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Gorbachev's historic visit to India and talks with Rajiv Gan
Gorbachev's historic visit to India and talks with Rajiv Gan
Gorbachev's historic visit to India and talks with Rajiv Gandhi recalled
He pulls out a Commentary from the Archives of Washington Post of Mikhail Gorbachev's historic four-day visit to India on November 26, 1985 and its significance. Written by its then political commentator Richard M. Weintraub. Rajiv Gandhi was ...
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Soviet ,
Soviets ,
Rajiv Gandhi ,
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Indira Gandhis ,
Mikhail Gorbachev ,
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Vladimir Kamentsev ,
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Anatoliy Dobrynin ,
Eduard Shevardnadze ,
Richardm Weintraub ,
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Washington Post ,
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Strategic Defence Initiative ,
Soviet Union ,
Indian Cabinet ,
Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Kamentsev ,
Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze ,
Soviet Communist Party ,