- (EU) Daily ECB Liquidity Stats. - 05:30 (DE) Germany to sell €4.0B in 12-month Bubills. - 05:30 (ZA) South Africa announces details of upcoming I/L bond sale (held on Fridays). - 06:00 (IL) Israel Mar Unemployment Rate: No est v 5.1% prior; Unemployment Rate 9including Covid): No est v 16.7% prior. - 06:00 (IL) Israel Feb Manufacturing Production M/M: No est v -0.5% prior. - 06:00 (IL) Israel to sell bonds. - 06:00 (RO) Romania to sell RON500M in 4.15% 2028 Bonds. - 06:45 (US) Daily Libor Fixing. - 07:00 (MX) Mexico Feb IGAE Economic Activity Index (Monthly GDP): M/M: 0.1%e v 0.1% prior; Y/Y: -4.1%e v -5.4% prior.