Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240925 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240925

The detaIls on thIs but Israel rIght now through Its mIlItary says It has just kIlled a Hezbollah Commander In a strIke on the countrys capItal beIrut, lebanon. ThIs would be a development of EpIc ProportIons that they could hIt that commander InsIde that cIty. So we are followIng that. More reportIng to come just shortly. I want to mentIon the tImIng of thIs. PresIdent bIden just wrappIng up hIs comments. The last that he wIll make as the commanderInchIef of the UnIted States at the unIted natIons General Assembly. He spoke some words about the Twostate SolutIon and two sIdes would come together and that amerIca was commItted. But he dId not gIve a map of leadershIp through thIs moment. Well get Into It. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Exact wIll I what bIden saId about the conflIct. SInce October 7th weve also been determIned to prevent a wIder war that engulfs the entIre regIon. Hezbollah, unprovoked, joIned the October 7th attack launchIng rockets Into Israel. Almost a year later too many on each sIde of the IsraelI Lebanon Border remaIn dIsplaced. Full Scale War Is not In anyones Interest. Even as the sItuatIon has escalated, a dIplomatIc solutIon Is stIll possIble. HarrIs the pentagon announced the UnIted States Is sendIng when the news broke thIs tIme yesterday they dIdnt gIve detaIls of how many of our mIlItary men and women would be now goIng to the MIddle East. Now he Is sayIng, Major General, It wIll be a small number. We have 40,000 of them there. So I guess smaller than 40,000. DetaIls on thIs would be Important, too. How much more does thIs commIt us as a possIbIlIty of wIder war Is breakIng out In that regIon wIth Israel at the Center FIghtIng In both dIrectIons north and then toward hamas In the Gaza StrIp . Our staunchest ally In that regIon. Here Is what that FIght Looks lIke on that northern border wIth lebanon. Israel sayIng It has fInIshed a second wave now of strIkes on hezbollah targets today. They are seven hours ahead of us so when we show you fresh lIve vIdeo, you wIll know that It Is comIng upon darkness there. The IsraelI Defense Force also confIrms a targeted strIke In Lebanons CapItal of beIrut where I started thIs hour. Lebanon says at least 558 people were kIlled In IsraelI AIr StrIkes yesterday. The deadlIest day for that country In nearly two decades. Now remember when they started hIttIng Israel wIth a Ramp Up. A few hours after the massacre by hamas terrorIsts on October 7th. So by the mornIng of October 8th hezbollah had begun to hIt Israel. Tens of thousands of people on both sIdes of the border between Israel And Lebanon have had to be evacuated out of that zone. Southern lebanon, a war zone. Israel Is hIttIng Terror Targets InsIde that country. Irans presIdent Is also at the UnIted States General Assembly where he saId he wIll keep backIng the hezbollah terrorIsts. RepublIcans say It Is tIme to get tougher on Iran. They funded hamas, hezbollah, put It Into theIr war machIne. Were reapIng what bIden has sown. Theyre reapIng the bad PolIcy ChoIces of bIdenharrIs. Iran escalates because they smell weakness. We have a stake In InsurIng Israel emerges from thIs conflIct stronger and organIzatIon and IranIan patron weaker. HarrIs Nate Foye Is In Israel wIth more. BreakIng wIthIn the past few MInutes Israel Is confIrmIng that an AIr StrIke In beIrut has kIlled another Hezbollah Commander. ThIs tIme a leadIng fIgure In the groups rocket dIvIsIon. HIs name Is IbrahIm kabese. Israels Pressure CampaIgn on hezbollah contInues takIng out Its leaders. IsraelI strIke kIlled several Hezbollah Commanders IncludIng the groups elIte commander last week. Israel Is warnIng resIdents to get out of harms way today. AccordIng to Lebanons Health MInIstry 558 people were kIlled yesterday. More than 1800 others Injured. That number Is growIng today. MeanwhIle, FallIng Shrapnel Injured an IsraelI soldIer In the north. Hezbollah Is not slowIng down after fIrIng 250 rockets yesterday. Here Is Northern Israel thIs mornIng. Take a look. [explosIons and sIrens] the people who lIve here In Northern Israel have been fIred on nearly every day by hezbollah sInce October 8th of last year. Its tough. There Is a lot of stress. Mostly because of all the rockets comIng up. There Is a feelIng of fInally we are takIng actIon. Take a look at thIs dIrect hIt. UnbelIevably No One was Injured. A Hezbollah Rocket smashed Into the sIde of road as people pulled over. Intense fIre contInues today. So far Today Hezbollah has fIred an addItIonal 155 rockets. IsraelI prIme MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu promIses that thIs IsraelI fIre on hezbollah wIll contInue. Well send It back to you. HarrIs Great ReportIng as always. Thank you. Senator Dan SullIvan, republIcan of alaska, member of the Armed ServIces and veterans AffaIrs CommIttees and also the republIcan representatIve for the UnIted States at the unIted natIons. A bIg week for you and so glad to have you on set. Great to be on the show. HarrIs we dont know what Kamala HarrIss ForeIgn PolIcy wIll be. We saw the last speech by the sIttIng presIdent. It was not strong consIderIng the BreakIng News rIght now. There Is a war now across that lIne. And between lebanon and Israel. If thIs Is what we get under PresIdent BIden, What In The World would we get under VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs If she wIns the WhIte House . Such an Important questIon. You just saw the speech. BIden mentIons ClImate Change sIx tImes and Iran twIce. I mean, If thats not IndIcatIve of that admInIstratIons prIorItIes, bIdenharrIs, I dont know. What weve seen Is chaos throughout the world, hIs last foreIgn PolIcy Speech I thInk amerIcans and people around the world need to ask thIs questIon. Is amerIca and our allIes safer today than four years ago . Absolutely not. One of the bIggest areas In whIch that has been true and a faIlure of thIs admInIstratIon Is the appeasement of Iran. Iran Is the agent of chaos everywhere. Your reportIng now Is showIng that. They have appeased Iran In every sphere. As you mentIoned, I thInk wIth Kamala HarrIs, It would be way worse and you have to compare the record of the Trump AdmInIstratIon wIth regard to Iran where we reestablIshed deterrents, put them In a box, crushed them economIcally, kIlled the TerrorIst Leaders and launched a Peace InItIatIve wIth the abraham accords. Such a contrast In terms of records. HarrIs what Is really dangerous. We dont know what she would do. We dont know who Is makIng these decIsIons now . BIden has been about as Lame Duck as you can be. They took hIm off the top of the tIcket and he moves. He saId sayIng It was hIs decIsIon. To brIng It up there seemed out of context. He had to have known. Im not on the armed ServIces CommIttee for the senate. I would thInk there was a headsup for you. Maybe It wasnt confIrmed but you knew they took somebody out. Look, the fact that the presIdent Is up there sayIng I left voluntarIly Is a lIttle bIt rIch because the whole world knows what happened. But agaIn, thIs Issue of where thIs admInIstratIon has been relatIve to the Trump AdmInIstratIon. ThIs Is a really InterestIng electIon because you have two records. One on the Trump AdmInIstratIon when they were In power In terms of ForeIgn PolIcy and natIonal securIty and one of bIdenharrIs and these Records Couldnt be more dIfferent. For the amerIcan people, much more securIty for our country and our allIes under presIdent trump. HarrIs thIs seemed to have a rapId Ramp Up In the MIddle East. In fact, I wIll get more to thIs In a second about who were sendIng and how many. But a new Wall Street Journal OpInIon PIece says bIdens dIplomatIc MagIcal ThInkIng Quote No admInIstratIon In AmerIcan HIstory has been as commItted to mIddle East DIplomacy as thIs one. Yet has any other admInIstratIons dIplomats ever had less success . Your reactIon. One thIng that you have to when you look at hIstory, dIplomacy has to be backed by strength. And that was a great Wall Street Journal pIece. They mentIon all the dIplomacy but they also mentIon thIs fact about the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon. They put forward Budget Cuts to our Department Of Defense every sIngle year. So the republIcans were all about peace through strength. That was In our platform In walk thIs past summer. The bIden admInIstratIon, BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon rIght now, harrIs they shrInk, the army, navy and marIne corps. You contInue have effectIve dIplomacy guttIng the readIness of your mIlItary. HarrIs two thIngs. FIrst of all Major General ryder told us yesterday and fIlled In the blanks a lIttle bIt sayIng Its a small number they are sendIng to the MIddle East to shore up the 40,000 there. AnythIng less than 40,000. What Is happenIng and you are on Armed ServIces. What Is next for the UnIted States In that regIon that you can tell us . KeepIng In mInd, we have to back Israel. We 100 have to back Israel. One of the thIngs so frustratIng wIth thIs admInIstratIon Is some of the most effectIve tools that we have In terms of BackIng Israel In reestablIshIng deterrents wIth regard to Iran arent necessarIly mIlItary tools. The best example. The Trump AdmInIstratIon undertook maxImum sanctIons agaInst the IranIan OIl And Gas Industry. By The End of the tracheally admInIstratIon, Irans Economy was In free fall. ExportIng only about 200,000 barrels a day. They had 4 BIllIon In foreIgn reserves, whIch was nothIng. The BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon comes In, Day One they stop enforcIng these sanctIons. What does that do . Iran Is exportIng almost 3 MIllIon barrels a day, close to 1 Hundred BIllIon In foreIgn reserves and what do they do wIth that . FundIng and equIps and traInIng hezbollah, houthIs, hamas, a lot of appeasement from been reversIng the Trump AdmInIstratIon and you see chaos all over the MIddle East. BIden and harrIs should at least reImpose these sanctIons. HarrIs I have yet to hear her talk about It. They can do what they do but Its tIme to talk to the amerIcan people. You broke some news wIth me In the hallway and I want to take a moment. RussIa. We cannot take our eyes of russIa. A fourth IncursIon. Actually fIve. In the last two weeks we have had fIve russIan Bear Bomber IncursIons Into our aIrspace. Our great Men And Women In The MIlItary have gone up and Intercepted these aIrcraft. By the way, harrIs, about a month and a half ago we had a joInt russIan chInese Bear Bomber IncursIon Into the alaska aIrspace. StrategIc bombers wIth fIghters and we had to turn them around. ThIs Is showIng the weakness of the BIde InharrIs admInIstratIon. ThIs level of aggressIveness In my part of the world, alaska, arctIc, theyve never done these joInt patrols. Theyre doIng It wIth regard to the navy In alaska waters. We have a lot goIng on In terms of aggressIveness of our adversarIes In the best way to address that Is to regrow our mIlItary. ThIs AdmInIstratIon Wont do that. HarrIs Senator Dan SullIvan of The Great State Of Alaska and representIng All Of Us as the UnIted States at the u. N. Today. We have to get you to alaska. HarrIs you know I want to come. I hIke. Lets go. CrIme survIvors are rallyIng In washIngton, d. C. DemandIng more safety measures. They expect thousands of people. Were watchIng thIs lIve event and well brIng you the detaIls that come from It. MeanwhIle the WhIte House Is praIsIng new f. B. I. StatIstIcs whIch IndIcate vIolent crIme Is down across the natIon. However, the f. B. I. And the Bureau Of JustIce StatIstIcs have some numbers that tell a very dIfferent story. So crIme down, what about vIolent crIme . Thats the part that Is changIng peoples lIves. Some of that crIme has been commItted by people who have crossed our border pourIng Into the country. And crItIcs are callIng out VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs for flIpfloppIng so many tImes on ImmIgratIon polIcIes. She Is tryIng to masquerade today as someone who cares about a secure Border And CommunIty safety. The realIty of her record Is somebody who has had wIde open borders. HarrIs all rIght. She Is goIng to try somethIng reportedly. What wIll thIs accomplIsh . StoppIng at the southern border thIs week. She has been once before. Went to a part that was not the epIcenter. Now she Is goIng back. Tammy bruce, Fox News ContrIbutor In focus next. LIfe doesnt stop for a cold. Honey. Honey. DayquIl severe honey. Powerful Cold And Flu Symptom RelIef wIth a honeylIcIous taste. DayquIl honey, the honeylIcIous, daytIme, coughIng, achIng, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medIcIne. WIth fastsIgns, create Factory Grade vIsual solutIons to perfect your process. FastsIgns. Make your statement. Ah, these bIlls are crazy. She has no Idea shes sIttIng on a goldmIne. Well she doesnt know that If she owns a LIfe Insurance PolIcy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of It to coventry for cash. Even a Term PolIcy. Even a Term PolIcy . Even a Term PolIcy fInd out If youre sIttIng on a goldmIne. Call coventry dIrect today at the number on your screen, or vIsIt coventrydIrect. Com. HarrIs democrat runnIng for the WhIte House who PresIdent BIden put In charge of the border has a huge PollIng And CredIbIlIty problem on solvIng the border crIsIs. VIce presIdent Kamala HarrIs, of course. Now her campaIgn Is floatIng the Idea of goIng to the border durIng a CampaIgn Stop In arIzona thIs week. She has been the bIden AdmInIstratIons Person In charge. Yet her only vIsIt there was In 2021. She went to el paso, texas, at the tIme that was certaInly not the epIcenter. Had she gone to the RIo Grande sector, she would have seen a lot. She ought to try out nogales. Fentanyl contInues to go across the border. The Border Patrol Is doIng a mIghty job. Kamala harrIs has been stayIng sIlent about her past promIses to use whIte House Power to unIlaterally gIve 2 MIllIon dreamers, undocumented, here Illegally, the chIldren of people who came here Illegally, she wants to gIve all of them a path to cItIzenshIp. The campaIgn told axIos, quote, the VIce PresIdent has fought for dreamers throughout her career and Is proud of the actIons taken under her and PresIdent BIden to expand protectIons for them IncludIng the ExecutIve ActIon PresIdent BIden took thIs year whIch she supported, end quote. AxIos calls thIs another of her many polIcy reversals, flIpflop on the border. Here are some of her past posItIons, watch closely. Theyre dIfferent. I thInk there Is no questIon that we have to crItIcally reexamIne Ice and Its role and the way that It Is beIng admInIstered and the work It Is doIng. Let me be very clear. We have to have a secure border but I am In favor of sayIng that were not goIng the treat people who are undocumented crossIng the border as crImInal. Let me be clear, I wont for a wall under any CIrcumstance Eats and I support Border SecurIty. If we want to talk about that lets do that. He decIded to vIlIfy ImmIgrants and put hIs whole polItIcal strength around a VanIty Project called a wall. HarrIs dId you catch It. Anybody comIng across the border cannot be called Illegal. Well, I hope she Is not IncludIng gotaways and all those people tryIng to avoId the DetectIon Systems that they have there and all of our people tryIng to catch them. Is everybody legal ImmedIately . Lets hear what she Is sayIng now. We know our ImmIgratIon System Is broken and we know what It takes to fIx It. ComprehensIve reform. That Includes [cheers and applause] strong Border SecurIty and an earned pathway to cItIzenshIp. I refuse to play polItIcs wIth our securIty. And here Is my pledge to you. As presIdent , I wIll brIng back the bIpartIsan Border SecurIty bIll that he kIlled and I wIll sIgn It Into law. I belIeve there should be consequence. We have laws that have to be followed and enforced, that Address And Deal wIth people who cross our border Illegally. HarrIs I mentIon the pollIng and the lack of credIbIlIty on thIs Issue. Tammy bruce Is wIth me, Fox News ContrIbutor. I am goIng to ask our team to put up those numbers on where the pollIng Is rIght now In amerIca. I thInk It Is worth showIng that part of the response she should go to the border later In week In arIzona, part of the response has to be comIng. There It Is the. The only thIng that beats It Is somethIng hurtIng everybody. HIgh prIces of thIs admInIstratIon. A thIrd of voters surveyed saId that ImmIgratIon Is Important to them In second place. ThIs Is daIly lIves. We understand polItIcs, amerIcans. Were a great country and go through It every two years, we get It. A poInt we realIze were at stake. There Is nothIng guaranteed In lIfe. ThIs Is dangerous. Let me say yesterday New York TImes sIena poll. The reason she Is goIng to arIzona Is not because she cares about the border. She lIkes what has been happenIng. The fIrst poll sInce the debate Is trump Is up beyond the margIn of error In arIzona by fIve. And thIs Is why she Is goIng. She Is seeIng It Is lIkely voters, most polls are doIng regIstered voters. LIkely voters. He Is up In arIzona, North CarolIna and georgIa. He Is leadIng her. So these are Important IndIcators. After that debate, whIch she won apparently not so much. The results matter. AmerIcans are really we understand that people make mIstakes and change theIr mInd but we want specIfIcs about what It Is you are goIng to do about the fact our house Is on fIre. If the FIre Department Is havIng chats and talkIng word salads you say put the fIre out. When you dont hear that, you begIn to make another plan. HarrIs we have a lot of fIres. I dont know If you caught Dan SullIvan wIth the BreakIng News. No ones eyes on that ForeIgn PolIcy rIght now from her team. How do we know . They dont put out anythIng. We havent heard anythIng on thIs except she mIght go to the border. She has been to arIzona before. Okay. Newly resurfaced vIdeo shows then senator Kamala HarrIs protestIng deportatIon. HarrIs I lIke a good beat, hum. Weve seen record Illegal crossIngs under the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon, mIllIons of Illegals now lIvIng In the UnIted States. We dont know who any of them are In some cases or where they are. That does not Include, by the way, the estImated 10 MIllIon who came In under the admInIstratIon. All the gotaways. The people who are here now aIded by these planes that the admInIstratIon has been flyIng In and makIng them legal as they fly Into the country. That number was about 2 MIllIon last week as they were startIng to release that. Look, It wIll all come out. The VIce PresIdent has been mockIng former presIdent trumps plan for mass deportatIons. ThIs was last week. They have pledged to carry out the largest deportatIon, a mass deportatIon, In AmerIcan HIstory. ImagIne what that would look lIke and what that would be. How Is that goIng to happen . MassIve raIds . MassIve DetentIon Camps . What are they talkIng about . HarrIs cue former presIdent ob obama. HIs nIckname was dep

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