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Group of Napa County wineries fighting to keep on-site wine
Group of Napa County wineries fighting to keep on-site wine
Group of Napa County wineries fighting to keep on-site wine tastings
A small group of wineries in Napa County are banding together to fight Napa County's contention that they do not qualify for on-site wine tasting.
Related Keywords
San Francisco ,
California ,
United States ,
Napa County ,
Summit Lake ,
Hopper Creek ,
Oakville ,
Napa Valley ,
Heather Griffin ,
John Ramos ,
Lindsay Hoopes ,
Arthur Hartinger ,
Summit Lake Vineyards ,
Bakersfield High School ,
Hoopes Vineyards ,
Hopper Creek Winery ,
Attorney General ,
United States Attorney ,
Northern District ,
Bob Brakesman ,
Hoopes Winery ,
Wine Country ,