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Green Party is a Tiriti party not a Māori party - Mara
Green Party is a Tiriti party not a Māori party - Mara
Green Party is a Tiriti party not a Māori party - Marama Davidson
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson didn’t mince words when she explained where the Green Party stands regarding the Treaty and what she thinks is in...
Related Keywords
James Shaw ,
Marama Davidson ,
Tiritio Waitangi ,
Green Party ,
Waitangi Day ,
Green ,
Party ,
Is ,
Tiriti ,
Knot ,
Mori ,
Omarama ,
Davidson ,
Coleader ,
Didnt ,
Fmince ,
Words ,
When ,
Explained ,
Where ,
Stands ,
Regarding ,
Treaty ,
What ,
Thinks ,
Peoples ,
Lands ,
Best ,
Interest ,