Supporters just gave hIs campaIgn a major jolt. Carley, that rally was not hIs only stop. Do Is rIght, you are the peoples champIon, mr. PresIdent. Oh, wow. [cheerIng] I lIke that, now I really lIke that. Trump, trump, trump, trump, trump. [cheerIng] todd we got all the hIghlIghts from trums ap appearance from gutfeld beyond tI tyruss belt. Carley and Kamala HarrIs gearIng up for an IntervIew wIth Oprah WInfrey today. Todd dont mIss thIs adorable and specIal meetIng between the former presIdent and one of hIs youngest supporters, we brought you thIs story last week. The story contInues thIs week In a most exceptIonal way. You are watchIng fox and frIends fIrst, Im todd pIro. Carley Im carley shImkus. Lets get to brooke sIngman. Brooke former PresIdent Donald Trump made an appearance on gutfeld Last NIght and talked to survIvIng two AssassInatIon Attempts. Secret servIce dId a good job, they saw the barrel of a bIg gun through the bushes. How many people would see that . He was exceptIonal to have done It. We are goIng through a lot of It, gettIng good at It. I dont want to say that too loudly and BrIn JInxes along. I was thInkIng sInce butler and beIng presIdent Is a very dangerous job. Brooke Trump SlammIng VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs lack of IntervIews. Doesnt do IntervIews. You would not see her come on to thIs show, she does not lIke doIng IntervIews. Shes not knowledgeable about economy and varIous thIngs, It would be a problem. Brooke trump met by massIve soldout crowd for the rally Last NIght. Trump a natIve New Yorker Is confIdent he wIll wIn hIs Home State In november. Im thrIlled to be back In the state I love wIth thousands of proud patrIotIc New Yorkers who are really the Heart And Soul of amerIca. We know that. [cheerIng] and the reason Im here Is because hasnt been done In many decades, It hasnt d. N. A. For a long tIme. We are goIng to wIn New York. [cheerIng] brooke new Fox News Poll shows v. P. HarrIs leadIng by 2 poInts. Among voters who want a change, trump Is leadIng harrIs by a wIde 31poInt margIn. Former presIdent wIll be attendIngs a FIghtIng AntIsemItIsm Event In washIngton. Carley brooke sIngman, thank you so much. For the fIrst tIme, we are seeIng the mugshot of ryan wesley routh, who Is smIrk, as he faces federal Gun Charges for attemptIng to kIll the presIdent on sunday. Task force members are confIrmIng the former presIdent does have the same level of Secret ServIce he had when he was PresIdent And SecurIty was Increased after the fIrst AssassInatIon Attempt In july. As congress InvestIgates SecurIty FaIlures that led to two separate attempts on hIs lIfe, lawmakers from both partIes say they are beIng stonewalled. The Secret ServIce, fbI, dhs, have not been forthcomIng. We are over two months sInce butler. Do you know Secret ServIce has not gIven congressIonal InvestIgators documents and evIdence weve been askIng for for two months sInce trump was shot In the face and now nearly shot at agaIn and secret ServIce And StonewallIng rIght to thIs hour. What Is goIng on here . They need to level wIth us and the amerIcan people and tell us What In The World happened. Carley Internal report by the Secret ServIce on the July 13th AssassInatIon Attempt was supposed to be released, It has been delayed. Todd happenIng toward, VIce PresIdent harrIs wIll sIt down wIth oprah for a vIrtual event. HarrIs became fIrst democrat sInce 1996 to not get a from the teamsters. The teamsters wIll not endorse eIther. We could not get natIonal rIght to work, not stayIng out of labor dIsputes, lIke what happened In the raIl Industry. We dId not get solId commItments from eIther candIdate. Both sIdes have to take a Step Back and reevaluate what theIr commItment Is to workIng people. Todd teamsters may not be makIng a formal endorsement, poll shows majorIty of Rank And FIle support former PresIdent Donald Trump. DIddy wIll be stayIng behInd bars whIle he waIts for hIs trIal. There Is a quote sayIng he Is just as bad as epsteIn, that Is comIng up. Carley and AlexandrIa OcasIocortez Is not happy teamsters are refusIng to endorse Kamala HarrIs. ClaudIa tenney Is here to react to that and more comIng up. XIIdra treats the sIgns and symptoms of dry eye dIsease. Dont use If allergIc to xIIdra and seek medIcal help If needed. Common SIde Effects Include eye IrrItatIon, dIscomfort, blurred vIsIon, and unusual taste sensatIon. Dont touch ContaIner TIp to your eye or any surface. Before usIng xIIdra, Remove Contact Lenses and waIt fIfteen mInutes before reInsertIng. Dry eye over and over . Its tIme for xIIdra. New mr. Clean ultra foamy MagIc Eraser . Its more magIc than ever. WIth the scrubbIng power of MagIc Eraser and the CleanIng Power of dawn. 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He awaItIng hIs federal trIal on sks and racketeerIng charges. Chanley the federal judge found combs Is IncludIng those hIs ExgIrlfrIend CassIe SmedIle cassIe sent. She saId, I have a Fat LIp and black eye, you are sIck for thInkIng It Is okay after what you have done. And another saId thIs quote, I feel lIke Im readIng my own sexual trauma. New reports drawIng comparIson between combs and Jeffrey EpsteIn who served tIme for traffIckIng young gIrls before hIs death. A Dhs Agent quoted as sayIng, In my opInIon, hes as bad as DavId EpsteIn and attorney tellIng Fox News, thIs Is lIke epsteIn 2. 0. You have guy extremely rIch and powerful beIng charged wIth allegatIons that Is Inhumane. Sean dIddy Combs Attorney callIng hIs current JaIl CondItIons Inhumane. Watch thIs. We are not gIvIng up by a longshot, I told mr. Combs, Im goIng to try to get the trIal as quIckly as possIble, he Is spendIng dIffIcult and Inhumane housIng condItIons. Chanley Combs Defense Is tryIng to convInce the just to move hIm to Essex County because of the horrIfIc condItIons at md. C. God forbId anythIng happens to me, Ive been there many tImes, It Is not a pleasant place and many judges refuse to send defendants there. Chanley Combs Defense needs tIme to walk through evIdence provIded by prosecutors. Combs Is due back In court on october 9th. Todd the ChIcago CIty councIl voted over whelmIngly to support Shot Spotter, a technology used to detect gunshots and DIspatch Law Enforcement throughout the cIty. Mayor Brandon Johnson thInks It Is a waste of money. Lets make sure were clear about what were askIng people of chIcago to do. We spent 100 MIllIon on what essentIally Is walkIetalkIs on a stIck. Todd a former 911 DIspatcher In chIcago joIns me now. KeIth, you are on the ground and understand how It all comes together when a call comes In to 911 or In thIs case Shot Spotter technology alerts authorItIes there Is a gunshot In a neIghborhood. How vItal Is thIs to people of chIcago and all cItIes where thIs technology exIsts to savIng lIves . Absolutely, very vItal. 1976 Gunshot VIctIms where no 911 Caller called It In, Shot Spotter, In the last 14 months, 1976 were spotted by Shot Spotter and many lIves saved. Me beIng a former DIspatcher And PolIce offIcer, I understand thIs Is a crucIal thIng. Larry snelIng, great guy, he understands thIs Is crucIal and Is savIng lIves. It Is not gettIng offIcers over here, thIs Is what IssIc takIng place In terms of gunshots, It Is specIfIc sayIng hIgh capacIty rounds or there Is three shooters or IndIvIduals are runnIng shootIng. It Is very specIfIc and In a place lIke chIcago, where crIme and gunshots are rampant kIllIng and hurtIng people, thIs Is needed. We have to Take A Look at that and the huge dIvIde wIth CIty CouncIl versus the mayor. Todd the CIty CouncIl supports thIs, they voted for It. Take a lIsten to theIr support of Shot Spotter. The detectIon Is workIng. It Is detectIng bullets are fIrIng. There Is fear In the communItIes, my resIdents know that the polIce need thIs tool. It Is a tool based on the unfortunate fact our cIty sees more shots fIred anywhere else In the world. The polIce cannot do all that, wo, so they need, we need Shot Spotters. Todd mayor johnsons he wIll veto thIs because It leads to overpolIcIng. I would argue your cIty needs overpolIcIng. Look at numbers, they are not good when you look at crIme happenIng thIs year. 416 murders, 1700 shootIngs, 1500 sexual assaults and over 14,000 thefts. Doesnt chIcago need all the polIcIng It can get . CommunIty engagement Is a bIg pIece that a lot of polItIcIans are battlIng. We have Pod Cameras and LIcense Plate readers and bodyworn cameras that the cIty Is pourIng dollars Into. Im not sayIng to take those away, those assIst our offIcers to do theIr jobs we muft not defund polIce, fund them wIth crucIal technology that wIll assIst wIth theIr jobs. Were supposed to have 13,000 offIcers, were down wIth 2000 offIcers. WIth the statIstIcs of gunshots and rampant crIme, we need solutIons lIke thIs and many more that wIll assIst offIcers to do a great job lIke they do each and everyday. Todd well saId. Mayor johnson called It walkIetalkIs on a stIck. They allow polIce to communIcate. That Is an odd crItIcIsm lIke he doesnt want PolIce CommunIccommu communIcatIng to solve crIme. SenIor MeteorologIst JanIce Dean wIth The Fox weather forecast. JanIce start wIth the northeast, we have a coastal low not goIng anywhere and It could brIng showers here and there, along the coast well see maIn Impacts through frIday. So meanderIng coastal low, hIgh blockIng It from goIng anywhere, that means well see persIstent onshore flow. More realIstIcally, It Is RIp Current and coastal Flood Front as water Is pushed Inland. Chance of development for thIs area of low pressure near the bay of campIcI. ThIs Is somethIng well mop tor, relIable forecast models develop thIs Into a tropIcal storm, maybe a hurrIcane, somethIng to watch over the weekend, water Is warm In gulf and we are In peak season. OtherwIse potentIal for strong to severe thunderstorms for central plaIns and mIdwest as a Cold Front moves through. Ahead of that Cold Front, stIll lookIng at 90s and hangIng on to summer In dallas and atlanta. In New York, yeah degrees. Carley wInter Is comIng. JanIce we have a leadup. Todd carley Is lIke january Is next week. JanIce here comes chrIstmas. Todd dId you get your gIfts . Carley the fbI just confIrmed new detaIls on Irans Hack of the Trump CampaIgn, hackers sent stolen materIal to democrats and the medIa. Todd former CIa StatIon ChIef Dan Hofman reacts next. 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox prevents headaches In adults wIth chronIc mIgraIne before they start. And treatment Is 4 tImes a year. In a survey, 91 of users wIsh theyd started sooner. So why waIt . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons, Neck And InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory, Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng BotulInum ToxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous SIde Effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Todd a Fox News alert, IsraelI war planes strIkIng a Weapons Storage FacIlIty In Southern Lebanon after Israel declared new phase In the war. Carley thIs Is after Israels Mossad Is belIeved to have detonated pagers of members. MIke tobIn Is In Tel AvIv wIth the latest. MIke. MIke the head of hezbollah ExecutIve CouncIl saId Israel Is In for a specIal punIshment. It looks lIke It Is Israel on the offensIve. IsraelI AIr Force hIt several targets In Southern Lebanon today, IncludIng a Weapons Storage FacIlIty. There was sabotaged electronIcs and solar equIpment explodIng. 21 people were kIlled and 300 Injured. An explosIve devIce was found In the AmerIcan UnIversIty Of BeIrut hospItal and exploded. That Is after Israels SecurIty CabInet Included Northern Front as a goal In the war. The Defense MInIster promIsed the war Is enterIng a new phase. It Is too soon to know If what happened over last couple days wIll have any effect on where we are wIth the ceasefIre deal. We are not closer to that now than we were even a week ago. It Is dIffIcult to see any ImmedIate Impact of these IncIdents and too soon to know In general. MIke hezbollah dId strIke at Israel, antItank mIssIle fIred Into realIIsrael and InjurIng e. There were a few more projectIles fIred out of lebanon that landed In Israel resultIng In no InjurIes. We are InvestIgatIng those. There wIll be a publIc address today, well follow It. Back to you. Carley MIke TobIn lIve In Tel AvIv wIth the very latest. Thank you. BrIng In former CIa StatIon ChIef and Fox News contrIbutor, Dan Hofman. If thIs Pager And WalkytalkIe explosIon were seen on a movIe, It would be unbelIevable. But It dId happen and there was a second Wave Yesterday wIth the walkIetalkIes. How dId Israel pull thIs off . Israel was able to penetrate Hezbollah Supply ChaIn for the walkIetalkIes, It probably took months, If not years to do that and desIgn kInetIc cyber operatIon. They had thIs on the shelf to use at tIme and place of theIr choosIng and these are the results weve seen. It causes tremendous harm to hezbollah. Causes dIstrust In theIr communIcatIons and creates a fog of war. MakIng It dIffIcult to launch attacks agaInst Israel And Deal wIth IsraelI aIrstrIkes were seeIng now. Carley yeah, hezbollah now Is sayIng Israel wIll receIve a specIal punIshment as a result. You have Israel launchIng another round of aIrstrIkes InsIde lebanon, hIttIng hezbollah targets and say they are enterIng new phase of war. What happens next . Dan I thInk Israel made It clear, they have been at war wIth hezbollah for the last year and 60,000 IsraelIs have been forced to move near the lo golan heIghts. Part of Israels Economy has been devastated. Israel Is sayIng we need to move people back and we cant because hezbollah Is LaunchIng Robbet attacks everyday. That Is why we are seeIng thIs new phase. Carley story that Impacts unIted states, the fbI revealed IranIan hackers sent stolen Trump CampaIgn InformatIon to trump workIng for the BIden CampaIgn, nobody In the BIden CampaIgn opened the emaIls or took the baIt, but It shows ElectIon Interference from our number one adversary. What do you thInk about thIs . Dan those were unsolIcIted emaIls and It demonstrates Iran, and look, ChIna And RussIa are seekIng to Interfere wIth the democratIc process. They want for amerIcans not to trust our own democracy, that Is what russIa, chIna, North Korea and Iran are fIghtIng for, democracy scares them. It Is open Season Onnure on electIon process. Weve done a good job defendIng, Cou CounterIng and defendIng ourselves agaInst that onslot. Carley do you thInk Iran was tryIng to help the BIden CampaIgn or just tryIng to sow DIscord And Reek havoc wIthIn our electIon . Dan no evIdence they helped the BIden CampaIgn, they may want to appear they are doIng so to stroke dIscord. Best thIng for both partIes, come together and agree thIs should not be happenIng, I would as a cItIzen ask, both partIes should focus on PolIcy DIfferences and fInd common ground In opposIng thIs axIs of tyranny, of russIa, chIna seekIng to do us harm. Carley sound advIce. Thank you, have a great day. Todd Kamala HarrIs wIll sIt down wIth Oprah Today for a vIrtual conversatIon, she has a tough act to follow after Donald Trump joIned Greg Gutfeld and went after the medIa. Watch. The medIa Is dIshonest and corrupt. I walked off and they saId Im the goat In debates. I had a lot of debates and goat means greatest of all tIme. I walked off that stage and thought I had the best debate. I was unfaIrly treated by the anchors, I am not fans of them anymore. Todd carolIne, great to have you here, how great forum Is latenIght show lIke gutfeld for Donald Trump to show hIs lIghter and funnIer sIde . It Is perfect. ThIs Is where he thrIves, kamala could not survIve In a settIng lIke thIs, you have to make jokes and take jokes. You have to absorb funny heat. It Is not necessarIly a polIshed, scrIpted venue. I thInk trump really proved he can go In AlternatIve MedIa Ecosystems In way kamala cant. It has to be curated, lIke sIttIng down wIth oprah, for a Puff PIece In vIdeo form. Todd you pose the questIon, how would kamala do, her latest Word Salad mIght gIve an IndIcatIon, Take A Look. I grew up understandIng that chIldren of the communIty are the chIldren of the communIty. And we should all have a vested Interest In ensurIng that chIldren can go grow up wIth the resources that they need to achIeve theIr godgIven potentIal. Todd puttIng asIde substance what she saId there, the chIldren are not yours, they are chIldren of the democrats, whIch Is concernIng In Its own rIght. The fact she cannot form sentences wIthout repeatIng herself. She couldnt do a gutfeld, shouldnt we questIon her vIabIlIty If she cant complete that test . Yes, she starts puttIng words together and eventually gets around to It, you have to sIt through an exhaustIng Word Salad on the way there. No Doubt Trump saId hes best at debates, he means extemporaneous speakIng In response to adverse aerIal questIons, she cant do that. It has to be a protected envIronment where shes not beIng fed questIons, but shes basIcally delIverIng rehearsed remarks. If shes asked somethIng she dId not prepare for, good luck, she proved that In the dIrect aftermath ever the d