Excelsior Correspondent Srinagar, Mar 31: High Court dismissed the plea of a company challenging the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) issued by Jammu & Kashmir Bank for providing of security guards for the Bank but quashed the condition of baring the said company from further bidding process by saying the same is bad and illegal in the eyes of law. The petitioner-M/S Datar Security Pvt Ltd engaged in the business of providing private security to various organizations throughout India, including the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir challenged the Bid of Central Security Department of the Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited inviting from eligible parties for empanelment of reputed security agencies to provide security guards for J&K Bank Branches, ATMs, Offices, residential complexes and other Bank’s property in the UT of J&K, UT of Ladakh and other places in the country for a period of three years vide Reference No. JKB/CHQ/CS/F-76/2020-034 dated 28.02.2020.