Yes get. I knOw. AwesOme. Thank yOu. In all hOnesty, thIs success Is gettIng kInd Of bOrIng. Happy mOnday, everyOne. SO thIs frIdayIn, JOker TwO arrIves In Theaters and Its abOut a Jen PsakI tOld yOung dOug that he has, quOte, reshaped The perceptIOn Of masculInIty. Thats true. Back In The Old days, a guy lIke that mIght have talked The Nann A Quy KeepIng The baby. Ke Oh. ArcheOlOgIsts In chIna have a 3600 year Old mummy that was burIed wIth pIeces Of cheese. Ldm One tIcket tO chIna, please. SaId thIs man. Hes afraId YOull Laugh at thaT One. But nOt The very perceptIve hd. E. JOk Sean DIddy COmbs Is repOrtedly Off SuIcIde Watch. HOwever, The PrIsOn Guards are stIll On SuIcIde Watch tO keep FrOs RepO HOwm KIllIng The In case They hear hIm rappInwag new YOrk CIty Is fIghtIng The Rat POpulatIOn by Old FOlksI hOme. SO The, Tens Of ThOusands Of and murderers dead and vIOlated amerIcans. And yOu werent even tOld abOut It. Remember that The next tImead ad yOu have The urge tO trust The medIa, AwayI ThI yes. It hIde It anymOre. SO lIke, well, If we cant hIde. AnymOre, Then lets just clamphI dOwn On It. Weve already been lyIng tO These dumb IdIOts. NOw Theyre Ondet AnymOr tO. SO whats The next step . Crush Them, yOu knOw, nOmInees. PredIctIOns frOm sexy pOpeye. RO but. And tIgress wIll save yOu. And yOu guys can wrIte StrOnglyu WOrded Letters Of cOndemnatIOn. Well just. Well hang Out upstaIrs IntO each OThers wIlve and. Well, yeah. YOu guys GOt thIs . I wOnt take lOng. COmIng up, Is The new Gender Gap makIng dudes feel lIke . Im amerIca. Is that a CrIsIs POInt . FOr tOO lOng . The pOlItIcIans, The medIa and specIal Interests have put Themselves befOre The cOuntry. Theyve dIvIded us agaInsT Ourselves. NOw were faced wIth The chOIce. We can allOw amerIca tO declIne Or we can take Our cOuntry back. AmerIca stands fOr truth. SO pull up a seat because every revOlutIOn starts wIth an hOnest cOnversatIOn. Truth wIth VIvek Ramaswamy Only On FOx NatIOn. I prOmIse nOt tO talk tOO much. Sleep mOre deeply and wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresses exclusIve relIeves pressure and Instantly attacks sleea stp lIve purple rIght nOw buy mOre save mOre up tO 600 Off vIsIt purple. COm Or stOre near yOu yOur emblem Of devOtIOn. Have yOur Engagement RIng CustOm made by The Jewelry Exchange. ChOOse a One Carat Lab grOwn dIamOnd fOr 599 Or a natural gIa fOr 19 9018. Came OutsIde 99. ThOusands Of chOIces. Always The best deal. The Jewelry Exchange dIrect want tO dIscOver CIndy CrawfOrd secrets yOu ageless skIn Its meanIngful beauty created by wOrld renOwned cOsmetIc SpecIalIst Dr. JOhn lOuIs sabah These fOrmulas cOme frOm a rare french melOn that cOntaIns a yOuth preservIng knOwn as The yOuth mOlecule. Its kept sandy remarkably yOuthful, and nOw Theres really bIg News Dr. Sabah has dIscOvered hOw tO delIver meanIngful Beautys Age IngredIents deeper IntO The skIn, where wrInkles begIn. Whatever thIs MagIc POtIOn dOes fOr yOur skIn, I wake up In The mOrnIng and Im fully hydrated. I can see that Its tIghtened and Its sOften fIne lInes. YOure InvIted tO jOIn The party and fInd Out what These new fOrmulas can dO fOr yOu. I can sum It up In One wOrd. HydratIOn. GlOwy, smOOth. MagIcal. Im nOt ashamed tO say I am 53 years Old. Thank cIndy. WhOs been usIng It The lOngest . 17 years. 17. Ive Often heard thIs. Are yOu drInkIng frOm The fOuntaIn Of yOu . I say nO, but Im puttIng IT On. What Im mOst prOud Of Is Over 5 mIllIOn wOmen have trusted meanIngful beauty, and Theyre gettIng great results. And I get that feedback frOm Them In aIrpOrts, supermarkets, walkIng dOwn The street. And I lOve It. NOw yOu can try. CIndys secret tO ageless wIth her best system ever. Start wIth CIndys SkIn SOftenIng cleanser tO refresh and hydrate. Then Its Our lumInOus day cream. NOw Its cIndys lIftIng Eye Cream that reduces The lOOk Of puffIness, dark cIrcles and crOws feet and. Our all new Age RecOvery NIght cream wIth retInOl wOrks OvernIght tO rejuvenate yOur skIn. WIth new age defyIng technOlOgIes. Next, thIs custOmer favOrIte, The new and ImprOved yOuth actIvatIng serum wIth hydratIOn. H2O delIvers Our MelOn Leaf Stem Cell TechnOlOgy deeper IntO The skIn, meanIngful IntO all The IngredIents tO restOre and tO prOtecT YOur skIn. Dr. Shabazz clIents Often pay thOusands Of dOllars fOr a serIes treatments. Thats why, when purchased separately, meanIngful beautys regular prIce Of 179 Is already an IncredIble bargaIn. But because cIndy decIded tO Offer meanIngful beauty dIrectly tO yOu, yOu wOnt pay. 179 139 Or even 99. Order nOw and YOull Pay just 6995 fOr all fIve cOncentrated super treatments. Be amOng The fIrst 500 tO Order and get The revIve and brIghten masks and The excItIng new VItamIn C by face brIghtenIng a 120 value free. Get all thIs a 300 value fOr just 6995. But If we went even lOwer. Use prOmO cOde, save 20 tOday and get an extra 20 Off. YOull pay just 4995 fOr everythIng yOu see here wIll even add free shIppIng. And every Order cOmes wIth cIndys 60 Day MOney back guarantee. ThIs specIal Offer Is nOt avaIlable In any stOre, sO dOnt waIt. Scan The cOde. Call The number belOw, Or gO tO a meanIngful beauty IcOn. RIght nOw. ShOuld we be cOncerned tOnIght . ShOuld we be cOncerned . YOung men are aImless and IsOlated gre shO, accOrdIs new repOrt. Men In TheIr early twentIesIr and thIrtIes are mOre lIkely than wOmen tO lIve wIth TheIr parents, as well as feelIn a g mOre and aImless as a man whO Is nOthIng lIke that. ShOuld we be cOncerned . Thats been men stOryen The begInnIng Of tIme where we becOme sOmethIng. SO The dIfference Is, Is that It used tO be gO Out and be a man and It wOuld be man thIngs and yOu were praIsed fOr wOrkIng prOvIdIng gOIng thrOughO and havIng sOme scars Or strIfed sOme stOreIng. S enlIsT Or servec get a trade. But thats nOt whats ans In tht we change It tO. If yOu dOnt gO tO cOllege and becOme a prOfessOr Or a gender persOn, d and when a yOung man gets There, he dOesnt belOng. If y Thee and enemy. Hes The prOblem. And gOd fOrbId If hes a yOunGOt whIte man cOmIng up rIght nOwwht In thIs sOcIety, hes The reasOn fOr everythIng thats terrIble. EverythIng. We dOnt want anOTher One Of yOu. YOure here because Of OppressOrs, nOt because yOu hear that psychOlOgIcally. FOr fOr a yOung man, Its hard. Plus, faThers arent beIng faThers. Lets just be real. Were. Were nO faTherst. N and were nOt man enOugh fOrm men. SO weve GOt tO be hardyen. H and we GOt tO start Them yOung and we have tO. When yOu see yOung art Them peOple, yOung especIally yOung, yOung men, In trOuble, They need mentOrs, They need peOple. They can relespecIal meny. We need grandfaThers back. We need uncles back. We just dOnt were nOn. T seeIn. And we need wacky uncles. Jesse yes, I yOu knOw, dOdO u yOu belIeve Theres a crIsIs Of PurpOse Tha In men as They ey adulthOOd . I thInk Ive entered adulthOOd. I can t waIt and we have yOu knOw, we have lIke sO many KIdsO HOvIng at hOme wIth TheIr parents and stuff. ImagIne hOw I feel, man. I wah ths kIcked OuT Of The hOuse at 18 and 40, and I. Oh, yeah. I read thIs, thOugh, when I was dO ns actually thInkIng, nO, I dOnt ever want my kIds tO mOve OuT Of The hOuse. LIke, I Feelr Wanty kIds I dOnw anymOre. And Oh, man, I actually have a lIttle bIT Of a servIcele annOuncement. Oh, really . Its exactly On message, buT Yeah. Oh bItpublIcervI, Ce Alets Pla LIzzOs lessOns tIps frOms a dIvOrced dad. Oh, hey, guys. Theres an Old sayIng that makes dIvOrce lIttle easIer tO accept. TIs better tO have lOved lOst than tO cOntInue lIvIng wIth a lady that wants cuT YOur junktha Off. HOpe that helpe ladd. NIcely dOne. I was tOuched by that. Tara. YOure a dude. YOure a man gre. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. What . What dO yOu thInk Is The prObleude, a a I Guem . YOu saId thIs. YOu used The wOrd purpOse, and yOu saId The same thIng. G. I thInk thats The bIggest prOblem. Prm lucky I wOrk Out fOur Or fIve tImes a year. I wOrk dOwn at The fOrt bragg. The fInavel Of The green Beret P QualIfIcatIOn cOurse Is thIs bIg sImulated guerrIlla warfarhg exercIse. And I get tO wOrk wIth These yOung guys. And Its funny whe n, when were dOne traInIng and I get tO meet Them and stuff, a lOT Of These dudes are lOOkIng tg fOr purpOse sO when Theyre lIke, Oh, mIllennIals are f up. And Im lIker a pu, The guys Im meetIng, These dudes are kIllers. And The thIng Is, a lOT Of Thelm fOund us because They were In The kInd Of lIves where It was justcaus Of sucky. LIke One Dude was lIke, yeah, It was a bIg FInance Guy In New YOrk. Hes lIke, nO, Im nOt dOIng Ita cOrpOrate jOb. NO, Im nOt dOIng It. And These guys cOme In and nOt They are drIven and They are aggressIve, Theyre smart and Theyre team players. And Its just kInd Of whaT YOu saIdve smart. Oung yOure takIng These yOung cats and sOme Of Our Older that are justats. DIsIllusIOned wIth whas gOIng On. But as a man, If yOu dOndIst have purpOse, yOu are. H Its really bad. And evenav If The PurpOse PurpO Is beIng a faTher Or beIng a prOvIder Or dOInses beIng thIs,T YOu have a sOcIety thIs kInd Of wIpe thaT Out just kInd Of mOcks men. Just has f whIT Yell, yOu dumb guys, It starts addIng up. And sO I dOnt knOwI dO The sOlutIOn, but defInItely beIng a mentOr Is gOOd. KnOIm Im sterIle and chIldle, but I wOrk wIth a lOT Of whO I am. I am buT YOu knOw what . T I get tO be The crazy uncle. And I alsO get tO wOrk wIth These OTheraz yOung These yOung guys, These yOung studs that are cOmIng up and They have a purpOse are. D If yOu dOnt have a purpOse, yOure dOne. And If yOu dOnt If yOu dOnt we, yOu Is prObablyT Ou easy tO geT Out a bad rOad, take yOur lIfe Or just gIve up wh. Because whats The pOInT Of gettIng up In The mOrnIng except, yOu knOw, If yOu haver tO, yOu knOw, save yOur hOusece fOr The dIvOrce . I jusT YOu need The guys. Guys need tO have a purpOse. The guys need tO b. E able tO have a reasOn tO pIck upck a swOrd and gO fOr It, eIther MetaphOrIcallya SwOr Or actual. Yes. All rIght. Kat rOunded Out fO r us as The Only lady leavIng The panel. everybOdys Okay lOOkIng. Hey yOu knOw, I hOnestly thInkI that I mean, These statIstIcs dOnt lIe, rIght . Tlbut It Is alsO hard fOr a lOT Of yOung peOple In general, Ite what saw Our parents dOents Is nOt sO easy tO dO anymOre. LIk ne gettIng yOur fIrst hOn Is a dream that lIterally Only a dreamIrst fOr many Of us, because Its sO much mOre expensIve. COllege Is sO much. MOre expensIve. EverythIngs sO much mOre expensIve. SO Often when yOu dO get AdvIce Whke thIs, AdvIcexpense ApplIvy anymOre, rIght . And sO It can be very get I frustratIng. But Ill just end by sayIng I lOve dudes. Yeah, gOOd fOrrustratI yOu. Yeah, I dO thInk. HInk thIs pOll Is lOOkIng backward and If yOure lOOkIng fOrward,Is I thInk Its changIng because yOu see kInd Of In The In The AtmOsphere LIkeecIall especIally pOdcastIng and stuff, The mOst pOpular Stufy PO F are, dudes gIvIng lIke masculIne type stuff, masculIne guy, yOu knOw, wheTher JOrdane PetersOn Or ROgen Or JOckO Or RIb Cage Out There. YOu GOt trump Is a dude I thInk There Is sOme kInd Of mOvement tOwards that tradItIOnal sensef Of masculInIty thaT YOu Often cOme tO me fOr and I dIspense wIth freelmOvemey. NO One NObOdy In amerIca bOught that. NO. Mm Theres nOt a member, nOt audIence bOught that and nOhT One watchIng thIs Is that. WOw. Well dOne anyway. Well dOne. YOu trIed even trIed crOwn Of manhOOd. O. TrIed. YOu trIed wIne In The mOuntaIns. YOu made me sIck. YOu trIed all rIght. But They blame deplOrable. When a mOvIe dOes hOrrIble, NO One gets hurt. BlOck Is a crIme. See thIs tO hIghest prOfIle crIme Of The year. Im catchIng thIs guy. Im nOt waItIng fOr permIssIOn. As yOu check yOur lOcal lIstIngs, 48 Of amerIcans dOnt get enOugh magnesIum, whIch Is fOr bOne, Nerve And Muscle health. I recOmmend COlOnel MagnesIum GlycIne eIght. Its fOrmulated fOr hIgh absOrptIOn and Its gentle On a stOmach canal. The brand I trust. HellO. FOrmer Arkansas GOvernOr mIke huckabee. A lOT Of tImes yOu Cant COntrOl The amOunT Of sleep thaT YOure gettIng. I knOw Its scary unless yOu use RelaxIum Sleep relaxIum. Sleep Is a prOduct thats made frOm natural IngredIents and It usually wOrks frOm The very fIrst nIghT YOu try It. RelaxIum sleep Is studIed, tested and desIgned by a neurOlOgIst tO help yOu fall asleep faster, stay asleep lOnger and wake up refreshed. RelaxIum sleep wOrked frOm The very fIrst nIght I tOOk, I had mOre fOcus and mental clarIty Ive had In years. I wake up feelIng alert and Ive had The best nIghts sleep. StOp beIng afraId and starT YOur fears away wIth RelaxIum Sleep yOur bOdy and yOur mInd wIll thank yOu. Take RelaxIum Sleep. Itll wOrk. I prOmIse yOu Itll wOrk. MIke huckabee Is sO cOnfIdent that relaxIum wIll wOrk fOr yOu. Hes asked us tO gIve away 1000 bOttles. VIsIt, try RelaxIum DOt COm Or call 800 8011737. He was Only 47. AneurIsm. DId he have /a>nsurance'>LIfe Insurance . DO yOu knOw yOu GOt geT On It. Check Out selectquOte. Trust me The peace Of mInd Its wOrth It. LIfe Insurance Is tOO ImpOrtant tO puT Off anOTher day. Thats why selectquOte makes gettIng cOverage. YOu need easy. FOr less than a dOllar a day. NOw get up tO a 2 mIllIOn pOlIcy wIth nO medIcal exam and same cOverage. VIsIts lIke whatcOm. We shOp, yOu save tOmOrrOw at mIdnIght. DemOcracy 24 COverage DemOcracy 24 cOverage cOntInue at The Barnes FIrm, we handle demOcracy 24 cOverage cOntInue COnstructIOn AccIdent cases. Have yOu fallen frOm a heIght, been hIt by a vehIcle Or a fallIng Object, trIpped On JOb SIte DebrIs Or anythIng else . Call The Barnes FIrm nOw. YOu mIght have questIOns abOut wOrkers cOmp, lOst tIme frOm wOrk, medIcal bIlls, Or If yOu cOuld get fIred fOr beIng Injured. Call The Barnes FIrm tO get The answers and help yOu need. Injured On a JOb SIte . Call us nOw. The Barnes FIrm, Injury attOrneys call 1800 eIght mIllIOn hOpe Includes yOu chIldfund because we need each OTher. FIve mOre wOrds GhOstbusters FaIlure blamed On trumpers. JamIe The 2016 GhOstbusters RebOOt wIth The all WOmen Cast was a bOx OffIce bOmb, and nOw The dIrectOr ImplIes Its because Trump AndOffIce B hIs suppOrters turned It IntO a pOlItIcal statement. NOths. ThInk that I dOnt thInk thats true. I just dOnt thInk It was a very gOOd mOvIe because. Hes made great mOvIe. I thInk he dId brIdesmaIds, whIch Is an all female cast and was a hIlarIOucause Its mOv. And hOnestly, If I wanted tO see fOur wOmen, russell he, Id Rewatch BIden On The vIew frOm kerry. What dO yOu expect If I yOu take a classIc fIlm and Then na.cOm/news/i-'>Imarsana.cOm/news/the-'>Thet'>RebOOn Thet . I hate that. Y I hate It. I dOnt dO It. StOp dOIng It. Just stOp dOIng It. . GhOstbusters was a phenOmenOn. It was an IncredIble, huge thIng. And yOure already behInd The POwer Curve by gOIng, were gOIng tO redO It wIth whIp. NO, just I GOtay a better Idea. Maybe use yOur creatIve pOwers tO make anOTher mOvIe wIthr. A an all female cast that has nOthIng tO dO wIth ghOstbusters lIke brIdesmaIds OOvIe wItanr Or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, true. They shOuld dO IghOstbt lIke an all female casT Of what cat . Mmhmm. The passIOn. The. Yeah. I dId nOt see that cOmIng at all. YOu knOw, I. YOu knOw, I had tO be very sImIlar In my head, buT YOure lIke, Im nOt gOIng tO say yOu wOnt. YOull let me get all The hate maIl. Ye sOmethIng vmIlar In my hes. T yOu are gOIng tO. Thats what I dO. Hes gOIng tO help yOu dO anythIng O Ou were. Im kIddIng. I dIdnt see thIs. Yeah, Ill never see It. Yeah, but I alsO dIdnel tt. The fIrsT One eIther, cause my parents wOuldnt let me. Oh, because Of The spIrItual Realbut M. Yeah, my. Yeah, I was raIsed very relIgIOus, just In Case AnybOdy mIssed that. Mer very cathOlIc. NO ghOst, even In a cOmedIc sense. Yeah. I mean, alsO just pg 13. Dy I wasnt lIke I was very, very sheltered. They wOuld even leT YOu lOOk grt at casper. NO harry pOtter. NO harry pOtter. YOu knOw, he wasnt that haIry. Tyrus, yOur scrIpt. Yeah, yOur mOvIes. T suck Its. It has nOthIng tO dO wIth The cast. Its nOt even The wOmens fault. They had tO Readed N that. Yeah, thats The prOblem wIth Them. These. They have nO accOuntabIlIty. Oub even The new GhOstbuster RebOOt ,but peOplIle came tO seeOl The Old guys One mOre tIme. Yeah, because The scrIpt. SO One. RIght. Keep wrItIng yOur scrIpts. PeOple dOnt watch. Has nOthIng tO dO wIth anythIndt. CaO dOn gO away. G d well be rIght back. SOrry yOu tO be happy, mOms. YOure safe. NOw we fInd mIssIng by my sIster. I hate yOu and thInk yOu pushed her. YOu dOnt get tO make The threats. Im cOmIng fOr yOu. SO check yOur lOcal lIstIngs. WelcOme tO The Internet. A magIcal place where anyOne be anythIng They want tO be. Im pretendIng tO be an elderly mans. Yeah, yOu are. Im a dOctOr whO has whaT YOu need tO see real results. FantastIc. And I saId I cOuld remOdel a kItchen. WaIt, yOu cant. On The Internet. I can. DOnt leave yOur jOb. An unfIltered Internet search. AngIe has 30 years Of experIence fIndIng best prOs. AngIe has dOne well. I can take The deed tO yOur hOuse, and I can transfer that deed IntO my name. The crIme Of tItle Theft. What Is that . What that means Is that a crImInal . Theyre able tO steal The tItle tO yOur hOme, typIcally by transferrIng It tO anOTher persOn and Then sellIng Or bOrrOwIng mOney agaInst The hOuse. SO They dOnt really want The physIcal prOperty . NO, They just tO bOrrOw agaInst IT Or sell It. The great thIng frOm a tItle ThIeves PerspectIve Is that nObOdy realIzes that I sOld yOur hOuse Or refIned It and bOrrOwed mOney agaInst It untIl I stOp makIng thOse mOrtgage payments. SO It cOuld be sIx mOnths later They start gettIng fOreclOsed On. MOst peOple have CredIt Cards, and The CredIt Card generally prOtects fraudulent charges On It and sO On. But what abOuT YOur hOme, thOugh . Thats where yOur equIty Is. Thats nOt The way It wOrks wIth tItle Theft. Thats nOt The way It wOrks at all. NObOdys helpIng yOu. NObOdys lOOkIng Out fOr yOu. Whats a hOmeOwner tO dO. I mean, when They fInd Out Theyre a vIctIm, what can They dO . They wOuld have tO gO tO maybe TheIr lOcal sherIff Or The pOlIce, and They wOuld have tO nOtIfy Them Of thIs crIme. And try and explaIn what happened, whIch Is a mess In Itself. And nObOdys prepared tO dO that. The thIng abOut HOme TItle LOck Is that never has tO happen. Why Is that . They nOtIfy yOu when Theres any change tO yOur tItle. SO yOu get nOtIfIed thaT YOur deed was transferred Or yOur was satIsfIed and yOure able tO cOntact HOme TItle LOck. COntact The authOrItIes and hOpefully catch The thIef In The mIddle Of thIs whOle prOcess. And If The tItle has been transferred OuT Of yOur name, HOme TItle LOck has a RestOratIOn Team that wIll cOme In, fIx yOur tItle, and place The prOperty back IntO yOur name. TItle fraud Is real. Its scary, but nOw Theres a way tO prOtecT YOurself. GIve us a call Or gO tO HOme TItle LOck IcOn and starT YOur trIple LOck TItle PrOtectIOn tOday. t These bIlls are crazy. Or mOr she hase nO Idea. Shes sIttIng On