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From Jennifer Lopez and Courtney Act to princesses and queen
From Jennifer Lopez and Courtney Act to princesses and queen
From Jennifer Lopez and Courtney Act to princesses and queens, Hong Kong restaurant Sevva's best moments and most memorable guests, according to its founder
Sevva founder Bonnae Gokson talks about the Hong Kong restaurant’s best moments and most memorable guests, from princesses and queens to Jennifer Lopez and drag star Courtney Act.
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Belgium ,
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Jennifer Lopez ,
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Bill Clinton ,
Robert Deniro ,
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Shane Jenek ,
Pharrell Williams ,
Courtney Act ,
New Year ,
Hong Kong ,
Art Basel ,
Lanvin Loves Sevva ,
Drag Race ,
Sevva ,
Restaurant ,
Central ,
Princess Of Thailand ,
Ueen Of Belgium ,
Testing ,
Amous Guests ,
Bonnae Gokson ,