning.