Garden City Telegram A debt restructure and financing agreement was approved by the Garden City Community College Board of Trustees at its regular meeting Tuesday. At the board's Feb. 9 meeting, the trustees asked for more information on Certificate of Participation financing options. At Tuesday's meeting, they heard a presentation discussing the options for debt restructuring and financing agreements. Ryan Ruda, GCCC president, said the reason this was brought forward was because with current low-interest rates, they felt this could help "move the needle forward on deferred maintenance items" that have been on the Facilities Plan since 2012 but not addressed. "We hope to get those properties and projects in proper alignment on campus, not only for the students, but also for the community,” he said. “The taxpayers have made an investment in GCCC and this action addresses and protects the taxpayer’s current investments in infrastructure. The sustainability of existing infrastructure is being addressed by the GCCC Board through this financing agreement."