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Gujarat court convicts AAP MLA Chaitar Vasava, 9 others for
Gujarat court convicts AAP MLA Chaitar Vasava, 9 others for
Gujarat court convicts AAP MLA Chaitar Vasava, 9 others for causing voluntary hurt
The accused were sentenced to six months of simple imprisonment in a 2021 case where they had allegedly threatened and assaulted a man over contesting a panchayat election.
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Dediapada ,
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Ratilal Mangabhai Vasava ,
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Vijaybhai Chunilal Vasava ,
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Gujarat Police ,
Indian Penal Code ,
Ganeshbhai Ravaljibhai ,
Aap Mla Chaitar Vasava ,
Haitar Vasava Case ,
Haitar Vasava Conviction ,
Chaitar Vasava ,
Gujarat Court News ,
Gujarat Aap News ,
Ujarat News Indian Express ,