HarperCollins presents The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff :

HarperCollins presents The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff

New Delhi [India], March 25 (ANI/PRNewswire): "A radically feel-good story about the murder of no-good husbands by a cast of unsinkable women."--THE NEW YORK TIMES Longlisted for the prestigious Women's Prize for Fiction, Parini Shroff's The Bandit Queens is a razor-sharp debut of humor and heart that readers won't soon forget. Paperback | 352 pp | Rs 499 Available wherever books are sold | Releasing 10th April 2023 Five years ago, Geeta lost her no-good husband. As in, she actually lost him--he walked out on her and she has no idea where he is. But in her remote village in India, rumor has it that Geeta killed him. And it's a rumor that just won't die. As it happens, being known as a 'self-made' widow comes with some perks. No one messes with Geeta, harasses her, or tries to control (ahem, marry) her. It's even been good for business: no one dares to not buy her jewelry. Freedom must look good on Geeta, because now other women are asking for her 'expertise' making her an unwitting consultant for husband disposal. And not all of them are asking nicely. What happens next sets in motion a chain of events that will change everything, not just for Geeta but for all the women in the village. Filled with clever criminals, second chances, and wry and witty women, Parini Shroff's The Bandit Queens is a razor-sharp debut of humor and heart that readers won't soon forget. Author, Parini Shroff, says, "The Bandit Queens began ten years ago as a short story about women in a microloan group and the power of money. When I wrote it as a novel during the pandemic, it blossomed into a dark comedy about wickedly funny, sharp and clever women making their own choices in a world trying to snatch those choices. Once the ensemble cast of female characters had been drawn, there was no stopping these rambunctious women. Isolated, they felt powerless; but together, the strong bonds of their female friendship made the impossible suddenly achievable. It was then that I realized the heart of this book isn't about what money can do, it's about what friendship can. I grew to love and admire these sassy, fierce women and their escalating antics, and it is my hope readers will as well." Associate Publisher, Rahul Soni, says, "Parini Shroff's The Bandit Queens is a dark, funny, sharp, wicked debut that deals with many weighty themes with a light but sure hand. It's a book that I've been supremely excited about ever since I read the early draft, and one that I've chased a long time to be able to publish. I'm so glad that we're bringing it out in India, where I know it will resonate with and delight many, many readers. The longlisting for the Women's Prize for Fiction will be just the first of many richly deserved accolades coming Parini's way, I'm sure!" About the Author Parini Shroff received her MFA from the University of Texas at Austin, where she studied under Elizabeth McCracken, Alexander Chee, and Cristina Garcia. She is a practicing attorney and currently lives in the Bay Area. The Bandit Queens is her debut novel. Praise for the book "With acuity, wit, and a certain kind of magic irreverence, Parini Shroff captures the complexity of female friendship, turning on a dime from humor to horror, horror to heart, and then back again, exhilarating her reader until the very last line. Tender, unpredictable, and brimming with laugh-out-loud moments, The Bandit Queens heralds a prodigious and sophisticated literary talent." --Tea Obreht, bestselling author of The Tiger's Wife and Inland "Not since Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger has the rotten core of modern India been exposed in quite such blackly antic fashion as Parini Shroff manages here in this intermittently absurd, feminist revenge caper about a group of snarky, much-abused, predominantly Hindu wives...sheer gutsy verve." --The Times "The Bandit Queens is an original, memorable, and endearing story, at times deeply serious, then laugh-out-loud funny. Parini Shroff has written a sobering but hopeful exploration of womanhood, social injustices, and second chances." --Charmaine Wilkerson, author of Black Cake "Parini Shroff's splendid The Bandit Queens is a hilarious romp about serious things--as serious as a novel gets, and as funny, too, with characters who are dear and maddening and indelible and gorgeously drawn. Twisty, compulsive, bold, surprising, moving, it's a wonderful book." --Elizabeth McCracken, author of The Souvenir Museum and The Hero of This Book "Parini Shroff's debut novel is a rollicking mash-up of adventure story, thriller, dark revenge, and comedy. Rooted in a rural village in India--and led by the pariah widow Geeta, whom everyone believes to have killed her husband--this is an immensely enjoyable read about a handful of women who band together to take back their lives, and take down the patriarchy." --Cristina Garcia, author of Dreaming in Cuban and The Lady Matador's Hotel "A radically feel-good story about the murder of no-good husbands by a cast of unsinkable women...A tale that demonstrates how the antidote to bleak circumstances is female friendship." --The New York Times "Shroff cleverly considers how women might achieve autonomy within rural India's patriarchal society through shrewd, if complicated, female friendships." --The Washington Post "This debut has captured our hearts with its wit and tenderness, and it's an unforgettable story about a 'self-made' widow who gets requests from other wives to help them also get rid of their no-good husbands. Twisty and bold with a dark edge, The Bandit Queens is one we don't think we'll ever stop talking about!" --Barnes & Noble Book Club "Shroff's debut is a darkly hilarious take on gossip, caste, truth, village life, and the patriarchy...clever, subversive storytelling." --Booklist, Starred Review "This funny, feel-good read is a rollicking ride rife with memorable characters involved in ill-fated hijinks. It also serves up commentary on class, power dynamics and the role of women in society, with a feminist history lesson to boot." --Good Housekeeping "Laugh-out-loud...This is a deeply human book, with women surviving and overcoming in their culture while still remaining a part of it." --Library Journal, Starred Review "In Shroff's acerbic debut, a woman helps other women escape their abusive marriages in their small village in India, often through murder...Readers are in for a razor-stuffed treat." --Publishers Weekly HarperCollins India publishes some of the finest writers from the Indian Subcontinent and around the world, publishing approximately 200 new books every year, with a print and digital catalogue of more than 2,000 titles across 10 imprints. Its authors have won almost every major literary award including the Man Booker Prize, JCB Prize, DSC Prize, New India Foundation Award, Atta Galatta Prize, Shakti Bhatt Prize, Gourmand Cookbook Award, Publishing Next Award, Tata Literature Live! Award, Gaja Capital Business Book Prize, BICW Award, Sushila Devi Award, Sahitya Akademi Award and Crossword Book Award. HarperCollins India also represents some of the finest publishers in the world including Harvard University Press, Gallup Press, Oneworld, Bonnier Zaffre, Usborne, Dover and Lonely Planet. HarperCollins India is now the recipient of five Publisher of the Year Awards - In 2021 and 2015 at the Publishing Next Industry Awards, and in 2021, 2018 and 2016 at Tata Literature Live. HarperCollins India is a subsidiary of HarperCollins Publishers. This story has been provided by PRNewswire. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/PRNewswire)

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Washington , United States , Dover , Texas , New York , Cuba , Gaja , West Bengal , India , New Delhi , Delhi , Queens , Cuban , Charmaine Wilkerson , Cristina Garcia , Alexander Chee , Aravind Adiga , Parini Shroff , White Tiger , Rahul Soni , Elizabeth Mccracken , Washington Post , The New York Times , India Foundation Award , Oneworld , Lady Matador Hotel , University Of Texas At Austin , Souvenir Museum , New York Times , Harvard University , Barnes Noble Book Club , Library Journal , Harvard University Press , Bandit Queens , Tea Obreht , Lady Matador , Noble Book , Collins India , Indian Subcontinent , Man Booker Prize , New India Foundation Award , Atta Galatta Prize , Shakti Bhatt Prize , Gourmand Cookbook Award , Publishing Next Award , Tata Literature , Gaja Capital Business Book Prize , Sushila Devi Award , Sahitya Akademi Award , Crossword Book , Harpercollins India , Gallup Press , Bonnier Zaffre , Year Awards , Publishing Next Industry Awards , New Delhi India , Arch 25 Ani Prnewswire Quota Radically Feel Good Story About The Murder Of No Husbands Bya Cast Unsinkable Women Quot New York Times Longlisted For Prestigious 39s Prize Fiction , Arini Shroff 39s The Bandit Queens Isa Razor Sharp Debut Of Humor And Heart That Readers Won 39t Soon Forget Paperback 352 Pp Rs 499 Available Wherever Books Are Sold Releasing 10th April 2023 Five Years Ago , Eeta Lost Her No Good Husband As In , He Actually Lost Him Walked Out On Her And She Has No Idea Where Is But In Remote Village India , Umor Has It That Geeta Killed Him And 39 Sa Rumor Just Won 39t Die As Happens , Eing Known Asa 39 Self Made Widow Comes With Some Perks No One Messes Geeta , Arasses Her , R Tries To Control Ahem , Arry Her It 39s Even Been Good For Business No One Dares To Not Buy Jewelry Freedom Must Look On Geeta , Ecause Now Other Women Are Asking For Her 39 Expertise Making An Unwitting Consultant Husband Disposal And Not All Of Them Nicely What Happens Next Sets In Motiona Chain Events That Will Change Everything , Ot Just For Geeta But All The Women In Village Filled With Clever Criminals , Second Chances , Nd Wry And Witty Women , Arini Shroff 39s The Bandit Queens Isa Razor Sharp Debut Of Humor And Heart That Readers Won 39t Soon Forget Author , Ways , Uot The Bandit Queens Began Ten Years Ago Asa Short Story About Women Ina Microloan Group And Power Of Money Wheni Wrote It Novel During Pandemic , T Blossomed Intoa Dark Comedy About Wickedly Funny , Harp And Clever Women Making Their Own Choices Ina World Trying To Snatch Those Once The Ensemble Cast Of Female Characters Had Been Drawn , Here Was No Stopping These Rambunctious Women Isolated , Hey Felt Powerless But Together , He Strong Bonds Of Their Female Friendship Made The Impossible Suddenly Achievable It Was Then Thati Realized Heart This Book Isn 39t About What Money Can Do , T 39s About What Friendship Cani Grew To Love And Admire These Sassy , Ierce Women And Their Escalating Antics , Nd It Is My Hope Readers Will As Well Quot Associate Publisher , Uot Parini Shroff 39s The Bandit Queens Isa Dark , Funny , Sharp , Icked Debut That Deals With Many Weighty Themes Witha Light But Sure Hand It 39 Sa Book Thati Ve Been Supremely Excited About Ever Sincei Read The Early Draft , Nd One Thati 39 Ve Chaseda Long Time To Be Able Publishi 39m So Glad That We Re Bringing It Out In India , Herei Know It Will Resonate With And Delight Many , Any Readers The Longlisting For Women 39s Prize Fiction Will Be Just First Of Many Richly Deserved Accolades Coming Parini Way , I 39m Sure Quot About The Author Parini Shroff Received Her Mfa From University Of Texas At Austin , Here She Studied Under Elizabeth Mccracken , Nd Cristina Garcia She Isa Practicing Attorney And Currently Lives In The Bay Area Bandit Queens Is Her Debut Novel Praise For Book Quot With Acuity , It , Nda Certain Kind Of Magic Irreverence , Arini Shroff Captures The Complexity Of Female Friendship , Urning Ona Dime From Humor To Horror , Orror To Heart , Nd Then Back Again , Xhilarating Her Reader Until The Very Last Line Tender , Unpredictable , Nd Brimming With Laugh Out Loud Moments , He Bandit Queens Heraldsa Prodigious And Sophisticated Literary Talent Quot Tea Obreht , Estselling Author Of The Tiger 39s Wife And Inland Quot Not Since Aravind Adiga White Has Rotten Core Modern India Been Exposed In Quite Such Blackly Antic Fashion As Parini Shroff Manages Here This Intermittently Absurd , Eminist Revenge Caper Abouta Group Of Snarky , Much Abused , Redominantly Hindu Wives Sheer Gutsy Verve Quot The Times Bandit Queens Is An Original , Memorable , Nd Endearing Story , T Times Deeply Serious , Hen Laugh Out Loud Funny Parini Shroff Has Writtena Sobering But Hopeful Exploration Of Womanhood , Social Injustices , Nd Second Chances Quot Charmaine Wilkerson , Uthor Of Black Cake Quot Parini Shroff 39s Splendid The Bandit Queens Isa Hilarious Romp About Serious Things As Asa Novel Gets , Nd As Funny , Zoo , Ith Characters Who Are Dear And Maddening Indelible Gorgeously Drawn Twisty , Compulsive , Gold , Surprising , Moving , T 39 Sa Wonderful Book Quot Elizabeth Mccracken , Uthor Of The Souvenir Museum And Hero This Book Quot Parini Shroff 39s Debut Novel Isa Rollicking Mash Up Adventure Story , Thriller , Dark Revenge , Nd Comedy Rooted Ina Rural Village In India And Led By The Pariah Widow Geeta , Hom Everyone Believes To Have Killed Her Husband This Is An Immensely Enjoyable Read Abouta Handful Of Women Who Band Together Take Back Their Lives , Nd Take Down The Patriarchy Quot Cristina Garcia , Uthor Of Dreaming In Cuban And The Lady Matador 39s Hotel Quota Radically Feel Good Story About Murder No Husbands Bya Cast Unsinkable Womena Tale That Demonstrates How Antidote To Bleak Circumstances Is Female Friendship Quot New York Times Shroff Cleverly Considers Women Might Achieve Autonomy Within Rural India Patriarchal Society Through Shrewd , F Complicated , Emale Friendships Quot The Washington Post This Debut Has Captured Our Hearts With Its Wit And Tenderness , Nd It 39s An Unforgettable Story Abouta 39 Self Made Widow Who Gets Requests From Other Wives To Help Them Also Get Rid Of Their No Good Husbands Twisty And Bold Witha Dark Edge , He Bandit Queens Is One We Don 39t Think 39 Ll Ever Stop Talking About Quot Barnes Amp Noble Book Club Shroff 39s Debut Isa Darkly Hilarious Take On Gossip , Waste , Truth , Village Life , Nd The Patriarchy Clever , Ubversive Storytelling Quot Booklist , Tarred Review Quot This Funny , Eel Good Read Isa Rollicking Ride Rife With Memorable Characters Involved In Ill Fated Hijinks It Also Serves Up Commentary On Class , Ower Dynamics And The Role Of Women In Society , Itha Feminist History Lesson To Boot Quot Good Housekeeping Laugh Out Loud This Isa Deeply Human Book , Ith Women Surviving And Overcoming In Their Culture While Still Remaininga Part Of It Quot Library Journal , Tarred Review Quot In Shroff 39s Acerbic Debut , A Woman Helps Other Women Escape Their Abusive Marriages In Small Village India , Ften Through Murder Readers Are In Fora Razor Stuffed Treat Quot Publishers Weekly Harpercollins India Publishes Some Of The Finest Writers From Indian Subcontinent And Around World , Ublishing Approximately 200 New Books Every Year , Itha Print And Digital Catalogue Of More Than 2 , 000 Titles Across 10 Imprints Its Authors Have Won Almost Every Major Literary Award Including The Man Booker Prize , Jcb Prize , Sc Prize , Tata Literature Live Award , Icw Award , Ahitya Akademi Award And Crossword Book Harpercollins India Also Represents Some Of The Finest Publishers In World Including Harvard University Press , Sborne , Over And Lonely Planet Harpercollins India Is Now The Recipient Of Five Publisher Year Awards In 2021 2015 At Publishing Next Industry , Nd In 2021 , 018 And 2016 At Tata Literature Live Harpercollins India Isa Subsidiary Of Publishers This Story Has Been Provided By Prnewswire Ani Will Not Be Responsible In Any Way For The Content Article ,

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