Coming into any new Godspeed You! Black Emperor album, the anxiety is never whether it will be any good, but exactly how good it will be. Each of Godspeed’s previous six albums have typically reveled in the same sonic sphere. A self-contained apocalyptic narrative told in sweeping symphonies, with sprawling carpets of sound woven together by the numerous members of the Canadian post-rock collective who wield guitars, double basses, violins, and tinker with tape loops, percussion, and visual dynamics via projections. Nearly a quarter of a century into the group’s existence, this formula has remained broadly untouched. Therefore, pinpointing how good a new Godspeed album is lays in its orchestration; how well it subsumes our consternation and how vibrant, coherent, and deep the musical journey is. In essence, how lost we become in it. In this respect the group’s seventh LP,