11 May 2021 This call provides up to € 100K to demonstrate the feasibility of new, innovative, and enhanced robotics solutions for healthcare applications. DIH-HERO Overview DIH-HERO is an independent platform (funded by Horizon 2020) that connects Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe to create a sustainable network for all those who are active in the healthcare robotics sector. Through its different calls for funding, it supports SMEs and slightly larger companies working in robotics for healthcare. From robots for environment disinfection, eye surgery, to sensor-based systems for telerehabilitation, DIH-HERO's portfolio is diverse and growing! DIH-HERO COVID-19 Call awarded projects. (Left to right: ACCREA Engineering, Akara Robotics, F&P Robotics, Hocoma, KELO Robotics, MetraLabs, PAL Robotics, Rubedo Sistemos and Voxdale).