James Joiner Wednesday 28 April, 2021 Africa | Benin | Blog | blog | Cote d'Ivoire | COVID-19 | Ecosystem Accelerator | English | Ghana | Innovation fund and grants | Kenya | Mobile access and use | Mobile health | Pakistan | Partnership engagement | Rwanda | South Asia | Sri Lanka | Sub-Saharan Africa This post is part of a blog series on funding provided by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) that the GSMA awarded to nine previous grantees in the water, sanitation, education, health and food security sectors which enabled them to continue delivering essential services to customers following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here we look at the impact of the fund on the selected Ecosystem Accelerator start-ups – AgroCenta, Eneza Education, KEA Medicals, oDoc and Sehat Kahani.