Global brands failing to uphold promises of migrant worker protection Featured pages Opinion Featured pages Featured pages Featured pages Featured pages Opinion Featured pages Global brands failing to uphold promises of migrant worker protection Migrant workers across the globe are facing ongoing human rights abuses, with fresh analysis from KnowTheChain exposing brands for doing little to convert their policy promises into action. The briefing, released on 12 April 2021, traced promises made by large apparel brands to protect the rights of migrant workers and found that few have integrated these commitments into their supply chain practices. Of 180 companies in the three sectors with high-risk supply chains (electronics, food and apparel), only 23 companies (13%) disclosed evidence of implementing policies to protect migrant workers. This includes policies on pressing issues such as that of recruitment fees. Many migrant workers are forced to pay back recruitment fees, even when they have not been paid their salaries or have lost their jobs. Companies taking steps to ensure remedy for supply chain workers remains the exception rather than the rule.