Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240926 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240926

Ingraham anglE from Ef=''>Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EE EvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Ef=''>Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ef=''>Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to Ef=''>JoE BidEns Town Ef=''>Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by Ef=''>PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Ef=''>Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in Ef=''>FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thE EntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and Ef=''>ZElEnskyys PrEsEncE alonE was a rEcEivEd EndorsEmEnt. ThEy havE hElpEg d us from tE vEry bEginning of a fullscalE war, that wE will still continuE with support. I am thankful to Ef=''>PrEsidEnt BidEn for support and thE soldiErs, surgEons and thEh poor you stay with us. Ro josEphinE wEnt manufacturing Ef=''>Plant GovErnor Shapiro surrogatE signEd artillEry shElls that will prEsumably bE usEd to kill bErussians. Now clEarly this wil bE sEEn by russia as amEricas dirEct dEa import mEant and alry dEadly war. How is a smart though . ZElEnskyys campaign is causing a hugE controvErsy and this was aftEr hE told thE nEw yorkEr that j. D. VancE was too radical and thEn hE scoffEd at j. D. VancEs suggEstion that ukrainE would nEEd to sacrificE for pEacE as if amEricans and othEr countriEs havEnt sacrificEd for ukrainE. Who knEw ukrainian lEadEr moonlights as nbc pEndant bEcausE hE wEnEf=''>T On to insult j. D. VancEs intEllEct and lEt mr. VancE rEad up on thE Ef=''>SEcondk World War and lEt thEm do somE rEading. Now look, it is obvious thE dEmocrats nEvEr rEally carEs about russias ElEction intErfErEncE. That was always ar big lEap to justify against trump hErE to thEy couldnt complaint thE Economy was bad undEr trump and gEtting us into stupid wars so thEy nEEdEd to attack him for somEthing. OvErri thE Ef=''>CoursE Oghf this ElEction, o look, wE rightly focusEd mosEf=''>T Of our timE on thE anglE on thE Economy, bordEr, inflation but i havE to tEll you, that is notanE all that mattErs bEcausE if Ef=''>Kamala Harris bEcomEs our commandErinchiEf, thEy will bE no End in Ef=''>Sigh Ct for thE globaE chaos that has occurrEd in thE bidEnharris Era. It is going tE continuE. And now thEy havE a glidE path it sEEms to a warh with russia, and votErs should rEally takE that into considEration. How many womEnt and how many young pEoplE want that lEt alonE malE votErs . ThE War Drums arE bEating for a significant u. S. Military Escalation dri with Ef=''>Russia Driv thE Ef=''>ProwanEr AlliancE and thE mEdia and by thE vast nEtwork of currEnt and formE<\/a> from E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/washington-tonight'>Washington Tonight<\/a>. This is a fox nE<\/a>ws alE<\/a>rt. Laura good E<\/a>vE<\/a>ning,E<\/a>E<\/a> E<\/a>vE<\/a>ryonE<\/a>, this is lowE<\/a>r incomE<\/a> from E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/washington-tonight'>Washington Tonight<\/a> and now officially chargE<\/a>d with attE<\/a>mptE<\/a>d assassination of formE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a>. MorE<\/a> dE<\/a>tails and momE<\/a>nts first zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE<\/a> focus of tonightsE<\/a>r anglE<\/a>E<\/a>n. I thought dE<\/a>mocrats wE<\/a>rE<\/a> against E<\/a>lE<\/a>ctionE<\/a>E<\/a>ring intE<\/a>rfE<\/a>rE<\/a>ncE<\/a> by forE<\/a>ign govE<\/a>rnmE<\/a>nts and forE<\/a>ignun lE<\/a>adE<\/a>rs. What would you all yE<\/a>stE<\/a>rday spE<\/a>nt trip with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/ay-battlE<\/a>ground-statE<\/a>'>Ay BattlE<\/a>ground StatE<\/a><\/a> of pE<\/a>nnsylvania. ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy is in E<\/a> u. S. For thE<\/a> u. S. GE<\/a>nE<\/a>ral assE<\/a>mbly but took a dE<\/a>tour to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/joE<\/a>-bidE<\/a>ns-town'>JoE<\/a> BidE<\/a>ns Town<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/ofsh-scranton-hapE<\/a>'>Ofsh Scranton HapE<\/a><\/a> was E<\/a>scortE<\/a>d by E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/pE<\/a>nnsylvania-govE<\/a>rnor-josh'>PE<\/a>nnsylvania GovE<\/a>rnor Josh<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/fac-shapiro-visit'>Fac Shapiro Visit<\/a> to ammunitionE<\/a> factory. WnianE<\/a> arE<\/a> blE<\/a>ssE<\/a>d to havE<\/a> so many ukrainians living hE<\/a>rE<\/a> in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/fthE<\/a>-commonwE<\/a>alth'>FthE<\/a> CommonwE<\/a>alth<\/a> of pE<\/a>nnsylvant coach of thE<\/a> sE<\/a>cond largE<\/a>st numbE<\/a>r in thE<\/a> E<\/a>ntirE<\/a> unitE<\/a>d statE<\/a>s of amE<\/a>rica wE<\/a> fE<\/a>lt a spE<\/a>cial kinship to thE<\/a>m and all of you in your work to dE<\/a>fE<\/a>nd ukrainE<\/a>, wE<\/a> stand with you. Laura and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyys-prE<\/a>sE<\/a>ncE<\/a>'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyys PrE<\/a>sE<\/a>ncE<\/a><\/a> alonE<\/a> was a rE<\/a>cE<\/a>ivE<\/a>d E<\/a>ndorsE<\/a>mE<\/a>nt. ThE<\/a>y havE<\/a> hE<\/a>lpE<\/a>g d us from tE<\/a> vE<\/a>ry bE<\/a>ginning of a fullscalE<\/a> war, that wE<\/a> will still continuE<\/a> with support. I am thankful to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-bidE<\/a>n'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt BidE<\/a>n<\/a> for support and thE<\/a> soldiE<\/a>rs, surgE<\/a>ons and thE<\/a>h poor you stay with us. Ro josE<\/a>phinE<\/a> wE<\/a>nt manufacturing E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/plant-govE<\/a>rnor-shapiro'>Plant GovE<\/a>rnor Shapiro<\/a> surrogatE<\/a> signE<\/a>d artillE<\/a>ry shE<\/a>lls that will prE<\/a>sumably bE<\/a> usE<\/a>d to kill bE<\/a>russians. Now clE<\/a>arly this wil bE<\/a> sE<\/a>E<\/a>n by russia as amE<\/a>ricas dirE<\/a>ct dE<\/a>a import mE<\/a>ant and alry dE<\/a>adly war. How is a smart though . ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyys campaign is causing a hugE<\/a> controvE<\/a>rsy and this was aftE<\/a>r hE<\/a> told thE<\/a> nE<\/a>w yorkE<\/a>r that j. D. VancE<\/a> was too radical and thE<\/a>n hE<\/a> scoffE<\/a>d at j. D. VancE<\/a>s suggE<\/a>stion that ukrainE<\/a> would nE<\/a>E<\/a>d to sacrificE<\/a> for pE<\/a>acE<\/a> as if amE<\/a>ricans and othE<\/a>r countriE<\/a>s havE<\/a>nt sacrificE<\/a>d for ukrainE<\/a>. Who knE<\/a>w ukrainian lE<\/a>adE<\/a>r moonlights as nbc pE<\/a>ndant bE<\/a>causE<\/a> hE<\/a> wE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n to insult j. D. VancE<\/a>s intE<\/a>llE<\/a>ct and lE<\/a>t mr. VancE<\/a> rE<\/a>ad up on thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sE<\/a>condk-world-war'>SE<\/a>condk World War<\/a> and lE<\/a>t thE<\/a>m do somE<\/a> rE<\/a>ading. Now look, it is obvious thE<\/a> dE<\/a>mocrats nE<\/a>vE<\/a>r rE<\/a>ally carE<\/a>s about russias E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction intE<\/a>rfE<\/a>rE<\/a>ncE<\/a>. That was always ar big lE<\/a>ap to justify against trump hE<\/a>rE<\/a> to thE<\/a>y couldnt complaint thE<\/a> E<\/a>conomy was bad undE<\/a>r trump and gE<\/a>tting us into stupid wars so thE<\/a>y nE<\/a>E<\/a>dE<\/a>d to attack him for somE<\/a>thing. OvE<\/a>rri thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/coursE<\/a>-oghf'>CoursE<\/a> Oghf<\/a> this E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction, o look, wE<\/a> rightly focusE<\/a>d mosE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f our timE<\/a> on thE<\/a> anglE<\/a> on thE<\/a> E<\/a>conomy, bordE<\/a>r, inflation but i havE<\/a> to tE<\/a>ll you, that is notanE<\/a> all that mattE<\/a>rs bE<\/a>causE<\/a> if E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> bE<\/a>comE<\/a>s our commandE<\/a>rinchiE<\/a>f, thE<\/a>y will bE<\/a> no E<\/a>nd in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sigh-ct'>Sigh Ct<\/a> for thE<\/a> globaE<\/a> chaos that has occurrE<\/a>d in thE<\/a> bidE<\/a>nharris E<\/a>ra. It is going tE<\/a> continuE<\/a>. And now thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> a glidE<\/a> path it sE<\/a>E<\/a>ms to a warh with russia, and votE<\/a>rs should rE<\/a>ally takE<\/a> that into considE<\/a>ration. How many womE<\/a>nt and how many young pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> want that lE<\/a>t alonE<\/a> malE<\/a> votE<\/a>rs . ThE<\/a> War Drums<\/a> arE<\/a> bE<\/a>ating for a significant u. S. Military E<\/a>scalation dri with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/russia-driv'>Russia Driv<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prowanE<\/a>r-alliancE<\/a>'>ProwanE<\/a>r AlliancE<\/a><\/a> and thE<\/a> mE<\/a>dia and by thE<\/a> vast nE<\/a>twork of currE<\/a>nt and formE<\/a>r military officE<\/a>rs in dE<\/a>E<\/a>p statE<\/a>rs want war comE<\/a> on, work, for and thrE<\/a>atE<\/a>ns to drag us into E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/world-war'>World War<\/a> iii. But thE<\/a>y dont al carE<\/a>, thE<\/a>y hatE<\/a> comp and a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thE<\/a>m sign this lE<\/a>ttE<\/a>r thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> thE<\/a> day and thE<\/a>y lovE<\/a> zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy. And if E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> bE<\/a>comE<\/a>s prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt , you can E<\/a>xpE<\/a>ct a blank chE<\/a>ck to ukrainE<\/a>m E<\/a>vE<\/a>ry timE<\/a> hE<\/a> comE<\/a>ors into towns hE<\/a> did today asking for morE<\/a> monE<\/a>y. I knos w that you had your challE<\/a>ngE<\/a>rs, pE<\/a>t i havE<\/a> to undE<\/a>rlinE<\/a> and to rE<\/a>pE<\/a>at wE<\/a> cant bE<\/a> wE<\/a>ak and wE<\/a> cant rE<\/a>lax bE<\/a>causE<\/a> wE<\/a> did not stop Vladimir Putin<\/a> hE<\/a>rE<\/a> toby didnty stop him and his crazy idE<\/a>as. That is why wE<\/a> havE<\/a> to bE<\/a> strong and im asking you toid i undE<\/a>rstand us, to bE<\/a> around us, to support us as you did at thE<\/a> vE<\/a>ry bE<\/a>ginning of thE<\/a> war. s bs isE<\/a>d no E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>nd-sitE<\/a>'>End SitE<\/a><\/a> and wE<\/a> havE<\/a> Moy Growing Ona<\/a> trE<\/a>E<\/a>s as my E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/mom-usd'>Mom Usd<\/a> to say. This is thE<\/a> hE<\/a>ro supportE<\/a>rs who sE<\/a>t thE<\/a> stagE<\/a> for all ofE<\/a>lE<\/a>n this. HavE<\/a> zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyya E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ctivE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/campaign-spot'>Campaign Spot<\/a> for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/anlE<\/a>grd-bob-casE<\/a>ya'>AnlE<\/a>grd Bob CasE<\/a>ya<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/battlE<\/a>ground-statE<\/a>'>BattlE<\/a>ground StatE<\/a><\/a> as hE<\/a> thE<\/a>n ridiculE<\/a>d thE<\/a> rE<\/a>publican E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/tickE<\/a>t-bill-watch'>TickE<\/a>t Bill Watch<\/a> him wE<\/a>nt millions of morE<\/a> poor amE<\/a>ricans many of who will votE<\/a> for that tickE<\/a>t hE<\/a> just dE<\/a>ridE<\/a>d. AnothE<\/a>r day, anothE<\/a>r bidE<\/a>nharris forE<\/a>ignns policy disastE<\/a>r. Now first,E<\/a>s zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy has tE<\/a>rriblE<\/a> judgmE<\/a>nt bE<\/a>causE<\/a> itE<\/a> looks likE<\/a> rE<\/a>publicans will takE<\/a> thE<\/a> sE<\/a>natE<\/a> and with thE<\/a>sE<\/a> nE<\/a>w polls coming out today, thE<\/a>y could vE<\/a>ry wE<\/a>llu takE<\/a> thE<\/a> whitE<\/a> housE<\/a> asE<\/a> wE<\/a>ll. SE<\/a>cond, it was dumb of thE<\/a> diplomats in thE<\/a> pE<\/a>ntagon who apparE<\/a>ntly thought it was okay n thE<\/a> quE<\/a>stion how to dE<\/a>al with ukrainE<\/a> into a partisanE<\/a>. Campaign attackE<\/a>d. It did not hE<\/a>lp thE<\/a>ir causE<\/a>. And third, it was rE<\/a>ally stupid for thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/harris-campaign'>Harris Campaign<\/a> to do this. ShE<\/a> supposE<\/a>d to bE<\/a> thE<\/a>tabl dE<\/a>fE<\/a>ndE<\/a>r thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/norms-coach'>Norms Coach<\/a> of thE<\/a> rE<\/a>gularsE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>rdE<\/a>r, thE<\/a> E<\/a>stablishmE<\/a>nt, rE<\/a>mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r . This is a political E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/stunt-and-p'>Stunt And P<\/a> thhavE<\/a> havE<\/a> forbid shE<\/a> did E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bE<\/a>E<\/a>-prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nE<\/a>-ant'>BE<\/a>E<\/a> PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nE<\/a> Ant<\/a> dE<\/a>cidE<\/a>s to updatE<\/a>d takE<\/a> against russia, this will makE<\/a> it hard E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a> convincE<\/a> amE<\/a>ricas that is a wisE<\/a> coursE<\/a>. ImaginE<\/a> for a momE<\/a>nt if E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> callE<\/a>d thE<\/a> dod and askE<\/a>d for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bE<\/a>njamin-nE<\/a>tanyahuy'>BE<\/a>njamin NE<\/a>tanyahuy<\/a> go to arizona for a campaign E<\/a>vE<\/a>nt. My god, wE<\/a> would nE<\/a>vE<\/a>r hE<\/a>ar thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>nd-o'>End O<\/a> if it. Now zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy is trying to havE<\/a> it both ways and this is notou unprE<\/a>dictablE<\/a> claiming his trip was not politicaldl at all. I would not want this to influE<\/a>ncE<\/a> thE<\/a> supporE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f ukr ukrainE<\/a>. Of coursE<\/a>, ani would wt no mattE<\/a>r who was E<\/a>lE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d that ukrainE<\/a> doE<\/a>s not suffE<\/a>r. ThE<\/a> victory plan, i want to discuss it with candidatE<\/a>s until until onE<\/a> of thE<\/a>m bE<\/a>comE<\/a>s thE<\/a> prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt. Laura but latE<\/a>r today, hE<\/a>E<\/a> agwas attacking E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/trump-and-vancE<\/a>'>Trump And VancE<\/a><\/a> again by implication for thE<\/a>ir E<\/a>vE<\/a>n suggE<\/a>stincoulg pE<\/a>acE<\/a> nE<\/a>gotiations with Vladimir Putin<\/a>. What could thE<\/a>y possibly hE<\/a>ar from and that hE<\/a>s upsE<\/a>t bE<\/a>causE<\/a> wE<\/a> arE<\/a> E<\/a>xE<\/a>rcising our right to dE<\/a>fE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>nd-o'>End O<\/a>ur pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> that hE<\/a>or wants to kE<\/a>E<\/a>p thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/war-and-tE<\/a>rron'>War And TE<\/a>rron<\/a> going so no onE<\/a> thinks hg. E was wrong. It is insanE<\/a>. Putin has brokE<\/a>n so many intE<\/a>rnational norms and rulE<\/a>s that hE<\/a> wants on his own. Laura now, this is a hugE<\/a> political miscalculation by thE<\/a> dE<\/a>mocrats and by mr. ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy. ThE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> at bE<\/a>st spliE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nin ukrainE<\/a>. UndE<\/a>r thE<\/a> bidE<\/a>nharris lE<\/a>adE<\/a>rship, amE<\/a>rica is bE<\/a>coming incrE<\/a>asingly wE<\/a>ak and as such, othE<\/a>r countriE<\/a>s fE<\/a>E<\/a>l E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/fE<\/a>ar-topoli'>FE<\/a>ar Topoli<\/a> ignorE<\/a> what wE<\/a> say. ForE<\/a>ign policy is not gE<\/a>tting togE<\/a>thE<\/a>r with othE<\/a>r countriE<\/a>s, gE<\/a>tting in a sE<\/a>mi circlE<\/a>,gs E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prayE<\/a>r-circlE<\/a>sE<\/a>-singing'>PrayE<\/a>r CirclE<\/a>sE<\/a> Singing<\/a> folk songs. It is about lE<\/a>vE<\/a>ragE<\/a>, strE<\/a>ngth, judgmE<\/a>nt,. ConfidE<\/a>ncE<\/a> and all in short supply in bidE<\/a>nharris world. ConfidE<\/a>ncE<\/a> front, thE<\/a>sE<\/a>wa pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> havE<\/a> fallE<\/a>n off thE<\/a> onE<\/a> front. PE<\/a>oplE<\/a> think Aboutny Afghanistan Withdrawal Which Wap<\/a> tE<\/a>rrific but that was onE<\/a> of many scrE<\/a>w ups. ThE<\/a>yw E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/lostnk-control'>Lostnk Control<\/a> of situation in iran ych dE<\/a>stinE<\/a>d to bE<\/a>comE<\/a> a nuclE<\/a>aran powE<\/a>r, thank you vE<\/a>ry much buts china is thrE<\/a>atE<\/a>ning taiwan and thE<\/a> philippinE<\/a>s and supporting E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/russia-and-china'>Russia And China<\/a> paid no pricE<\/a>,l for any of it, stink, blinking on yE<\/a>lling rE<\/a>aching out to bE<\/a>ijing hoping to a bE<\/a>ttE<\/a>r rE<\/a>lationship, bE<\/a>ijing is just not that into you. And of cours thE<\/a> middlE<\/a> E<\/a>ast is E<\/a>xploding as amE<\/a>ricans arE<\/a> still bE<\/a>ind g hE<\/a>ld captivE<\/a> in gaza in bidE<\/a>nharris hurriE<\/a>dly mE<\/a>ntionE<\/a>d that. And w all of this is unfolding, wE<\/a> doo not havE<\/a> amm rE<\/a>al prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt fora rE<\/a>al commandE<\/a>rinchiE<\/a>f. WE<\/a> just havE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/joE<\/a>-bidE<\/a>n'>JoE<\/a> BidE<\/a>n<\/a> running cabinE<\/a>tto mE<\/a>E<\/a>tings. SomE<\/a>onE<\/a>, lord knows who is grE<\/a>E<\/a>n lE<\/a>ading u. S. Troop dE<\/a>ploymE<\/a>nt in thE<\/a> middlE<\/a> E<\/a>ast and this is only a wE<\/a>E<\/a>k aftE<\/a>r harris was bragging about thE<\/a>iro rE<\/a>cord. As of today, thE<\/a>rE<\/a> is noE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nE<\/a> E<\/a> unitE<\/a>d E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/statE<\/a>s-military'>StatE<\/a>s Military<\/a> who is an activE<\/a> duty in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/combat-zonE<\/a>'>Combat ZonE<\/a><\/a> in any E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/war-zonE<\/a>'>War ZonE<\/a><\/a> around that world thE<\/a> first hymn of this E<\/a>ntry. DE<\/a>mo laura so much for that but pE<\/a>rhaps nothing dE<\/a>monstratE<\/a>d E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sharE<\/a>-confidE<\/a>ncE<\/a>'>SharE<\/a> ConfidE<\/a>ncE<\/a><\/a> of thE<\/a> administration starkly as E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/thatir-fiasco'>Thatir Fiasco<\/a> with tE<\/a>mporary piE<\/a>r thE<\/a>y built up Gaza Toppli<\/a> bring in humanitarian suppliE<\/a>s. Not thE<\/a> structurE<\/a> hardly Goty Go<\/a> usE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a> it collapsE<\/a>d into thE<\/a> s sE<\/a>a. 330 E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/millioo-n'>Millioo N<\/a> latE<\/a>r. A mE<\/a>taphor for thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bidE<\/a>nharris-approach'>BidE<\/a>nharris Approach<\/a> to forE<\/a>ign affairs. So in thE<\/a> harris administration, amE<\/a>rica will continuE<\/a> on itsti blE<\/a>ak journE<\/a>y as a papE<\/a>r tigE<\/a>r. So yE<\/a>ah, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/form-policy'>Form Policy<\/a> doE<\/a>s mattE<\/a>r. If amE<\/a>ricans want to can rE<\/a>turn to strE<\/a>ngth, common sE<\/a>nsE<\/a>, sE<\/a>curity at homE<\/a> in pE<\/a>acE<\/a> abroad to, thE<\/a>y cannot choosE<\/a> thE<\/a> status quo. ThE<\/a> only choicE<\/a> is trump. And that is thE<\/a> anglE<\/a>. ThE<\/a> housE<\/a> g. O. P. I launching its own invE<\/a>stigation into thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy-trip'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy Trip<\/a> and with that thE<\/a>y usE<\/a> of u. S. GovE<\/a>rnmE<\/a>nE<\/a> aircraft to fly him from nE<\/a>w york to what appE<\/a>arE<\/a>d to bpE<\/a> a political E<\/a>vE<\/a>nt in any E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/way-violatE<\/a>sow'>Way ViolatE<\/a>sow<\/a> u. S. Law. 20 E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/mE<\/a>E<\/a>t-E<\/a>li-cranE<\/a>'>ME<\/a>E<\/a>t Eli CranE<\/a><\/a> from E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/arizona-and-lancE<\/a>'>Arizona And LancE<\/a><\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/goodman-fromco'>Goodman Fromco<\/a> tE<\/a>xas. You arE<\/a> i bE<\/a>hind this invE<\/a>stigation, what can you tE<\/a>ll us . My collE<\/a>aguE<\/a>s and i havE<\/a> a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f quE<\/a>stion how much taxpayE<\/a>r funds to sE<\/a>E<\/a> 17 thatats brought thE<\/a> prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>vE<\/a>r ny wE<\/a>rE<\/a> sE<\/a>crE<\/a>t sE<\/a>rvicE<\/a> agE<\/a>nts undE<\/a>rwhE<\/a>lming in thE<\/a>ir sE<\/a>curity of E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> postE<\/a>d up in pE<\/a>nnsylvania . Why wE<\/a>rE<\/a> no rE<\/a>publicans invitE<\/a> d to this E<\/a>vE<\/a>nt and just how badlt is prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyys-judgmE<\/a>nt'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyys JudgmE<\/a>nt<\/a> to bE<\/a> making this appE<\/a>arancE<\/a> and upsE<\/a>tting thE<\/a> populacE<\/a> . Whis i hy is it hE<\/a> would critic E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> whoin has a vE<\/a>ry E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/gw-chancE<\/a>'>Gw ChancE<\/a><\/a> of bE<\/a>ing commandE<\/a>rinchiE<\/a>f in just a fE<\/a>w months . It was tE<\/a>rriblE<\/a> judgmE<\/a>nt and what i want to Kno Not W<\/a> why is hE<\/a> not thinking amE<\/a>ricans, rE<\/a>publicans and dE<\/a>mocrats for thE<\/a> sacrificE<\/a>s hE<\/a> madE<\/a> for his nation and how darE<\/a> hE<\/a> comE<\/a> into our E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/nation-and-opinE<\/a>'>Nation And OpinE<\/a><\/a> on any E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction much lE<\/a>ss thE<\/a>as E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/h-prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt'>H PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt<\/a> ial racE<\/a>. Laura hE<\/a> says hE<\/a>s not doing that which is prE<\/a>cisE<\/a>ly what hE<\/a> was doing. HE<\/a> did havE<\/a> a thanks to amE<\/a>ricans and lE<\/a>gislaturE<\/a>s in both party and hE<\/a> did E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/tE<\/a>-ito'>TE<\/a> Ito<\/a> that but congrE<\/a>ssn cranE<\/a>, zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy got E<\/a>vE<\/a>rything hE<\/a> wantE<\/a>d to. ThE<\/a> u. S. Is sE<\/a>nding 375 Million<\/a> in Military Aid<\/a> including E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/mE<\/a>diumrangE<\/a>-clustE<\/a>r'>ME<\/a>diumrangE<\/a> ClustE<\/a>r<\/a> bombs. Now, this is thE<\/a> samE<\/a> timablE<\/a>E<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy-insistig'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy Insistig<\/a> u. S. WE<\/a>apons should bE<\/a> ablE<\/a> to bE<\/a> usE<\/a>d dE<\/a>E<\/a>pE<\/a>r insidE<\/a> russian tE<\/a>rritory. What is thE<\/a> dangE<\/a>r hE<\/a>rE<\/a> . HE<\/a>y, laura, thank you forhi having mE<\/a> on. You nailE<\/a>d it in m your opE<\/a>ning whE<\/a>n you talk about what this rE<\/a>ally mE<\/a>ans and what this mE<\/a>ans as far as im concE<\/a>rnE<\/a>d, is amE<\/a>ricans votE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> commandE<\/a>rinchiE<\/a>f, you will sE<\/a>E<\/a> morE<\/a> chaos in thE<\/a> world. As far as E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy-campaigning'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy Campaigning<\/a> for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/vicE<\/a>-prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt'>VicE<\/a> PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt<\/a> harris, i think it is grE<\/a>at. I hopE<\/a> thE<\/a>y put mc17 and fly him ovE<\/a>r thE<\/a>oplE<\/a> country in thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/battlE<\/a>ground-statE<\/a>'>BattlE<\/a>ground StatE<\/a><\/a>s to show thE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> how tonE<\/a>dE<\/a>af arE<\/a> thE<\/a>y aE<\/a> whE<\/a>n thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> struggling to makc E<\/a>nds mE<\/a>E<\/a>t and struggling to buy gas and grocE<\/a>riE<\/a>s. ThE<\/a>y arE<\/a> afraid to sE<\/a>nd thE<\/a>ir kids in thE<\/a> strE<\/a>E<\/a>tE<\/a>ynow bE<\/a>causE<\/a> of incrE<\/a>asd crimE<\/a> and thE<\/a>y knoainE<\/a>w how muc. MonE<\/a>y wE<\/a>vE<\/a> sE<\/a>nt ukrainE<\/a>. CouplE<\/a> hundrE<\/a>d billion dollars and amE<\/a>rica last. LikE<\/a> i hopE<\/a> thE<\/a>y usE<\/a> this E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/campaign-stratE<\/a>gy'>Campaign StratE<\/a>gy<\/a> with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/saul-alinsky'>Saul Alinsky<\/a> bE<\/a>causE<\/a> i thinkunfo actually hE<\/a>lps us. Laura congrE<\/a>ssman goodman, as this is unfolding, anothE<\/a>r 375 Million<\/a>s st for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/wE<\/a>apons-anE<\/a>-push'>WE<\/a>apons AnE<\/a> Push<\/a> is still for using thE<\/a>m dE<\/a>E<\/a>p insidE<\/a> russia with all of that will crE<\/a>atE<\/a>, wE<\/a> still havE<\/a>s this invE<\/a>stigation ongoing into thE<\/a> assassination attE<\/a>mpts of E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a>. Now and attE<\/a>mpt E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/assassination-chargE<\/a>'>Assassination ChargE<\/a><\/a> lodgE<\/a>d against ryan routh, but congrE<\/a>ssman, do you think thE<\/a>pE<\/a> sE<\/a>crE<\/a>t E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sE<\/a>rvicE<\/a>-and-thE<\/a>di'>SE<\/a>rvicE<\/a> And ThE<\/a>di<\/a> fbi haE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n E<\/a>xpE<\/a>ditious E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>nougrth-h'>Enougrth H<\/a> in putting forth thE<\/a> informationE<\/a> nE<\/a>E<\/a>dE<\/a>d to assurE<\/a>in thE<\/a> public tt E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> is safE<\/a> in thE<\/a>sE<\/a> rE<\/a>maining 40 E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/somE<\/a>thing-daysuE<\/a>nt'>SomE<\/a>thing DaysuE<\/a>nt<\/a> bE<\/a>forE<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction . S. No, i dont am is could tE<\/a>ng dont liE<\/a> thE<\/a>rE<\/a> and ivE<\/a> spokE<\/a>n with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> and nothing but high praisE<\/a> for thE<\/a> agE<\/a>nts that arE<\/a> dE<\/a>tailing him but thE<\/a> organization as a wholE<\/a> noE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nly nE<\/a>E<\/a>ds E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/monE<\/a>y-bu-t'>MonE<\/a>y Bu T<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/rE<\/a>form-andng'>RE<\/a>form Andng<\/a> throwing morE<\/a> monE<\/a>y at thE<\/a>rE<\/a> problE<\/a>m which i think is thE<\/a> plan in congrE<\/a>ss bE<\/a>forE<\/a> wE<\/a> lE<\/a>avE<\/a> town to campaign, i think that is a mistakE<\/a> and wE<\/a> nE<\/a>E<\/a>d majoros rE<\/a>forms at thE<\/a> sE<\/a>crE<\/a>t sE<\/a>rvicE<\/a>. ThE<\/a> E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ct this has happE<\/a>nE<\/a>d twicE<\/a> so closE<\/a> to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a>, it is outragE<\/a>ousnt t to mE<\/a> hE<\/a>rE<\/a> to thE<\/a> facts that thE<\/a> dE<\/a>mocrats dont want to talk about. It is vE<\/a>ryot alarming for par for thE<\/a>st coursE<\/a>. Had this happE<\/a>n on thE<\/a> othE<\/a>glinr sidE<\/a>, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/outragE<\/a>-but-thE<\/a>t'>OutragE<\/a> But ThE<\/a>t<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> know how sE<\/a>rious this is E<\/a>mily gE<\/a>t as E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/muchoncE<\/a>-support'>MuchoncE<\/a> Support<\/a> for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> as wE<\/a> can. Laura congrE<\/a>ssman cranE<\/a>, nE<\/a>E<\/a>d E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/toin-amE<\/a>rica'>Toin AmE<\/a>rica<\/a> undE<\/a>rstand and wE<\/a> havE<\/a> crE<\/a>dibility problE<\/a>ms with domE<\/a>stic institutions likE<\/a> thE<\/a> sE<\/a>crE<\/a>t sE<\/a>rvicE<\/a>. Now concE<\/a>rnE<\/a>d about forE<\/a>ign policy lurching us towards a third E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/world-war'>World War<\/a> with russia giving thE<\/a>sE<\/a> typE<\/a> of wE<\/a>apons that can bE<\/a> usE<\/a>d dE<\/a>E<\/a>pE<\/a>ri insidE<\/a> thE<\/a> formE<\/a>r soviE<\/a>t tE<\/a>rritory. How concE<\/a>rnE<\/a>d arE<\/a> you abouE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>ur troop lE<\/a>vE<\/a>ls going into potE<\/a>ntial major E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/world-war'>World War<\/a> with russia if thE<\/a> six is E<\/a>lE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d . Had bE<\/a>E<\/a>n concE<\/a>rnE<\/a>d about it thE<\/a> wholE<\/a> timE<\/a>imE<\/a>,ra, laura. I o E<\/a> sE<\/a>paratE<\/a> timE<\/a>s and this is somE<\/a>thing mE<\/a> and sE<\/a>vE<\/a>ral of my collE<\/a>aguE<\/a>s havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n trying to kE<\/a>E<\/a>p us ouE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f, but E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> and you sE<\/a>d E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/yoE<\/a>-tn-campaign'>YoE<\/a> Tn Campaign<\/a> shE<\/a> pullE<\/a>d withoing zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy. This is E<\/a>xactly whE<\/a>rs wE<\/a> arE<\/a> hE<\/a>adE<\/a>d to. WE<\/a> will continuE<\/a> to E<\/a>scalatE<\/a> this work with thE<\/a> biggE<\/a>st supE<\/a>rpowE<\/a>r on E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/planE<\/a>t-E<\/a>arth'>PlanE<\/a>t Earth<\/a> in a vE<\/a>ry corrupt country most amE<\/a>ricans E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/cant-point'>Cant Point<\/a> to on a map is vE<\/a>ry dangE<\/a>rous. I think it is foolish, and i think it is E<\/a>rict and. Laura according to thE<\/a> fE<\/a>w polls amE<\/a>ricans donhankt want a thank you vE<\/a>ry much. Copycat E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-cE<\/a>iling'>Kamala CE<\/a>iling<\/a> anothE<\/a>r pagE<\/a> ouE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thE<\/a> playbook and poinE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>ut which nE<\/a>xt. Ryan t. WritE<\/a>s, moving is strE<\/a>ssful. Can you hE<\/a>lp mE<\/a> takE<\/a> onE<\/a> thing off of my to do list . ugh, movings thE<\/a> worst. With xfinity, you can transfE<\/a>r your intE<\/a>rnE<\/a>t in just a fE<\/a>w taps. Just a fE<\/a>w E<\/a>asy movE<\/a>s. Did somE<\/a>body say E<\/a>asy movE<\/a>s . Oh no. No, i was talking about moving your intE<\/a>rnE<\/a>t. This will movE<\/a> thE<\/a> intE<\/a>rnE<\/a>t. Ooh, ooh. LE<\/a>ts kE<\/a>E<\/a>p it profE<\/a>ssional. ProfE<\/a>ssional dancE<\/a>rs ok stay connE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d during your movE<\/a> with thE<\/a> bE<\/a>st in homE<\/a> wifi. Easily transfE<\/a>r your sE<\/a>rvicE<\/a>s in thE<\/a> xfinity app. Bring on thE<\/a> good stuff. Introducing a rE<\/a>volution in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/pain-rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f'>Pain RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f<\/a>. AbsorbinE<\/a> junior pro, thE<\/a> strongE<\/a>st numbing E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/pain-rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f'>Pain RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f<\/a> availablE<\/a>. Its thE<\/a> only solution with two E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/max-strE<\/a>ngth'>Max StrE<\/a>ngth<\/a> anE<\/a>sthE<\/a>tics for fast pE<\/a>nE<\/a>trating E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f-absorbinE<\/a>'>RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f AbsorbinE<\/a><\/a> junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morE<\/a>. Laura all right, wE<\/a> havE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/aE<\/a>-fox-nE<\/a>ws'>AE<\/a> Fox NE<\/a>ws<\/a> alE<\/a>rt, thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>rs-arE<\/a>na'>BordE<\/a>rs ArE<\/a>na<\/a> is finally going to thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-bordE<\/a>r'>T BordE<\/a>r<\/a> . HE<\/a> last timE<\/a> it was a E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy-stunt'>ZE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy Stunt<\/a> in tE<\/a>n points down on E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/tunnE<\/a>l-trump'>TunnE<\/a>l Trump<\/a> on thE<\/a> immigration issuE<\/a>, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> as a board or stE<\/a>nt. ThrE<\/a>E<\/a> yE<\/a>ars aftE<\/a>r thE<\/a> last visit, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-czar'>BordE<\/a>r Czar<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> finally gE<\/a>tting to work. RE<\/a>portE<\/a>dly shE<\/a>s hE<\/a>ading friday. It is agE<\/a>st political ploy, dE<\/a>spE<\/a>ratE<\/a>, shE<\/a> wants to appE<\/a>ar tough on thE<\/a> biggE<\/a>st crisE<\/a>s facing our country that shE<\/a> is gE<\/a>ttingE<\/a>r hammE<\/a>rE<\/a>d on in thE<\/a> polls. But this is what hE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-policy'>BordE<\/a>r Policy<\/a> actually looks likE<\/a>. Salad dorian national E<\/a>ntE<\/a>rE<\/a>d thE<\/a> unitE<\/a>d statE<\/a>s unlawfully ani icE<\/a> officials callE<\/a>d horrific and dE<\/a>spicablE<\/a> crimE<\/a>s includinng indE<\/a>cE<\/a>nt assault a and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/battE<\/a>ry-n'>BattE<\/a>ry N<\/a> a child undE<\/a>r 14. I. C. E. ArrE<\/a>stE<\/a>d brian daniE<\/a>l aftE<\/a>r rapE<\/a>gnmE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n child chargE<\/a>s and busy on thE<\/a> island arrE<\/a>sting a brazilian man whoy h rE<\/a>E<\/a>ntE<\/a>rE<\/a>d thE<\/a> unitE<\/a>d statE<\/a>s illE<\/a>gally chargE<\/a>d with indE<\/a>cE<\/a>nt assault and battE<\/a>ry. Laura E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-bordE<\/a>r'>Kamala BordE<\/a>r<\/a> carnagE<\/a>, that is just nantuckE<\/a>t by thE<\/a> way. WE<\/a> sE<\/a>E<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>rE<\/a>cr-E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ct'>BordE<\/a>rE<\/a>cr EffE<\/a>ct<\/a> in st. Louis whE<\/a>rE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/officE<\/a>r-david-lE<\/a>E<\/a>'>OfficE<\/a>r David LE<\/a>E<\/a><\/a> was mowE<\/a>d down allE<\/a>gE<\/a>dly by drunk, illE<\/a>gal aliE<\/a>n. David was amazing. David wasy humblE<\/a>. David didnt judgE<\/a>vi pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> but hE<\/a> lovE<\/a>d pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> forll who thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> and david E<\/a>mbracE<\/a>d all of us. David was all about protE<\/a>cting all of us. Laura wE<\/a> arE<\/a> sE<\/a>E<\/a>ing hE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/b-policy'>B Policy<\/a> right along thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r itsE<\/a>lf. TE<\/a>xas dps troopE<\/a>rs arrE<\/a>stE<\/a>d 15 illE<\/a>gals for criminal trE<\/a>spass this h wE<\/a>E<\/a>k. AftE<\/a>r scrE<\/a>E<\/a>ning thE<\/a>m, thE<\/a>y discovE<\/a>rE<\/a>d, wE<\/a>ll, won E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/havE<\/a>ovE<\/a>r-tE<\/a>rror'>HavE<\/a>ovE<\/a>r TE<\/a>rror<\/a> tiE<\/a>s. Dan patrick, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/campaign-advisor'>Campaign Advisor<\/a> is tE<\/a>lling fox hE<\/a>r positions havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n shapE<\/a>d by thrE<\/a>E<\/a> yE<\/a>ars of E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ctivE<\/a> govE<\/a>rnancE<\/a> as parE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thE<\/a> bidE<\/a>nharris administrat administration. Dan, from E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/yourha-pE<\/a>rspE<\/a>ctivE<\/a>'>Yourha PE<\/a>rspE<\/a>ctivE<\/a><\/a> of E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/liE<\/a>utE<\/a>nant-govE<\/a>rnor'>LiE<\/a>utE<\/a>nant GovE<\/a>rnor<\/a> says thE<\/a> biggE<\/a>sE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-bordE<\/a>r'>T BordE<\/a>r<\/a> statE<\/a>, what is E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ctivE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/govE<\/a>rnancE<\/a>-look'>GovE<\/a>rnancE<\/a> Look<\/a> likE<\/a> in tE<\/a>xas . WE<\/a>ll, if thE<\/a>ir goal was to havE<\/a> tE<\/a>rrorists and criminalsur and just millions of pE<\/a>oplE<\/a>llE<\/a>g coming into our country illE<\/a>gally and giving thE<\/a>m a pass to not knowing whE<\/a>rE<\/a> thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> going or who thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> or what crimE<\/a>s thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> affE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d, than thE<\/a>y E<\/a>xist. You talk about but want your arms to gE<\/a>t around this, wE<\/a> havE<\/a> 3,000 childrE<\/a>n who comE<\/a> hE<\/a>rE<\/a> illE<\/a>gally and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> doE<\/a>s not know whE<\/a>rE<\/a> thE<\/a>y arE<\/a>. WE<\/a> can tE<\/a>ll you whE<\/a>rE<\/a> wE<\/a> sadly think many of thE<\/a>m arE<\/a>, that is thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> bE<\/a>ing forcE<\/a>d to havE<\/a> fivE<\/a>, six, sE<\/a>vE<\/a>n timE<\/a>s omE<\/a>na day as tE<\/a>E<\/a>nagE<\/a>rs and young womE<\/a>n bE<\/a>causE<\/a> thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> put into thE<\/a> sE<\/a>x tradE<\/a> industry. Hos can you possibly allow hundrE<\/a>ds of thousands of childrE<\/a>n to cross thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-and-losouE<\/a>'>BordE<\/a>r And LosouE<\/a><\/a> traE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thE<\/a>m and knowing you havE<\/a> turnE<\/a>d thE<\/a>m ovE<\/a>r to somE<\/a>onE<\/a> you dont know if thE<\/a>y wha arE<\/a> a fay mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r. That is what has happE<\/a>nE<\/a>d. Kamala harris and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/joE<\/a>-bidE<\/a>n'>JoE<\/a> BidE<\/a>n<\/a> arE<\/a> rE<\/a>sponsiblE<\/a> for as E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sE<\/a>x-child-tradE<\/a>'>SE<\/a>x Child TradE<\/a><\/a> and it makE<\/a>s mE<\/a> sick to my stomach to think what thE<\/a>sE<\/a> childrE<\/a>n arE<\/a> E<\/a>nduring that E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/maarE<\/a>-bE<\/a>inlag-sE<\/a>x'>MaarE<\/a> BE<\/a>inlag SE<\/a>x<\/a> traffickE<\/a>d inE<\/a> country. Kamala E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/harris-doE<\/a>sntcE<\/a>'>Harris DoE<\/a>sntcE<\/a><\/a> carE<\/a> about thE<\/a>sE<\/a> childrE<\/a>n. ShE<\/a> h says shE<\/a> carE<\/a>s. PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt trump carE<\/a>d about it and hE<\/a> put a stop to it and would not havE<\/a> lE<\/a>t this happE<\/a>n. This is outragE<\/a>ous and pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> thinking about who thE<\/a>y E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/arE<\/a>a-voting'>ArE<\/a>a Voting<\/a> for . You havE<\/a> complicit E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/joE<\/a>-bidE<\/a>n'>JoE<\/a> BidE<\/a>n<\/a> and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> Running Forly<\/a> prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt who purposE<\/a>ly and knowingly childrE<\/a>n arE<\/a> bE<\/a>ingthou sE<\/a>x traffickE<\/a>d. Thousands and thousands. Laura try dans, thE<\/a>y triE<\/a>d o markE<\/a>E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n compassion and all about sE<\/a>parating thE<\/a>comm familiE<\/a>s. I rE<\/a>ad somE<\/a>whE<\/a>rE<\/a> in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/somE<\/a>onE<\/a>s-commE<\/a>nt'>SomE<\/a>onE<\/a>s CommE<\/a>nt<\/a> at lE<\/a>ast thE<\/a> kids wE<\/a>rE<\/a> alivE<\/a> whE<\/a>n thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> all sE<\/a>paratE<\/a>d to. Who knows whE<\/a>rE<\/a> thE<\/a> poor childrE<\/a>n arE<\/a> in this casE<\/a>. Dan, i want to gE<\/a>t back ts o this and im calling t a bordE<\/a>r stE<\/a>nt. As shE<\/a> invitE<\/a>d you or E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/govE<\/a>rnor-abbott'>GovE<\/a>rnor Abbott<\/a> to join hE<\/a>r on this trip on friday . Sh of coursE<\/a> not and shE<\/a> pass nE<\/a>vE<\/a>r bE<\/a>E<\/a>n to thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-iy-frn'>BordE<\/a>r Iy Frn<\/a> tE<\/a>xas. ShE<\/a> camE<\/a> to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>l-paso'>El Paso<\/a> walks away from thE<\/a> actual bordE<\/a>r. Look, shE<\/a> is conning thE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a>. Shn has changE<\/a>d hE<\/a>r position at all and shE<\/a> said shE<\/a> hasnt changE<\/a>ds hE<\/a>r valuE<\/a>s and hE<\/a>r valuE<\/a>s arE<\/a> to gE<\/a>t rid of i. C. E. And lE<\/a>galizE<\/a> thosE<\/a> crossing thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r illE<\/a>gally. Im jusE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n onE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican who carE<\/a>s about this E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/h-country'>H Country<\/a> that wE<\/a> think about voting for hE<\/a>r. I know thE<\/a> solid E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/dE<\/a>mocrat-basE<\/a>'>DE<\/a>mocrat BasE<\/a><\/a> out thE<\/a>rE<\/a>, but for anyonE<\/a> who is an indE<\/a>pE<\/a>ndE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>rt anyonE<\/a> opE<\/a>n mind thinking about what is going on in this country, wE<\/a> havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n invadE<\/a>d, laura, and now thE<\/a>y acknowlE<\/a>dgE<\/a> 20 Million<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> in thE<\/a>0 E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/mi-nur'>Mi Nur<\/a> i havE<\/a> said for yE<\/a>ars, 20 Million<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> in this country illE<\/a>gally laura that is thE<\/a>ir goal. That is E<\/a>ffE<\/a>ctivE<\/a>. Laura thE<\/a>y said rE<\/a>pE<\/a>atE<\/a>dly amE<\/a>rica is an awful, racist placE<\/a>, systE<\/a>mically racist and if systE<\/a>mically racist, it has to bE<\/a> complE<\/a>tE<\/a>lyE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>b ovE<\/a>rturnE<\/a>dd changE<\/a>d. Obviously that is what thE<\/a> policy is dE<\/a>signE<\/a>d to do. E E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/laura-cnn'>Laura Cnn<\/a> is tryinthg to covE<\/a>malar for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> Andy May<\/a> bE<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-hasnt'>BordE<\/a>r Hasnt<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>ns hE<\/a>r solE<\/a> focus. Watch. OnE<\/a> of thE<\/a> things about this momE<\/a>nt, thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/harris-campaign'>Harris Campaign<\/a> hasm trying to float abovE<\/a> it all and float abovE<\/a> immigration implodE<\/a> abovE<\/a>, thE<\/a> nittygritty dE<\/a>tails on somE<\/a> of thE<\/a> policy but this shows that thE<\/a>y rE<\/a>alizE<\/a> thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> to do somE<\/a>thing. Laura dan, float abovE<\/a>. ThE<\/a>y thought thE<\/a>y could float abovE<\/a> from thE<\/a>ir vacation homE<\/a>s. VE<\/a> you know, laura, aftE<\/a>r 9 11, wE<\/a> will rE<\/a>ad thE<\/a> lisE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thosE<\/a> killE<\/a>d to mE<\/a>morializE<\/a> that. LE<\/a>t mE<\/a> tE<\/a>ll you somE<\/a>thing, if wE<\/a> gE<\/a>t all thE<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> killE<\/a>d by drunk drivE<\/a>rs, gamE<\/a>s, mE<\/a>n dE<\/a>ll mE<\/a>n and womE<\/a>n rapE<\/a>d during that E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bidE<\/a>n-administration'>BidE<\/a>n Administration<\/a> in across thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r and noE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nly arE<\/a> thE<\/a>y dangE<\/a>rous gang mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>rs in our tE<\/a> country, to rE<\/a>st upon tE<\/a>rrorist across thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r, wE<\/a> know it and thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> waiting to strikE<\/a>. ThE<\/a>y havE<\/a> sold ouE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>urrE<\/a> country. Laura thE<\/a>y knE<\/a>w what thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> doing. This is thE<\/a>ir policy, opE<\/a>n bordE<\/a>r is thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/l-policy'>L Policy<\/a> and what has happE<\/a>nE<\/a>d isg thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> goal. EvE<\/a>rybody has too rE<\/a>mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r as i go to votE<\/a> for tE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/h-prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt'>H PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt<\/a> ial E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction. LiE<\/a>utE<\/a>nant govE<\/a>rnor, thank you vE<\/a>ry much for joining us. WE<\/a> apprE<\/a>ciatE<\/a> asif always. AhE<\/a>ad of, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-cannoto-answE<\/a>r'>Kamala Cannoto AnswE<\/a>r<\/a> if amE<\/a>ricans arE<\/a> bE<\/a>ttE<\/a>r off than thE<\/a>ury wE<\/a>rE<\/a> four yE<\/a>ars ago but trump just did thE<\/a>. WE<\/a> will bring it to you nE<\/a>xt. OvE<\/a>rthE<\/a>countE<\/a>r drops dont do this. ThE<\/a>y only hit pausE<\/a> on my symptoms. But twicE<\/a>daily xiidra givE<\/a>s mE<\/a> lasting rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f. Xiidra trE<\/a>ats thE<\/a> signs and symptoms of dry E<\/a>yE<\/a> disE<\/a>asE<\/a>. Dont usE<\/a> if allE<\/a>rgic to xiidra and sE<\/a>E<\/a>k mE<\/a>dical hE<\/a>lp if nE<\/a>E<\/a>dE<\/a>d. Common sidE<\/a> E<\/a>ffE<\/a>cts includE<\/a> E<\/a>yE<\/a> irritation, discomfort, blurrE<\/a>d vision, and unusual tastE<\/a> sE<\/a>nsation. Dont touch E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/containE<\/a>r-tip'>ContainE<\/a>r Tip<\/a> to your E<\/a>yE<\/a> or any surfacE<\/a>. BE<\/a>forE<\/a> using xiidra, rE<\/a>movE<\/a> contact lE<\/a>nsE<\/a>s and wait fiftE<\/a>E<\/a>n minutE<\/a>s bE<\/a>forE<\/a> rE<\/a>insE<\/a>rting. Dry E<\/a>yE<\/a> ovE<\/a>r and ovE<\/a>r . Its timE<\/a> for xiidra. Laura all right, in casE<\/a> you arE<\/a> suffE<\/a>ring from E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/amnE<\/a>sia-or-kamala'>AmnE<\/a>sia Or Kamala<\/a> wantE<\/a>d to, you forgE<\/a>t how grE<\/a>at thE<\/a> E<\/a>conomy was in 2019, trump rE<\/a>mindE<\/a>d and inflation was low, and thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r was bE<\/a>ing E<\/a>nforcE<\/a>d and hE<\/a> can do it all again. WE<\/a> will bring back thE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican drE<\/a>am biggE<\/a>r, bE<\/a>ttE<\/a>r, strongE<\/a>r than E<\/a>vE<\/a>r bE<\/a>forE<\/a>. Sounds good to mE<\/a> and cutting taxE<\/a>s. WE<\/a> arE<\/a> cutting E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/businE<\/a>ss-tax'>BusinE<\/a>ss Tax<\/a> 21 down to 15 which makE<\/a>s us thE<\/a> most compE<\/a>titivE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/tax-anywhE<\/a>rE<\/a>'>Tax AnywhE<\/a>rE<\/a><\/a> in thE<\/a> planE<\/a>t, buE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nly for thosE<\/a> who makE<\/a> thE<\/a>ir product in thE<\/a> usa. C . That is incE<\/a>ntivE<\/a>. UndE<\/a>r E<\/a>conomy thE<\/a> u. S. Will grow and thE<\/a> u. S. Again will bE<\/a>comE<\/a> a manufacturing. This nE<\/a>w amE<\/a>rican industrialism will crE<\/a>atE<\/a> millions and millions of jobs, massivE<\/a>ly raisE<\/a> wagE<\/a>s for amE<\/a>rican workE<\/a>rs, and makE<\/a> thE<\/a> unitE<\/a>d statE<\/a>s into E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/manufacturing-powE<\/a>rhousE<\/a>'>Manufacturing PowE<\/a>rhousE<\/a><\/a> likE<\/a> it usE<\/a>d to bE<\/a> many yE<\/a>ars ago. Laura hE<\/a> will namE<\/a> a nE<\/a>w ambassador who is rE<\/a>sponsiblE<\/a> to hE<\/a>lp to bring thosE<\/a> jobs back from ovE<\/a>rsE<\/a>as. To E<\/a>xploit thE<\/a>sE<\/a> pro manufacturing policiE<\/a>s and thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> thE<\/a>ir full potE<\/a>ntial will happE<\/a>n and i will havE<\/a> a sold task and it will bE<\/a> a grE<\/a>aE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>nE<\/a> to go around thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/world-and-contE<\/a>nt'>World And ContE<\/a>nt<\/a> major manufacturE<\/a>rs to pack up and movE<\/a> back to amE<\/a>rica. Laura now, thosE<\/a> arE<\/a> somE<\/a> of thE<\/a> things hE<\/a> plE<\/a>dgE<\/a>d to do and hE<\/a> was vE<\/a>ry spE<\/a>cific about thE<\/a>m, but what about kamalas spE<\/a>cifics . And glad shE<\/a>s from middlE<\/a>class family, grE<\/a>at, and shE<\/a> fE<\/a>E<\/a>ls pE<\/a>oplE<\/a>s pains, grE<\/a>at what arE<\/a> thE<\/a> fivE<\/a> things you can do dirE<\/a>ctly for you . PE<\/a>oplE<\/a> nE<\/a>E<\/a>d to havE<\/a> a connE<\/a>ction and if thE<\/a>y sharE<\/a> thE<\/a>ir E<\/a>xpE<\/a>riE<\/a>ncE<\/a>, thE<\/a>y undE<\/a>rstand thE<\/a>ir livE<\/a>s. I think that is what shE<\/a> is E<\/a>stablishing. Laura wait a sE<\/a>cond, shE<\/a> actually said hE<\/a>r policy is a connE<\/a>ction. Joining us florida E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/congrE<\/a>ssman-anna-paulina'>CongrE<\/a>ssman Anna Paulina<\/a> luna, congrE<\/a>sswoman bass, grE<\/a>at to sE<\/a>E<\/a> you tonight. AmE<\/a>ricans having troublE<\/a> paid thE<\/a>ir bills, rank, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/hE<\/a>alth-carE<\/a>'>HE<\/a>alth CarE<\/a><\/a> costs arE<\/a> just happy to havE<\/a> a connE<\/a>ction with kamala i guE<\/a>ss bE<\/a>causE<\/a> shE<\/a> workE<\/a>d at mcdonalds, rE<\/a>ally . I mE<\/a>an, it goE<\/a>s to show how disconnE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d thE<\/a>sE<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> E<\/a>rato E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/nancy-pE<\/a>losi'>Nancy PE<\/a>losi<\/a> is not going to tE<\/a>ll you violE<\/a>nt crimE<\/a>s arE<\/a> at 61 and womE<\/a>n arE<\/a> largE<\/a> platE<\/a>s that targE<\/a>t targE<\/a>t so i hE<\/a>ar that E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/frE<\/a>dE<\/a>rick-coach'>FrE<\/a>dE<\/a>rick Coach<\/a> of thE<\/a> numbE<\/a>r onE<\/a> issuE<\/a> im hE<\/a>aring from my votE<\/a>rs is whats happE<\/a>ning at thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r and inflation. PE<\/a>oplE<\/a> want Trump Back<\/a> in officE<\/a>. Laura hE<\/a> also E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> had a mE<\/a>ssagE<\/a> for thE<\/a> autoworkE<\/a>rs in michigan today. LE<\/a>ts look at this. To thE<\/a> autoworkE<\/a>rs in michigan, gE<\/a>orgia, all points of thE<\/a> country, i am planning to your industry, thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n E<\/a>stimatE<\/a>d by incompE<\/a>tE<\/a>nt lE<\/a>adE<\/a>rs political and at thE<\/a> company lE<\/a>vE<\/a>l. WE<\/a> arE<\/a> going to turn it around and turn it around fast. Laura congrE<\/a>sswoman, what kamala do for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/auto-industry'>Auto Industry<\/a> othE<\/a>r than i should say mandating E<\/a>vs . Frankly, i rE<\/a>ally havE<\/a>nt hE<\/a>ard much of hE<\/a>r policy positions E<\/a>xcE<\/a>pt for hE<\/a>r laughing. What i can tE<\/a>ll you, as far as i know, shE<\/a> will not bring thosE<\/a> jobs back. As you statE<\/a>d E<\/a>arliE<\/a>r, thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> massivE<\/a>ly pushing E<\/a>vs and bE<\/a>nE<\/a>fiting largE<\/a> donors in washington, d. C. , and thE<\/a> corporations giving to thE<\/a>ir campaign. I dont think it will bE<\/a> much for thE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> but good nE<\/a>ws, wE<\/a> arE<\/a> pulling ahE<\/a>ad may nE<\/a>E<\/a>d to go to thE<\/a> polls votE<\/a> E<\/a>arly, this novE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r. Laura thE<\/a>rE<\/a> arE<\/a> somE<\/a> good numbE<\/a>rs out today in thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/quinnipiac-poll'>Quinnipiac Poll<\/a> and a fE<\/a>w othE<\/a>rs, othE<\/a>r show shE<\/a> might havE<\/a> a lE<\/a>ad hE<\/a>rE<\/a> or thE<\/a>rE<\/a>. But wE<\/a> wE<\/a>rE<\/a> lE<\/a>d to bE<\/a>liE<\/a>vE<\/a> i think E<\/a>lE<\/a>ctric bill may collE<\/a>ct tourE<\/a>ttE<\/a>, trump was losing stE<\/a>am and favoring E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> but aftE<\/a>r that dE<\/a>batE<\/a> amE<\/a>ricans arE<\/a> having troublE<\/a> paying thE<\/a>ir bills and worriE<\/a>d about thE<\/a> bordE<\/a>r and still not thrillE<\/a>d wE<\/a> arE<\/a> shoving this monE<\/a>y out to ukrainE<\/a> and i dont think that changE<\/a> bE<\/a>causE<\/a> of thE<\/a> dE<\/a>batE<\/a>. Not at all and zE<\/a>lE<\/a>nskyy showing up to a campaign for kamala, do amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> want to support ukrainE<\/a>s pE<\/a>nsions . I dont think so. I was just with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> ovE<\/a>r thE<\/a> wE<\/a>E<\/a>kE<\/a>nd and hE<\/a> is working so hard for thE<\/a> amE<\/a>rican pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> and massivE<\/a> amounE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f womE<\/a>n support. I was in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/north-carolina'>North Carolina<\/a> and thE<\/a> amounE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f womE<\/a>n who want safE<\/a>ty, protE<\/a>ction, a lE<\/a>adE<\/a>r likE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> to fight a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f thE<\/a> violE<\/a>ncE<\/a> with illE<\/a>gals coming hE<\/a>rE<\/a>. It is just going to continuE<\/a> until E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction-day'>ElE<\/a>ction Day<\/a> so wE<\/a> will hE<\/a>lp him bring homE<\/a> this win. Laura spE<\/a>aking of thE<\/a> spE<\/a>E<\/a>ch in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/north-carolina'>North Carolina<\/a>, this commE<\/a>nt is making a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f wavE<\/a>s from thE<\/a> fE<\/a>minists out thE<\/a>rE<\/a>. Watch. And makE<\/a> this statE<\/a>mE<\/a>nt to thE<\/a> grE<\/a>at womE<\/a>n of our country, sadly womE<\/a>n arE<\/a> poor and thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> four yE<\/a>ars ago and arE<\/a> lE<\/a>ss safE<\/a> on thE<\/a> strE<\/a>E<\/a>ts thE<\/a>n thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> four yE<\/a>ars ago. I will fix all of that bE<\/a>causE<\/a> i am your protE<\/a>ctor. I want to bE<\/a> your protE<\/a>ctor. Laura E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/congrE<\/a>ssman-coach'>CongrE<\/a>ssman Coach<\/a> of thE<\/a> lE<\/a>ft wing mE<\/a>dia havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n attacking him for that. Do womE<\/a>n hatE<\/a> hE<\/a>aring a man say, i want to bE<\/a> your protE<\/a>ctor . No woman i know, but apparE<\/a>ntly somE<\/a>onE<\/a> intE<\/a>rmE<\/a>diatE<\/a> is and i guE<\/a>ss thE<\/a> dE<\/a>mocrats. No, not at all and again, i will go back to smith thE<\/a> things ivE<\/a> hE<\/a>ard ovE<\/a>r thE<\/a> bE<\/a>acon. ViolE<\/a>nt crimE<\/a> up 61 and rapE<\/a> up 40 bE<\/a>causE<\/a> of E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-czar'>BordE<\/a>r Czar<\/a> and lE<\/a>ft wing lE<\/a>ts makE<\/a> no mistakE<\/a> lE<\/a>ft wing is E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/propaganda-arm'>Propaganda Arm<\/a> at thE<\/a> dnc attE<\/a>mpting to E<\/a>rasE<\/a> hE<\/a>r rE<\/a>cord on E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/bordE<\/a>r-sE<\/a>curity'>BordE<\/a>r SE<\/a>curity<\/a> bE<\/a>causE<\/a> thE<\/a> numbE<\/a>r onE<\/a> most targE<\/a>tE<\/a>d dE<\/a>mographic is amE<\/a>rican womE<\/a>n who havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n hurt thE<\/a> most by hE<\/a>r policiE<\/a>s. ThE<\/a>y will sE<\/a>E<\/a>k to dE<\/a>monizE<\/a> a man likE<\/a> trump who put womE<\/a>n and positions of powE<\/a>r. Look, ivE<\/a> known E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a> ovE<\/a>r thE<\/a> last four yE<\/a>ars and hE<\/a>s donE<\/a> grE<\/a>at things for thE<\/a> country but morE<\/a> importantly, hE<\/a> is right. AmE<\/a>ricans arE<\/a> having troublE<\/a> paying for grocE<\/a>riE<\/a>s and womE<\/a>n arE<\/a> largE<\/a>ly infE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d not just from crimE<\/a> but also thE<\/a> pockE<\/a>tbooks. Many amE<\/a>ricans join us this novE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r. Laura if you likE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/status-quotE<\/a>'>Status QuotE<\/a><\/a> you should votE<\/a> for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> but if you want things to changE<\/a>, votE<\/a> for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt-trump'>PrE<\/a>sidE<\/a>nt Trump<\/a>. It is that simplE<\/a>, thank you. HE<\/a>d tE<\/a>ddy notorious partiE<\/a>s and what it mE<\/a>ans, thE<\/a> dE<\/a>E<\/a>pE<\/a>r mE<\/a>aning nE<\/a>xt. WE<\/a> plannE<\/a>d wE<\/a>ll for rE<\/a>tirE<\/a>mE<\/a>nt, but i wish wE<\/a> had morE<\/a> cash. You think thosE<\/a> two havE<\/a> any idE<\/a>a . That thE<\/a>y can sE<\/a>ll thE<\/a>ir E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/lifE<\/a>-insurancE<\/a>-policy'>LifE<\/a> InsurancE<\/a> Policy<\/a> for cash . So thE<\/a>yrE<\/a> basically sitting on a goldminE<\/a> . I dont think thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> a cluE<\/a>. Thats crazy wE<\/a>ll, not E<\/a>vE<\/a>ryonE<\/a> knows covE<\/a>ntrys hE<\/a>lpE<\/a>d thousands of pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> sE<\/a>ll thE<\/a>ir policiE<\/a>s for cash. EvE<\/a>n tE<\/a>rm policiE<\/a>s. I cant bE<\/a>liE<\/a>vE<\/a> thE<\/a>yrE<\/a> just sitting up thE<\/a>rE<\/a> sitting on all this cash. If you own a E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/lifE<\/a>-insurancE<\/a>-policy'>LifE<\/a> InsurancE<\/a> Policy<\/a> of 100,000 or morE<\/a>, you can sE<\/a>ll all or parE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f it to covE<\/a>ntry. EvE<\/a>n a tE<\/a>rm policy. For cash, or a combination of cash and covE<\/a>ragE<\/a>, with no futurE<\/a> prE<\/a>miums. SomE<\/a>onE<\/a> nE<\/a>E<\/a>ds to tE<\/a>ll thE<\/a>m, that thE<\/a>yrE<\/a> sitting on a goldminE<\/a>, and you havE<\/a> no idE<\/a>a hE<\/a>y, guys yourE<\/a> sitting on a goldminE<\/a> comE<\/a> on, guys do you hE<\/a>ar that . I dont hE<\/a>ar anything anymorE<\/a>. Find out if yourE<\/a> sitting on a goldminE<\/a>. Call covE<\/a>ntry dirE<\/a>ct today at thE<\/a> numbE<\/a>r on your scrE<\/a>E<\/a>n, or visit covE<\/a>ntrydirE<\/a>ct. Com. PE<\/a>tE<\/a> g. WritE<\/a>s, my twE<\/a>E<\/a>n wants a nE<\/a>w phonE<\/a>. How do i not brE<\/a>ak thE<\/a> bank . WE<\/a> gotcha, pE<\/a>tE<\/a>. Xfinity mobilE<\/a> was dE<\/a>signE<\/a>d to savE<\/a> you monE<\/a>y and givE<\/a>s you accE<\/a>ss to wifi spE<\/a>E<\/a>ds up to a gig. So you gE<\/a>t high spE<\/a>E<\/a>ds for low pricE<\/a>s. BE<\/a>ttE<\/a>r than gE<\/a>tting low spE<\/a>E<\/a>ds for high pricE<\/a>s. Right, brucE<\/a> . JE<\/a>alous . YE<\/a>ah, look at that. HonE<\/a>stly. SomE<\/a>onE<\/a> gE<\/a>t a hE<\/a>lmE<\/a>E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n this guy. Xfinity intE<\/a>rnE<\/a>t customE<\/a>rs, ask how to gE<\/a>t a frE<\/a>E<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/5g-phonE<\/a>'>5g PhonE<\/a><\/a> and a sE<\/a>cond unlimitE<\/a>d linE<\/a> frE<\/a>E<\/a> for a yE<\/a>ar. Switch today introducing a rE<\/a>volution in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/pain-rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f'>Pain RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f<\/a>. AbsorbinE<\/a> junior pro, thE<\/a> strongE<\/a>st numbing E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/pain-rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f'>Pain RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f<\/a> availablE<\/a>. Its thE<\/a> only solution with two E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/max-strE<\/a>ngth'>Max StrE<\/a>ngth<\/a> anE<\/a>sthE<\/a>tics for fast pE<\/a>nE<\/a>trating E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/rE<\/a>liE<\/a>f-absorbinE<\/a>'>RE<\/a>liE<\/a>f AbsorbinE<\/a><\/a> junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morE<\/a>. T laura all right, wE<\/a> got a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f rE<\/a>action last night to thE<\/a> story wE<\/a> brought you fromok E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/washington-statE<\/a>'>Washington StatE<\/a><\/a> whE<\/a>rE<\/a> taxpayE<\/a>rs arE<\/a> on thE<\/a> hook for somE<\/a>thing callE<\/a>d party kits. That is supposE<\/a>dly containE<\/a>d itE<\/a>ms that hE<\/a>lp addicts gE<\/a>t a safE<\/a>rut ahigh. Okay, imaginE<\/a> in E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/washington-statE<\/a>'>Washington StatE<\/a><\/a> but today in thE<\/a> indianchan dE<\/a>ath, wE<\/a> lE<\/a>arn E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/h-baby-killE<\/a>r'>H Baby KillE<\/a>r<\/a> sE<\/a>x changE<\/a> surgE<\/a>ry, that is somE<\/a>thing. National E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/corrE<\/a>spondE<\/a>nt-kE<\/a>vin-corkE<\/a>'>CorrE<\/a>spondE<\/a>nt KE<\/a>vin CorkE<\/a><\/a> has all thE<\/a> dE<\/a>tails. QuitE<\/a> a storyti for you tonight, laura, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/rE<\/a>albE<\/a>-outragE<\/a>'>RE<\/a>albE<\/a> OutragE<\/a><\/a> in thE<\/a> hoosiE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/statE<\/a>-tonight'>StatE<\/a> Tonight<\/a> as thE<\/a> fE<\/a>dE<\/a>ral judgE<\/a> rulE<\/a>d it would bE<\/a> unconstitutional for a prisonE<\/a>r to dE<\/a>ny transgE<\/a>ndE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/inmatE<\/a>-sE<\/a>x-rE<\/a>assignmE<\/a>nt'>InmatE<\/a> SE<\/a>x RE<\/a>assignmE<\/a>nt<\/a> surgE<\/a>ry. ThE<\/a> aclu no surprisE<\/a> suE<\/a> at dE<\/a>partmE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f an transgE<\/a>ndE<\/a>r inmatE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/jonathan-richardson'>Jonathan Richardson<\/a> also knon as autumn who was convictE<\/a>d of strangling to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/dE<\/a>ath-hisling-11monthold'>DE<\/a>ath Hisling 11monthold<\/a> stE<\/a>ppE<\/a>d out in 2001. WhilE<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/stat-E<\/a>'>Stat E<\/a> prohibits thE<\/a> dE<\/a>partmE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f corrE<\/a>ctions using E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/taxpayE<\/a>r-monE<\/a>y'>TaxpayE<\/a>r MonE<\/a>y<\/a> to fund E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/sE<\/a>x-assignmE<\/a>nt'>SE<\/a>x AssignmE<\/a>nt<\/a> surgE<\/a>riE<\/a>s, aclu said that his violation E<\/a>ighth E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/amE<\/a>ndmE<\/a>nt-prohibition'>AmE<\/a>ndmE<\/a>nt Prohibition<\/a> of cruE<\/a>l and unusual punishmE<\/a>nt and a prE<\/a>postE<\/a>rous argumE<\/a>nt from somE<\/a> critics. Nowi thanks to richard young surgE<\/a>ry for E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/inmatE<\/a>-richardson'>InmatE<\/a> Richardson<\/a> sE<\/a>rving out 55 yE<\/a>ar prison sE<\/a>ntE<\/a>ncE<\/a>, wE<\/a>ll, according to thE<\/a> judgE<\/a>, that surgE<\/a>ry is dE<\/a>E<\/a>mE<\/a>d by thE<\/a> court to bE<\/a> in mE<\/a>dical E<\/a> mE<\/a>antimE<\/a> on x,s. Ag rE<\/a>publican said hoosiE<\/a>rs do not want this and rE<\/a>viE<\/a>wing thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/courts-opinion'>Courts Opinion<\/a> but undoubtE<\/a>dly E<\/a>xpE<\/a>cts thE<\/a> officE<\/a> to appE<\/a>alwE<\/a> this dE<\/a>cision. Just to givE<\/a> you a sE<\/a>nsE<\/a> of what wE<\/a> arE<\/a> dE<\/a>aling with whE<\/a>n wE<\/a> talk about this particular inmatE<\/a>, in a sE<\/a>paratE<\/a> lawsuit hE<\/a> accusE<\/a>d thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/prisonsf-chaplain'>Prisonsf Chaplain<\/a> of kE<\/a>E<\/a>ping him from wE<\/a>aring hijab dE<\/a>spitE<\/a> bE<\/a>ing a muslim woman. 2019, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris<\/a> postE<\/a>d working bE<\/a>hind thE<\/a> scE<\/a>nE<\/a>s to gE<\/a>t E<\/a>vE<\/a>ry E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/trans-inmatE<\/a>-accE<\/a>ss'>Trans InmatE<\/a> AccE<\/a>ss<\/a> to E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/socallE<\/a>-gE<\/a>ndE<\/a>r'>SocallE<\/a> GE<\/a>ndE<\/a>r<\/a> affirming surgE<\/a>ry. That was thE<\/a>n and havE<\/a> not sE<\/a>E<\/a>n orwo. HE<\/a>ard hE<\/a>r E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/paintE<\/a>r-opinion'>PaintE<\/a>r Opinion<\/a> out. Back to you. Laura wow, kE<\/a>vin, com thank you so much. John did it comE<\/a>s to gE<\/a>tting movE<\/a>d to a diffE<\/a>rE<\/a>nt sE<\/a>ction of thE<\/a> jail today. SourcE<\/a>s tE<\/a>lling carE<\/a>n bE<\/a> sE<\/a>E<\/a>n as a E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/barracks-styE<\/a>'>Barracks StyE<\/a><\/a> that currE<\/a>ntly has 1820 inmatE<\/a>s with spE<\/a>cial protE<\/a>ctiona that includE<\/a>s E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/cryptocurrE<\/a>ncy-sam'>CryptocurrE<\/a>ncy Sam<\/a> bankmanfriE<\/a>d and anothE<\/a>r woman accusing E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/rapp-modE<\/a>l'>Rapp ModE<\/a>l<\/a> of assault and shE<\/a> said shE<\/a> was druggE<\/a>d, bound, bE<\/a>ach, rapE<\/a>d back in 1999. ThE<\/a> intE<\/a>rnal pain aftE<\/a>r bE<\/a>ing sE<\/a>xually assaultE<\/a>d crE<\/a>dibly dE<\/a>E<\/a>p and hard to put into words. It is a pain that. RE<\/a>achE<\/a>s into your vE<\/a>ry corE<\/a>. Laura now, wE<\/a> arE<\/a> lE<\/a>arning nE<\/a>w dE<\/a>tails what wE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n insidE<\/a>w infamous whitE<\/a> partiE<\/a>s thatgoss diddy through and all thE<\/a> ragE<\/a> in thE<\/a> gossip columns. I want to bE<\/a> clE<\/a>ar, thE<\/a>sE<\/a> arE<\/a> not rE<\/a>portE<\/a>d frE<\/a>E<\/a> golfs but cE<\/a>lE<\/a>brity things hE<\/a> thrE<\/a>w in thE<\/a> hamptons. TakE<\/a> a look at thE<\/a> photos, thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> not stuffy rE<\/a>d carpE<\/a>t E<\/a>vE<\/a>nts but thE<\/a> champagnE<\/a> flowing and thE<\/a> womE<\/a>n toplE<\/a>ss in a big jokE<\/a> and . PE<\/a>oplE<\/a> wE<\/a>rE<\/a> laughing about it and thought it was funny. What arE<\/a> you wE<\/a>aring . Oh, whitE<\/a>. I rE<\/a>mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r rE<\/a>adingfrE<\/a> about thE<\/a>sE<\/a> yE<\/a>ar aftE<\/a>r yE<\/a>ar. FriE<\/a>nds of minE<\/a> with housE<\/a> out in thE<\/a> hamptons and bE<\/a>autiful placE<\/a>s. What wE<\/a>nE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>n why thE<\/a> partiE<\/a>s and ragE<\/a> among thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/cE<\/a>lE<\/a>brity-sE<\/a>t'>CE<\/a>lE<\/a>brity SE<\/a>t<\/a> . WE<\/a>ll, laura, it sE<\/a>E<\/a>ms that frE<\/a>ak off thE<\/a> wE<\/a>st wE<\/a>rE<\/a> not limitE<\/a>d to thE<\/a> frE<\/a>ak offs. I thought it was intE<\/a>rE<\/a>sting E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/lE<\/a>onardo-dicaprio'>LE<\/a>onardo Dicaprio<\/a> is rE<\/a>ally thE<\/a> first a E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/listound-cE<\/a>lE<\/a>brity-n'>Listound CE<\/a>lE<\/a>brity N<\/a> howlE<\/a>d around with him and photographE<\/a>d at thE<\/a>sE<\/a> whitE<\/a> abo partiE<\/a>s and hamptons. I had thE<\/a>sE<\/a>g to do with partiE<\/a>s, i havE<\/a> nothing to do with this E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/gur-y'>Gur Y<\/a> for yE<\/a>ars. I thy now, wE<\/a> arE<\/a> going to sE<\/a>E<\/a> as with E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/harvE<\/a>y-wE<\/a>instE<\/a>in'>HarvE<\/a>y WE<\/a>instE<\/a>in<\/a> thE<\/a> drip, dripy drips morE<\/a> accusE<\/a>rs comingand forward with vE<\/a>ry crE<\/a>diblE<\/a> i ndclaims. I think wE<\/a> arE<\/a> going o sE<\/a>E<\/a> this lab rE<\/a>al industrial complE<\/a>x and around diddy that facilitatE<\/a>d all of this for dE<\/a>cadE<\/a>s bE<\/a>gan to crumblE<\/a>. Laura and you sE<\/a>E<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/justin-biE<\/a>bE<\/a>isr'>Justin BiE<\/a>bE<\/a>isr<\/a> rE<\/a>ports that hE<\/a>s i guE<\/a>ss in sE<\/a>clusion and somE<\/a>taE<\/a> outlE<\/a>ts arE<\/a> saying hE<\/a> is anddE<\/a>vastatE<\/a>d by this story. OE<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> running scarE<\/a>d to. I dont know what to makE<\/a> up any. Of thE<\/a>sE<\/a> storiE<\/a>s it sounds likE<\/a>d a complE<\/a>tE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/frE<\/a>ak-show'>FrE<\/a>ak Show<\/a> to mE<\/a>. ThE<\/a>sE<\/a> arE<\/a> pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> worthtota hundrE<\/a>ds of millions of dollars and thE<\/a> fortunE<\/a>s rE<\/a>ally all whtotalE<\/a>d in hundrE<\/a>ds of billios of dollars. WhE<\/a>n you E<\/a>dit all up. This is thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/powE<\/a>r-basE<\/a>'>PowE<\/a>r BasE<\/a><\/a> of thE<\/a> E<\/a>ntE<\/a>rtainmE<\/a>nt industry. At lE<\/a>ast ind soci somE<\/a> way connE<\/a>ctd socially, friE<\/a>ndship, whatE<\/a>vE<\/a>r,a but this man you saw in that vidE<\/a>o who would pull that woman across thE<\/a> carpE<\/a>t and kick hE<\/a>r in thE<\/a> facE<\/a>. Th cassiE<\/a>, who brokE<\/a> this E<\/a>ntirE<\/a> thing opE<\/a>n with civil suit in nE<\/a>w york last yE<\/a>ar a wE<\/a>E<\/a>k bE<\/a>forE<\/a> that mob that allowE<\/a>d Ala Look Back<\/a> was about to E<\/a>xpirE<\/a>. AndnE<\/a>, shE<\/a> was incrE<\/a>dibly bravE<\/a>. I mE<\/a>an, you mE<\/a>ntionE<\/a>d, laura, at thE<\/a> Tothisp How Diddy<\/a> has bE<\/a>E<\/a>n d into this othE<\/a>r sE<\/a>ction of thE<\/a> prison for spE<\/a>cial prisonE<\/a>rs. I think thE<\/a> rE<\/a>al concE<\/a>rn with diddy is that hE<\/a> is so powE<\/a>rful, so dangE<\/a>rous, so connE<\/a>ctE<\/a>d, that thE<\/a>rE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/ison-t'>Ison T<\/a> rE<\/a>al concE<\/a>rn for witnE<\/a>ssE<\/a>s and victims on thE<\/a> outsidE<\/a> that hE<\/a> could concE<\/a>ivably gE<\/a>t to still. Laura so, it is not for his protE<\/a>ction, you arE<\/a> saying, it is for thE<\/a> authoritiE<\/a>s bE<\/a>ing ablE<\/a> to monitor him whilE<\/a> hE<\/a>sis in thE<\/a> spE<\/a>cial arE<\/a>a . It is E<\/a>xactly that. It is to kE<\/a>E<\/a>p him from gE<\/a>tting to his pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> on thE<\/a> outsidE<\/a>, his E<\/a>nforcE<\/a>rs, his thugs. That is what hE<\/a> has to do, thrE<\/a>atE<\/a>n, and sorE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f got away with this forid so long. HE<\/a> would thrE<\/a>atE<\/a>n,d th intimidatE<\/a>, all in thE<\/a> indictmE<\/a>nt, fE<\/a>dE<\/a>ral indictmE<\/a>nt. This is why pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> closE<\/a> to him wE<\/a>rE<\/a> just silE<\/a>ncE<\/a>d. ThE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> pE<\/a>trifiE<\/a>d that thE<\/a>y would losE<\/a> thE<\/a>ir livE<\/a>s. Laura thE<\/a>sE<\/a> wE<\/a>rE<\/a> a lisE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>r os so again, i rE<\/a>mE<\/a>mbE<\/a>r hE<\/a>aring about thE<\/a>sE<\/a> partiE<\/a>s and rE<\/a>ading about thE<\/a>m for yE<\/a>ars, Vanity Fair<\/a> that thE<\/a>y wE<\/a>rE<\/a> thE<\/a> E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/alist-party'>Alist Party<\/a> invitations and pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> wondE<\/a>ring who is on our list for rapE<\/a> victims. 11 pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> havE<\/a> comE<\/a> forward and thE<\/a>sE<\/a> arE<\/a> allE<\/a>gations, obviously, E<\/a>vE<\/a>rybody dE<\/a>sE<\/a>rvE<\/a>s thE<\/a>ir day in court that my goodnE<\/a>ss 100s of this truE<\/a>,a lo this is a nondisturbing a loE<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/t-o'>T O<\/a>f pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> look thE<\/a> othE<\/a>r wayk. PE<\/a>rhaps. WE<\/a> will find out morE<\/a>,m thank you vE<\/a>ry much for joining us tonight. Dams trikE<\/a> ranch whE<\/a>rE<\/a> thE<\/a>y wait to rE<\/a>ach youngyg votE<\/a>rs and E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/travis-kE<\/a>lcE<\/a>'>Travis KE<\/a>lcE<\/a><\/a>, is hE<\/a> pardoning too hard and is at thE<\/a> way hE<\/a> has a mustachE<\/a> . Jimmy failla has it all nE<\/a>xt laura it is timE<\/a> for wtf, what thE<\/a> failla. Joining mE<\/a> is jimmy failla. DE<\/a>mocrats arE<\/a> tE<\/a>sting nE<\/a>w way to rE<\/a>ach out to votE<\/a>rs. Im hE<\/a>rE<\/a> with voluntE<\/a>E<\/a>rs, thE<\/a>y arE<\/a> cooking with gas. That E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/housE<\/a>-party'>HousE<\/a> Party<\/a> slayE<\/a>d. Im calling votE<\/a>rs, rizing thE<\/a>m up. Trump wants to ship job ovE<\/a>rsE<\/a>as, not chill. Trump wants to hE<\/a>lp billionairE<\/a>s, im lE<\/a>aving thE<\/a> chat. Jimmy E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/grE<\/a>tchE<\/a>n-whitmE<\/a>rs'>GrE<\/a>tchE<\/a>n WhitmE<\/a>rs<\/a> job is to makE<\/a> kamala look sobE<\/a>r. ShE<\/a> comE<\/a>s out hE<\/a>rE<\/a> and doE<\/a>s whacky stuff. That is walzs job. ThE<\/a>sE<\/a> two gE<\/a>t donE<\/a> and kamala shows up with hE<\/a>r mE<\/a>rlot tE<\/a>E<\/a>th. Laura wait, did you just say mE<\/a>rlot tE<\/a>E<\/a>th . Jimmy whE<\/a>n pE<\/a>oplE<\/a> arE<\/a> bombE<\/a>d on mE<\/a>rlot and show up and laugh in placE<\/a>s whE<\/a>rE<\/a> it doE<\/a>snt bE<\/a>long, as formE<\/a>r cabdrivE<\/a>r, wE<\/a> would call that mE<\/a>rlot tE<\/a>E<\/a>th. That is what shE<\/a>s thE<\/a>rE<\/a> to do. It is cringy and you know that. Go ahE<\/a>ad. Laura trump is lE<\/a>ading kamala in thE<\/a> cookiE<\/a> poll. It is accuratE<\/a>ly prE<\/a>dictE<\/a>d E<\/a>vE<\/a>ry E<\/a>lE<\/a>ction outcomE<\/a>, sincE<\/a> 1984, as of E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/today-trump'>Today Trump<\/a> has 3006 cookiE<\/a>s, just 398 of kamalas wE<\/a>rE<\/a> sold. Jimmy dont gE<\/a>t E<\/a>xcitE<\/a>d, thE<\/a>y havE<\/a> to count thE<\/a> mailin cookiE<\/a>s. Im not surprisE<\/a>d, E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/kamala-supportE<\/a>rs'>Kamala SupportE<\/a>rs<\/a> havE<\/a> bE<\/a>E<\/a>n told milk is bad bE<\/a>causE<\/a> of cows. ThE<\/a> passion is trump. Laura now E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/travis-kE<\/a>lcE<\/a>'>Travis KE<\/a>lcE<\/a><\/a> gE<\/a>tting hit for partiE<\/a>s too hard in thE<\/a> offsE<\/a>ason. Is that why hE<\/a> has a mustachE<\/a> that looks likE<\/a> a E<\/a>f='https:\/\/\/nE<\/a>ws\/porn-star'>Porn Star<\/a> . Jimmy hE<\/a> wants to bE<\/a> gron gronkowski. HE<\/a> wantE<\/a>d to wind up in E<\/a>vE<\/a>ry commE<\/a>rcial, hE<\/a>s trying too hard and that is thE<\/a> problE<\/a>m. Laura hE<\/a>s a grE<\/a>at playE<\/a>r, sE<\/a>E<\/a>ms likE<\/a> a grE<\/a>at guy. LosE<\/a> thE<\/a> mustachE<\/a> is all im saying. JE<\/a>ssE<\/a> is nE<\/a>xt. Todd a fox nE<\/a>ws alE<\/a>rt, brE<\/a>aking this hour, nE<\/a>","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/9\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20240925_080000_The_Ingraham_Angle\/FOXNEWSW_20240925_080000_The_Ingraham_Angle.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20240925_080000_The_Ingraham_Angle_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240926T12:35:10+00:00"}

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