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From the archive: Can Science Accommodate Psychic Experience
From the archive: Can Science Accommodate Psychic Experience
From the archive: Can Science Accommodate Psychic Experience?
From the archives in 2011, Jon Wainwright reflects on whether a paradigm shift within physics could explain psi and psychic experiences
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New York ,
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Brighton ,
Brighton And Hove ,
United Kingdom ,
Pennsylvania ,
Cambridge ,
Cambridgeshire ,
Dover ,
Kent ,
London ,
City Of ,
Britain ,
Steve Fuller ,
William Heinnemann ,
Victor Stenger ,
Pascal Boyer ,
Daniel Dennett ,
John Worrall ,
Gilbert Ryle ,
Thomas Kuhn ,
William Clifford ,
Stephen Jay Gould ,
Jonathan Miller ,
Alvin Plantinga ,
Hall Wilson ,
Patrick Gillen ,
William Heinemann ,
Justin Barrett ,
Harry Potter ,
Scott Mehring ,
David Shayler ,
Bernard Carr ,
Conway Hall ,
Matthew Chapman ,
Princeton University ,
Harpercollins ,
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit Invited Speaker Series ,
University Of London ,
Oxford University Press ,
Princeton University Press ,
Penguin Books ,
Oxford University ,
Royal Institution ,
Professor Bernard Carr ,
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit ,
Invited Speaker ,
While Descartes ,
Jesus Christ ,
Glastonbury Town Hall ,
Iron Bridge ,
Professor John Worrall ,
West Coast ,
London Victoria ,
Science Deal ,
What Dennett ,
Republican Bush ,
Midsummer Night ,