By Greenberg Traurig LLP issued the following announcement on Feb. 5. Yosbel A. Ibarra and Hector D. Sanchez Fernandez, attorneys at global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP, were recently appointed to International Bar Association (IBA) committees, each to serve a two-year term from Jan. 2021 to Dec. 2022. Ibarra, co-managing shareholder of the firm’s Miami office, was appointed as a member of the IBA’s Law Firm Management Committee Advisory Board. The committee’s mission is to be a leading global forum for the exchange of best practices in law practice leadership and management, according to the organization’s website. Sanchez Fernandez, an associate in Greenberg Traurig’s Mexico City office, was appointed Secretary of the Compliance Subcommittee, which was recently created to assist the organization’s Anticorruption Committee with special projects related to compliance practices. The subcommittee will share best practices and provide regular communication of legal and other developments related to compliance related issues and trends.