GSRGT 2020: Evolution of Systemic Therapies and the Landscape of Clinical Trials Enrolling Patients ( To discuss the evolution of systemic therapies and the landscape of clinical trials among patients with penile cancer, Dr. Philippe Spiess, the co-Course Director of the Global Society of Rare Genitourinary Tumors (GSRGT) 2020 Virtual Summit, invited Dr. Jad Chahoud, his colleague from the Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Chahoud started by highlighting that penile cancer is a rare disease in the US, representing 0.7% of all cancer, with high-risk HPV responsible for ~50% of all penile squamous cell carcinoma. The majority of these patients will present with localized or locally advanced disease whereby platinum-based combination chemotherapy remains the front-line therapy. The InPACT trial is actively enrolling patients to determine the frontline therapy for locally advanced penile cancer, given there have been limited treatment advancements in the last decade. Survival for patients with lymph node-positive penile cancer is heterogeneous and the pathological nodal status remains the strongest predictor of survival.