Quick Results: Tre Lamar & PB Smooth pinned Dave McCall & Nate Carter in 7:57 (***¼) Chris Dickinson submitted Tony Deppen in 14:39 (***¾) As Aaron Lewis once sang, it’s been a while. September 20 was the last time we had a “regular” Beyond Wrestling show, from the undisclosed location that ended with Milk Chocolate (the tag team, not the food) getting thrown into a lake. With the world still in varying degrees of being messed up, Beyond can’t run their regular shows – no more packed Electric Haze, no more White Eagles… so we’re off to the H20 Wrestling Centre in Williamstown, New Jersey for the start of the Signature Series – a run of shows that’ll feature the returns of two Beyond staples: the Greatest Rivals Round Robin and the Tournament For Tomorrow.