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Goodbye Forever to my Regular Blow Dryer :
Goodbye Forever to my Regular Blow Dryer :
Goodbye Forever to my Regular Blow Dryer
Goodbye Forever to my Regular Blow Dryer
Megan Wood
©, via
Confession time: I've never mastered blowing out my hair with a round brush. I know, I know. Perfecting the art of the at-home blow-dry is a money and time saver. Doing it right delivers smooth, polished, and shiny hair with tons of volume. But my arms just get sore, and the round brush gets caught in my hair.
I usually give up and blow it out straight, or just let nature do its thing and air dry after shampooing. Blown out hair is something I thought I could only get by spending time and (too much) money at the hair salon. UNTIL! I went on vacation with a friend and she lent me her REVLON one-step hair dryer.
Related Keywords
Walmart ,
Youtube ,
Hairdresser Invisible Oil ,
Revlon ,
Bumble Hairdresser ,
Invisible Oil ,
Step Hair ,
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