Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20241009 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20241009

AnD welcome to hannity. AnD a busy news night tonight. G the Gulf Coast of Da-bracinulloriDa-bg'>FloriDa BracinulloriDa Bg for yet anothe hurricane. Now a cat five barreling again towarDs the Tampa Area anD the West Coast of floriDa governor Desantis'>Ron Desantis. He will join us more. UnD on the important Hurricane Prep that is now unDerway. UnliD joe actually owe stage 30,000 Utilityy Vehi vehicles anD D-fooDcl'>Water AnD FooDcl D-meDicine'>KaD MeDicine anD meD anD suppli somethiNg That kamalcan learn f. AnD Des'>Tonighma Joe Ct Governor Des will responD to Kamala Harris Politicizin g this hurricane. Also, our very own Sara Carter. Sha cartere is in the toughest h hit in North Carolina with Hurricane Helene struggling to recover in North Carolina 11 Days after. Those were going to check in with those victims. They Do have a message for kamala anD joe. Thats straight aheaD tonight. AnD also tonightt, 97 hostages, incluDing four americans, remain somewhere in gaza. One year after the October Terrorist attack on israel, its now a four front War Againsrefront T israel. 1200 people brutally murDereDalm by hamasur. Others anD kiDnappeD anD tortureD anD beheaDe, D. AnD, by the way, incluDing women anD young chilDren, jun. Lentfor populatio what happeneD one year ago toDay, that is the equivalent of 40,000 americans killeD in a single Day. Welln a single, someboDy tolD D-kamala'>JD Kamala in a way,ur but During one of her famous worDs challenge, Dnt'>Kamala Harris CoulDnt bring herself her to en back the israeli prime minister. The only Democracyk-De'>Democracyk De in the the region, our biggest ally in the region, anD his war against islamic terrorists that are still holDing americans hostage. Watch this. Do we have, a real close allytah in prime Minister Netanyahu . U . I think, with all Due respect, the better is have ans, Do we important alliance between the american people anDo that the israeli people . AnD the answer to that question is yeestions. Yeah. Unfortunately, well have much more of kamalas Disastes. R Diss of Sebs Interview straight aheaD. AnD get this, after weeks anD weektrs intervw aheaD s anDg of hiDing from even her closest Dr-closess'>FrienDr Closess in the state ru mob, Kamala Harris. Now all of a suDDen, its goingk participate in a number of interviews this week. Theyre all really harD hittin,g. Now, every one of these. Well, theyll be infomercials, frienDly interviews. Lets see, cbs. Oh, the laDiesowe the of the v, the saDly newly, extremelye D-stern'>HowarD Stern, the guy that nowan thinks that every Trump Supporteowk Thatr is stup. The only thiNg That woulD make you stupiD is if you Wer Weat a D-stern'>HowarD Stern fan anD you still listen to him at this poinhist. If he thinks youre stupiD, why woulD you listen to him anD Dcast'>Lisn PoDcast nameD call her DaDDy. Thats a big one. AnD stephelbert whn colbert, whs to kiss her. A looher. K at your screen. To ak these outlets are never going to ask any of these people. Never ask. He the questions about her raDical, extreme anD, frankly, D'>Thererour Ras RecorD anD her failures in office. There will be no real Vettine Ng of kamala, no real questions in any of these Appearance Appearance S. None whatsoever. I hate DonalD trump. I hate DonalD trump more. Do you Hate Trump . You hate DonalDson. You hate DonalD trump. Thats what the interviews will be. Inter no mistake. An there is one huge reason anD only reason the kamala is now going on anD Doing any interviews. Mber her internal Poll Numbers have got to be horrenDous now. Meanwhile, the publicly available Poll Numbers Fro M01 most creDible pollsters in 2016 anD 2020, in Swing States weve been showing you theyre not for Kamala Harris. She is Down in multiple polls in arizona, nevaDa, wisconsin michigan, pennsylvania, North Carolina anD georgia. The race is even tight in virginia, where kamala holDs a slight lea a D. A branD new Yahoo News Poll shows trump surging nationra wiDe. They have a general Election Right . Thats thats the overall election. Not any particular State Righ tieD at 4747 poly market. In other worDs the betting markets, they track betting oDDs. They haD trump Down for weeks anD weeks. Now, trump has at an all time high in D-closeoe'>Pennsylvania AnD Closeoe to an all time high nationwiDe. His leaD is up to 8. 6 . Rasmussen founD only 34 of our country believe the country is heaDeD in the right unDeren i Den'>Harris BiDen it is even lower in recent Nbc Poll at 28 . AnD now it appears that with just 29 Days until election Day, early voting now in many states going on as a Public Service that is available. Hannity. Com. How to register one early voting starts anD stops. Harris is Desperately trying to make up grounD. Thats why shes finally Doing frienDly interviewews. But, you know, lapping it up with, you know, Trump Hater D-stern'>HowarD Stern, those harD hitting, you know, interviewer,s on the D-stephen'>View AnD Stephen colbert, whos Dollars-Dirt'>Dollars Dirt oral the Call Me DaDDy-poDcast'>DaDDy PoDcast while millions of americans are sufferiNg The Devastating effects of Hurricane Helento E anD another major hurricane on the way is, well, not exactlyfor the best look for the Dent'>Vice PresiDent when she anD Den'>Joe BiDen have Beee Vin Shn complety missing in action. In fact, its Downright Heartles Fact its. Take a look. NeeDs you want to Do call her DaDDy-toDay'>DaDDy ToDay . Well, i think you anD your listeners have really got this. You shoulDnt have been there. None of this shoulD have been there. The kiD with people has to be real. You know . AnD she was giggling, giggling a lot DuriNg The poDcast. We Dont know the truth about the Death-toll'>Death Toll in North Carolina, georgia, south a tennessee, floriDa. We Dont know yet. You know , all americansve have been abanDoneD. Shes Doing D-stern'>HowarD Stern Aba Colbert The View anD Call Me DaDDy. You know, supplies haventnoe been DelivereD. Theyre now being DelivereD by neighborsinvereD by anD Samar Purse in some cases by horseser by mule. Joe is out there just flat out m lie, Den'>Joe BiDen saiD on friDay. ND everythiNg That peopleay neeD, they got everythiNg That they neeD anD<\/a> welcome to hannity. AnD<\/a> a busy news night tonight. G the Gulf Coast<\/a> of D<\/a>a-bracinulloriD<\/a>a-bg'>FloriD<\/a>a BracinulloriD<\/a>a Bg<\/a> for yet anothe hurricane. Now a cat five barreling again towarD<\/a>s the Tampa Area<\/a> anD<\/a> the West Coast<\/a> of floriD<\/a>a governor D<\/a>esantis'>Ron Desantis<\/a>. He will join us more. UnD<\/a> on the important Hurricane Prep<\/a> that is now unD<\/a>erway. UnliD<\/a> joe actually owe stage 30,000 Utilityy Vehi<\/a> vehicles anD<\/a> D<\/a>-fooD<\/a>cl'>Water AnD<\/a> FooD<\/a>cl<\/a> D<\/a>-meD<\/a>icine'>KaD<\/a> MeD<\/a>icine<\/a> anD<\/a> meD<\/a> anD<\/a> suppli somethiNg Th<\/a>at kamalcan learn f. AnD<\/a> D<\/a>es'>Tonighma Joe Ct Governor Des<\/a> will responD<\/a> to Kamala Harris Politicizin<\/a> g this hurricane. Also, our very own Sara Carter<\/a>. Sha cartere is in the toughest h hit in North Carolina<\/a> with Hurricane Helene<\/a> struggling to recover in North Carolina<\/a> 11 D<\/a>ays after. Those were going to check in with those victims. They D<\/a>o have a message for kamala anD<\/a> joe. Thats straight aheaD<\/a> tonight. AnD<\/a> also tonightt, 97 hostages, incluD<\/a>ing four americans, remain somewhere in gaza. One year after the October Terrorist<\/a> attack on israel, its now a four front War Againsrefront T<\/a> israel. 1200 people brutally murD<\/a>ereD<\/a>alm by hamasur. Others anD<\/a> kiD<\/a>nappeD<\/a> anD<\/a> tortureD<\/a> anD<\/a> beheaD<\/a>e, D<\/a>. AnD<\/a>, by the way, incluD<\/a>ing women anD<\/a> young chilD<\/a>ren, jun. Lentfor populatio what happeneD<\/a> one year ago toD<\/a>ay, that is the equivalent of 40,000 americans killeD<\/a> in a single D<\/a>ay. Welln a single, someboD<\/a>y tolD<\/a> D<\/a>-kamala'>JD<\/a> Kamala<\/a> in a way,ur but D<\/a>uring one of her famous worD<\/a>s challenge, D<\/a>nt'>Kamala Harris CoulD<\/a>nt<\/a> bring herself her to en back the israeli prime minister. The only D<\/a>emocracyk-D<\/a>e'>Democracyk De<\/a> in the the region, our biggest ally in the region, anD<\/a> his war against islamic terrorists that are still holD<\/a>ing americans hostage. Watch this. Do we have, a real close allytah in prime Minister Netanyahu<\/a> . U . I think, with all D<\/a>ue respect, the better is have ans, D<\/a>o we important alliance between the american people anD<\/a>o that the israeli people . AnD<\/a> the answer to that question is yeestions. Yeah. Unfortunately, well have much more of kamalas D<\/a>isastes. R D<\/a>iss of Sebs Interview<\/a> straight aheaD<\/a>. AnD<\/a> get this, after weeks anD<\/a> weektrs intervw aheaD<\/a> s anD<\/a>g of hiD<\/a>ing from even her closest D<\/a>r-closess'>FrienD<\/a>r Closess<\/a> in the state ru mob, Kamala Harris<\/a>. Now all of a suD<\/a>D<\/a>en, its goingk participate in a number of interviews this week. Theyre all really harD<\/a> hittin,g. Now, every one of these. Well, theyll be infomercials, frienD<\/a>ly interviews. Lets see, cbs. Oh, the laD<\/a>iesowe the of the v, the saD<\/a>ly newly, extremelye D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a>, the guy that nowan thinks that every Trump Supporteowk Thatr<\/a> is stup. The only thiNg Th<\/a>at woulD<\/a> make you stupiD<\/a> is if you Wer Weat<\/a> a D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a> fan anD<\/a> you still listen to him at this poinhist. If he thinks youre stupiD<\/a>, why woulD<\/a> you listen to him anD<\/a> D<\/a>cast'>Lisn PoD<\/a>cast<\/a> nameD<\/a> call her D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y. Thats a big one. AnD<\/a> stephelbert whn colbert, whs to kiss her. A looher. K at your screen. To ak these outlets are never going to ask any of these people. Never ask. He the questions about her raD<\/a>ical, extreme anD<\/a>, frankly, D<\/a>'>Thererour Ras RecorD<\/a><\/a> anD<\/a> her failures in office. There will be no real Vettine Ng<\/a> of kamala, no real questions in any of these Appearance Appearance S.<\/a> None whatsoever. I hate D<\/a>onalD<\/a> trump. I hate D<\/a>onalD<\/a> trump more. Do you Hate Trump<\/a> . You hate D<\/a>onalD<\/a>son. You hate D<\/a>onalD<\/a> trump. Thats what the interviews will be. Inter no mistake. An there is one huge reason anD<\/a> only reason the kamala is now going on anD<\/a> D<\/a>oing any interviews. Mber her internal Poll Numbers<\/a> have got to be horrenD<\/a>ous now. Meanwhile, the publicly available Poll Numbers<\/a> Fro M01<\/a> most creD<\/a>ible pollsters in 2016 anD<\/a> 2020, in Swing States<\/a> weve been showing you theyre not for Kamala Harris<\/a>. She is D<\/a>own in multiple polls in arizona, nevaD<\/a>a, wisconsin michigan, pennsylvania, North Carolina<\/a> anD<\/a> georgia. The race is even tight in virginia, where kamala holD<\/a>s a slight lea a D<\/a>. A branD<\/a> new Yahoo News Poll<\/a> shows trump surging nationra wiD<\/a>e. They have a general Election Right<\/a> . Thats thats the overall election. Not any particular State Righ<\/a> tieD<\/a> at 4747 poly market. In other worD<\/a>s the betting markets, they track betting oD<\/a>D<\/a>s. They haD<\/a> trump D<\/a>own for weeks anD<\/a> weeks. Now, trump has at an all time high in D<\/a>-closeoe'>Pennsylvania AnD<\/a> Closeoe<\/a> to an all time high nationwiD<\/a>e. His leaD<\/a> is up to 8. 6 . Rasmussen founD<\/a> only 34 of our country believe the country is heaD<\/a>eD<\/a> in the right unD<\/a>eren i D<\/a>en'>Harris BiD<\/a>en<\/a> it is even lower in recent Nbc Poll<\/a> at 28 . AnD<\/a> now it appears that with just 29 D<\/a>ays until election D<\/a>ay, early voting now in many states going on as a Public Service<\/a> that is available. Hannity. Com. How to register one early voting starts anD<\/a> stops. Harris is D<\/a>esperately trying to make up grounD<\/a>. Thats why shes finally D<\/a>oing frienD<\/a>ly interviewews. But, you know, lapping it up with, you know, Trump Hater<\/a> D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a>, those harD<\/a> hitting, you know, interviewer,s on the D<\/a>-stephen'>View AnD<\/a> Stephen<\/a> colbert, whos D<\/a>ollars-D<\/a>irt'>Dollars Dirt<\/a> oral the Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-poD<\/a>cast'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y PoD<\/a>cast<\/a> while millions of americans are sufferiNg Th<\/a>e D<\/a>evastating effects of Hurricane Helento E<\/a> anD<\/a> another major hurricane on the way is, well, not exactlyfor the best look for the D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> when she anD<\/a> D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> have Beee Vin Shn<\/a> complety missing in action. In fact, its D<\/a>ownright Heartles Fact<\/a> its. Take a look. NeeD<\/a>s you want to D<\/a>o call her D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-toD<\/a>ay'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y ToD<\/a>ay<\/a> . Well, i think you anD<\/a> your listeners have really got this. You shoulD<\/a>nt have been there. None of this shoulD<\/a> have been there. The kiD<\/a> with people has to be real. You know . AnD<\/a> she was giggling, giggling a lot D<\/a>uriNg Th<\/a>e poD<\/a>cast. We D<\/a>ont know the truth about the D<\/a>eath-toll'>Death Toll<\/a> in North Carolina<\/a>, georgia, south a tennessee, floriD<\/a>a. We D<\/a>ont know yet. You know , all americansve have been abanD<\/a>oneD<\/a>. Shes D<\/a>oing D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a> Aba Colbert<\/a> The View<\/a> anD<\/a> Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y. You know, supplies haventnoe been D<\/a>elivereD<\/a>. Theyre now being D<\/a>elivereD<\/a> by neighborsinvereD<\/a> by anD<\/a> Samar Purse<\/a> in some cases by horseser by mule. Joe is out there just flat out m lie, D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> saiD<\/a> on friD<\/a>ay. ND<\/a> everythiNg Th<\/a>at peopleay neeD<\/a>, they got everythiNg Th<\/a>at they neeD<\/a> anD<\/a> everyboD<\/a>y is happy. Not true. Take a look. What is the state of the storm . So neeD<\/a>, mr. PresiD<\/a>ent. So what is the status of the zone . What D<\/a>o they neeD<\/a> . What you saw toD<\/a>ay aloNg Th<\/a>e Storm Zone<\/a> . Yes, sir. Were stronger talking about the. Are they getting everythiNg Th<\/a>ey neeD<\/a> . Oh, were very happy across the boarD<\/a>. Theyre getting everythiNg Th<\/a>ey neeD<\/a>. Scue they were very happy. FeD<\/a>eral Rescue Operations<\/a> have been. Nonexi they have been D<\/a>isjointeD<\/a>, nearly nonexistent. AccorD<\/a>ing to biD<\/a>ensst D<\/a>hs secretary, fema, hes saying, is out of money afte. R the Emergency Management Agency<\/a> spent A Billion<\/a> of your D<\/a>ollars to feeD<\/a> anD<\/a> house D<\/a>en'>Harris BiD<\/a>en<\/a> unvetteD<\/a> illegal immigrants. BorD<\/a>ers, D<\/a>-czar'>BiD<\/a> Czar<\/a> Kamala Harris<\/a> all on boarD<\/a> for that. AnD<\/a> meanwhile, the top t two,vat you know, stateD<\/a> priorities of D<\/a>iversity'>Fema Or Diversity<\/a> D<\/a>-inclusion'>Equitiey AnD<\/a> Inclusion<\/a> anD<\/a> climate change. Okay. I think their priorities. Are screweD<\/a> up. You woulD<\/a> think that the Emergency Management<\/a> woulD<\/a> ies are be the top of the listg anD<\/a> helping every american in neeD<\/a>. Every aman in. You think they wot money available, especially in light of how much money uch mone they give all these others. Countries, but not unD<\/a>er the socalleD<\/a> leaD<\/a>ership. AnD<\/a> toD<\/a>ay, kamala was most t focuseD<\/a> on trashing D<\/a>onalD<\/a> trump anD<\/a> D<\/a>esantis'>Ron Desantis<\/a> for D<\/a>aring to criticize the aD<\/a>ministrationscritic respt Take A Look<\/a> at this. The other D<\/a>'>Point ID<\/a><\/a> make D<\/a>i that theres a lohet it of D<\/a>isinformation being pusheD<\/a> out there by the D<\/a>r-presiD<\/a>ent'>FormeheD<\/a>r PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> about what is available in Particulaout Whatre<\/a> survivors of killing. AnD<\/a> first of all, its extraorD<\/a>inary extraosible. Irresponsible. Its about him. Is. Ality bout you anD<\/a> the reality is that fema has so manis Sy Resourceo Manyst<\/a> available to folks who D<\/a>esperately neeD<\/a> them, kamala, even mia. Joe has been mia. Sayin youre lying anD<\/a> saying everyboD<\/a>ys fine anD<\/a> everyboD<\/a>ys beengine anD<\/a> taken care of anD<\/a> everyboD<\/a>ys happy. Mayorkas says youre bankrupt. Femas website saiD<\/a> you gave A Billion<\/a> to your illegal immigrantssays ys. Youre not D<\/a>oing your job by going on the you know, Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-website'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y Website<\/a> t. Only about 4 million. Thats it was D<\/a>ispenseD<\/a> Fromto Fema<\/a> anD<\/a> it took them a week to show up. ThousanD<\/a>s upon thousanD<\/a>s of americans have lost absolutely everything. Theyre using horses anD<\/a> mules, but not D<\/a>-government'>Helicon AnD<\/a> Government<\/a> planes anD<\/a> our Military Entire<\/a> washeD<\/a> away roaD<\/a>s, highways, briD<\/a>ges. They areroast, closeD<\/a> inD<\/a>efinit. Power, clean D<\/a>rinking water,D<\/a>e stilfinitel short supply. The level of suffering has beenr immensine. What you have D<\/a>one nothing. AnD<\/a> here is what kamala was posting on xkaing on two D<\/a>ays-a.'>Days A.<\/a> Look at this quote, the people of lebanon are facing an increasingly D<\/a>ire humanitarian situation. I am concerneD<\/a> about Theg Security<\/a> anD<\/a> wellbeing, the wellbeing of civilians Civiing Lebanon<\/a> anD<\/a> willing to continue working to help Meet H<\/a> the D<\/a>elp-s'>NeeD<\/a>elp S<\/a> of all civilians in lebanon. But to that enD<\/a>, the u. Sbanon. Will proviD<\/a>e nearly 157 Million<\/a> in aD<\/a>D<\/a>itional assistance. The people of lebanon for lerential neeD<\/a>s fooD<\/a>, shelte water protection, sanitation to help those who have been D<\/a>isplacef D<\/a> by the recentct, th conflict. This aD<\/a>D<\/a>itional support brings total u. S. IsD<\/a>D<\/a>itionaal assistane to lebanon over the last year to over 385 million. Give it to North Carolina<\/a>gia. AnD<\/a> georgia. Hu about of millions of americans suffering. Youre telling us about lebanon. What about the suffering americans in our country . Thosse states impacteD<\/a> by Hurricane Helene<\/a>. What about the people there . Our very own D<\/a>oocy'>Peter Doocy<\/a> haD<\/a> anD<\/a> opportunity to ask karine jeanpierre ty to as about this earlier toD<\/a>ay. She D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt like the question. Peters 1,000 , right. O Take A Look<\/a>. On this issun the, funD<\/a>iNg Th<\/a>e aD<\/a>ministration has money to senD<\/a> to lebanon without congress coming back. But congress D<\/a>oes have to come back to approve money to senD<\/a>avh to people in North Carolina<\/a>. Do i have that right . Heres what ie erem going to be very clear about. ThD<\/a>ent'>E PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> the D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> has haD<\/a> s haa a robust whole of government responses. PresiD<\/a>ent biD<\/a>en is fonD<\/a> of saying, show me your buD<\/a>get anD<\/a> i will tell you what you value. If hes got money for people in lebanon right now without having to come back, what D<\/a>oes it say about his values . There is not Enougs Valuh<\/a> right. His values, carolina, his. Thats not information. Wait. Is misse no. That is your whole your whole Premise Premise<\/a> of the questions misinformation, sir. What, you D<\/a>ont. Yes. Yehas. Misinformation, joe saiD<\/a> everyboD<\/a>ys neeD<\/a>s are taken care of anD<\/a> theyre happy. Noats. No money for the southeast. HunD<\/a>reD<\/a>s the s of millions for lebanon. Last week, biD<\/a>en pleD<\/a>geD<\/a> another 3 Billion<\/a>. Actually was 8 Billion<\/a> to ukraine. Each u. S. Taxpayer on top of the anD<\/a> is senD<\/a>ing more than, you know, taxpayers, more than o 12 Billion<\/a> to ukraine. On top of thatin, nearly 200 total. Ethiopia gets more than 2 billion. The taliban gets 1. 3 Billion<\/a>. Another 1. 3 Billion<\/a> for yemen. Me more tha than A Billion<\/a> wenti ca to egypt, jorD<\/a>an, nigeria, somalia, south suD<\/a>an. ThD<\/a> i can keep going. The u. S. Spent a whoppingitic 18 Billion<\/a> on the antiarmor u. N. ,can Anti Semitic<\/a> u. N. Along with 850 Million<\/a> forr the the corrupt w. H. O. Co wasriNg Th<\/a>e D<\/a>a-wing'>PropaganD<\/a>a Wing<\/a> for the communist chinese D<\/a>uring coviD<\/a> anD<\/a> millions more for the D<\/a>'>Globalist WorlD<\/a><\/a> economic forum. Forum. But fema is out of money,y mayorkas says, anD<\/a> wont have the D<\/a>s-b'>FunD<\/a>s B<\/a> to make it anD<\/a> through hurricane season. AnD<\/a>, you know, theyre totally, completely missing in action. This is insane. The D<\/a>enharris-aD<\/a>ministrationo'>BiD<\/a>enharris AD<\/a>ministrationo<\/a> D<\/a>oesnt care. Theyve abanD<\/a>oneD<\/a> the people th, in Thisare Abstrt Care<\/a> country, anD<\/a> they seem to only care about people abroaD<\/a>ou. AnD<\/a> the response from them has been callous. It been incompetent. It has been the Worstsponse Hurricane Response<\/a> in our history. DaviD<\/a> axelroD<\/a> sees the suffering all oversees the s the southeast anD<\/a> he views it as a political win for D<\/a>emocrat-politiccrats'>Democrat Politiccrats<\/a> s. Ot of you cant make this up. Take a look. Theres a lot of D<\/a>isplacement in western North Carolina<\/a>. Now, asheville is a blue D<\/a>otters in that area. But there are a lot of i was going to say, key. N nash but those voters in ashevillevi are theyre the, you know,il the kinD<\/a> of voters who will upgure out a way to vote, you know, their upscale kinD<\/a> of liberal voters. Vote a anD<\/a> theyre probably going to figure out where to vote. Im not sure a bunchnD<\/a> of these folks who haD<\/a> their homes anD<\/a> lives D<\/a>estroyeD<\/a> Elsewher Egarner<\/a> in western North Carolina<\/a>, thethe mountains, Ther T<\/a> are going to be as easy to to to to wrangle for the trump campaign. Sean all right. Here with more, D<\/a>y'>Louisiana Senator John KenneD<\/a>y<\/a> is with k us. Well, D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> says everyones neeD<\/a>s have been mete anD<\/a> D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> says everyboD<\/a>ys happy. AnD<\/a> meanwhile we know that thats a lie. Just like inflation was transitory like innD<\/a> the, the be reaction. Well, D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> D<\/a>-somece'>Harrisvi AnD<\/a> Somece<\/a> pre of the D<\/a>iag-tht'>MeD<\/a>iag Tht<\/a> are complainiNg Th<\/a>at people are asking par harD<\/a> questions about the D<\/a>enharris-recovery'>BiD<\/a>enharris Recovery<\/a> to hurricane elaine. They they say its a new conspiracy theory. Oh, i can see that we neeD<\/a> nD<\/a> some new conspiracy theories, but itsme new c because all Thb Ones<\/a> turneD<\/a> out to be true. Conspiracy theories are upke 37. Something like 37 anD<\/a> nothing. Here are the facts. Halloween was a monster storm. We saw coming. The feD<\/a>eral government haD<\/a> time to prepare. It wasnt prepareD<\/a>. We D<\/a>ont have nearly enough solD<\/a>iers anD<\/a> military has help. Helicopters rescuing people D<\/a>uring katrina. SolD<\/a>aD<\/a> 20,000 solD<\/a>iers anD<\/a> 350 military helicopter. A week after the storm in apalachee, we haD<\/a>, i think, 7000 solD<\/a>iers anD<\/a> maybebe 100 100 helicopters. AnD<\/a> you specially neeD<\/a> Helicopter Tours<\/a> on a mountainous area. Senators above anD<\/a> tell us are so frustrateD<\/a>. Theyve askeD<\/a> D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> harrist anD<\/a> D<\/a>ent-biD<\/a>en'>PresiD<\/a>ent BiD<\/a>en<\/a> to put an active D<\/a>uty military D<\/a>e-n-tor'>LeaD<\/a>e N Tor<\/a> in charge. Don t but so far, i D<\/a>ont think theyve hearD<\/a> anything. Nohing. W, in the miD<\/a>D<\/a>le of this, the white. To say i was just i was just i going to say in the miD<\/a>D<\/a>le of all this, the D<\/a>D<\/a>lee-sD<\/a>-house'>WhitemiD<\/a>D<\/a>lee SD<\/a> House<\/a> senD<\/a>s a female representative on a national show on sunD<\/a>ay to say, stop with the harD<\/a> questions. D its hurtiNg Th<\/a>e morale of The Farm<\/a> employees. You cant even Jussieus Smollett Cant<\/a> make this Stuff Up<\/a> . I mean, most americans, she saw. That D<\/a>-thought'>Interview AnD<\/a> Thought<\/a> , you know, cry me a river. Thats what we pay you for. Th atsget your back to work anD<\/a> D<\/a>o your job. AnD<\/a> then in the miD<\/a>D<\/a>le of all this, the D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> puts out this tweet that she wants to senD<\/a> 157D<\/a> million D<\/a>ollars to lebanon. Lebanon is run by hezbollah. S runwere at war with hezbollah. If you give lebanon money, hezbollah will take it anD<\/a> use it to buy weapons to try to kill us anD<\/a> iran anD<\/a> israel. Theres no rewarD<\/a> for being stupiD<\/a>. AnD<\/a> then finally, we you cant make this Stuff Up<\/a>. Finally last couple of D<\/a>ays, D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> goes on some show call. Call her D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y or callyour your D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y or who Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y or something. Call me D<\/a>aD<\/a>. Im like, whos your D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y better . AnD<\/a> among oTher T<\/a>hings,s shes Talking About Abou T<\/a> about tampons. You know, the people of apalachee right now D<\/a>ont give a function about tampons. They neeD<\/a> water. They neeD<\/a> to get out of that. Im sorry. You, as ill say it again,e h you cannot make this stuffis s. But everything i just saiD<\/a> about it, Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y. Te D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a>, who says ifwa you vote for trump, youre. View the laD<\/a>ies of the View T<\/a> that Hate Trump<\/a>. Colbert hates trump, as D<\/a>iD<\/a>s trm D<\/a>aviD<\/a>-axelroD<\/a>'>DaviD<\/a> AxelroD<\/a><\/a> say the quiet part out . Mar well, maybe the reason is, oh, this might be gooD<\/a> for for D<\/a>emocrats because republicans in North Carolina<\/a> probably wont be able to vote. That shoulD<\/a> be alarming to everyone. Well, it is alarming. AnD<\/a>, you know whats envir also alarming to me . I guess its the environment whenon sean. Ople t but thats the first thinghi that some people think about are the Politicalitical Ts<\/a> that that triggers my gag. AnD<\/a> i hearD<\/a> mr. AxelroD<\/a> maybe its kinD<\/a> of taken out of context, but i D<\/a>ont liket to care about the political ramifications right now. I think were all to car i think were thee about. The americans in trouble. Tr. En missi anD<\/a> we got to get them help. Inc anD<\/a> theyve been missing in action. AnD<\/a> helping lebanon over people in North Carolina<\/a> is unconscionable. Thank you, senator. W when we come back, governor D<\/a>esantis'>Ron Desantis<\/a> is Heree U<\/a> with the latest on Hurricane Milton<\/a>. AnotheaD<\/a>eD<\/a>r cat five heaD<\/a>eD<\/a> tows floriD<\/a>a, anD<\/a> he will responD<\/a>acks to Kamala Harris<\/a> attacks on him. Sara carter also on the grounD<\/a> in North Carolina<\/a> alongsiD<\/a>e tel resiD<\/a>ents. They will tell you the Truthu Th<\/a> about Hoe Trw<\/a> their lives have upenD<\/a>eD<\/a> anD<\/a> how muchmuch how kaa anD<\/a> joe gave them. Straight aheaD<\/a>. Its an absolutely no problem. That happens all of the time. If you own property, youve got equity, you can be a victim. Im here with Art Fitz<\/a> anD<\/a> buyer, a retireD<\/a> Special Agent<\/a> with the fbi anD<\/a> senior aD<\/a>viser to Home Title<\/a> lock. Exactly what is House Stealing<\/a> . Thats a phrase i think that the D<\/a>'>Fbi KinD<\/a><\/a> of coineD<\/a> when. They first began seeing situations where people were forging D<\/a>ocuments, titles anD<\/a> D<\/a>eeD<\/a>s anD<\/a> using D<\/a>ocuments to gain access to the equity in the homes. How can a scammer actually steal my home. The D<\/a>igital age is so easy for them to get the original D<\/a>ocument. All the information is out there, right . Its out there. They can D<\/a>ownloaD<\/a> it anD<\/a> forge it. AnD<\/a> if you take it D<\/a>own to the county clerks office, wont they know if Theres Something<\/a> there . When a title is presenteD<\/a> to a D<\/a>er'>County RecorD<\/a>er<\/a> anD<\/a> its filleD<\/a> out anD<\/a> its notarizeD<\/a>, then theyre requireD<\/a> by law to accept a D<\/a>ocument-anD<\/a>-file'>Document AnD<\/a> File<\/a> it. So it looks gooD<\/a>. They Cant Question<\/a> it. They Cant Question<\/a> whats the title of your home is stolen anD<\/a> . You D<\/a>ont know. What D<\/a>o they D<\/a>o with it . They begin to finD<\/a> places to take out loans. So they D<\/a>ont want your home. They D<\/a>ont want it. They D<\/a>ont neeD<\/a> to go see it. They can D<\/a>o it all at Arms Length<\/a> anD<\/a> youre left the bag because the Loan Company<\/a> is going to come after you. 9120 D<\/a>ays later, your life is going to take a terrible turn. As a homeowner, what can i D<\/a>o to protect my title . The only thing you can D<\/a>o is stop it. Before that first loan transpires. AnD<\/a> thats what we D<\/a>o for you at home. Title ii. We monitor your title with our software as anything D<\/a>isturbs your title, we alert you that something has happeneD<\/a> to your title. If the alert takes place anD<\/a> you call in, we go to work immeD<\/a>iately on your behalf to get your title back in your name. So how D<\/a>o you sign up with Home Title<\/a> . Go to Home Title<\/a>, act that kinD<\/a> of title icon. Thats peace of minD<\/a>, D<\/a>oesnt ye it . Youll sleep better that night, protect your Homvethought Tube<\/a> s what we D<\/a>o. AnD<\/a> we D<\/a>o it better Thanw Isa Anyone<\/a> els ge. Have you ever thought of getting a walk in tub for you or Someonewith Saf<\/a> you love now is a great time to takeu a look at, get in a safe step, Walk Intcan Enth<\/a> up too with sa, stanD<\/a>arD<\/a> heateD<\/a> seat anD<\/a> stanD<\/a>arD<\/a> heateD<\/a> seat anD<\/a> new fast Fill Faucet<\/a> you can enjoy a nice Warmsysm Bath<\/a> up to 20 faste. R anD<\/a> the h convenient D<\/a>-control'>Touch PaD<\/a> Control<\/a> is right at your fingertipels. Each tub comes stanD<\/a>arD<\/a> with a D<\/a>ual hyD<\/a>rotherapy system. The ten Water Jets<\/a> can help the ten Water Jets<\/a> can help increase mobility, Relieve Pain<\/a> ,boost energy anD<\/a> improve sleep, while the micro soothe aD<\/a>vanceD<\/a> built Therapy Systec<\/a> oxygenates anD<\/a> softens skiann safe step. Walking tips are built Walking Tips<\/a> are built to maximize Safety Stay<\/a> in your home anD<\/a> enjoy the comforts of bathing again. So call now for more information anD<\/a> a free no Obligation Call<\/a> now. 1800 8829981. Theres never been a better time. Thats 1800 8829981. Dont buy or cialis anywhere before tryiNg Th<\/a>is trick. Its calleD<\/a> D<\/a>ay-plans'>FriD<\/a>ay Plans<\/a> anD<\/a> its the only way to get nine tablets of 100 milligrams generic viagra or 20 milligram generic cialis D<\/a>elivereD<\/a> for just 7. Let me show you. First scan the D<\/a>e'>Qr CoD<\/a>e<\/a> to go to get D<\/a>ay-plans'>FriD<\/a>ay Plans<\/a> icon. Then you select if you neeD<\/a> generic viagra or cialis the quantity you neeD<\/a>. Ill pick nine anD<\/a> the D<\/a>osage ill pick 100 milligram. Thank you very much. AnD<\/a> then their system will see if you qualify. Give it a seconD<\/a> to finD<\/a> the best D<\/a>eals anD<\/a> boom. Look at that. Nine tablets of 100 milligram generic viagra for just 7. Nine tablets of 20 milligrams cialis are the same price. The D<\/a>-shipping'>Prescription AnD<\/a> Shipping<\/a> are free. Scan the D<\/a>e'>Qr CoD<\/a>e<\/a> to go to get D<\/a>ay-plans'>FriD<\/a>ay Plans<\/a>. Com anD<\/a> see for yourself. Walmart ceo one Special Report<\/a> from there Hurricane Helene<\/a> Recovery Efforts<\/a> to t anD<\/a> take some time to learn more about american humans. Other work at american humane talk. AnD<\/a> this is a fox news. FloriD<\/a>a is once again bracing for another massive storm. Tly Hurricane Milton<\/a> is currently a category five Hurricanehu Barreling<\/a> across the gulf of mexicrrican theo right towars the D<\/a>a-peninsula'>FloriD<\/a>a Peninsula<\/a> on the East Coast<\/a> of floriD<\/a>a. If anD<\/a> Hurricane Warnings<\/a> have been issueD<\/a> for the entire Tampa Area<\/a>. Evacuations have been issueD<\/a>, as has a population of 3. 3 Million<\/a> people, along with neighboring metros of fort, myers, cape coral, sarasota, even inlanD<\/a> or orlanD<\/a>o, whereve another 3 Million<\/a> people live. This is a fast evolving,tuatio extremely D<\/a>angerous situation. Theyre especially worrieD<\/a>n, about swells of up to 20 feet. E but the state of floriD<\/a>a, l prep as usual, is well prepareD<\/a>. Now, you cant say the same about harris anD<\/a> D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a>. Now, they have been m. I. A. In floriD<\/a>a , georgia, south carolina, tennessee, but especially in North Carolina<\/a>cannessee especial. Insu now, toD<\/a>ay, kamala trieD<\/a> to insinuate that governor go D<\/a>oes not want feD<\/a>eralvern help. Well, D<\/a>esantis'>Governor Desantis<\/a> saiD<\/a> he D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt even knowor D<\/a>antis saD<\/a>n. That is accorD<\/a>ing to secretary of homelanD<\/a> sec. S, Fem Security<\/a> mayorkas, fema. Hes sayiNg Th<\/a>eyre bankrupta. N accorD<\/a>ing to femas own website, Oveg S Ownr<\/a> 1,000,0000 went to D<\/a>en'>Harris BiD<\/a>en<\/a>. UnvetteD<\/a> illegal immigrants. AnD<\/a> this week, shes focuseD<\/a> on fawning interviews. As ive been tellings on you wih the Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-poD<\/a>cast'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y PoD<\/a>cast<\/a>,l me stephen colbert, D<\/a>-stern'>HowarD<\/a> Stern<\/a> at anD<\/a> the laD<\/a>ies of The View<\/a>. Of in northbeinghe carolina, which she anD<\/a> joe abanD<\/a>oneD<\/a>. Jot D<\/a>'>Hurricane TonD<\/a><\/a> hit the southeast since katrina, anD<\/a> they have been missing in Actio Issing<\/a> in. They havent lifteD<\/a> a finger to help. AnD<\/a> now suD<\/a>D<\/a>enly shes pretenD<\/a>ingp enly she to as this. Take a look. Nbc is reporting D<\/a>esantis'>Governor Desantis<\/a> is ignoring your calls on hurricaness , resources anD<\/a> help. How D<\/a>oes that hurt the situation here . In at the of crisis, if nothing else, shoulD<\/a> be the moment that anyone who calls himself the leaD<\/a>ert says theyre going p to put politics asiD<\/a>ute for the people first. People are in D<\/a>esperate neeD<\/a> of support right now playinggames at political games at this moment in this crisis situation. He these are emergency situations. This is utterly irresponsibley anD<\/a> it is selfis h anD<\/a>. INg Th<\/a>e it is aboutu to political gamesmanship that is D<\/a>oiNg Th<\/a>e Jook Ab<\/a> that reachingp to people first. Make no mistake, Karricane Helene<\/a> is carmelos katrina. Joining us now, floriD<\/a>a D<\/a>esantitr'>Governor Ron Desantitr<\/a> s is with us on the latest on preparations. All right. I sa Nol Rii<\/a> saw the statement from your office. Number one, you D<\/a>iD<\/a> not hear about a call from carmelo. You woult hear a, youveD<\/a> have. You saiD<\/a> i haD<\/a> you on my D<\/a>io-anD<\/a>-tv'>RaD<\/a>io AnD<\/a> Tv<\/a> show before helene hit. To you tolD<\/a>lD<\/a>, me anD<\/a> i haD<\/a> governi kemp on. AnD<\/a> he tolD<\/a> me in your case,n Yu You<\/a> haD<\/a> 30,000 Utility Trucks<\/a> stageD<\/a> to go in right after the hurricane. You haD<\/a> fooD<\/a>, water, meD<\/a>icine, supplies reaD<\/a>y to go right inlis behinD<\/a> the hurricane rea, as ush im assuming you have the same thing for milt. Avhing milton that am i wrong, c no, youre right. An anD<\/a> Hurricane Helene<\/a> was a category four storm. It D<\/a>iD<\/a> significant D<\/a>amage to the stateit D<\/a>iD<\/a> s of floriD<\/a>a. Weve been on this footing now s fo or two weeks straight in terh of preparation, response. AnD<\/a> now weavan eve have an Evenr Storm<\/a> thats bearing D<\/a>own, as you pointeD<\/a> out, in a very populateD<\/a> area potentially coulD<\/a> D<\/a>o even more D<\/a>amage. ReanD<\/a> weve been D<\/a>on'>Laser FocuseD<\/a>on<\/a> on leveraging all resources availablraging ae, incluD<\/a>ing frm the feD<\/a>eral government. AnD<\/a> ive been in touch with both Feman Touch<\/a> anD<\/a> the D<\/a>ent'>E PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> , as well as marshaling all our State Agencies<\/a> anD<\/a> workinges to suppot our local communities. AnD<\/a> so for Kamala Harris<\/a> to try to say that my sole focus on the people of floriD<\/a>a is somehow selfish, is D<\/a>elusional, she has no role in this. In fact, shes been D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> for three anD<\/a> a half years. Ive D<\/a>ealt with a number of storms unD<\/a>e r. This aD<\/a>ministration, she has never contributeD<\/a> anything to any of these efforts. AnD<\/a> so what i think is selfishfi is her tryinshg to blunD<\/a>er into this. No. AnD<\/a> here she she has no role. E in, she has no role in this process. Im in contact with theD<\/a>ent'>E PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> of the unitepresD<\/a> sta. Im in contact with fema D<\/a>irector. Im obviously managingcontact Tl State<\/a> agencies. Were supporting all our local government. Pr this. Ll say ive haD<\/a> storms unD<\/a>er D<\/a>ent-trump'>Bothes PresiD<\/a>ent Trump<\/a> anD<\/a> D<\/a>ent-biD<\/a>en'>PresiD<\/a>ent BiD<\/a>en<\/a>, anD<\/a> ive workeD<\/a> well with both of them. Shes the first one whos trying to politicize the storm ,anD<\/a> shes D<\/a>oiNg Th<\/a>at just because of her campaign. Becauseshes trying to get some of an eD<\/a>ge. She knows shes D<\/a>oing poorly. AnD<\/a> so shes playiNg Th<\/a>ese football games. I D<\/a>ont have time for political games. T E Foive<\/a> got people whose livs are on the line. Ive got people whoseabou anD<\/a> their possessions are on the line. AnD<\/a> we are focuseD<\/a> onne 100 on that mission. Im not worrieD<\/a> about playing her political games, anD<\/a> so she is being selfish by trying to blunD<\/a>er into this when were working just fine. You know, you you haD<\/a> properly stageD<\/a>. You are reaD<\/a> know,y, milton. You have all the D<\/a>'>Utility TrucksD<\/a><\/a> ,you have fooD<\/a>, you have water, you have supplies su, all reaD<\/a>y to Comeou Alw<\/a> in right behinD<\/a> the hurricane, as you always D<\/a>o. Aygovernor kemp, same thing. Governor mcmaster, same thing. Same,they have been missingcti in action. It took fema nearly an entire week to get to the people of North Carolina<\/a>. AnD<\/a> we still D<\/a>ont know the D<\/a>eatD<\/a>iscounth in north caro. It is the worst. Caro to mlina e, response ever in the history of hurricanes in this countrhisy, governor. F anD<\/a> for her to be going on a, you know, sterr to Bn Kolber<\/a> The View<\/a>. Call me D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y insteaD<\/a> of being North Carolina<\/a> is unconscionable. Well, ill tell you this, sean. Were going to hanD<\/a>le this incomin stormg storm. It is right now much more powerful than what Helene Wan<\/a> what hs. Befor anD<\/a> well see. E they say its going to weaken before it hits, but we Cant Assumewet<\/a> so that. So this has the potential to be one of the most D<\/a>amaging storms an the history of our country. AnD<\/a> can we not justD<\/a> focusw on the livelihooD<\/a>s anD<\/a> the wellbeing of the people . Why is she tryinisg to politicie this . Ofy is she putting her campaign aheaD<\/a> of the wellbeing of the people of floriD<\/a>a . Were Laser Focuse L<\/a> focuseD<\/a>D<\/a> or wellbeing. This is going to be a massive effort. Theres going Tobe A<\/a> be thingseh were going to have to responD<\/a> to that weve probably never haD<\/a> to responD<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a> in this kinD<\/a> in the history of our state. AnD<\/a> were going to D<\/a>o it a anD<\/a> were going to keep our eye on the ball anD<\/a> were not going to let her nonsense e a D<\/a>istract us from the task at hanD<\/a>. Governor, as a fellowo floriD<\/a>ian, if Theres Anything<\/a> i can D<\/a>o to help you, Iftoo Show<\/a> you neeD<\/a> these airwaves, you neeD<\/a> my raD<\/a>io show. We are on D<\/a>-fore'>BoarD<\/a> Fore<\/a> on Bor Youg<\/a> I Amin<\/a> urging people to go to Samaritans Purse<\/a>, talk, D<\/a>oing h some really gooD<\/a> work on in all of these Southeres N<\/a> states. AnD<\/a> we appreciate you being on, governor. Were praying for our state tonighou beingn, t. Thank you. Thank all right. As floriD<\/a>a is bracinyog for a hurricane, multiple states, they are still trying to recover frostates, m, helene, the D<\/a>eaD<\/a>ly storm absolutely D<\/a>evastating mountaines in communities in western North Carolina<\/a>, especiallywestern. Og historic flooD<\/a>ing. I mean, entire towns have been wipe, E Townsn<\/a> D<\/a> out. Our very own Sara Carter<\/a> hasr been there numerous times nohawt the grounD<\/a> in North Carolina<\/a> anD<\/a> these areas that have been to hit anD<\/a> affecteD<\/a>. AnD<\/a> shse joins us tonightresi with five local resiD<\/a>ents who have haD<\/a> their lives lie. ED<\/a> by hurricane helenD<\/a>e sara, i just you can introD<\/a>uce D<\/a>y'>C EveryboD<\/a>y<\/a> anD<\/a> i just reallany have one question i want them to to responD<\/a> to thD<\/a>ent'>E PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> saying every neeD<\/a> has been met. EveryboD<\/a> knee beet,y is happy. AnD<\/a> are they happy with joe anD<\/a> kamala . Response to the hurricane. What is the state of the storm so neeD<\/a>, mr. PresiD<\/a>ent. So what is the status of the Storm Zone<\/a> . What D<\/a>o they neeD<\/a> . What you saw toD<\/a>ay . Oh, in the Storm Zone<\/a> . Yes, Sir Something<\/a> was stronger. Talking about the theyre getting everythiNg Th<\/a>ey neeD<\/a>. Were very happy across the boarD<\/a>. Sean, i got to tell you, im here anD<\/a> i want to know youc you can see the D<\/a>evastation behinD<\/a> me. I just hearD<\/a> what presiD<\/a>enanseeg saiD<\/a>. AnD<\/a> i can tell you this. Im not going to tell you in my own worD<\/a>sto tell y ow, im gs them tell you for themselves the response the feD<\/a>eraln government. But we haD<\/a> an opportunity toD<\/a>ay. Op actually flew over a chimney rock lake, completely D<\/a>evastateD<\/a>. I D<\/a>ont even know there is ascre worD<\/a> to D<\/a>escribe what i witnesseD<\/a>. Its Itsha Nothing<\/a> short of tragic. People lost their lives their homes went D<\/a>own the river. It was actually so D<\/a>evastatingso that there was a geological shift in the river. So where the river to whethe re actually been, at one point, ity actually shifteD<\/a> to another area within the community. So an Entirenity Golf Course<\/a> was gone. A Mini Golf Restaurants<\/a> toppleD<\/a> buer, the streets were covereD<\/a> with D<\/a>ebris. But there waeres Ons One Thing<\/a> that was certain anD<\/a> one thiNg Th<\/a>at i saw it was resiD<\/a>ents. It saw, firefighters. Law en it was Law Enforcement<\/a>, it wasfo the sheriffs. Its th was people coming out helping one another. Comie of Peoplem Right<\/a> here. They came with us because they want the american people, sean, to know the truth. Ive got newlanD<\/a> mayor here. Its D<\/a>erek roberts. Ive got the Coroner Fromavery Avery<\/a> countyco who is with me, john millen. Oh, ive got D<\/a>aviD<\/a>-calD<\/a>er'>DaviD<\/a> CalD<\/a>er<\/a> Real Estate<\/a> real Estate Executive<\/a> who lost . His business. Your hometown. Ill go back to you. I was able to see your business from the helicopter. It was completely D<\/a>emolisheD<\/a>D<\/a>emo anD<\/a> sittinlishg in the River M<\/a> anD<\/a> jimmy sizemore, my gosh, you your entire home, It Cameofh<\/a> right off the Clife F.<\/a> Sean is entire home. His lifes investment, it was out of the flooD<\/a> zone, came right off the cliff. Oft right Hereflng Right<\/a> with D<\/a>erek. Mayor roberts, talk a little bit about how you anD<\/a> your family experienceD<\/a> night that night when Hurricane Helene<\/a> came in. I know whurricanD<\/a> you were withr D<\/a>aughter. You were with your chilD<\/a>ren. What happeneD<\/a> . What hapyeah, it it it turneD<\/a> uy quick. It wenuickt some rain anD<\/a> some e to a tree in our beD<\/a>room. AnD<\/a> our basement was flooD<\/a>ing. AnD<\/a> Myn Wife<\/a> grabbing our D<\/a>aughter-tatum'>Daughter Tatum<\/a> anD<\/a> our granD<\/a>kiD<\/a> hers anD<\/a> isaac. Off. AnD<\/a>. He p anD<\/a> they took off. I got on the phone with ushone right away, right in the miD<\/a>D<\/a>le of it. It was just awfu l. It was just shocking. Let me ask you this before before we go on to you, john. D D<\/a>iD<\/a> you get in touch with fema right away . Was there any Government Officials<\/a> that youve Seena Rigr<\/a> over these D<\/a>ays since Hurricane Helene<\/a> D<\/a>evastateD<\/a> your home . Has anyboD<\/a>y been here to help you . Because this is the big question. D a Cl Sean<\/a> just playeD<\/a>ip a clip of D<\/a>ent-biD<\/a>en'>PresiD<\/a>ent BiD<\/a>en<\/a> sayiNg Th<\/a>at you all are getting everything you neeD<\/a>. What is Fem Ya<\/a> . Right . I mean, literally, what is Fem A<\/a> . So my D<\/a>aughter, whose house got completely wipeD<\/a> out, she has no flooD<\/a> insurance, meets with Fem A<\/a> that person, applies for everything she get, D<\/a>oesnt get the 750 that kamala says that shes supposeD<\/a> to get gets approveD<\/a> for 300 for personal items. What is that going to D<\/a>o . Thats literally what she got. Her first floor is wipeD<\/a> out. We hauleD<\/a> all everything off. Its gone. Sorythin off,s c what is fima anD<\/a> beiNg Th<\/a>e mayor. So they D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt even get herll. 0. The full seven Plane Ticket<\/a> for 750 D<\/a>enieD<\/a>. Ethey gave her 300 300r 2 that D<\/a>ow-anD<\/a>-cover'>WinD<\/a>ow AnD<\/a> Cover<\/a> whats in a refrigerato0,no wher. John, youre the coroner in avery county. OulD<\/a> h so so you know, sean, he have woulD<\/a> have the information on the people in his county that have either been missing or that have either been reporteD<\/a> D<\/a>eaD<\/a>, unfortunately, D<\/a>ue to hurricane lane. Can you talk a little bit about that for us . I cant thank you for having us. As of yesterD<\/a>ay, we haD<\/a> reporteD<\/a> four confirmeD<\/a> D<\/a>eaths. Not a harD<\/a> figure on missing at this point. Every county is a weekenD<\/a> tourist D<\/a>estination. We D<\/a>ont know who may have showeD<\/a> up anD<\/a> is unaccounteD<\/a> for. That D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt tell anyone their areas. Were still looking. We have urban D<\/a>-rescue'>Search AnD<\/a> Rescue<\/a> anD<\/a> caD<\/a>aver D<\/a>ogs anD<\/a> from pennsylvania, new York City<\/a> police anD<\/a> fire. The outpouring of inD<\/a>iviD<\/a>ual agencies anD<\/a> people just cominvg D<\/a>own anD<\/a> helping us. Theres been wonD<\/a>erful citizens helping citizens neighbors, ibee helping neighbors is how weve gotten by. The initial response was vertiay slow, anD<\/a> i i unD<\/a>erstanD<\/a> that ne one coulD<\/a> prepare for this, D<\/a>ay but on the fourth D<\/a>ay, your national guarD<\/a>, which im retire our natiD<\/a>, so you D<\/a> what response shoulD<\/a> be, right . Na it what it shoulD<\/a> be . Well, the motto of North Carolina<\/a> national guarD<\/a> is give us 24 hours. Hour. Give you an armytin 34 i was i retireD<\/a> from the guarD<\/a> as an mp, first starting D<\/a>iD<\/a> for a D<\/a>isaster mission, retireD<\/a> police chief. It was very slowery slow. I finally contacteD<\/a> Statee Senator Warren<\/a> D<\/a>aniel, who been assisting our area. Were overlapping legislative to get help. He finally contacteD<\/a> the national guarD<\/a>, but he askeD<\/a> me, what D<\/a>rD<\/a>D<\/a>o-neeD<\/a>'>DrD<\/a>D<\/a>o NeeD<\/a><\/a> . A haD<\/a> we originally haD<\/a> a hanD<\/a>ful of solD<\/a>iers in van, iraqs , anD<\/a> i saiD<\/a>, we neeD<\/a> more than a hanD<\/a>ful. We neeD<\/a> military police, D<\/a>octors, nurses, meD<\/a>icics, Water Purification<\/a> technicians. General so what about beamer . Beamer anD<\/a> engineers anD<\/a> heavy equipment . What were in their steaD<\/a> in. AnD<\/a> some finally D<\/a>iD<\/a> roll in, but were just getting volunteers coming in with equipment anD<\/a> helping people so much. But what D<\/a>ent-biD<\/a>en'>PresiD<\/a>ent BiD<\/a>en<\/a> saiD<\/a> is that the case, im not callainly not going to call thD<\/a>ent'>E PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> uniteD<\/a> states liar, but ive seen no eviD<\/a>ence that its functioniNg Th<\/a>e wae ty hes given a glowing D<\/a>ation'>Reference RecommenD<\/a>ation<\/a> of your carrier. I have a question. Sean . Sean has a question. Sean. Yeah i just. Just want to know, what is their message to Kamala Harris<\/a> . Joe biD<\/a>en . Because, you know, im hearingme people that have been haD<\/a> their lives uprooteD<\/a>. There was no L Help<\/a> that we saw. At all for a full week. What they like, if they want w to tell Kamala Harris<\/a>, who now clearlant to ty wants to politie this. What message D<\/a>o they have as . She goes on. You know, call her D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y. Call me D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y. Callknow, whatever D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-stern'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y Stern<\/a> in The View<\/a> anD<\/a> colbert. AnD<\/a> shes nonD<\/a>t in North Carolina<\/a>. Whats their message to her . So frustrating. AnD<\/a> ill go to you, D<\/a>aviD<\/a>, go fe this question from sean. You know, what woulD<\/a> your message be to D<\/a>ent'>Vice PresiD<\/a>ent<\/a> Kamala Harris<\/a> anD<\/a> to the Whitrie House<\/a> . What D<\/a>o you have to say to them . I mean, shes spent time on, you know, these shows, poD<\/a>casts. You havent seen the response. I know ive been up to chimney rock. Ive never seep to chimneyn such D<\/a>evastation in my life. It looks like a war zone. I know people lost their lifeo up there as well. What woulD<\/a> your message be to her in the White House<\/a> . Sean woulD<\/a> like to knohew,r in t where are you . Where are you . These people have lost their homes, is after theyve lost their businesses theyve lost everything. AnD<\/a> they neeD<\/a> some support. They neeD<\/a> help. AnD<\/a> 750 is not much help. AnD<\/a> some people D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt even get the 750. So theres a lot of people that coulD<\/a>nt even apply for it because, sean, there is no connectivity up here. Con We Cant<\/a> get connectivity in the mountains unless in tre starlink. You have absolutely no connectivity anD<\/a> people cant. Pejimmy what is your message to the White House<\/a>, sean woulD<\/a> like to know. You lost your home, you lost everything. AnD<\/a> the insurance may not cover it now. Well, my home my home was still stanD<\/a>ing. It was a little D<\/a>ifferent than the rest of my neighborhooD<\/a>. Our neighborhooD<\/a> lost four homes, just washeD<\/a> away anD<\/a> wipeD<\/a> out. But my home was on an 80 Foot Cliff<\/a> anD<\/a> it was stanD<\/a>ing. AnD<\/a> i have a photo of it stanD<\/a>iNg Th<\/a>e next D<\/a>ay after the storm. But there were still winD<\/a>s comiNg Th<\/a>rough anD<\/a> everything. AnD<\/a> later that D<\/a>ay it fell off the cliff. AnD<\/a> i Cant Act<\/a> anD<\/a> femage anD<\/a> they were easy to get a holD<\/a>holD<\/a> of. They Call Me<\/a> back. But while i was talking to fema ,they havent. They tolD<\/a> me theyD<\/a> have to meet me at my propertye they. AnD<\/a> a lot of them D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt even make their way up to the property. So they havent been Abl Prope Weighlking<\/a> the property. But while i was talking to them, i was D<\/a>rivingtom i wasn the roaD<\/a> anD<\/a> the famous person tolD<\/a> me before i hung up, Ng Th<\/a> they saiD<\/a>, well, were categoriziNg Th<\/a>is as a muD<\/a>sliD<\/a>ee ,so i havent even been to my property yet. AnD<\/a> theyve alreaD<\/a>y haD<\/a> a category causeD<\/a> it to work by that says anything. Sean, this is important. Whats D<\/a>'>Happene IsD<\/a><\/a> for a lot of people is that fema has been categorizing before. Theyvle is the seen it as muD<\/a>s. So theyre not coveriNg Th<\/a>eyre sayiNg Th<\/a>e the Hurricane Helene<\/a> victims. re that huits a trageD<\/a>y all tr arounD<\/a>. Sean, were going to be out k. E all weeounD<\/a>, sean i can tell you this. The community is whats togetheris on this community helping D<\/a>-neighbor'>Community AnD<\/a> Neighbor<\/a> helping neighborD<\/a> neighb. E anD<\/a> everyone is frustrateD<\/a> with the white D<\/a>e'>House AnD<\/a>e<\/a> anD<\/a> w with fema, anD<\/a> for the most part, they feel abanD<\/a>oneD<\/a>. Ey feesean, they they were ab. AnD<\/a> i s D<\/a>onateD<\/a> emergingD<\/a>, others to D<\/a>onate Samaritans Purse<\/a>. Org other. They have D<\/a>one a great job filliNg Th<\/a>at voiD<\/a>. Its been amazing. Ople anD<\/a> please tell all of those people there samaritan, this auD<\/a>ience i know, i speakthy for them. Theyre praying for them. They are so sorrrr Themy Aboutc Loss<\/a> anD<\/a> D<\/a>evastation. AnD<\/a> americans will steanp up. Ift americans will D<\/a>onate. We if the Government Wont<\/a> D<\/a>o it, wehell D<\/a>o it will. Sarah carter, thank you. Joining us now are both senators from North Carolina<\/a>, republicans Thom Tillis<\/a> anD<\/a> buD<\/a>D<\/a> Thom Tillis<\/a>. Start with you, D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> says every meat is neeD<\/a> has been met anD<\/a> everyboD<\/a>ys happy. I D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt hear a lot of happy people there, senator, to tell us. No, sean, i think one thing we have to point out is theres a lot of great volunteers, people on the grounD<\/a>, Law Enforcement<\/a> agencies, responD<\/a>ers, a lot of gooD<\/a> people D<\/a>oing gooD<\/a> work. But the aD<\/a>ministration slow to get starteD<\/a>. We know for a fact teD<\/a> buD<\/a>D<\/a>, my frienD<\/a> anD<\/a> i have been across the state together. We know that they the the solD<\/a>iers at Fort Liberty<\/a> were prepareD<\/a> to move on monD<\/a>ay of last week. I want to know why that D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt happen . Was it a failure of the was it slow rolling by governor cooper, by fact of the matter is, were only beginning to see that mobilizeD<\/a> about a week to anD<\/a> i think thats the source of some of the frustration but but keep in minD<\/a>, there are a lot those theres morale. This is a horrible is is placo anD<\/a> see right now. It is heartbreaking to go across severalt now, areas of nh carolina, roughly the size of the state of Massachusett Tth<\/a> so lets lets make sure woseoD<\/a> lift up all those people that are D<\/a>oing gooD<\/a> wornD<\/a>k on grounD<\/a>, but then holD<\/a> the aD<\/a>ministration accountable anD<\/a> holD<\/a> thelD<\/a> a D<\/a>em Harris Accr<\/a> politiciziNg Th<\/a>e event. I take a personal offenses sh to this. See what shes trieD<\/a> to D<\/a>o with D<\/a>esantis, but i also see her use my worD<\/a>s in a way that was purelre Use M Ycal<\/a> pu political purposes. There is no excuse for that sort of Behaviorp R<\/a> right now. We neeD<\/a> to get help in North Carolina<\/a> anD<\/a> get there as soon. You know, you use the keyworD<\/a>. Senator, Tel Use<\/a> the l us a week late,tor bu senator. But its not justD<\/a>,t that. AnD<\/a> again, i they were were Aa Week<\/a> late. They were missing in action. AnD<\/a> i D<\/a>ont even think we have the totalt even D<\/a>eath-co.'>T Death Co.<\/a> AnD<\/a> then D<\/a>aviD<\/a>-axelroD<\/a>'>DaviD<\/a> AxelroD<\/a><\/a> goes on tv. Well, a lot of these are republican areas anD<\/a> people probably wont be able to votepr. You know, i nearly burst a D<\/a>-vessel'>BlooD<\/a> Vessel<\/a> when i hearD<\/a> that. I mean, we shoulu know, nearlyD<\/a>g about saving lives, meetiNg Th<\/a>e neeD<\/a>s of the people of North Carolina<\/a>, they D<\/a>eserve it. AnD<\/a> then we founD<\/a> out femas bankrupt anD<\/a> a lot of the money, 1,000,000,000, went to harris by an illegal immigrants. Thatcant make this up, senator. Thats not how government functions not hs. Won now, this is shes D<\/a>oing, you know, Call Me<\/a> D<\/a>aD<\/a>D<\/a>y-anD<\/a>-stern'>DaD<\/a>D<\/a>y AnD<\/a> Stern<\/a> anD<\/a> The View<\/a>lling me anD<\/a> shes not in North Carolina<\/a> where she belongs. t mak you cant make this Stuff Up<\/a>, sean. I mean, this has been characterizee has beD<\/a> by lack of speeD<\/a>, lack of coorD<\/a>ination anD<\/a> misplaceD<\/a> priorities over. Bt but when i Tals K<\/a> to the boots on the grounD<\/a>, literally the boots on the grounD<\/a> toD<\/a>ay, 18th airborne corps, some out of kentucky from the 101st, some out of Fort Liberty<\/a> from 82nD<\/a>, they were reaD<\/a>y. Thy, like,s saiD<\/a>,i they were reaD<\/a>y D<\/a>ay one. But again, there was a lot of bureaucratiy th D<\/a>wringing-t'>C HanD<\/a>wringing T<\/a> at the top that D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt let these folks go to work. So i want to also o agree with c senator, my colleague, senator tillis, anD<\/a> saany thank you to Samaritans Purse<\/a>, american reD<\/a> cross anD<\/a> all Thos Americae<\/a> inD<\/a>iviD<\/a>uals that e anD<\/a> volunteerereD<\/a> anD<\/a> were firsy on the scene. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of my hearout. S anD<\/a> Samaritans Purse<\/a> has been great, too. AnD<\/a> fairness. Eat D<\/a>-graham'>Job ReverenD<\/a> Graham<\/a> is always there anD<\/a> they D<\/a>o a great job as well. Meu guysell. Know, have been on the grounD<\/a>. Youve been trying to meet the neeD<\/a>s of theet the people in North Carolina<\/a>. They still have a lot of neeD<\/a>s. Weve got to get this D<\/a>-t'>AiD<\/a> T<\/a> to them. Our prayers are withhem. Everyby in your state. AnD<\/a> anything we coulD<\/a> D<\/a>o auD<\/a>ielp either of you, please let us know the people in this thanabout the people of North Carolina<\/a>. Thank you, sir. Thank you both. Right. Coming up, toD<\/a>ay marks the one Year Anniversary<\/a> since what the equivalent of 40,000 D<\/a>eaD<\/a> americans in israel. Kamala harris, she cant even say that prime Ministeru Netanyahisu<\/a> is fighting a four a front war is an ally. Senator cruz responD<\/a>s by Fox Nation<\/a> woulD<\/a> like to thank all active military anD<\/a> veterans by offeriNg Th<\/a>eir first year of Fox Nation<\/a> free Stream Exclusive<\/a> shows that celebrate our country. This is the story of the greatest american. Before there was an america here. Real stories from real heroes highlightiNg Th<\/a>ose who put their lives on the line for our. This is their top Gun School<\/a> one or 2 seconD<\/a>s. That sometimes be the D<\/a>ifference between life anD<\/a> D<\/a>eath. Go to Fox Nation<\/a>. Com anD<\/a> get your first year for free. Get them isaac. Okay hes been. When i saw that ethan was not breathing. I D<\/a>etermineD<\/a> that i neeD<\/a>eD<\/a> to use something to remove the obstruction from his airway. Its very important for every householD<\/a> to have a life. Everyone shoulD<\/a> have one in their home. Anything can happen any moment. I want my frienD<\/a>s anD<\/a> family anD<\/a> the people that i serve to know that we have this D<\/a>evice to potentially save lives. Protect your family. Go to life backpack. Matt, go to D<\/a>ot-net'>Lifehacker Dot Net<\/a> or call 877 life vac. If losing weight has you. A group of D<\/a>octors createD<\/a> a remarkable Weight Loss Supplement<\/a> calleD<\/a> lean anD<\/a> its very encouraging to stuD<\/a>y the ingreD<\/a>ients. Lean have been shown to help maintain healthy Glucose Levels<\/a> help Burn Fat<\/a> by converting excess fat into energy anD<\/a> reD<\/a>uce appetite so you eat less if youve trieD<\/a> everything to lose weight, nonprescription anD<\/a> lean coulD<\/a> be the answer youve been searching for. Visit take linkeD<\/a> com anD<\/a> get 15 off with promo coD<\/a>e. Get 15 at take linkeD<\/a> com. You remember the first time we visiteD<\/a> Ark Encounter<\/a> . Yeah. You fainteD<\/a> twice. Hey now lets just say its a little bigger than imagination. Okay . AnD<\/a> the exhibits are so lifelike, theres just so much for the kiD<\/a>s to D<\/a>o here. Virtual reality, a zoo. I mean, they even have zip lines. I guess i just never thought a place like this coulD<\/a> be real. So junior was right . I guess so Ark Encounter<\/a>. You just got to see it to believe it. Do you ever wish you coulD<\/a> just think faster again . Are you tireD<\/a> of reaching for names anD<\/a> worD<\/a>s D<\/a>uring conversations . Trust me, youre not alone. Thats. We D<\/a>evelopeD<\/a> new D<\/a>octors preferreD<\/a> minD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage, the cutting D<\/a>ge-science'>ED<\/a>ge Science<\/a> backeD<\/a> Brain Health Supplement<\/a> that wilL Help<\/a> keep your mental eD<\/a>ge sharp to get your complimentary sample of new minD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage. Just Text Memory<\/a> to two one 5 to 1 five. MinD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage helps you think faster by. Targeting five areas of brain function, Attention Learning<\/a> anD<\/a> memory language, Motor Function<\/a> anD<\/a> even mooD<\/a> with five key brain boosting ingreD<\/a>ients backeD<\/a> by five clinical stuD<\/a>ies D<\/a>ont settle for slowing D<\/a>own. Keep your D<\/a>-anD<\/a>-memory'>MinD<\/a> AnD<\/a> Memory<\/a> going at full speeD<\/a> with minD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage to get your complimentary sample of new minD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage. Just Text Memory<\/a> to 215215 text now anD<\/a> well senD<\/a> you bottle of D<\/a>octors preferreD<\/a> magnesium absolutely free minD<\/a>ful aD<\/a>vantage is not available in stores so text memos are wiD<\/a>e to 215215. Now is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in anD<\/a> out of the bathtub becoming a Safety Concern<\/a> . Are you worrieD<\/a> about the cost of a D<\/a>el'>Bathroom RemoD<\/a>el<\/a> that coulD<\/a> go on for weeks anD<\/a> weeks . Well, now you can have a gorgeous new Bath Or Shower<\/a> thats safer at a price you can afforD<\/a> with a D<\/a>ay-jacuzzi-bath'>Day Jacuzzi Bath<\/a> remoD<\/a>el. It was D<\/a>one the same D<\/a>ay. We D<\/a>iD<\/a> not have to wait. It is amazing. I woulD<\/a> give this whole experience an aplus. I D<\/a>efinitely wish i woulD<\/a> have calleD<\/a> sooner from soft closeD<\/a> shower D<\/a>oors anD<\/a> aD<\/a>justable shower heaD<\/a>s to features like Grab Bars<\/a> anD<\/a> custom seats that combine safety anD<\/a> style. Its never been easier. Get your free D<\/a>esign-consultation'>Design Consultation<\/a> in, scheD<\/a>ule your one D<\/a>ay installation, anD<\/a> start loving your new or shower right away. Only weeks left to get waiveD<\/a>. Installation in anD<\/a> no interest anD<\/a> no payments for up to one year. Go to jacuzzi bathrooms, outlook. Com or call 800 9912603<\/a>. Thats 800 9912603<\/a> call now. Bracing for Hurricane Milton<\/a> D<\/a>esantis'>Ron Desantis<\/a> D<\/a>iscusses how floriD<\/a>a is preparing from the first D<\/a>ay of kinD<\/a>ergarten through the D<\/a>ay they graD<\/a>uate high school, in california, 38 of stuD<\/a>ents attenD<\/a> a Public School<\/a> that fails to meet minimum health stanD<\/a>arD<\/a>s. Prop 2 will funD<\/a> urgent repairs at local schools. Protect kiD<\/a>s from toxic molD<\/a> anD<\/a> asbestos. Ensure clean water. AnD<\/a> to fix whats actually broken, all public funD<\/a>s go to local schools. Without raising taxes. Yes on 2. All kiD<\/a>s D<\/a>eserve a safe place to learn. Circle is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. So available at walmart D<\/a>rinks circle icon. All right. It has one year since hamastack launcheD<\/a> the brutal Terror Attack O<\/a> on israel, which resulteD<\/a> in thousanD<\/a>s of casualties. ThousanD<\/a>s of, beheaD<\/a>ingsur anD<\/a> torture. But D<\/a>uring her D<\/a>isastrousinterv minutes interview, D<\/a>nt'>Kamel WoulD<\/a>nt<\/a> even say whether israeli Prime Ministerie<\/a> is an ally of our country. Here with reaction, texas senator teD<\/a> cruz. Senator, this is the equivalent of america, baseD<\/a> on their population, losing 40,000 americans in a D<\/a>ay. We they are now fighting a four front war, taking in ballistic missiles from the iraniansom. My question is, what part of murD<\/a>er, rape kiD<\/a>napping, ng, D<\/a>-beheaD<\/a>ing'>Torture AnD<\/a> BeheaD<\/a>ing<\/a> D<\/a>oes Kamala Harris<\/a> D<\/a>-t'>Noure AnD<\/a> T<\/a> unD<\/a>er well, unfortunately, Kamala Harris<\/a> anD<\/a> D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> anD<\/a> Muchrtunatelmala Har<\/a> of toD<\/a>aysi are on the wrong siD<\/a>e of the issue. One year one year ago toD<\/a>ay ws one of the D<\/a>arkest D<\/a>ays in worlD<\/a> history. It was the single largest was D<\/a>eher'>T Mass MurD<\/a>eher<\/a> of jews in a D<\/a>ay since the holocaust. 1200 israelis murD<\/a>ereD<\/a>. 251. Take Hostage Women<\/a> anD<\/a> little girls as a weapon of terror. Her it was also one of D<\/a>-worstis'>ThelD<\/a> Worstis<\/a> American Terrorist<\/a> attacks ever with americans murD<\/a>ereD<\/a>, americans tortureD<\/a> , americans taken hostage. AnD<\/a> yet, in the wake in Thetobe Year<\/a> that followeD<\/a>, October 7th<\/a> has proviD<\/a>eD<\/a> clarityse. I D<\/a>ont think there is great ambiguity on this. This is a battleon this. Between gooD<\/a> anD<\/a> evil. AnD<\/a> it is a choice of where D<\/a>o you. Do you stanD<\/a> with israel or D<\/a>o you stanD<\/a> with hamas . L or D<\/a>o anD<\/a> hezbollah anD<\/a> thet terrorists . AnD<\/a> im sorry to say, sean, that kamal Kamalaa Harris<\/a> anD<\/a> D<\/a>en'>Joe BiD<\/a>en<\/a> have been the Numberthe Nb<\/a> one funD<\/a>ers in the worlD<\/a> of hamas anD<\/a> hezbollah. They have floweD<\/a> wor over 100 Billion<\/a> to D<\/a>-iran'>Iran AnD<\/a> Iran<\/a> proviD<\/a>es 90 of the funD<\/a>ing for hamas anD<\/a> hezbollah. So the very sense Kamala Harris<\/a> helpeD<\/a> pay for the D<\/a>eath squaD<\/a>s on October 7th<\/a>. AnD<\/a> saD<\/a>ly, this White House<\/a> has unD<\/a>ermineD<\/a> israel every D<\/a>ay since then. Yesl ever, they maD<\/a>e refuse to enforce the oil anD<\/a> for use takiNg Th<\/a>e stanD<\/a>. Dump 20 they are going to D<\/a>ump 200 Million<\/a> on your heaD<\/a>. Theyre trying Sn On Youo<\/a> to get you out of the senate, senator. They are coming after mewitha with everythiNg Th<\/a>ey have. Bernie sanD<\/a>ersnying D<\/a>-aoe'>E AnD<\/a> Aoe<\/a> in texas this week. Aoc saiD<\/a> if we texas, we transformeD<\/a> the country for a generation. Pleasee come to teD<\/a> cruz. Org. Se. Org right now i neeD<\/a> your help. TeD<\/a> cruz r, D<\/a>awg. Theyre spenD<\/a>ing 100 Million<\/a> trying to beat ming 10l oh, its going to be more than 100 when its all D<\/a>one. Senator, we neeD<\/a> you bacsenator i hope the people in texasexas early voting starteD<\/a> toD<\/a>ay. ,y boatinall right. Stay with us. More hannity straight aheaD<\/a>. New i see how Pro Massaging<\/a> ,easy to D<\/a>-massage'>Grip AnD<\/a> Massage<\/a> anD<\/a> the Power Of Two<\/a> Match Strength Pain<\/a> relievers. Ice works fast. Heat makes it less new. I see hot pro bone. Melissa gilbert here. Ive haD<\/a> a harD<\/a> time sleeping since my late thirties when i D<\/a>iD<\/a>nt get sleep. Things got worse anD<\/a> it took a toll on my physical mental anD<\/a> emotional wellbeing. Fortunately, i D<\/a>iscovereD<\/a> relaxium. Americas Number One<\/a> trusteD<\/a> D<\/a>'>Sleep AiD<\/a><\/a>. AnD<\/a> i got to tell you, this will be at my beD<\/a>siD<\/a>e forever. Ive been using relaxium for about ten years now. When i take relaxium, i fall asleep much faster. Millions have trusteD<\/a> Relaxium Sleep<\/a> to D<\/a>eliver increaseD<\/a> energy, sharpen better mooD<\/a> anD<\/a> improveD<\/a> quality of life. Its ingreD<\/a>ients aD<\/a>D<\/a>ress the root causes of sleeplessness anD<\/a> were testeD<\/a> stuD<\/a>ieD<\/a> anD<\/a> D<\/a>evelopeD<\/a> by a clinical neurologist. Im D<\/a>r. Eric, celebrity, founD<\/a>er of relaxium, americas most trusteD<\/a> aiD<\/a> for nearly two D<\/a>ecaD<\/a>es now. Relaxium has been changing millions of lives. Relaxium D<\/a>rug'>Sleep Drug<\/a> free with no siD<\/a>e effects anD<\/a> is the only D<\/a>'>Sleep AiD<\/a><\/a> i trust. AnD<\/a> so shoulD<\/a> you. I D<\/a>evelopeD<\/a> relaxium to help my patients fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer anD<\/a> wake up refresheD<\/a>. Relaxium sleep workeD<\/a> from the very first night i took, i haD<\/a> more focus anD<\/a> mental clarity than ive haD<\/a> in years. If youre experiencing Sleepless Or Tossing<\/a> anD<\/a> turning, you neeD<\/a> to try Relaxium Sleep<\/a> now. Take Relaxium Sleep<\/a>. Itll work, i promise you. Itll work with Relaxium Sleep<\/a>. I am falling asleep almost as soon as my heaD<\/a> hits the pillow. Theres only one way to finD<\/a> out if Relaxium Sleep<\/a> will work for you. AnD<\/a> thats trying it for yourself. AnD<\/a> right now, you can try it for free. I know. Once you D<\/a>o, youll be a customer for life. Just like i am. Call now. Melissa gilbert is so confiD<\/a>ent that relaxium will work for you. Shes askeD<\/a> us to give away another 1000 bottles. Visit. Try relaxing tmz. Com or call 800 2942410. Oh 70. Big go, go. So the blitz bingo. Blitz is away a free phone every hour. Seriously, if D<\/a>rew. I mean, its true. DownloaD<\/a> now. He was only 47. Aneurysm. DiD<\/a> he have insurance . Do you know . You got to get on it. Check out selectquote. Trust me. The peace of minD<\/a>. Its worth it. Life insurance is to important to put off another D<\/a>ay. Thats why selectquote makes getting coverage you neeD<\/a> easy for less than a D<\/a>ollar a D<\/a>ay. 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Scan the D<\/a>e'>Qr CoD<\/a>e<\/a> to go to get D<\/a>ay-plans'>FriD<\/a>ay Plans<\/a>. Com anD<\/a> see for yourself. Reignite your passion with custom banD<\/a>s from the jewelry exchange, two carat fancy lab banD<\/a>s 1491 carat classic natural banD<\/a>s 990 Half Carat<\/a> natural for 99. UnlimiteD<\/a> choices guaranteeD<\/a> to appraise for D<\/a>ouble the jewelry exchange. Direct. Youve been arresteD<\/a> before . Yeah, for a lot of D<\/a>ifferent things. Cops is back. You put your hanD<\/a>s on me here, not try. I wasnt to harm you. Bring it out to show you. If youre not like i wasnt running, i just misseD<\/a> my turn. Criminals say the D<\/a>arnD<\/a>est. Well, when someboD<\/a>y assaults me in the spirit with the D<\/a>emon cops. New episoD<\/a>es streaming now on Fox Nation<\/a>. You know, truck you were D<\/a>riving stolen they gave it to america is streaming since D<\/a>evastation of October Seven Black<\/a> saturD<\/a>ay. Ive been on the grounD<\/a> on the realities of this war firsthanD<\/a>. Everyone D<\/a>own from firsthanD<\/a> interviews with families anD<\/a> much more. These are my stories. When you cant watch, listen. Get the latest News Business<\/a> anD<\/a> news heaD<\/a>lines on Sirius Xm<\/a>. Any time, anywhere. Fox D<\/a>io'>News RaD<\/a>io<\/a> on Sirius Xm<\/a> america is listening. All right. Tely t unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you forhatimeuo being us. Thank you for makiNg Th<\/a>is show possible. Please set your D<\/a>vr so you never, Ever Beth Ur<\/a> ever, ev an episoD<\/a>e of hannity for news. Any time. Every time. All the timeso n foxnews. Comn eD<\/a> hannity. Com. But in the meantime let not your heart be troubleD<\/a>. Greg gutfelD<\/a> will put a smile on your face. Have a great night. 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