Share this article Share this article CHARLESTON, S.C., March 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- GlycoPath Inc., the developer of advanced bioanalytical assays based on its proprietary GlycoTyper TM immunoaffinity technology, announced the closing of its seed investment round with Bruker Corporation (Nasdaq: BRKR) as a new minority investor. Financial details were not disclosed. The proprietary GlycoTyper TM glycan profiling technology captures diagnostic glycoproteins from blood using multiplexed antibody slide arrays, followed by direct analysis of the glycans present on each glycoprotein by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Presently, the GlycoTyper TM technology is for research use only. The initial pathology target for GlycoTyper TM, hepatic fibrosis, is currently one of the fastest growing diseases in the US by annual case numbers, and may affect over 100 million people in the US and 1.5 billion individuals worldwide. In addition to providing initial patient screening and risk stratification for liver fibrosis, the planned LDT (laboratory-developed test) assay will be positioned for routine surveillance of at-risk populations. The test is not affected by co-morbidities such as obesity, which are problematic for current fibrosis diagnostic testing protocols.