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"The Mystery Continues" --New Hubble Observations of Neptune
"The Mystery Continues" --New Hubble Observations of Neptune
"The Mystery Continues" --New Hubble Observations of Neptune's Great Dark Spot
In 2020, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope watched Neptune's mysterious dark vortex wider than the Atlantic Ocean some 30 years after NASA’s Voyager 2's observations after a nearly 3-billion-mile odyssey.
Related Keywords
Maryland ,
United States ,
Goddard Space Flight Center ,
Atlantic Ocean ,
Oc ,
American ,
Amy Simon ,
Michaelh Wong ,
Michael Wong ,
Avi Shporer ,
Kavli Institute For Astrophysics ,
Propulsion Laboratory ,
Hubble Space Science Institute ,
Space Telescope Science Institute ,
Research Scientist ,
Space Research ,
University Of California At Berkeley ,
American Geophysical Union ,
Space Telescope ,
Great Dark ,
Great Dark Spot ,
Dark Spot ,
Great Red Spot ,
Great Dark Spots ,
Equally Dark ,
Daily Galaxy ,
Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy ,
Space Flight Center ,
Great Red ,
Hubble Space Telescope ,
Hubble Wide Field Camera ,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory ,
American Geophysical ,