Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240925 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240925

Jesse hello, everybody. Im <A href=''>Jesse WAttersA> on the <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA> pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new <A href=''>York CityA>, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> on the <A href=''>CAmpAign TrAilA> while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic <A href=''>RetAil Pit StopsA> At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of <A href=''>KAmAlA InflAtionA> by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up <A href=''>Vp HArrisA> on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The <A href=''>Word TAriffA> properly used is A beAul word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also proving to be one heck of A <A href=''>Show MAnA> during his speech, riffing on everything from kAmAlAs mAke lies to oprAh. She lied About mcdonAlds. She sAid i wAs A worker At mcdonAlds. And i sAid over the french fries, And im going to mcdonAlds over the next few weeks, And im going to stAnd over the french fries. BecAuse i wAnt to see whAt her job reAlly wAsnt like. I knew oprAh very well. She loved me before politics. He wAs down At mArAlAgo, donAld, this is the most people plAce i ever seen. She loved the key lime pie. I love key lime pie. Do you think biden lies AwAke At night thinking how we going to get europe to pAy . No, he goes to sleep. Heres A guy who cAn sleep <A href=''>On The BeAchA>. How do you sleep <A href=''>On The BeAchA> when you hAve cAmerAs on you . I love thAt chArt. I sleep with thAt chArt. [lAughter] jesse feeling good, the president , dAnA. But Also reAlly hitting hArd the economic messAge. DAnA so its interesting thAt he chose to go to georgiA. I think thAt wAs the right thing to do And the right thing to do to reAlly focus on the economy, especiAlly becAuse thAt is whAt <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> is going to do tomorrow. So he did thAt And he is in A stAte thAt is run by A republicAn governor who is super competent And the <A href=''>StAte Of GeorgiAA> is doing greAt. The economy is humming Along. He hAd An opportunity to sAy this is the kind of economy people wAnt And you get more of thAt with A conservAtive then you do with the liberAls, so your dollAr goes further. He mAde some bAd heAdlines in August, right, remember he went After the very populAr governor, governor kemp, then they hAd to mAke up. Kemp wAsnt At the event, but kemps operAtion in the stAte is very good. JessicA Anyone hAs set im on boArd. TAlking About the economy there is greAt. ThAts whAt people wAnt to see. I Also think the <A href=''>RetAil PolitickingA> At the grocer grocery store, its just greAt to see A different wAy to look At A cAndidAte. Something he wAs out there with the people. Im sure thAt womAn would hAve loved to keep thAt 100 bill. ThAts A very speciAl thing in her life. He is in A positmessAge wAs ime here to do thAt for All of you, And i thought thAt As A visuAl wAs greAt. Jesse And thAt 100 bill wAs in no wAy A bribe, <A href=''>Judge JeAnineA>. ThAt wAs just from the bottom of his heArt, chArity. Judge jeAnine thAt is <A href=''>DonAld TrumpA> being <A href='https://vimArs

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