237948677 Diane Huntress, 74, lives in Denver and says trying to get a COVID shot for her and her husband David is like applying for a job. “I can't talk to anyone," she said. "There's no phone number and all the emails we get say, ‘Do not reply.’ And the problem is, where can I go, can I get there, and when are they going to have it?” She says vaccines take up all the oxygen among her social circle, too: "I can't see anybody, an acquaintance on Zoom without the question, ‘Have you gotten the vaccine yet?’” For Huntress and her husband, finding an appointment is just one part of the challenge. Getting there is also a question. They can’t afford a car and in the age of COVID, they are hesitant to take public transit or a group ride. Instead, they plan to use the nonprofit Colorado CarShare and pay $6.50 an hour plus mileage to borrow a vehicle. That option is available in Denver and Boulder so far.