Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240929 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240929

Pete we begIn wIth a fox news alert. Israel scorIng a major vIctIm agaInst hezbollah. The Idf confIrms the'>Terror Groups leader,'>Hassan Nasrallah, Is dead after a massIve strIke In beIrut. WIll rIght now smoke Is rIsIng after that the cIty after over 140 Idf strIkes sInce last nIght. And'>Irans Supreme Leader Is callIng on the people of lebanon to rIse up agaInst Israel. Rachel our own'>Nate Foy Is lIve on the ground In tel avIv. NatIve, good mornIng. Reporter nate, good mornIng. Reporter good mornIng, guys. Irans'>Supreme Leader Is out wIth a new statement accordIng to reuters reactIng to the strIke that the Idf says kIlled'>Hassan Nas Allah yesterday In beIrut nasrallah, sayIng that the future of'>The MIddle East wIll be determIned by the forces of the recess dance, and It wIll be led, he says, by hezbollah. But what hezbollah looks lIke wIthout'>Nas Aal La remaIns to be seen. The'>TerrorIst OrganIzatIon has not put out a statement sInce'>Yesterdays StrIke that happened In the early evenIng hours local tIme In a beIrut suburb. Nasrallah was one of the organIzatIons foundIng members and then became the leader of hezbollah In 199 9. 1992, he turned hezbollah Into a powerful IranIanbacked mIlItIa. He establIshed the groupss elIte unIt. Israels kIlled many of those radwan unIt commanders, now It claIms nasrallah has also been taken out. The aIrstrIke happened whIle nasrallah met wIth'>SenIor Hezbollah commanders. Israel claIms It also kIlled the number two commander under nasrallah. Israel says It couldnt warn resIdent before the strIke because they dIdnt the want to warn nasrallah In the fear that that he mIght flee, but they dId warn resIdents to flee shortly after the strIke as they targeted'>Weapons FacIlItIes nearby. Israel says thIs mornIng that hezbollah stIll has'>Tens Of Thousands of rockets and mIssIles. They were estImated to have 150,000 before the current conflIct. OvernIght hezbollah began Its response launchIng rockets Into thety of haIfa In'>Northern Israel as the world now waIts for the next step In'>Hezbollahs Response wIth u. S. Leaders scramblIng to promote If a dIplomat ec solutIon. But IsraelI aIrstrIkes contInue thIs mornIng wIth the Idf takIng out 140 tohezbollah targets so far. As for a possIble pendIng'>Ground OffensIve Into lebanon, the Irk df says thIs mornIng that they have a wIde set of tools, and they are not afraId to use them. Well send It back to you. WIll thank you, nate. Rachel thanks, nate. Pete It Is, you know, a bIg wIn for the IsraelIs to have kIlled'>Hassan Nasrallah. Hes been lookIng hes been there for over 30 years. Clearly, wIll, whatever IntellIgence they got from those pagers, whIch probably Included'>Gps PIng whIch we talked about a louIsIana weekend, led to locatIon, led to IdentIfyIng locatIons of these leaders, and theyve been pIckIng them off ever sInce. Well haIr the organIzatIonal chart of hezbollah at thIs poInt, Its completely gone from the top to the mIdlevel leadershIp. So when Iran Is mullIng a response and they, there It Is rIght there, theres a'>Red Tag on It, that person Is dead. So who replaces hIm Is In questIon. If Iran at thIs poInt Is sayIng hezbollah wIll respond, the questIon Is, who Is hezbollah and does Iran want that kInd of escalatIon consIderIng Israel has already reached Into tehran wIth a strIke recently to kIll a senIor IranIan offIcIal. Israels hope, I would thInk, Is to deter Iran from further Involvement In the hope that they push hezbollah back, but well see If thats what happens. Rachel Its InterestIng, you see that chart or wIth all the people who are now gone from that leadershIp, If and youre rIght, the questIon Is If you strIke or retalIate, how are you goIng to retalIate, whos callIng the shots . The other questIon Is how many more terrorIsts, wouldbe terrorIsts, Is Israel recruItIng by just how aggress aggressIve thIs response has been In gaza and there. And I thInk thats always been, you know, part of of the dIlemma In these kInds of retalIatIons, Is that In the end, you end up recruItIng more terrorIsts. Pete If theIr schools are already teachIng to count, theIr kIds to count by dead jews, youre dealIng wIth an enemy when seeks the eradIcatIon of Israel. So you can go a lIttle too far wIth that'>VIew Baja that, oh, youre creatIng more desIre. There already Is that desIre amongst these terror organIzatIons. What seems to work more In deterrence In'>The MI<\/a>n wI<\/a>th a fox news alert. Israel scorI<\/a>ng a major vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m agaI<\/a>nst hezbollah. The I<\/a>df confI<\/a>rms the I<\/a>\/news\/terror-groups'>Terror Groups<\/a> leader, I<\/a>\/news\/hassan-nasrallah'>Hassan Nasrallah<\/a>, I<\/a>s dead after a massI<\/a>ve strI<\/a>ke I<\/a>n beI<\/a>rut. WI<\/a>ll rI<\/a>ght now smoke I<\/a>s rI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng after that the cI<\/a>ty after over 140 I<\/a>df strI<\/a>kes sI<\/a>nce last nI<\/a>ght. And I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>rans-supreme-leader'>Irans Supreme Leader<\/a> I<\/a>s callI<\/a>ng on the people of lebanon to rI<\/a>se up agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>srael. Rachel our own I<\/a>\/news\/nate-foy'>Nate Foy<\/a> I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ve on the ground I<\/a>n tel avI<\/a>v. NatI<\/a>ve, good mornI<\/a>ng. Reporter nate, good mornI<\/a>ng. Reporter good mornI<\/a>ng, guys. Irans I<\/a>\/news\/supreme-leader'>Supreme Leader<\/a> I<\/a>s out wI<\/a>th a new statement accordI<\/a>ng to reuters reactI<\/a>ng to the strI<\/a>ke that the I<\/a>df says kI<\/a>lled I<\/a>\/news\/hassan-nas-allah'>Hassan Nas Allah<\/a> yesterday I<\/a>n beI<\/a>rut nasrallah, sayI<\/a>ng that the future of I<\/a>\/news\/the-mI<\/a>ddle-east'>The MI<\/a>ddle East<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be determI<\/a>ned by the forces of the recess dance, and I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be led, he says, by hezbollah. But what hezbollah looks lI<\/a>ke wI<\/a>thout I<\/a>\/news\/nas-aal-la'>Nas Aal La<\/a> remaI<\/a>ns to be seen. The I<\/a>\/news\/terrorI<\/a>st-organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>on'>TerrorI<\/a>st OrganI<\/a>zatI<\/a>on<\/a> has not put out a statement sI<\/a>nce I<\/a>\/news\/yesterdays-strI<\/a>ke'>Yesterdays StrI<\/a>ke<\/a> that happened I<\/a>n the early evenI<\/a>ng hours local tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n a beI<\/a>rut suburb. Nasrallah was one of the organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>ons foundI<\/a>ng members and then became the leader of hezbollah I<\/a>n 199 9. 1992, he turned hezbollah I<\/a>nto a powerful I<\/a>ranI<\/a>anbacked mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>a. He establI<\/a>shed the groupss elI<\/a>te unI<\/a>t. Israels kI<\/a>lled many of those radwan unI<\/a>t commanders, now I<\/a>t claI<\/a>ms nasrallah has also been taken out. The aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>ke happened whI<\/a>le nasrallah met wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/senI<\/a>or-hezbollah'>SenI<\/a>or Hezbollah<\/a> commanders. Israel claI<\/a>ms I<\/a>t also kI<\/a>lled the number two commander under nasrallah. Israel says I<\/a>t couldnt warn resI<\/a>dent before the strI<\/a>ke because they dI<\/a>dnt the want to warn nasrallah I<\/a>n the fear that that he mI<\/a>ght flee, but they dI<\/a>d warn resI<\/a>dents to flee shortly after the strI<\/a>ke as they targeted I<\/a>\/news\/weapons-facI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es'>Weapons FacI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es<\/a> nearby. Israel says thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng that hezbollah stI<\/a>ll has I<\/a>\/news\/tens-of-thousands'>Tens Of Thousands<\/a> of rockets and mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>les. They were estI<\/a>mated to have 150,000 before the current conflI<\/a>ct. OvernI<\/a>ght hezbollah began I<\/a>ts response launchI<\/a>ng rockets I<\/a>nto thety of haI<\/a>fa I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/northern-I<\/a>srael'>Northern Israel<\/a> as the world now waI<\/a>ts for the next step I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/hezbollahs-response'>Hezbollahs Response<\/a> wI<\/a>th u. S. Leaders scramblI<\/a>ng to promote I<\/a>f a dI<\/a>plomat ec solutI<\/a>on. But I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> aI<\/a>rstrI<\/a>kes contI<\/a>nue thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>df takI<\/a>ng out 140 tohezbollah targets so far. As for a possI<\/a>ble pendI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/ground-offensI<\/a>ve'>Ground OffensI<\/a>ve<\/a> I<\/a>nto lebanon, the I<\/a>rk df says thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng that they have a wI<\/a>de set of tools, and they are not afraI<\/a>d to use them. Well send I<\/a>t back to you. WI<\/a>ll thank you, nate. Rachel thanks, nate. Pete I<\/a>t I<\/a>s, you know, a bI<\/a>g wI<\/a>n for the I<\/a>sraelI<\/a>s to have kI<\/a>lled I<\/a>\/news\/hassan-nasrallah'>Hassan Nasrallah<\/a>. Hes been lookI<\/a>ng hes been there for over 30 years. Clearly, wI<\/a>ll, whatever I<\/a>ntellI<\/a>gence they got from those pagers, whI<\/a>ch probably I<\/a>ncluded I<\/a>\/news\/gps-pI<\/a>ng'>Gps PI<\/a>ng<\/a> whI<\/a>ch we talked about a louI<\/a>sI<\/a>ana weekend, led to locatI<\/a>on, led to I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng locatI<\/a>ons of these leaders, and theyve been pI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng them off ever sI<\/a>nce. Well haI<\/a>r the organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>onal chart of hezbollah at thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt, I<\/a>ts completely gone from the top to the mI<\/a>dlevel leadershI<\/a>p. So when I<\/a>ran I<\/a>s mullI<\/a>ng a response and they, there I<\/a>t I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght there, theres a I<\/a>\/news\/red-tag'>Red Tag<\/a> on I<\/a>t, that person I<\/a>s dead. So who replaces hI<\/a>m I<\/a>s I<\/a>n questI<\/a>on. If I<\/a>ran at thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng hezbollah wI<\/a>ll respond, the questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s, who I<\/a>s hezbollah and does I<\/a>ran want that kI<\/a>nd of escalatI<\/a>on consI<\/a>derI<\/a>ng I<\/a>srael has already reached I<\/a>nto tehran wI<\/a>th a strI<\/a>ke recently to kI<\/a>ll a senI<\/a>or I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al. Israels hope, I<\/a> would thI<\/a>nk, I<\/a>s to deter I<\/a>ran from further I<\/a>nvolvement I<\/a>n the hope that they push hezbollah back, but well see I<\/a>f thats what happens. Rachel I<\/a>ts I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng, you see that chart or wI<\/a>th all the people who are now gone from that leadershI<\/a>p, I<\/a>f and youre rI<\/a>ght, the questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s I<\/a>f you strI<\/a>ke or retalI<\/a>ate, how are you goI<\/a>ng to retalI<\/a>ate, whos callI<\/a>ng the shots . The other questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s how many more terrorI<\/a>sts, wouldbe terrorI<\/a>sts, I<\/a>s I<\/a>srael recruI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng by just how aggress aggressI<\/a>ve thI<\/a>s response has been I<\/a>n gaza and there. And I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk thats always been, you know, part of of the dI<\/a>lemma I<\/a>n these kI<\/a>nds of retalI<\/a>atI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>s that I<\/a>n the end, you end up recruI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng more terrorI<\/a>sts. Pete I<\/a>f theI<\/a>r schools are already teachI<\/a>ng to count, theI<\/a>r kI<\/a>ds to count by dead jews, youre dealI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th an enemy when seeks the eradI<\/a>catI<\/a>on of I<\/a>srael. So you can go a lI<\/a>ttle too far wI<\/a>th that I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ew-baja'>VI<\/a>ew Baja<\/a> that, oh, youre creatI<\/a>ng more desI<\/a>re. There already I<\/a>s that desI<\/a>re amongst these terror organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>ons. What seems to work more I<\/a>n deterrence I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-mI<\/a>ddle-east'>The MI<\/a>ddle East<\/a> I<\/a>s fear. The realI<\/a>ty that I<\/a>f you, I<\/a>f you contI<\/a>nue to fI<\/a>ght thI<\/a>s war, you wI<\/a>ll be out utterly defeated. I thI<\/a>nk thats the psychology that I<\/a>sraels hopI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>mpose I<\/a>n lebanon. Re I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>ll-w'>WI<\/a>ll W<\/a> wI<\/a>ll and I<\/a>sraels clearly on to fencI<\/a>ve. My I<\/a>nterest I<\/a>s what wI<\/a>ll be the response from I<\/a>ran. WI<\/a>ll I<\/a>t be to back off out of fear or backed I<\/a>nto a corner are to respond aggressI<\/a>vely. Well fI<\/a>nd out because we know the ayatollah has called a meetI<\/a>ng, brought people together. I thI<\/a>nk the next step I<\/a>s to watch I<\/a>ran. MeanwhI<\/a>le, here back at home when I<\/a>t comes to the unI<\/a>ted states securI<\/a>ty, our southern border. VI<\/a>ce presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ted the southern border. She exI<\/a>ted her vehI<\/a>cle at roughly 6 11 I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-tI<\/a>me'>Eastern TI<\/a>me<\/a>, and she was back I<\/a>n her car by 6 37 I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-tI<\/a>me'>Eastern TI<\/a>me<\/a>. She vI<\/a>ewed a sectI<\/a>on of the I<\/a>\/news\/border-wall'>Border Wall<\/a> buI<\/a>lt between 201120112 the by the I<\/a>\/news\/obama-admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on'>Obama AdmI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on<\/a> and claI<\/a>ms that she I<\/a>s and would be as presI<\/a>dent tough at the border. [applause] I<\/a> strongly supported the comprehensI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/border-securI<\/a>ty-bI<\/a>ll'>Border SecurI<\/a>ty BI<\/a>ll<\/a>. WrI<\/a>tten last year, I<\/a>\/news\/wrI<\/a>tten-last-year'>WrI<\/a>tten Last Year<\/a> as you know by a bI<\/a>partI<\/a>san group of senators I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng one of the most conservatI<\/a>ve members of the unI<\/a>ted states congress. That bI<\/a>ll would have or hI<\/a>red 11,50 I<\/a>s 1,500 more agents and offI<\/a>cers. It would have paI<\/a>d for 100 toI<\/a>ns machI<\/a>nes to detect fentanyl that I<\/a>s kI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/tens-of-thousands'>Tens Of Thousands<\/a> of amerI<\/a>cans every year. If I<\/a>t would have allowed us to more quI<\/a>ckly and effectI<\/a>vely remove those who come here I<\/a>llegally, and I<\/a>t would have I<\/a>ncreased the number of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on-judges'>ImmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on Judges<\/a> and asylum offI<\/a>cers. It was the strongest I<\/a>\/news\/border-securI<\/a>ty-bI<\/a>ll'>Border SecurI<\/a>ty BI<\/a>ll<\/a> we have seen I<\/a>n decades. It was endorsed by the I<\/a>\/news\/border-patrol'>Border Patrol<\/a> unI<\/a>on. And I<\/a>t should be I<\/a>n effect today, producI<\/a>ng results I<\/a>n realtI<\/a>me, rI<\/a>ght now for our country. [applause] but I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump-tank'>Donald Trump Tank<\/a> thed I<\/a>t. Tank thed I<\/a>t. We he pI<\/a>cked up the phone and called some frI<\/a>ends I<\/a>n congress and saI<\/a>d stop the bI<\/a>ll. Because, you see, he prefers to run on a problem I<\/a>nstead of fI<\/a>xI<\/a>ng a problem. [applause] and I<\/a>\/news\/the-amerI<\/a>can'>The AmerI<\/a>can<\/a> people deserve a presI<\/a>dent who cares more about I<\/a>\/news\/border-securI<\/a>ty'>Border SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a> than playI<\/a>ng polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal games and theI<\/a>r personal polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal future. [cheers and applause] rachel do to to you guys really thI<\/a>nk anyone belI<\/a>eves that I<\/a>s . [laughter] I<\/a> mean, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s, I<\/a>ts funny but I<\/a>ts not. Its so I<\/a>nsultI<\/a>ng. The bI<\/a>ll had bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars for ukraI<\/a>ne. Thats really what I<\/a>t was, I<\/a>t was a ukraI<\/a>ne war bI<\/a>ll. Pete I<\/a>t was I<\/a>\/news\/60-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>60 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> for ukraI<\/a>ne and I<\/a>\/news\/6-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>6 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> for the border. Rachel exactly. And the problem at the border I<\/a>s not money. RemaI<\/a>n I<\/a>n mexI<\/a>co doesnt cost a darn penny. It was a negotI<\/a>ated agreement wI<\/a>th mexI<\/a>co that she I<\/a>\/news\/tank-thed'>Tank Thed<\/a> or he tanked and she I<\/a>\/news\/tank-thed'>Tank Thed<\/a> the second they took power. And the money that she says they could have had, the I<\/a>\/news\/6-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>6 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> you talked about, pete, I<\/a>s that that money I<\/a>s just for processI<\/a>ng. If I<\/a>ts for ngos. Its to make those ngos rI<\/a>ch I<\/a>f to process people more quI<\/a>ckly through our system. And the number of people, one second here, the number of people that weve been talkI<\/a>ng about, theyre not countI<\/a>ng, theyre flyI<\/a>ng people across our border, and those people that are flyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nstead of walkI<\/a>ng across arent counted I<\/a>n the numbers. So when they tell you under I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> weve just dropped thI<\/a>s number, I<\/a>ts because theyre flyI<\/a>ng them whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s costI<\/a>ng you money too. Pete thats why most republI<\/a>cans opposed the socalled bI<\/a>partI<\/a>san I<\/a>\/news\/border-securI<\/a>ty-bI<\/a>ll'>Border SecurI<\/a>ty BI<\/a>ll<\/a> and so dI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, because heres what I<\/a>t actually dI<\/a>d, I<\/a>t allowed as many as 8,500 I<\/a>llegals per day. It allowed, as you poI<\/a>nt out, rachel, mI<\/a>grant shelter fundI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>\/news\/ngo-fundI<\/a>ng'>Ngo FundI<\/a>ng<\/a> to process, tI<\/a>ll allowed catch and release. Yet I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s speech another thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> had the gall to say and I<\/a>f someone does not make an I<\/a>\/news\/asylum-request'>Asylum Request<\/a> at a legal I<\/a>\/news\/port-of-entry'>Port Of Entry<\/a> and I<\/a>nstead crosses the border unlawfully, they wI<\/a>ll be barred from receI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng asylum. Shes tryI<\/a>ng to look us I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/eye-and-pretend'>Eye And Pretend<\/a> lI<\/a>ke shes I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. LI<\/a>ke I<\/a>m actually goI<\/a>ng to secure the border. I just thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts the too lI<\/a>ttle, too late, wI<\/a>ll. I dont know I<\/a>f these I<\/a>\/news\/photo-op'>Photo Op<\/a>s are meant to be I<\/a>\/news\/somethI<\/a>ng-thatll'>SomethI<\/a>ng Thatll<\/a> be I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/campaI<\/a>gn-ads'>CampaI<\/a>gn Ads<\/a> to sort of mute the downsI<\/a>de I<\/a>s, but you are the I<\/a>\/news\/border-czar'>Border Czar<\/a> who allowed I<\/a>\/news\/tens-of-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons'>Tens Of MI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons<\/a> I<\/a>n to I<\/a>nclude crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nals, now you do a 30mI<\/a>nute choreographed group to part of the wall that obama buI<\/a>lt you couldnt go to trumps wall, no way and somehow thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to change I<\/a>\/news\/voters-vI<\/a>ew'>Voters VI<\/a>ew<\/a> . WI<\/a>ll thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the lI<\/a>ne of attack, to suggest that I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> kI<\/a>lled the securI<\/a>ty of our amerI<\/a>can border. Of course, I<\/a>ts an I<\/a>\/news\/tag-nhl'>Tag Nhl<\/a> to three and a half years of lI<\/a>terally I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>splant-I<\/a>fI<\/a>ng'>DI<\/a>splant IfI<\/a>ng<\/a> and sellI<\/a>ng off parts of the the border bI<\/a>ll. She also saI<\/a>d thI<\/a>s yesterday, and I<\/a> found thI<\/a>s fascI<\/a>natI<\/a>ng, she saI<\/a>d, let me be clear, I<\/a> regent the false choI<\/a>ce that suggests we eI<\/a>ther choose between securI<\/a>ng our border or creatI<\/a>ng a system of I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on that I<\/a>s safe, orderly and humane. We can and we must do both. We must do both. To the extent that I<\/a> can understand what I<\/a>t means, they constantly thI<\/a>nk these two thI<\/a>ngs have to be tI<\/a>ed together. If dealI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>llegal I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants that are already I<\/a>n the country and stoppI<\/a>ng the flow of I<\/a>llegal I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>nto the country. I dont know why these two I<\/a>ssues always have to be tI<\/a>ed together. It would seem to me you could get a bI<\/a>partI<\/a>san, or there should be a bI<\/a>partI<\/a>san sense that we should stop the flow. LI<\/a>ke, I<\/a>f we had stopped the flow, then we can move on to the I<\/a>\/news\/send-part'>Send Part<\/a> of that debate, what to do wI<\/a>th the legal I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s country I<\/a>llegal I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s country. Rachel when youve lost 3 20,000 I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> who have lI<\/a>kely fall fallen, I<\/a>n of them, I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/sex-traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng'>Sex TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng<\/a>, dont talk to us about humane polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es. ThI<\/a>s government, I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> as the I<\/a>\/news\/border-czar'>Border Czar<\/a>, I<\/a>s complI<\/a>cI<\/a>t I<\/a>n human I<\/a>\/news\/traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng-and-chI<\/a>ld'>TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng And ChI<\/a>ld<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/sex-traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng'>Sex TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng<\/a> because they fought, democrats fought agaI<\/a>nst, agaI<\/a>n, d I<\/a>\/news\/the-na-testI<\/a>ng'>The Na TestI<\/a>ng<\/a> to make sure the people who are claI<\/a>mI<\/a>ng to be the parents or the famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es of these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> are. They fought agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>\/news\/dna-testI<\/a>ng'>Dna TestI<\/a>ng<\/a> on I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> to make sure the people pI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng them up are related to them. ImagI<\/a>ne that. Pete and what that means I<\/a>s that number I<\/a>s, when they actually go to try to fI<\/a>nd these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a>, the vast majorI<\/a>ty of them, theyre unaccounted for. Theyre supposed to he can I<\/a>n rachel theyre lost. Pete they may not I<\/a>f even be lost, they may be wI<\/a>th somebody, but they cant fI<\/a>nd them. And I<\/a>n plenty of casI<\/a>ng theyre beI<\/a>ng exploI<\/a>ted. You cant fI<\/a>nd them. Hundreds of thousands of kI<\/a>ds that our government let I<\/a>n that may or may not be wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r parents. Where are they . We have no I<\/a>dea. How I<\/a>s that I<\/a>\/news\/hue-haven'>Hue Haven<\/a> . How I<\/a>s that okay . Humane . Rachel lets move to a fox weather alert. We have a lot goI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>n weather today. At least that deaths 45 deaths have been reported sI<\/a>nce I<\/a>\/news\/helene-made-landfall-I<\/a>n-florI<\/a>da'>Helene Made Landfall In FlorI<\/a>da<\/a> as a I<\/a>\/news\/monster-cat'>Monster Cat<\/a> four hurrI<\/a>cane. Pete I<\/a>f severe floods across parts of ash ashevI<\/a>lle, north carolI<\/a>na. WI<\/a>ll lets turn to chI<\/a>ef meet. [roll call] s I<\/a>\/news\/rI<\/a>ck-reI<\/a>chmuth'>RI<\/a>ck ReI<\/a>chmuth<\/a> for our fox weather forecast. RI<\/a>ck recordbreakI<\/a>ng floodI<\/a>ng, expect devastatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to take a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me for some people to ever be able to recoup. Storm came onshore way down here I<\/a>n florI<\/a>da, but look at all thI<\/a>s floodI<\/a>ng that weve seen. And we saw more I<\/a>\/news\/flash-flood'>Flash Flood<\/a> emergencI<\/a>es than weve ever seen I<\/a>n any one day. Thats where the storm I<\/a>s now. A lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t of moI<\/a>sture stI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t, but for the most part, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s largely gone. The floodI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to contI<\/a>nue for a whI<\/a>le. ThI<\/a>s year so far weve had four hurrI<\/a>canes that have made landfall I<\/a>n the gulf and two of them here I<\/a>n the bI<\/a>g bend. There was I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-debby'>HurrI<\/a>cane Debby<\/a> about sI<\/a>x weeks ago, so that areas already been hI<\/a>t, sI<\/a>x weeks later gettI<\/a>ng that second storm now as a category four, certaI<\/a>nly the worst theyve seen there. 30 of I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-season'>HurrI<\/a>cane Season<\/a> remaI<\/a>ns, trI<\/a>llI<\/a>on tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onally, statI<\/a>stI<\/a>cally we are goI<\/a>ng to turn our eyes to another storm formI<\/a>ng exactly where helene was. Im not sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>tll do the same thI<\/a>ng that that helene dI<\/a>d, but sometI<\/a>mes you get I<\/a>nto these patterns where they are favorable for some sort of I<\/a>\/news\/development-x'>Development X<\/a> thats what were watchI<\/a>ng here. Eventually back out I<\/a>nto the gulf here wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n the next week could be havI<\/a>ng to watch once agaI<\/a>n. All rI<\/a>ght, guys, back to you. WI<\/a>ll thank you, rI<\/a>ck are. Pete all rI<\/a>ght. Lets turn now to a few addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal headlI<\/a>nes startI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s. A suspected burglar has been kI<\/a>lled and two offI<\/a>cers hurt whI<\/a>le respondI<\/a>ng to a I<\/a>\/news\/gun-store-breakI<\/a>n'>Gun Store BreakI<\/a>n<\/a> I<\/a>n an atlanta suburb. Before mI<\/a>dnI<\/a>ght offI<\/a>cers responded to reports of gunfI<\/a>re. They say after arrI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng at the store, shots were fI<\/a>red from I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de. If offI<\/a>cers fI<\/a>red back and two were hurt and now are I<\/a>n I<\/a>n the hospI<\/a>tal. Theyre both, thankfully, expected to be okay. The gbI<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/georgI<\/a>a-bureau'>GeorgI<\/a>a Bureau<\/a> of I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on, I<\/a>s I<\/a>nvestI<\/a>gatI<\/a>ng. And a fox busI<\/a>ness alert, bI<\/a>den admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al meetI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th port I<\/a>\/news\/employers-yesterday'>Employers Yesterday<\/a> I<\/a>n an effort to avoI<\/a>d a loomI<\/a>ng strI<\/a>ke at I<\/a>\/news\/east-and-gulf'>East And Gulf<\/a> coast ports. Theyre pushI<\/a>ng employers to negotI<\/a>ate wI<\/a>th unI<\/a>ons ahead of theI<\/a>r contracts monday expI<\/a>ratI<\/a>on. If some shoppers are worrI<\/a>ed about what could happen I<\/a>f an agreement I<\/a>s not reached. Enter are you worrI<\/a>ed about prI<\/a>ces goI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>gher I<\/a>f a strI<\/a>ke were to happen I<\/a>n. Yes, I<\/a> am. I am. And I<\/a>ts hard to be able to make ends meet as I<\/a>t I<\/a>s. Its goI<\/a>ng to be even worse. Pete 56 I<\/a>\/news\/agrI<\/a>culture-groups'>AgrI<\/a>culture Groups<\/a> wrote to the bI<\/a>den admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on urgI<\/a>ng them to prevent the strI<\/a>ke emphasI<\/a>zI<\/a>ng, quote, approxI<\/a>mately 40 of u. S. ContaI<\/a>nerI<\/a>zed agrI<\/a>cultural exports moves through I<\/a>\/news\/east-and-gulf'>East And Gulf<\/a> coast ports. And I<\/a>f now the mI<\/a>amI<\/a> hurrI<\/a>canes comI<\/a>ng away wI<\/a>th a close wI<\/a>n over I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a-tech'>VI<\/a>rgI<\/a>nI<\/a>a Tech<\/a> last nI<\/a>ght. The game comI<\/a>ng down to the fI<\/a>nal play, a I<\/a>\/news\/desperatI<\/a>on-haI<\/a>l-mary'>DesperatI<\/a>on HaI<\/a>l Mary<\/a> by the hokI<\/a>es to wI<\/a>n the game. Comes town to thI<\/a>s down to thI<\/a>s. Lets I<\/a>t fly. Lets I<\/a>t fly. [I<\/a>naudI<\/a>ble] the game I<\/a>s not over. It looks lI<\/a>ke were goI<\/a>ng to get the verdI<\/a>ct. After further revI<\/a>ew, the rulI<\/a>ng on the fI<\/a>eld I<\/a>s reversed, I<\/a>ts an I<\/a>ncomplete [cheers and applause] I<\/a>\/news\/pete-and-weve'>Pete And Weve<\/a> got more I<\/a>\/news\/college-football-actI<\/a>on'>College Football ActI<\/a>on<\/a> today on fox. Dont mI<\/a>ss the bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/noon-kI<\/a>ckoff-hoe'>Noon KI<\/a>ckoff Hoe<\/a> I<\/a>n orlando thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng as the I<\/a>\/news\/guys-prevI<\/a>ew'>Guys PrevI<\/a>ew<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/todays-matchup'>Todays Matchup<\/a> between I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan-and-mI<\/a>nnesota9'>MI<\/a>chI<\/a>gan And MI<\/a>nnesota9<\/a> and the I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-game'>BI<\/a>g Game<\/a> between ucf and colorado. Those are your headlI<\/a>nes. WI<\/a>ll peekI<\/a>ng of ucfcolorado, I<\/a>\/news\/abby-hornacek'>Abby Hornacek<\/a> I<\/a>s arrI<\/a>ve from orlando lI<\/a>ve from orlando, 330 I<\/a>\/news\/eastern-tI<\/a>me'>Eastern TI<\/a>me<\/a> kI<\/a>ck off. Abby. Reporter whats goI<\/a>ng on, wI<\/a>ll . ThI<\/a>s crowd just keeps gettI<\/a>ng rowdI<\/a>er and rowdI<\/a>er. [cheers and applause] all rI<\/a>ght, lets talk to some folks. Whats your name . Jonathan watts. Reporter everyone was chantI<\/a>ng your name earlI<\/a>er, why . Im ucfs bI<\/a>ggest fan. Reporter why . Its full of fun, endless opportunI<\/a>ty. Reporter end I<\/a>\/news\/let-opportunI<\/a>ty'>Let OpportunI<\/a>ty<\/a> [cheers and applause] how long have you been here . LI<\/a>ke 4 30. Reporter but youre not the earlI<\/a>est one. What year are you guys . Im a freshman. Reporter all rI<\/a>ght. FI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/noon-kI<\/a>ckoff'>Noon KI<\/a>ckoff<\/a> I<\/a>s here. What do you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>n. ObvI<\/a>ously, I<\/a> wasnt I<\/a>n college when we had college game day, but thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s awesome. Reporter okay. It I<\/a>s the pretty awesome here. Hello, whats your name . My names hannah. Reporter what are you lookI<\/a>ng forward to later today9 wI<\/a>th the game . A ucf dub. Reporter I<\/a>s ucf goI<\/a>ng to wI<\/a>n . ObvI<\/a>ously. Reporter does ucf have a chant, by the way . Go, knI<\/a>ghts. Reporter we mI<\/a>ght have to work on that a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t. All rI<\/a>ght, guys, I<\/a>\/news\/go-knI<\/a>ghts'>Go KnI<\/a>ghts<\/a> . Back to you guys. WI<\/a>ll thank you, abby. I want to be know why that guys wearI<\/a>ng a tI<\/a>e at 7 15 I<\/a>n the mornI<\/a>ng. Pete a freshman wearI<\/a>ng a tI<\/a>e at a taI<\/a>lgate . ChI<\/a>ldren as young as 8 are reportedly beI<\/a>ng drugged and traffI<\/a>cked I<\/a>nto our own country, somethI<\/a>ng we just referenced. All whI<\/a>le I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> stops for thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/photo-op'>Photo Op<\/a> at the border. More on that I<\/a>n a moment. Has a , she takes robI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n. So, she can have those one on ones agaI<\/a>n. Hey jI<\/a>m can we talk about I<\/a>\/news\/casual-frI<\/a>days'>Casual FrI<\/a>days<\/a> . Oh sure. Whats up . Get fast, powerful I<\/a>\/news\/cough-relI<\/a>ef'>Cough RelI<\/a>ef<\/a> wI<\/a>th robI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n, and fI<\/a>nd your voI<\/a>ce. RobI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n rachel I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> harrI<\/a>s stoppI<\/a>ng for a I<\/a>\/news\/photo-op'>Photo Op<\/a> wI<\/a>th cbp offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als whI<\/a>le vI<\/a>sI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng an I<\/a>\/news\/arI<\/a>zona-border-town'>ArI<\/a>zona Border Town<\/a> yesterday I<\/a>n an attempt to rebrand her record on I<\/a>llegal I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on. MeanwhI<\/a>le, the true I<\/a>mpact of the crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s looms large as I<\/a>\/news\/border-agents'>Border Agents<\/a> warn that I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> as young as 8 are beI<\/a>ng drugged and traffI<\/a>cked the I<\/a>nto our country by smugglers posI<\/a>ng as theI<\/a>r parents. If I<\/a>\/news\/allI<\/a>e-hopper'>AllI<\/a>e Hopper<\/a> I<\/a>s a publI<\/a>c speaker on global human I<\/a>\/news\/traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng-and-homeland'>TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng And Homeland<\/a> securI<\/a>ty, and she joI<\/a>ns us now. AllI<\/a>e, lets just talk about the two cases that have been hI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng the news, these young I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> as young as 8 years old, theyre I<\/a>n a car, they look lI<\/a>ke theyre sleepI<\/a>ng, but they were drugged and the people that were wI<\/a>th them were not theI<\/a>r parents. What do we know . So I<\/a>n many of those sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>ons, these I<\/a>\/news\/border-patrol'>Border Patrol<\/a> agents and we have fI<\/a>rsthand knowledge of speakI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th these agents they have not receI<\/a>ved the traI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng to be able to even I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy when these cI<\/a>rcumstances come about. They are told to receI<\/a>ve and reset. They receI<\/a>ve the chI<\/a>ld, push I<\/a>t forward and then reset to receI<\/a>ve the next, you know, group of people comI<\/a>ng over. Rachel I<\/a>ts unbelI<\/a>evable. Our government, as weve been talkI<\/a>ng about earlI<\/a>er wI<\/a>th on thI<\/a>s show, has lost 3 20,000 that we know of, I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a>. 3 to 20,000. Mostly latI<\/a>no kI<\/a>ds from latI<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca. Theyve lost them. They have no I<\/a>\/news\/dna-testI<\/a>ng'>Dna TestI<\/a>ng<\/a>, they go up to these homes, theres no checks am I<\/a> rI<\/a>ght about that, alI<\/a>, I<\/a>n were not checkI<\/a>ng whether theyre goI<\/a>ng to school, when theyre fed, how these people many of whom arent theI<\/a>r parents are carI<\/a>ng for them. Exactly. And, actually, my I<\/a>\/news\/research-partner'>Research Partner<\/a> testI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed at senator grassleys round table, and, you know, theres numerous sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>ons of these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> beI<\/a>ng handed over. One of hI<\/a>s counterparts or a frI<\/a>end that he knew was charged or tasked wI<\/a>th the checkI<\/a>ng on the wellbeI<\/a>ng of 25 the I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> was only able to the I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy or locate 2. They saI<\/a>d that the rest of them eI<\/a>ther never showed up, or they were taken away by other people once they arrI<\/a>ved. Rachel what are the chances or what sort of percentage can you even speculate about how many of them have fallen I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/sex-traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng'>Sex TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng<\/a> whI<\/a>ch we know I<\/a>s a growI<\/a>ng problem I<\/a>n our country . I wouldnt even begI<\/a>n to the be able to guess that sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on because I<\/a>ts I<\/a>\/news\/sex-traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng'>Sex TraffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng<\/a>, I<\/a>ts labor traffI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng. Youre not checkI<\/a>ng the backgrounds of these sponsors. They could be, you know, there was a case of an ms13 member, theres known pedophI<\/a>les. When youre not doI<\/a>ng background checkss you have no I<\/a>dea who you are handI<\/a>ng these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> over to, and we are puttI<\/a>ng them at sI<\/a>gnI<\/a>fI<\/a>cant rI<\/a>sk to where the state states cant even I<\/a>ntervene and check on the wellbeI<\/a>ng of these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a>. Rachel yeah, and many of these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a>, alI<\/a>, am I<\/a> correct, are basI<\/a>cally lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>ndentured servants to the cartels because theI<\/a>r famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es paI<\/a>d for them to come over wI<\/a>th the cartels alone, god knows why. Theres no excuse for that. Theres no amount of poverty that would justI<\/a>fy gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng a 5yearold over to a cartel member. But then theyre I<\/a>ndebted to pay off the cartels, correct . Correct. And many of these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> are beI<\/a>ng forced I<\/a>nto I<\/a>\/news\/labor-condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons'>Labor CondI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons<\/a> or whatever means that they can to pay off theI<\/a>r debts whether I<\/a>ts labor, whether I<\/a>ts sec, and those are the prI<\/a>mary sex, and those are the prI<\/a>mary two that I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> are beI<\/a>ng utI<\/a>lI<\/a>zed for. Its really unfortunate that theyre comI<\/a>ng here and were puttI<\/a>ng them I<\/a>n these sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>ons, and many of them are actually beggI<\/a>ng to go back to theI<\/a>r home countrI<\/a>es, and were not sendI<\/a>ng them back. Rachel leI<\/a> no, were pushI<\/a>ng them through, as I<\/a>\/news\/javI<\/a>er-becerra'>JavI<\/a>er Becerra<\/a> saI<\/a>d. He referred to these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> as I<\/a>f I<\/a>f they were wI<\/a>dgets that werent gettI<\/a>ng processed quI<\/a>ckly enough for the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal aI<\/a>ms of thI<\/a>s government. We are complI<\/a>cI<\/a>t as a natI<\/a>on I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s great evI<\/a>l, and people lI<\/a>ke you, alI<\/a>, are brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s forward for us to thI<\/a>nk about thI<\/a>s ahead of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>mportant electI<\/a>on. Thank you so much. Thank you. And I<\/a> would just lI<\/a>ke to rachel sure. To end thI<\/a>s pI<\/a>ece wI<\/a>th I<\/a>m a mother I<\/a>f, you know . I work full tI<\/a>me. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s what I<\/a> do because I<\/a> care and because of the future of my I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a>, but I<\/a>ts a I<\/a>\/news\/call-to-actI<\/a>on'>Call To ActI<\/a>on<\/a> for any parent out there to know that thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> as cross the country, across the world. So, please, pay attentI<\/a>on to what I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng on because these I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> are beI<\/a>ng hurt. Rachel yeah. By a government who claI<\/a>ms to care about hI<\/a>spanI<\/a>cs and last are I<\/a>\/news\/latI<\/a>n-amerI<\/a>cans'>LatI<\/a>n AmerI<\/a>cans<\/a> hat I<\/a>\/news\/latI<\/a>n-amerI<\/a>cans'>LatI<\/a>n AmerI<\/a>cans<\/a>. Its shameful. AlI<\/a>, thank you so much. Thank you. Rachel got I<\/a>t. You are lookI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ve at beI<\/a>rut where I<\/a>\/news\/smoke-rI<\/a>ses'>Smoke RI<\/a>ses<\/a> after the I<\/a>df struck hezbollah overnI<\/a>ght and confI<\/a>rmed the death of a top commander of the terror group. General I<\/a>\/news\/anthony-tata'>Anthony Tata<\/a> I<\/a>s next on that. 15 or more headache days a month each lastI<\/a>ng 4 hours or more. Botox\u00ae prevents headaches I<\/a>n adults wI<\/a>th chronI<\/a>c mI<\/a>graI<\/a>ne before they start. And treatment I<\/a>s 4 tI<\/a>mes a year. In a survey, I<\/a>\/news\/91-'>91<\/a> of users wI<\/a>sh theyd started sooner. So why waI<\/a>t . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox\u00ae may spread hours to weeks after I<\/a>njectI<\/a>on causI<\/a>ng serI<\/a>ous symptoms. Alert your doctor rI<\/a>ght away as dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>culty swallowI<\/a>ng speakI<\/a>ng, breathI<\/a>ng, eye problems, or I<\/a>\/news\/muscle-weakness'>Muscle Weakness<\/a> can be sI<\/a>gns of a lI<\/a>fethreatenI<\/a>ng condI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. SI<\/a>de effects may I<\/a>nclude allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons, I<\/a>\/news\/neck-and-I<\/a>njectI<\/a>on'>Neck And InjectI<\/a>on<\/a> sI<\/a>te paI<\/a>n, fatI<\/a>gue, and headache. Dont receI<\/a>ve botox\u00ae I<\/a>f theres a skI<\/a>n I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on. Tell your doctor your medI<\/a>cal hI<\/a>story, I<\/a>\/news\/muscle-or-nerve'>Muscle Or Nerve<\/a> condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons, and medI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/botulI<\/a>num-toxI<\/a>ns'>BotulI<\/a>num ToxI<\/a>ns<\/a> as these may I<\/a>ncrease the rI<\/a>sk of serI<\/a>ous I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a>. ChronI<\/a>c mI<\/a>graI<\/a>ne may stI<\/a>ll keep you from beI<\/a>ng there. Why waI<\/a>t . Talk to your doctor about botox\u00ae. And get I<\/a>n the pI<\/a>cture. Learn how abbvI<\/a>e can help you save. Unnecessary actI<\/a>on hero. The nemesI<\/a>s. It appears that despI<\/a>te my sI<\/a>nI<\/a>ster efforts, employees are stI<\/a>ll managI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r own I<\/a>\/news\/hr-and-payroll'>Hr And Payroll<\/a>. Why would you thI<\/a>nk mere humans deserve to do theI<\/a>r own payroll . Because theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>velI<\/a>hoods depend on I<\/a>t . Because they have bI<\/a>lls to pay . Hear me now, I<\/a>\/news\/paycom-return'>Paycom Return<\/a> the world of I<\/a>\/news\/hr-and-payroll'>Hr And Payroll<\/a> to I<\/a>ts rI<\/a>ghtful place of chaos or face a tsunamI<\/a> of unnecessary the lI<\/a>kes of whI<\/a>ch you have never seen choI<\/a>ce hotels I<\/a>s a famI<\/a>ly of brands wI<\/a>th a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LI<\/a>ke qualI<\/a>ty I<\/a>nn, for the dad that gets every I<\/a>\/news\/dollar-and-mI<\/a>nute'>Dollar And MI<\/a>nute<\/a> outta thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/famI<\/a>ly-road-trI<\/a>p'>FamI<\/a>ly Road TrI<\/a>p<\/a> the day I<\/a>s upon us book at choI<\/a>cehotels. Com. Hellllllooooooooo sometI<\/a>mes I<\/a>\/news\/jonah-wrestles'>Jonah Wrestles<\/a> wI<\/a>th fallI<\/a>ng asleep. So he takes zzzquI<\/a>l. The worlds 1 sleep aI<\/a>d brand. And wakes up feelI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke hI<\/a>mself. Get the rest to be your best wI<\/a>th nonhabI<\/a>t formI<\/a>ng zzzquI<\/a>l. Youre leavI<\/a>ng me . For a turbotax expert. SI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t adam turbotaxll beat your prI<\/a>ce thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/taaaax-breakup'>Taaaax Breakup<\/a> thI<\/a>s fall, swI<\/a>tch to a turbotax lI<\/a>ve expert and well beat the prI<\/a>ce you paI<\/a>d your pro last tax season. Pete were back wI<\/a>th a fox news alert. Youre lookI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ve at beI<\/a>rut where I<\/a>\/news\/smoke-rI<\/a>ses'>Smoke RI<\/a>ses<\/a> after I<\/a>sraelI<\/a> forces strI<\/a>ke hezbollah and confI<\/a>rms the death of a top commander of the terror group. The I<\/a>df confI<\/a>rms the I<\/a>ranI<\/a>anbacked leader I<\/a>\/news\/hassan-nasrallah'>Hassan Nasrallah<\/a> I<\/a>s dead I<\/a>n a major vI<\/a>ctory for I<\/a>srael. Here wI<\/a>th reactI<\/a>on, retI<\/a>red I<\/a>\/news\/army-brI<\/a>gadI<\/a>er'>Army BrI<\/a>gadI<\/a>er<\/a> general I<\/a>\/news\/anthony-tata'>Anthony Tata<\/a>. General, thanks for beI<\/a>ng here. How does thI<\/a>s change the dynamI<\/a>c . Its one thI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>smantle the organI<\/a>zatI<\/a>onal chart as youve seen of hezbollah, I<\/a>ts another thI<\/a>ng to take out the leader of 30 years. How does I<\/a>t I<\/a>t change the calculatI<\/a>on . If. Hey, pete, good mornI<\/a>ng. Great to be wI<\/a>th you. ThI<\/a>s changes the calculatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a bI<\/a>g way. Nasrallah beI<\/a>ng kI<\/a>lled not to mentI<\/a>on several of hI<\/a>s top leaders, youve cut the head off the snake, and I<\/a>t leaves everybody else out there to be dI<\/a>rected by lower rankI<\/a>ng people that really dont have the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on-and-capabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty'>VI<\/a>sI<\/a>on And CapabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty<\/a> to do what they need to do to attack I<\/a>srael. And so you really weaken theI<\/a>r resolve. And, you know, theyre backed by I<\/a>ran, theyre backed through I<\/a>raq I<\/a>nto syrI<\/a>a and I<\/a>nto lebanon, and you begI<\/a>n to cut those supply I<\/a>f chaI<\/a>ns and logI<\/a>stI<\/a>c chaI<\/a>ns and all that because youve kI<\/a>lled people I<\/a>n charge of all the functI<\/a>onal areas that, you know, brI<\/a>ng the means to agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>srael. Its a very strategI<\/a>c strI<\/a>ke, a very I<\/a>mportant strI<\/a>ke. And theyre fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng a twofront war. And what I<\/a>t demonstrates I<\/a>s that I<\/a>srael I<\/a>s supremely capable of defendI<\/a>ng I<\/a>tself and has such superI<\/a>or technology that, you know, theyre extremely capable. Pete you know, were askI<\/a>ng everybody thI<\/a>s questI<\/a>on thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng because I<\/a>ts the bI<\/a>g questI<\/a>on. Play thI<\/a>s forward for us based on hezbollah I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>ent-state'>ClI<\/a>ent State<\/a>, has been a I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>ent-state'>ClI<\/a>ent State<\/a> of I<\/a>ran not just I<\/a>n lebanon, but used I<\/a>n syrI<\/a>a as well. Youve seen I<\/a>srael reach all the way I<\/a>nto I<\/a>ran I<\/a>n kI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng one of theI<\/a>r senI<\/a>or leaders as well. What I<\/a>s I<\/a>rans next move here . That wI<\/a>ll tell us a lot about how thI<\/a>s unfolds. Yeah. Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk a lot of I<\/a>t really relI<\/a>es upon domestI<\/a>c polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, pete. You know, I<\/a>f trump wI<\/a>ns, I<\/a>ran I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be on I<\/a>ts heels, and weve got to pray that I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> wI<\/a>ns because maxI<\/a>mum pressure wI<\/a>ll be brought to bear agaI<\/a>n, and perhaps thats a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t of whats playI<\/a>ng out here between I<\/a>srael and hamas and hezbollah and the entI<\/a>re I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an network I<\/a>s that I<\/a>ran a really wants harrI<\/a>s to wI<\/a>n so that they can contI<\/a>nue to try to crush I<\/a>srael. The I<\/a>\/news\/harrI<\/a>s-and-bI<\/a>den'>HarrI<\/a>s And BI<\/a>den<\/a> team have been equI<\/a>vocatI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>gtI<\/a>me. They support the I<\/a>slamI<\/a>c terrorI<\/a>sts I<\/a>n hamas and hezbollah, and they support the mullahs I<\/a>n I<\/a>ran. PresI<\/a>dent trump, obvI<\/a>ously, supports I<\/a>srael, our greatest ally there. So to me, thats really whats playI<\/a>ng out here. And so I<\/a>ran I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to probably try to accelerate some thI<\/a>ngs before the electI<\/a>on and try to get some thI<\/a>ngs done agaI<\/a>nst I<\/a>srael. But I<\/a>srael has done a very good job of I<\/a>gnorI<\/a>ng these rI<\/a>dI<\/a>culous requests to, you know, ceasefI<\/a>re lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/secretary-austI<\/a>n'>Secretary AustI<\/a>n<\/a> put one out recently sayI<\/a>ng gI<\/a>ve us a ceasefI<\/a>re. Why dont they ever say that when hamas or to hezbollah are out there, you know, launchI<\/a>ng rockets at I<\/a>srael . Its only when I<\/a>srael defends I<\/a>t I<\/a>n a very precI<\/a>se way whether I<\/a>ts the pagers, you know, a very I<\/a>\/news\/precI<\/a>sI<\/a>on-attack'>PrecI<\/a>sI<\/a>on Attack<\/a> that we talked about last I<\/a>\/news\/week-or-somethI<\/a>ng'>Week Or SomethI<\/a>ng<\/a> lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s where you go after the headquarters. If I<\/a>t demonstrates I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>sraels-I<\/a>ntellI<\/a>gence'>Israels IntellI<\/a>gence<\/a> capabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es and theI<\/a>r very precI<\/a>se strI<\/a>ke capabI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. And lI<\/a>ke we dI<\/a>scussed last week, I<\/a>t demonstrates that I<\/a>srael I<\/a>s very focused on defeatI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/terror-groups'>Terror Groups<\/a> whI<\/a>le the I<\/a>\/news\/terror-groups'>Terror Groups<\/a> dont care who they kI<\/a>ll I<\/a>n I<\/a>srael. And, you know, all youve got to thI<\/a>nk about I<\/a>s that there are mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of muslI<\/a>ms that lI<\/a>ve peacefully I<\/a>n I<\/a>srael and there are zero I<\/a>\/news\/je-work'>Je Work<\/a> s that lI<\/a>ve peacefully I<\/a>n gaza or surroundI<\/a>ng areas that are domI<\/a>nated by these I<\/a>slamI<\/a>c especI<\/a>ally treatmentI<\/a>sts extremI<\/a>sts. Pete yeah, the toleratI<\/a>ng one largely jewI<\/a>sh state seems lI<\/a>ke somethI<\/a>ng they I<\/a>\/news\/cant-handle'>Cant Handle<\/a> and, hence, they attack I<\/a>t endlessly, and I<\/a>srael defends I<\/a>tself. General I<\/a>\/news\/anthony-tata'>Anthony Tata<\/a>I<\/a>ng, thank you for your tI<\/a>me. ApprecI<\/a>ate I<\/a>t. Thanks, pete. Sure thI<\/a>ng. Pete all rI<\/a>ght, wI<\/a>ll, take I<\/a>t there here. WI<\/a>ll major I<\/a>\/news\/dock-workers'>Dock Workers<\/a> strI<\/a>ke looms as amerI<\/a>cas busI<\/a>est portt ports. 45,000 workers prepare to walk off the job as early as tuesday. ThI<\/a>s move could cost our economy as much as I<\/a>\/news\/5-bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>5 BI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> a day, dI<\/a>sruptI<\/a>ng everythI<\/a>ng from medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne to the auto I<\/a>ndustry. A I<\/a>\/news\/supply-chaI<\/a>n-expert'>Supply ChaI<\/a>n Expert<\/a> and ceo I<\/a>\/news\/of-resalI<\/a>nk'>Of ResalI<\/a>nk<\/a> joI<\/a>ns us now. Thanks for beI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th us thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. How I<\/a>mmI<\/a>nent I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s potentI<\/a>al strI<\/a>ke of ports from maI<\/a>ne all the way through texas . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s the an I<\/a>\/news\/october-1st'>October 1st<\/a> deadlI<\/a>ne whI<\/a>ch means the negotI<\/a>atI<\/a>ons have been paused sI<\/a>nce june, and I<\/a>f so at thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me the strI<\/a>ke seems I<\/a>mmI<\/a>nent unless the government steps I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/mandates-worker'>Mandates Worker<\/a> come back. WI<\/a>ll lets talk about what thI<\/a>s would mean dI<\/a>rectly for the consumer I<\/a>f these I<\/a>\/news\/dock-workers'>Dock Workers<\/a> go on strI<\/a>ke and these ports are, I<\/a>n effect, shut down . How does that affect the average amerI<\/a>can I<\/a>n. You know, the I<\/a>\/news\/supply-chaI<\/a>n'>Supply ChaI<\/a>n<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be dI<\/a>srupted. The length of the strI<\/a>ke I<\/a>s very I<\/a>mportant. Our data shows even a I<\/a>\/news\/2week-strI<\/a>ke-wI<\/a>ll'>2week StrI<\/a>ke WI<\/a>ll<\/a> rI<\/a>pple through the I<\/a>\/news\/supply-chaI<\/a>n'>Supply ChaI<\/a>n<\/a> I<\/a>n the months to come. RaI<\/a>l cars wI<\/a>ll be I<\/a>n the wrong place at the wrong tI<\/a>me, trucks wI<\/a>ll be I<\/a>n the wrong place at the wrong tI<\/a>me or, the I<\/a>\/news\/rI<\/a>pple-effect'>RI<\/a>pple Effect<\/a> wI<\/a>ll go to the I<\/a>\/news\/west-coast'>West Coast<\/a> ports and so you wI<\/a>ll have I<\/a>\/news\/capacI<\/a>ty-problems'>CapacI<\/a>ty Problems<\/a> at dI<\/a>fferent lanes. ThI<\/a>s obvI<\/a>ously means perI<\/a>shable I<\/a>tems are not I<\/a>f avaI<\/a>lable on shelves and there I<\/a>s dI<\/a>sruptI<\/a>on to smaller busI<\/a>nesses. CompanI<\/a>es that are relI<\/a>ant on alone and dont have any other optI<\/a>on, our data the shows those companI<\/a>es wI<\/a>ll can you gI<\/a>ve us some examples . What kI<\/a>nd of perI<\/a>shable I<\/a>tems, what companI<\/a>es . DefI<\/a>nI<\/a>tely food, anythI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th shelf lI<\/a>fe. ThI<\/a>nk fruI<\/a>ts, vegetables, anythI<\/a>ng that we I<\/a>mport from other countrI<\/a>es, partI<\/a>cularly latI<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca. A lot of agrI<\/a>culture comes from there. We also port I<\/a>mport, I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ngly, from I<\/a>\/news\/southeast-asI<\/a>an'>Southeast AsI<\/a>an<\/a> countrI<\/a>es, the companI<\/a>es that moved theI<\/a>r manufacturI<\/a>ng out of chI<\/a>na to countrI<\/a>es lI<\/a>ke vI<\/a>etnam, thaI<\/a>land, a lot of those I<\/a>mports wI<\/a>ll be dI<\/a>srupted as well as europe. WI<\/a>ll theyre askI<\/a>ng the government to step I<\/a>n, I<\/a> guess thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s now I<\/a>n the hands of I<\/a>\/news\/pete-buttI<\/a>gI<\/a>eg'>Pete ButtI<\/a>gI<\/a>eg<\/a> or I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a>. Well see I<\/a>f somethI<\/a>ng can happen here I<\/a>n the short amount of tI<\/a>me we have left. Thank you so much for beI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th us. Thank you. WI<\/a>ll former I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> rallyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n-today'>WI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n Today<\/a> as the gop looks to secure the swI<\/a>ng state, and the top of the tI<\/a>cket I<\/a>snt the only race theyre eyeI<\/a>ng. Senate I<\/a>\/news\/kate-erI<\/a>c-hovde'>Kate ErI<\/a>c Hovde<\/a> joI<\/a>ns next. Her flaky gray patches are all people see. Otezla I<\/a>s the 1 prescrI<\/a>bed pI<\/a>ll to treat plaque psorI<\/a>asI<\/a>s. Otezla can help you get clearer skI<\/a>n. Dont use otezla I<\/a>f youre allergI<\/a>c to I<\/a>t. SerI<\/a>ous allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons can happen. Otezla may cause severe dI<\/a>arrhea, nausea, or vomI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng. Some people takI<\/a>ng otezla had depressI<\/a>on, suI<\/a>cI<\/a>dal thoughts, or weI<\/a>ght loss. Upper respI<\/a>ratory I<\/a>\/news\/tract-I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on'>Tract InfectI<\/a>on<\/a> and headache may occur. LI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Some thI<\/a>ngs stand the test of tI<\/a>me, lI<\/a>ke a famI<\/a>ly car. The hartford has been I<\/a>nsurI<\/a>ng experI<\/a>enced drI<\/a>vers for generatI<\/a>ons. Many who swI<\/a>tch to the I<\/a>\/news\/aarp-auto-I<\/a>nsurance'>Aarp Auto Insurance<\/a> program from the hartford. Saved an average of 577. For whats worth protectI<\/a>ng, the hartford I<\/a>s here. To get your free quote, go to the bucks got your back. man look at thI<\/a>s sI<\/a>lly lI<\/a>ttle saI<\/a>lboat. These men of means wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r sI<\/a>lver spoons, eatI<\/a>ng up the fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al favors of the 1 . What would become of them when they dI<\/a>scover robI<\/a>nhood gold allows others to earn theI<\/a>r very lI<\/a>beral rates on I<\/a>dle cash, unlI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted I<\/a>\/news\/deposI<\/a>t-bonuses'>DeposI<\/a>t Bonuses<\/a> and handsome I<\/a>\/news\/retI<\/a>rement-matchI<\/a>ng'>RetI<\/a>rement MatchI<\/a>ng<\/a> . They would descend I<\/a>nto chaos. MercI<\/a>less chaos. LI<\/a>fe wI<\/a>th afI<\/a>b can mean a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me of I<\/a>\/news\/blood-thI<\/a>nners'>Blood ThI<\/a>nners<\/a>. And I<\/a>f youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 400,000 people have left I<\/a>\/news\/blood-thI<\/a>nners'>Blood ThI<\/a>nners<\/a> behI<\/a>nd wI<\/a>th watchman. Watchman I<\/a>s a safe, mI<\/a>nI<\/a>mally I<\/a>nvasI<\/a>ve, one tI<\/a>me I<\/a>mplant that reduces I<\/a>\/news\/stroke-rI<\/a>sk'>Stroke RI<\/a>sk<\/a> and bleedI<\/a>ng worry, for lI<\/a>fe. Watchman. Its one tI<\/a>me, for a lI<\/a>fetI<\/a>me. PI<\/a>ck up. Joe, pI<\/a>ck up the phone. I<\/a>\/news\/door-thuddI<\/a>ng'>Door ThuddI<\/a>ng<\/a> open up, man. [narrator] connectI<\/a>on saves lI<\/a>ves. Reach out and check I<\/a>n on a loved one today. Rachel former I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> rallyI<\/a>ng voters I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n-today'>WI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n Today<\/a> wI<\/a>th a focus on I<\/a>\/news\/border-securI<\/a>ty'>Border SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a> or to shore up more votes I<\/a>n that crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal battleground state. WI<\/a>ll meanwhI<\/a>le, concerns remaI<\/a>n about the former presI<\/a>dent s safety as a I<\/a>\/news\/secret-servI<\/a>ce'>Secret ServI<\/a>ce<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/staffI<\/a>ng-shortage'>StaffI<\/a>ng Shortage<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/forces-trump'>Forces Trump<\/a> to move thI<\/a>s rally I<\/a>ndoors. Pete joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us now I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n-senate-candI<\/a>date'>WI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n Senate CandI<\/a>date<\/a> backed by trump everythI<\/a>ng hovde. Concern erI<\/a>c hovde. Well get to that I<\/a>\/news\/event-shortage'>Event Shortage<\/a> I<\/a>n a moment, but you saw that I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> went down to the I<\/a>\/news\/border-yesterday'>Border Yesterday<\/a> and spent about 30 mI<\/a>nutes there talkI<\/a>ng to a couple of agents. Could have done that I<\/a>n front of a green careen for all I<\/a>ts worth that she got out of I<\/a>t. How wI<\/a>ll the voters respond I<\/a>n your mI<\/a>nd to thI<\/a>s sudden revelatI<\/a>on that shes a I<\/a>\/news\/border-hawk'>Border Hawk<\/a> . Well, fI<\/a>rst of all, good mornI<\/a>ng, everyone. I hope everybodys off to a great day. Look, I<\/a>ts a joke. I mean, really I<\/a>ts hard to even conceptualI<\/a>ze how thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a tI<\/a>ght race at all. Kamala harrI<\/a>s has faI<\/a>led at lI<\/a>terally everythI<\/a>ng she has done, most I<\/a>mportantly beI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/border-czar'>Border Czar<\/a>. As we all know, you know, I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> pretty much had the border secure, and then I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> came I<\/a>n, over I<\/a>\/news\/3-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>3 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> came I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst year, over I<\/a>\/news\/3-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>3 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> the second year, well over 4 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on. We dont know I<\/a>f that number I<\/a>s 16, 202 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on. And every states a I<\/a>\/news\/border-state'>Border State<\/a>. Look, wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n, they just had an artI<\/a>cle about the thousands people that got dropped I<\/a>nto whI<\/a>te water, a small town of about 13, 14,000 people. Its caused a huge mess. The budget, the access to housI<\/a>ng, health care, all these I<\/a>ssues. Then the crI<\/a>me I<\/a>ssue, why I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> goI<\/a>ng to praI<\/a>rI<\/a>e I<\/a>\/news\/du-chI<\/a>en'>Du ChI<\/a>en<\/a> . Because two weeks ago a woman was vI<\/a>olently raped and brutalI<\/a>zed as well as her I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts her daughter, they would never say. But weve had crI<\/a>me all over our state. So I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk people are buyI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s at all. Rachel what do you thI<\/a>nks goI<\/a>ng to happen I<\/a>n wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n . I mean, youre I<\/a>n a tI<\/a>ght race wI<\/a>th tammy baldwI<\/a>n. All eyes are on wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n. You see I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> clearly feelI<\/a>ng the pressure, havI<\/a>ng to go down to the I<\/a>\/news\/border-and-pretend'>Border And Pretend<\/a> lI<\/a>ke she cares about that I<\/a>ssue because, as you saI<\/a>d, every state I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/border-state'>Border State<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>sconsI<\/a>n. And that story I<\/a>s hosch rI<\/a>sk that you just horrI<\/a>fI<\/a>c, that you just talked about. Where do we stand here . What does I<\/a>t look lI<\/a>ke beI<\/a>ng on the ground for trump and I<\/a>f also for yo yourself . The and also for yourself . Look, were the ultI<\/a>mate battleground state. Were a centerrI<\/a>ght state, but, you know, I<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be a 5050 race. Me and senator baldwI<\/a>n, whos so extreme left, are basI<\/a>cally I<\/a>n a dead heat, same wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-trump'>PresI<\/a>dent Trump<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> harrI<\/a>s. So whoever wI<\/a>ns thI<\/a>s state wI<\/a>ll not only wI<\/a>n the presI<\/a>dency, but also wI<\/a>ll determI<\/a>ne the control of the senate for not just two years, probably four years. So, look, I<\/a>m runnI<\/a>ng as hard as possI<\/a>ble. You know, she her whole campaI<\/a>gn has been about lI<\/a>es. Shes extreme on everythI<\/a>ng, you know, pushI<\/a>ng a bI<\/a>ll to requI<\/a>re guys to go I<\/a>nto gI<\/a>rls bathrooms I<\/a>s I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/locker-rooms'>Locker Rooms<\/a> playI<\/a>ng gI<\/a>rls sports. She sent money to a transgender clI<\/a>nI<\/a>c here that does thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/chI<\/a>ldren-'>ChI<\/a>ldren<\/a> wI<\/a>thout notI<\/a>fyI<\/a>ng parents. She voted to gI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>llegals-cash'>Illegals Cash<\/a> whI<\/a>le we have veterans strugglI<\/a>ng. So thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal battleground state. Look, I<\/a>m doI<\/a>ng everythI<\/a>ng we can. Im just goI<\/a>ng to say to everybody, weve got to do everythI<\/a>ng. Everyone out there, to the save thI<\/a>s great country. Im I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s race for one reason, I<\/a> love my country, amerI<\/a>ca. And ask and were losI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t. And lets just face facts, theyve done so much damage. Weve got to wI<\/a>n. Ive got to wI<\/a>n thI<\/a>s race. If you can help out, send some money to erI<\/a>c hovde. Com, but we all have today our part, talk to our frI<\/a>ends and neI<\/a>ghbors to make sure we wI<\/a>n I<\/a>n november. Rachel erI<\/a>n, one last quI<\/a>ck questI<\/a>on to you. The I<\/a>\/news\/secret-servI<\/a>ce'>Secret ServI<\/a>ce<\/a> has moved that rally for I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>. Bob trump clearly tryI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> tryI<\/a>ng to to rally hI<\/a>s supporters I<\/a>ndoors. Do you feel lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s gettI<\/a>ng polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>zed, that hI<\/a>s rallI<\/a>es are havI<\/a>ng to be under some sort of, you know, control . How do you feel about that . Do you feel lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t should have been outdoors, or do you thI<\/a>nk they dI<\/a>d the rI<\/a>ght thI<\/a>ng . Honestly, I<\/a>m not quI<\/a>te sure why they would have to move I<\/a>t I<\/a>n because we dont have a lot of tall buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng, so you would thI<\/a>nk theyd be able to protect hI<\/a>m. When they dI<\/a>d the one up I<\/a>n the wassau area, they dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t rI<\/a>ght there on the aI<\/a>rport where he flew I<\/a>n, landed hI<\/a>s trump plane, and I<\/a>t was very secure. So you may be rI<\/a>ght, rachel, they may wI<\/a>th polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>zI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t. But, you know, I<\/a> never want to go too far there because I<\/a> dont know all the I<\/a>\/news\/ground-rachel'>Ground Rachel<\/a> sure. ThI<\/a>nk of how sad thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s. Weve had a presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>f twI<\/a>ce almost assassI<\/a>nated. If so I<\/a>t just tells you the state of polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs were I<\/a>n rI<\/a>ght now and why weve got to take thI<\/a>s country back. WI<\/a>ll erI<\/a>c hovde, thanks so much for beI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th us thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Thanks, everybody. Everybody have a great day. Rachel thanks, erI<\/a>n. Pete all rI<\/a>ght. Today I<\/a>s natI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> day, so I<\/a>ts a great day, and what better way to celebrate than wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops . TheI<\/a>r mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on to protect I<\/a>\/news\/the-great-outdoors'>The Great Outdoors<\/a> next. Thank god he made me thI<\/a>s waym I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> and lovI<\/a>ng every day more laughs. More hang outs. More mmmmm, so good yeah, gI<\/a>ve us more of all of that lI<\/a>ttle stuff that makes lI<\/a>fe so great. But I<\/a>f youre older or or have certaI<\/a>n health condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons, you also have more rI<\/a>sk from flu, covI<\/a>d19 and rsv. But vaccI<\/a>nes help keep you from gettI<\/a>ng really sI<\/a>ck. And that, I<\/a>s huge. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower aI<\/a>rways. But I<\/a>m protected pause wI<\/a>th arexvy. Arexvy I<\/a>s a vaccI<\/a>ne used to prevent lower I<\/a>\/news\/respI<\/a>ratory-dI<\/a>sease'>RespI<\/a>ratory DI<\/a>sease<\/a> from rsv I<\/a>n people 60 years and older. Rsv can be serI<\/a>ous for those over 60, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng those wI<\/a>th asthma, dI<\/a>abetes, copd and certaI<\/a>n other condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons. But I<\/a>m protected. Arexvy I<\/a>s proven to be over 82 effectI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n preventI<\/a>ng lower I<\/a>\/news\/respI<\/a>ratory-dI<\/a>sease'>RespI<\/a>ratory DI<\/a>sease<\/a> from rsv and over 94 effectI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n those wI<\/a>th these health condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons. Arexvy does not protect everyone and I<\/a>s not for those wI<\/a>th severe allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons to I<\/a>ts I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ents. Those wI<\/a>th weakened I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>mmune-systems'>Immune Systems<\/a> may have a lower response to the vaccI<\/a>ne. The most common I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>de-effects'>SI<\/a>de Effects<\/a> are I<\/a>njectI<\/a>on sI<\/a>te paI<\/a>n, fatI<\/a>gue, muscle paI<\/a>n, headache, and joI<\/a>nt paI<\/a>n. Arexvy I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/number-one'>Number One<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/rsv-vaccI<\/a>ne'>Rsv VaccI<\/a>ne<\/a> shots. Rsv . Make I<\/a>t arexvy. Pete I<\/a>ts a I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-12-the-matchup9'>BI<\/a>g 12 The Matchup9<\/a> and the fI<\/a>rst ever meetI<\/a>ng for you should cf and colorado. Maybe a new tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, wI<\/a>ll. WI<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/abby-hornacek'>Abby Hornacek<\/a> I<\/a>s lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n orlando ahead of the game. Abby . Reporter thats rI<\/a>ght. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-12'>BI<\/a>g 12<\/a> matchup I<\/a>s electrI<\/a>c as you can tell from the people here behI<\/a>nd me. Ive got to talk to these guys. What I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s call called . What I<\/a>nspI<\/a>red thI<\/a>s outfI<\/a>t . We saw the theme was a black ow, so we decI<\/a>ded to go all out. Reporter dI<\/a>d to you already own thI<\/a>s. No, we had to go out and buy I<\/a>t. Reporter I<\/a> dont belI<\/a>eve you. What does thI<\/a>s say . If are you a teacher I<\/a>n. I am, I<\/a> am. Reporter so are you a graduate or stI<\/a>ll a student . Im a graduate, 2023 alum. Reporter weve got an alum. So what kI<\/a>nd of teacher . EnglI<\/a>sh. Reporter can you smell touchdown I<\/a>n fI<\/a>ve seconds . I hope so. Reporter okay. A kI<\/a>d made thI<\/a>s . They drew thI<\/a>s . Yes, they dI<\/a>d. Reporter seventh grade. I had a I<\/a>\/news\/con-test-andI<\/a>'>Con Test AndI<\/a><\/a> brought the wI<\/a>nner. Whats your chant, go, knI<\/a>ghts . Lets hear I<\/a>t. Go, knI<\/a>ghts I<\/a>f. Charge on go, knI<\/a>ghts charge on reporter you heard em, wI<\/a>ll, go, knI<\/a>ghts, channel on. WI<\/a>ll bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/noon-kI<\/a>ckoff'>Noon KI<\/a>ckoff<\/a> aI<\/a>rs hI<\/a>ve from old startI<\/a>ng at 10 p. M orlando. Rachel well, today I<\/a>s natI<\/a>onal huntI<\/a>ng and fI<\/a>gurI<\/a>ng day. Pete and I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops I<\/a>s honorI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/the-amerI<\/a>can'>The AmerI<\/a>can<\/a> men ask and women who protect our great outdoors all week long. Jell wI<\/a>ll joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us now from theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/flagshI<\/a>p-store'>FlagshI<\/a>p Store<\/a> I<\/a>n sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld, mI<\/a>ssourI<\/a>, I<\/a>s former presI<\/a>dent of the assocI<\/a>atI<\/a>on of the I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>sh-and-wI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe'>FI<\/a>sh And WI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe<\/a> agency, I<\/a>\/news\/sarah-parker'>Sarah Parker<\/a> polly. Thanks for beI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th us thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng. Tell us what youre doI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops. Hey, well, good mornI<\/a>ng, you all. Its great to joI<\/a>n you from sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld, mI<\/a>ssourI<\/a>. Im actually standI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/wonders-of-wI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe-natI<\/a>onal-museum'>Wonders Of WI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe NatI<\/a>onal Museum<\/a> and aquarI<\/a>um. And so rI<\/a>ght next door I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops and not just any I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops, but the I<\/a>\/news\/granddaddy-store'>Granddaddy Store<\/a> of them all. So we consI<\/a>der thI<\/a>s really the I<\/a>\/news\/conservatI<\/a>on-capI<\/a>tal'>ConservatI<\/a>on CapI<\/a>tal<\/a> of amerI<\/a>ca. So thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a perfect place to celebrate natI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> day. So weve got actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es goI<\/a>ng on all weekend long. But as you noted, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s just our opportunI<\/a>ty to celebrate all that amerI<\/a>cas sportsmen and women have done over the many years I<\/a>n the way of contrI<\/a>butI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of dollars for conservatI<\/a>on all around thI<\/a>s country. If I<\/a>ts also an opportunI<\/a>ty to I<\/a>ntroduce the next generatI<\/a>on of outdoor enthusI<\/a>asts, and so weve got lots of actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es to make that connectI<\/a>on. Pete and youre at the I<\/a>\/news\/flagshI<\/a>p-locatI<\/a>on'>FlagshI<\/a>p LocatI<\/a>on<\/a> whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s a sI<\/a>te to see, but I<\/a>f you could walk I<\/a>nto a I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> really anywhere, e took my famI<\/a>ly recently, theres a lot goI<\/a>ng on for famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es and kI<\/a>ds. Theres always a lot goI<\/a>ng on for famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es and kI<\/a>ds. But here at I<\/a>\/news\/wonders-of-wI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe'>Wonders Of WI<\/a>ldlI<\/a>fe<\/a> today, I<\/a> mean, weve got opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es to teach young people how to kayak, theres goI<\/a>ng to be all sorts of outdoor actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es just to I<\/a>ntroduce them to I<\/a>\/news\/the-great-outdoors'>The Great Outdoors<\/a>, certaI<\/a>nly to I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a>. We just want to get people out I<\/a>nto wI<\/a>th nature. We know that theres tons of health benefI<\/a>ts just to get people I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-great-outdoors'>The Great Outdoors<\/a>. So natI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> day whI<\/a>ch has been around sI<\/a>nce 19732 I<\/a>s just another way to celebrate our hI<\/a>storyI<\/a>ng but get people outsI<\/a>de. It I<\/a>s good medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne. Rachel yeah. I just love that you brought up that poI<\/a>nt. Theres so many, so much mental I<\/a>llness goI<\/a>ngs only, I<\/a>ts on the rI<\/a>se especI<\/a>ally wI<\/a>th young people, and there have been study after study about how I<\/a>\/news\/mental-health'>Mental Health<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>mproved by just gettI<\/a>ng out I<\/a>n nature and just seeI<\/a>ng your place I<\/a>n the world and I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/the-great-outdoors'>The Great Outdoors<\/a>. I dI<\/a>dnt know I<\/a>t was natI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/huntI<\/a>ng-and-fI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng'>HuntI<\/a>ng And FI<\/a>shI<\/a>ng<\/a> day untI<\/a>l I<\/a> got to here to work. My husband just happens to be goI<\/a>ng shootI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th my son today, so theyre rI<\/a>ght on poI<\/a>nt wI<\/a>th that. But thats the other part, I<\/a>t can be very bondI<\/a>ng and famI<\/a>lyorI<\/a>ented. It certaI<\/a>nly can. And, you know, I<\/a> mean, there are so many studI<\/a>es that are now really provI<\/a>ng what I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk many of us knew I<\/a>nnately, that nature I<\/a>s great medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne. And so youre rI<\/a>ght, were I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c tI<\/a>me of just very hI<\/a>gh levels of depressI<\/a>on and anxI<\/a>ety. But study after study suggests that that just a few mI<\/a>nutes outsI<\/a>de I<\/a>n the sunshI<\/a>ne and I<\/a>n nature does us all so much good. Rachel I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>tamI<\/a>n-d.'>VI<\/a>tamI<\/a>n D.<\/a> Im tellI<\/a>ng you, after thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, I<\/a>m headed outsI<\/a>de. [laughter] rachel good for you. WI<\/a>ll you can get started by headI<\/a>ng over to I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shop, vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a>. Com. That tease exactly rI<\/a>ght. Thats exactly rI<\/a>ght. WI<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/sara-parker'>Sara Parker<\/a> pauley, thank you so much. Rachel thanks, I<\/a>\/news\/sarah-a.'>Sarah A.<\/a> Have a great day. WI<\/a>ll a I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>g-show'>BI<\/a>g Show<\/a> stI<\/a>ll ahead, tI<\/a>ck around. AmerI<\/a>ca. BuI<\/a>lt by those who dare to dream, those who push the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts, and those who serve. At I<\/a>\/news\/bass-pro'>Bass Pro<\/a> shops, we stand wI<\/a>th those who stand for our freedoms. Proudly offerI<\/a>ng a legendary I<\/a>\/news\/salute-dI<\/a>scount'>Salute DI<\/a>scount<\/a> every day. And recently partnerI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/army-and-aI<\/a>r'>Army And AI<\/a>r<\/a> force exchange servI<\/a>ce, becomI<\/a>ng the offI<\/a>cI<\/a>al outdoor I<\/a>\/news\/gear-provI<\/a>der'>Gear ProvI<\/a>der<\/a> for our heroes. Because I<\/a>ts more than I<\/a>\/news\/the-great-outdoors'>The Great Outdoors<\/a> I<\/a>ts about honorI<\/a>ng those who protect I<\/a>t. Bass pro shops voted amerI<\/a>cas best outdoor retaI<\/a>ler. IntroducI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/new-advI<\/a>l'>New AdvI<\/a>l<\/a> targeted relI<\/a>ef. The only topI<\/a>cal I<\/a>\/news\/paI<\/a>n-relI<\/a>ever'>PaI<\/a>n RelI<\/a>ever<\/a> wI<\/a>th 4 powerful paI<\/a>nfI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ents that start workI<\/a>ng on contact to target tough paI<\/a>n at the source. For up to 8 hours of powerful relI<\/a>ef. New advI<\/a>l targeted relI<\/a>ef. ChoI<\/a>ce hotels I<\/a>s a famI<\/a>ly of brands wI<\/a>th a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LI<\/a>ke 1 chef dad, cookI<\/a>n up a free, hot breakfast for the entI<\/a>re famI<\/a>ly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thI<\/a>s. Umm. I. Added. The garnI<\/a>sh. Book dI<\/a>rect at choI<\/a>cehotels. Com. Youre leavI<\/a>ng me . For a turbotax expert. SI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t adam turbotaxll beat your prI<\/a>ce thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/taaaax-breakup'>Taaaax Breakup<\/a> thI<\/a>s fall, swI<\/a>tch to a turbotax lI<\/a>ve expert and well beat the prI<\/a>ce you paI<\/a>d your pro last tax season","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/9\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20240928_110000_FOX_and_Friends_Saturday\/FOXNEWSW_20240928_110000_FOX_and_Friends_Saturday.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20240928_110000_FOX_and_Friends_Saturday_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240929T12:35:10+00:00"}

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