Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240919

Good Afternoon everybody, A <A href=''>MArthA MAccAllumA> And this is the story. Trump support is lining up on long islAnd, <A href=''>New YorkA>. As former <A href=''>President TrumpA> is mAking A plAy for the stAte of <A href=''>New YorkA>. This is A huge crowd thAt turned out this Afternoon, the <A href=''>CAmpAign OfficiAlA> would join me on why the president is spending his time in <A href=''>New YorkA>, former <A href=''>President TrumpA> rbc there is A lot of people thAt will be very hAppy to see him with her this Afternoon. There is An AeriAl short AeriAl shot Aint uniondAle in <A href=''>New YorkA>. ThAt will hAppen At 7 00 p. M. This evening. We will Also speAk to the orgAnizer who is now bAck on to the trump cAmpAign, we will get the lAtest from him. In the meAntime breAking right now, you might hAve heArd this but if not, the <A href=''>FederAl ReserveA> hAs slAshed <A href=''>Interest RAtesA> for the first time since precovid19. TodAys cut is hAlf A point, 50 <A href=''>BAsis PointA>s, mAking the rAnge between 4. 75 And 5 . The lAst <A href=''>CArd HAbitA> in mArch of 2020, thAt is A debit thAt is seAred in our memory At the beginning of the pAndemic, And then the economy fAll through the bottom, they continue to cut rAtes to keep up And they dropped rAtes close to 0 . Blogs <A href=''>Business Anger DAvidA> As mine And AnAlysing All of this for us in just A moment. Refers to <A href=''>Fox NewsA> corres correspondent, hello kelly. Hello mArthA, thAt is right up your you finAlly got our <A href=''>RAte CutA> And thAt is the indicAtion or they feel confident And A bout of their 2 <A href=''>InflAtion TArgetA> And thAt the <A href=''>LAbor MArketA> cooled off to the point thAt they hAve to tAke Action. We hAve only gone A 50 <A href=''>BAsis PointA> cut recently in dire times, 9 11, 2008 recession, co. Would point. Autofocus And investors thAt Are hAppy And wAnt to get thAt deck <A href=''>RAte CutA> out of the gAte, i do wAnt to know there is Another lArger, thAt could indicAte A soft lAnding is At risk And we Are in A more economic trouble thAn we thought. MArkets hAve been All over the plAce popping up And down, the <A href=''>Dow JonesA> relAtively positive. The question becomes, whAt does this rAise thAt my greAt <A href=''>Cutting CycleA> looks like . The presser from <A href=''>FAncher PowellA> is AlwAys A reAding of this, becAuse investors Are listening to his lAnguAge to determine if the fed will keep cutting rAtes Aggressively or more meAsured. So fAr <A href=''>FAncher PowellA> emphAsize they will tAke <A href=''>It MeetingA> by meeting. We Are not on Any preset course, of the economy remAins solid And <A href=''>InflAtion ProcessA> we cAn diAl <A href=''>BAck PolicyA> restrAined more slowly. If the <A href=''>LAbor MArketA> were to weAken unexpectedly or inflAtion were to fAll more quickly we Are prepAred to respond. Also indicAting to the <A href=''>Feds RAteA> will likely drop to 4. 4 presided by <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr, A big drivers were the <A href='https://vimArsAnA<\/a>fternoon everybody, A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>-mA<\/a>ccA<\/a>llum'>MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> MA<\/a>ccA<\/a>llum<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd this is the story. Trump support is lining up on long islA<\/a>nd, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>. As former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> is mA<\/a>king A<\/a> plA<\/a>y for the stA<\/a>te of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>. This is A<\/a> huge crowd thA<\/a>t turned out this A<\/a>fternoon, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign-officiA<\/a>l'>CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign OfficiA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>> would join me on why the president is spending his time in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>, former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> rbc there is A<\/a> lot of people thA<\/a>t will be very hA<\/a>ppy to see him with her this A<\/a>fternoon. There is A<\/a>n A<\/a>eriA<\/a>l short A<\/a>eriA<\/a>l shot A<\/a>int uniondA<\/a>le in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>. ThA<\/a>t will hA<\/a>ppen A<\/a>t 7 00 p. M. This evening. We will A<\/a>lso speA<\/a>k to the orgA<\/a>nizer who is now bA<\/a>ck on to the trump cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign, we will get the lA<\/a>test from him. In the meA<\/a>ntime breA<\/a>king right now, you might hA<\/a>ve heA<\/a>rd this but if not, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/federA<\/a>l-reserve'>FederA<\/a>l Reserve<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s slA<\/a>shed <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/interest-rA<\/a>tes'>Interest RA<\/a>tes<\/A<\/a>> for the first time since precovid19. TodA<\/a>ys cut is hA<\/a>lf A<\/a> point, 50 <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bA<\/a>sis-point'>BA<\/a>sis Point<\/A<\/a>>s, mA<\/a>king the rA<\/a>nge between 4. 75 A<\/a>nd 5 . The lA<\/a>st <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>rd-hA<\/a>bit'>CA<\/a>rd HA<\/a>bit<\/A<\/a>> in mA<\/a>rch of 2020, thA<\/a>t is A<\/a> debit thA<\/a>t is seA<\/a>red in our memory A<\/a>t the beginning of the pA<\/a>ndemic, A<\/a>nd then the economy fA<\/a>ll through the bottom, they continue to cut rA<\/a>tes to keep up A<\/a>nd they dropped rA<\/a>tes close to 0 . Blogs <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/business-A<\/a>nger-dA<\/a>vid'>Business Anger DA<\/a>vid<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s mine A<\/a>nd A<\/a>nA<\/a>lysing A<\/a>ll of this for us in just A<\/a> moment. Refers to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/A<\/a>> corres correspondent, hello kelly. Hello mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>, thA<\/a>t is right up your you finA<\/a>lly got our <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>te-cut'>RA<\/a>te Cut<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is the indicA<\/a>tion or they feel confident A<\/a>nd A<\/a> bout of their 2 <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/inflA<\/a>tion-tA<\/a>rget'>InflA<\/a>tion TA<\/a>rget<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>bor-mA<\/a>rket'>LA<\/a>bor MA<\/a>rket<\/A<\/a>> cooled off to the point thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>ve to tA<\/a>ke A<\/a>ction. We hA<\/a>ve only gone A<\/a> 50 <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bA<\/a>sis-point'>BA<\/a>sis Point<\/A<\/a>> cut recently in dire times, 9 11, 2008 recession, co. Would point. Autofocus A<\/a>nd investors thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re hA<\/a>ppy A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>nt to get thA<\/a>t deck <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>te-cut'>RA<\/a>te Cut<\/A<\/a>> out of the gA<\/a>te, i do wA<\/a>nt to know there is A<\/a>nother lA<\/a>rger, thA<\/a>t could indicA<\/a>te A<\/a> soft lA<\/a>nding is A<\/a>t risk A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re in A<\/a> more economic trouble thA<\/a>n we thought. MA<\/a>rkets hA<\/a>ve been A<\/a>ll over the plA<\/a>ce popping up A<\/a>nd down, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/dow-jones'>Dow Jones<\/A<\/a>> relA<\/a>tively positive. The question becomes, whA<\/a>t does this rA<\/a>ise thA<\/a>t my greA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cutting-cycle'>Cutting Cycle<\/A<\/a>> looks like . The presser from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fA<\/a>ncher-powell'>FA<\/a>ncher Powell<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys A<\/a> reA<\/a>ding of this, becA<\/a>use investors A<\/a>re listening to his lA<\/a>nguA<\/a>ge to determine if the fed will keep cutting rA<\/a>tes A<\/a>ggressively or more meA<\/a>sured. So fA<\/a>r <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fA<\/a>ncher-powell'>FA<\/a>ncher Powell<\/A<\/a>> emphA<\/a>size they will tA<\/a>ke <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/it-meeting'>It Meeting<\/A<\/a>> by meeting. We A<\/a>re not on A<\/a>ny preset course, of the economy remA<\/a>ins solid A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/inflA<\/a>tion-process'>InflA<\/a>tion Process<\/A<\/a>> we cA<\/a>n diA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bA<\/a>ck-policy'>BA<\/a>ck Policy<\/A<\/a>> restrA<\/a>ined more slowly. If the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lA<\/a>bor-mA<\/a>rket'>LA<\/a>bor MA<\/a>rket<\/A<\/a>> were to weA<\/a>ken unexpectedly or inflA<\/a>tion were to fA<\/a>ll more quickly we A<\/a>re prepA<\/a>red to respond. Also indicA<\/a>ting to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/feds-rA<\/a>te'>Feds RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> will likely drop to 4. 4 presided by <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-end'>The End<\/A<\/a>> of the yeA<\/a>r, A<\/a> big drivers were the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/unemployment-rA<\/a>te'>Unemployment RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> is very it meA<\/a>ns we A<\/a>re in for A<\/a>nother <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>te-cut'>RA<\/a>te Cut<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re two A<\/a>nd we could see some surprises deepening on the job mA<\/a>rket. WhA<\/a>t does it meA<\/a>n for your <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/credit-cA<\/a>rds'>Credit CA<\/a>rds<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sA<\/a>vings-rA<\/a>tes'>SA<\/a>vings RA<\/a>tes<\/A<\/a>> . The will be slightly lower but it will A<\/a>lso impA<\/a>ct A<\/a> mortgA<\/a>ge rA<\/a>tes, those A<\/a>re more tied to the longerterm pictures thA<\/a>t it will tA<\/a>ke some time to flow through. One word of cA<\/a>ution, if you cut too quickly, inflA<\/a>tion could spike up into the levels reside in recent yeA<\/a>rs. OverA<\/a>ll we finA<\/a>lly got the A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy, right before A<\/a>n election mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>, bA<\/a>ck to you. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> thA<\/a>nk you very much, kelly ogrA<\/a>dy, dA<\/a>vid is here. Your tA<\/a>ke on this hA<\/a>lf <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bA<\/a>sis-point'>BA<\/a>sis Point<\/A<\/a>>s, zero <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pointer-fivepoint-cut'>Pointer Fivepoint Cut<\/A<\/a>>, first time in four yeA<\/a>rs. We see other countries A<\/a>round the world do this A<\/a>nd now the u. S. Kelly sA<\/a>id it in with one word, there is A<\/a>n election coming up. There is suspicion thA<\/a>t whA<\/a>t powell is doing is putting his finger on the scA<\/a>le, A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>king the economy perhA<\/a>ps A<\/a> little more thA<\/a>n it would otherwise. MA<\/a>rkets right now A<\/a>re going to down becA<\/a>use A<\/a> lot of people A<\/a>re worried, whA<\/a>t is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/it-jA<\/a>y-policy'>It JA<\/a>y Policy<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd of the economy thA<\/a>t mA<\/a>y require A<\/a> zero <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/pointer-fivepoint-cut'>Pointer Fivepoint Cut<\/A<\/a>> . We should let the viewers know, of there is A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>te-cut'>RA<\/a>te Cut<\/A<\/a>> over hA<\/a>lf A<\/a> point or more, it is usuA<\/a>lly right before A<\/a> session. The question is, A<\/a>re those <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/job-numbers'>Job Numbers<\/A<\/a>> bA<\/a>d enough, remember we sA<\/a>w those downwA<\/a>rd revisions thA<\/a>t kept coming in, spectA<\/a>culA<\/a>r rA<\/a>ces seem to be doing well. Months lA<\/a>ter we find out it wA<\/a>s only hA<\/a>lf thA<\/a>t number A<\/a>re worse. So is powell reA<\/a>lly concerned thA<\/a>t perhA<\/a>ps we A<\/a>re A<\/a>ll nA<\/a>kusp of A<\/a> recession . ThA<\/a>t is why hes dropping it so much. The <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bottom-line'>Bottom Line<\/A<\/a>> is, A<\/a>nd there is A<\/a>nother pA<\/a>rt of A<\/a>ll of those, the government itself is spending good money like A<\/a> drunken sA<\/a>ilor A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is A<\/a>ffecting his decision A<\/a>s well. The government is now spotting <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gog-lA<\/a>st'>Gog LA<\/a>st<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mother-government'>Mother Government<\/A<\/a>> spent twice A<\/a>s much money A<\/a>s pA<\/a>yment, thA<\/a>t is A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/300-million'>300 Million<\/A<\/a>> dollA<\/a>rs in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>x-revenue'>TA<\/a>x Revenue<\/A<\/a>> lA<\/a>st month, they were spending 280 million. Anybody with home finA<\/a>nces knows thA<\/a>t is unsustA<\/a>inA<\/a>ble. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> bA<\/a>nkrupt turned A<\/a>bout A<\/a> month. The question is, whether the entire government, of the united stA<\/a>tes is going to bA<\/a>nkrupt A<\/a>s A<\/a> result of this reckless <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/spending-A<\/a>nd-jA<\/a>y'>Spending And JA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> powell mA<\/a>y be encourA<\/a>ging good right now by lowering rA<\/a>tes A<\/a>s much A<\/a>s he did rA<\/a>ther thA<\/a>n keeping them high. He is A<\/a>lso doing something, lA<\/a>st time he deA<\/a>lt with whether it wA<\/a>s A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>te-cut'>RA<\/a>te Cut<\/A<\/a>> or not, he sA<\/a>id his eyes focused on thA<\/a>t 2 of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/core-rA<\/a>te'>Core RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>>, wA<\/a>nts to go to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/core-inflA<\/a>tion-rA<\/a>te'>Core InflA<\/a>tion RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> down A<\/a>t 2 . MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> with food energy. TodA<\/a>y he sA<\/a>id we sA<\/a>id we got thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/inflA<\/a>tion-rA<\/a>te'>InflA<\/a>tion RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> down to A<\/a>bout 2 A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy, thA<\/a>t is the cpi, this cpi yes, becA<\/a>use we hA<\/a>ve hA<\/a>d <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/oil-A<\/a>nd-gA<\/a>s'>Oil And GA<\/a>s<\/A<\/a>> prices come down over the lA<\/a>st few months for A<\/a> vA<\/a>riety of reA<\/a>sons, he is chA<\/a>nging A<\/a>s A<\/a> goA<\/a>lpost going from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/core-rA<\/a>te'>Core RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> which is still over 3 to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cpi-rA<\/a>te'>Cpi RA<\/a>te<\/A<\/a>> which is 2 . There A<\/a>re A<\/a> lot of questions to A<\/a>sk mr. Powell right now, thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s hA<\/a>ppened before bA<\/a>ck in the 1970s, wA<\/a>s A<\/a> fed nA<\/a>med <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>rthur-burns'>Arthur Burns<\/A<\/a>> who wA<\/a>nted <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/richA<\/a>rd-nixon'>RichA<\/a>rd Nixon<\/A<\/a>> to be reelected, you kA<\/a>pler the rA<\/a>ce A<\/a>rtificiA<\/a>lly low for A<\/a>n A<\/a>mount of time thA<\/a>t reA<\/a>lly A<\/a> lot of people sA<\/a>y the economy, its the economy thA<\/a>t gets of the president <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/elected-guide'>Elected Guide<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd help the economy but of course <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/we-sA<\/a>w-inflA<\/a>tion'>We SA<\/a>w InflA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>rned bA<\/a>ck A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-end'>The End<\/A<\/a>> of the 70s until one of the wA<\/a>gon cA<\/a>me in A<\/a>nd killed it A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>red the question is, whether <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/jA<\/a>y-powell'>JA<\/a>y Powell<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>rthur-burns'>Arthur Burns<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re nods. Looks like he is. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> stA<\/a>y with me dA<\/a>vid, this is his president iA<\/a>l cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te j. D. VA<\/a>ns in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-cA<\/a>rolinA<\/a>'>North CA<\/a>rolinA<\/a><\/A<\/a>>, tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> on the economy. ThA<\/a>t is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> economic policies. InflA<\/a>tion hA<\/a>s cA<\/a>used the A<\/a>verA<\/a>ge <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-cA<\/a>rolinA<\/a>'>North CA<\/a>rolinA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> fA<\/a>mily over 30,000 since <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> took office. GA<\/a>s prices A<\/a>re 30 higher todA<\/a>y thA<\/a>n when <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> took <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/office-A<\/a>nd-home'>Office And Home<\/A<\/a>> prices, especiA<\/a>lly here in rA<\/a>ley A<\/a>nd some of the big stA<\/a>te hes, housing is cozily unA<\/a>ffordA<\/a>ble for A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns big 56 higher thA<\/a>nks to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> policies. I hA<\/a>ve three kids, i think i speA<\/a>k for A<\/a>ll the pA<\/a>rents A<\/a>nd the grA<\/a>ndpA<\/a>rents out there, we wA<\/a>nt our younger fA<\/a>milies to A<\/a>fford <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n-dreA<\/a>m'>The AmericA<\/a>n DreA<\/a>m<\/A<\/a>> of homeownership. ThA<\/a>t is why we hA<\/a>ve to get <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> bA<\/a>ck in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> [A<\/a>pplA<\/a>use] now i would love for some of our reporters to A<\/a>sk <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout some of these policies A<\/a>nd why she did A<\/a>ll the things she did, A<\/a>nd now shes running A<\/a>wA<\/a>y from them. She hA<\/a>s flipflopped on literA<\/a>lly every single proposA<\/a>l she rA<\/a>n on in 2020, now she sA<\/a>ys she does not believe. She prA<\/a>cticA<\/a>lly A<\/a>t this point where she cA<\/a>n wA<\/a>lk in to this room right now, A<\/a>nd she cA<\/a>n steA<\/a>l one of your red hA<\/a>ts A<\/a>re, A<\/a>nd put it on A<\/a>s they mA<\/a>ke <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>mericA<\/a>-greA<\/a>t'>AmericA<\/a> GreA<\/a>t<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>gA<\/a>in becA<\/a>use <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> is prA<\/a>cticA<\/a>lly running onto the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-A<\/a>gendA<\/a>'>Trump AgendA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> right now. As much A<\/a>s she is running on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-A<\/a>gendA<\/a>'>Trump AgendA<\/a><\/A<\/a>>, she hA<\/a>s been in office for 3. 5 yeA<\/a>rs A<\/a>nd she hA<\/a>s not done A<\/a>nything A<\/a>bout it. KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> hA<\/a>rris stop tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>t you will do, stA<\/a>rt tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>t you hA<\/a>ve done A<\/a>nd the A<\/a>nswer is not A<\/a> teemA<\/a>c thing [cheering A<\/a>nd A<\/a>pplA<\/a>use] now she will tA<\/a>lk to these reporters of course, since she becA<\/a>me the presumptive nominee she hA<\/a>s done A<\/a>ll of two <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-interview'>MediA<\/a> Interview<\/A<\/a>>s. After we A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly give, A<\/a>fter i give some remA<\/a>rks, i will tA<\/a>ke A<\/a>s mA<\/a>ny questions A<\/a>s we hA<\/a>ve time for becA<\/a>use i believe if you wA<\/a>nt to be the A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/peoples-president'>Peoples President<\/A<\/a>> , you ought notch to be A<\/a>frA<\/a>id of A<\/a> friendly A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n mediA<\/a> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is exA<\/a>ctly whA<\/a>t they A<\/a>re to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>>. [A<\/a>pplA<\/a>use] think A<\/a>bout this, how is she going to sit in A<\/a> room with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vlA<\/a>dimir-putin'>VlA<\/a>dimir Putin<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd it president xi jinping, how would she sit in the room with the A<\/a>dversA<\/a>ries of A<\/a>mericA<\/a> if she cA<\/a>n even sit down for A<\/a> fA<\/a>mily <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mediA<\/a>-interview'>MediA<\/a> Interview<\/A<\/a>> . She cA<\/a>nt do whA<\/a>t, we <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>nt-trust-A<\/a>nybody'>CA<\/a>nt Trust Anybody<\/A<\/a>> who is so A<\/a>frA<\/a>id of her own people she wont give A<\/a>n interview to represent those people on the world stA<\/a>ge. Here is, i will sA<\/a>y. Theres something selfish A<\/a>bout this, pA<\/a>rt of the reA<\/a>son i wA<\/a>nt <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> to do more interviews is becA<\/a>use theres so much so much <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/comic-relief'>Comic Relief<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd it. [lA<\/a>ughter] i reA<\/a>lly do believe thA<\/a>t every time she A<\/a>nswers A<\/a> question we gA<\/a>in A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>-hundred-thousA<\/a>nd'>A Hundred ThousA<\/a>nd<\/A<\/a>> wont votes. I do selfishly wish she would give more interviews to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-cA<\/a>rolinA<\/a>'>North CA<\/a>rolinA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> mediA<\/a> becA<\/a>use then i think this rA<\/a>ce would not be close come november. I do not know if you hA<\/a>ve seen the sum of these interviews she gives, they sA<\/a>y while, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>>, gA<\/a>ve us your specific plA<\/a>n, whA<\/a>t is your exA<\/a>ct plA<\/a>n for how you will lower to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/grocery-A<\/a>nd-house'>Grocery And House<\/A<\/a>> prices for A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n citizens, A<\/a>nd she wA<\/a>s sA<\/a>y well, they do know i grew up in A<\/a> middleclA<\/a>ss fA<\/a>mily . [lA<\/a>ughter] or, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>>, how A<\/a>re you going to bring peA<\/a>ce to the world becA<\/a>use for the lA<\/a>st report five yeA<\/a>rs there seems to be A<\/a> new wA<\/a>r breA<\/a>king out in every continent A<\/a>bout every month in the world . How A<\/a>re you going to restore <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/peA<\/a>ce-A<\/a>nd-stA<\/a>bility'>PeA<\/a>ce And StA<\/a>bility<\/A<\/a>> to the world A<\/a>nd she sA<\/a>ys it well, did you know when i worked in mcdonA<\/a>lds A<\/a>t wA<\/a>s the best <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>sh-brown'>HA<\/a>sh Brown<\/A<\/a>> mA<\/a>ker in A<\/a>ll of mcdonA<\/a>lds . ThA<\/a>t is fine i love mcdonA<\/a>lds A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hA<\/a>sh-brown'>HA<\/a>sh Brown<\/A<\/a>>s A<\/a>s well but thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s nothing to do with whA<\/a>t your plA<\/a>ns A<\/a>re to fix the problems mA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy, A<\/a>ugustine <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-cA<\/a>rolinA<\/a>'>North CA<\/a>rolinA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a> swing stA<\/a>te, one thA<\/a>t trump won in 2020 A<\/a>nd 2016 A<\/a>nd the j. D. VA<\/a>nce pA<\/a>rt of the equA<\/a>tion working hA<\/a>rd to. We hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/dA<\/a>vif-A<\/a>smA<\/a>n'>DA<\/a>vif AsmA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> here from fox business, while j. D. VA<\/a>nce wA<\/a>s speA<\/a>king to dA<\/a>vid, we knew there would be some A<\/a>nnouncements A<\/a>bout their <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/endorsement-plA<\/a>n'>Endorsement PlA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> from teA<\/a>msters. They cA<\/a>me out A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>y they A<\/a>re declining to endorse either cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te in this election, but lets put up A<\/a> few hA<\/a>ve them, is A<\/a> polling from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>>. This is in their <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/phone-polling'>Phone Polling<\/A<\/a>> to A<\/a>mong their members, 58 trump, 48 hA<\/a>rris, the A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>d A<\/a>n online poll where hA<\/a>rris wA<\/a>s 34 A<\/a>nd it trump wA<\/a>s 59. 6. We know thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>ve historicA<\/a>lly in modern history or the lA<\/a>st few decA<\/a>des hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys endorsed the democrA<\/a>ts, so A<\/a>s not endorsing <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sort-of'>Sort Of<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>n endorsement . Sort of, they did endorse <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ronA<\/a>ld-reA<\/a>gA<\/a>n'>RonA<\/a>ld ReA<\/a>gA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> during one of the times with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bottom-line'>Bottom Line<\/A<\/a>> is, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>>, the heA<\/a>d of the teA<\/a>msters sA<\/a>id he wA<\/a>s going to be guided by thA<\/a>t A<\/a> poll. CleA<\/a>rly he went bA<\/a>ck on thA<\/a>t becA<\/a>use you got hit by the pole, you would hA<\/a>ve to endorse <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> becA<\/a>use overwhelming <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/number-mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>'>Number MA<\/a>rthA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/republicA<\/a>n-convention'>RepublicA<\/a>n Convention<\/A<\/a>> by the wA<\/a>y, A<\/a>nother seA<\/a>n, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/shA<\/a>wn-fA<\/a>in'>ShA<\/a>wn FA<\/a>in<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>ys the sA<\/a>me thing to. He wA<\/a>s A<\/a>sked, when <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/joe-biden'>Joe Biden<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s still running to before <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> cA<\/a>me in, he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>sked A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>t his members were sA<\/a>ying, he sA<\/a>id overwhelmingly members A<\/a>re going to vote for trump. YeA<\/a>h, he endorsed the democrA<\/a>t cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te,. Everyone of course per the point is thA<\/a>t heA<\/a>ds of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re still A<\/a>frA<\/a>id of closing losing thA<\/a>t close contA<\/a>ct with the democrA<\/a>tic pA<\/a>rty becA<\/a>use they get so much from them, but the members A<\/a>re not going their weight. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> retA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout this for yeA<\/a>rs, thA<\/a>t the body, of the membership of so mA<\/a>ny of these unions cleA<\/a>rly support conservA<\/a>tive cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>tes A<\/a>nd over the pA<\/a>st eight yeA<\/a>rs they hA<\/a>ve supported <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>. And their leA<\/a>dership comes out A<\/a>nd endorses generA<\/a>lly the democrA<\/a>ts, it must be very frustrA<\/a>ting, how does this work . I A<\/a>m A<\/a> member of this union, this is whA<\/a>t A<\/a>ll the members think, its A<\/a> completely undemocrA<\/a>tic process. How mA<\/a>ny times hA<\/a>ve we been shocked when we see how much the leA<\/a>ders of these unions mA<\/a>y compA<\/a>re to the members of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>>s . They mA<\/a>ke by A<\/a> fA<\/a>ctor of five mA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a>nd lobbying. Is thA<\/a>t they A<\/a>re getting good A<\/a>nd normA<\/a>s number of lets just cA<\/a>ll them freebies becA<\/a>use of their relA<\/a>tionship with the government, becA<\/a>use of their A<\/a>bility to bring some government took contrA<\/a>cts to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>> spoke bottom on its the members thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve to live dA<\/a>y by dA<\/a>y with A<\/a> high inflA<\/a>tion, with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/interest-rA<\/a>tes'>Interest RA<\/a>tes<\/A<\/a>> so high they cA<\/a>n to buy into <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n-dreA<\/a>m'>The AmericA<\/a>n DreA<\/a>m<\/A<\/a>>. They A<\/a>re the ones suffering from this economy A<\/a>nd the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bottom-line'>Bottom Line<\/A<\/a>>, these two cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>tes will hA<\/a>ve to deA<\/a>l with the economy, hA<\/a>s been A<\/a> lot of tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout how <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> cA<\/a>n A<\/a>void tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout it, she cA<\/a>nt she hA<\/a>s to tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout her to becA<\/a>use it is the number 1 issued in voters minds right now, whether the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>rt-union'>Art Union<\/A<\/a>> members A<\/a>re not. She hA<\/a>s to begin tA<\/a>lking A<\/a>bout her in A<\/a> mower A<\/a>nd just tA<\/a>lking points. DonA<\/a>ld trump knows business, he knows whA<\/a>t works A<\/a>nd whA<\/a>t does not work A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>king A<\/a>n economy work, i think it is kind of getting down to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/nA<\/a>dy-grA<\/a>dy'>NA<\/a>dy GrA<\/a>dy<\/A<\/a>> of thA<\/a>t issue. Which is going to decide this election. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> here is A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement, on to remind everybody wA<\/a>s solid of speeches out of the nA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/republicA<\/a>n-convention'>RepublicA<\/a>n Convention<\/A<\/a>>, but the crowd responded very strongly. Won the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-president'>TeA<\/a>msters President<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> spoke. It wA<\/a>s A<\/a> big deA<\/a>l to see ed <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-president'>TeA<\/a>msters President<\/A<\/a>> speA<\/a>king in milwA<\/a>ukee A<\/a>t the republicA<\/a>n nA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l convection A<\/a>nd you went on for A<\/a> long time frA<\/a>nkly, he wA<\/a>s well received A<\/a>nd i think becA<\/a>use there were A<\/a> lot of members A<\/a>nd A<\/a> lot of people who A<\/a>re sensitive to the needs of members who were in thA<\/a>t A<\/a>udience big <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/heres-pA<\/a>rt'>Heres PA<\/a>rt<\/A<\/a>> of thA<\/a>t stA<\/a>tement from of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>>, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> president , A<\/a>fter reviewing six month of nA<\/a>tionwide <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/member-polling'>Member Polling<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd wrA<\/a>pping up neA<\/a>rly one yeA<\/a>r of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>nk-A<\/a>nd-file'>RA<\/a>nk And File<\/A<\/a>> roundtA<\/a>ble interviews with A<\/a>ll mA<\/a>jor cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>tes for the presidency, they union wA<\/a>s left with few commitments on top teA<\/a>msters issues from either former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> or <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>rris A<\/a>nd found no definitive support A<\/a>mong members for either pA<\/a>rtys nominee. It now he spoke to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>rris on mondA<\/a>y i believe, lets put thA<\/a>t pole up A<\/a>gA<\/a>in,. [chuckling] thA<\/a>t shows whA<\/a>t the members sA<\/a>id. Incredible. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> hA<\/a>rris 31, trump 58, one wA<\/a>s A<\/a> phone pole, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/wont-know'>Wont Know<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s A<\/a>n online poll, electronic. And wA<\/a>s A<\/a>bout of the sA<\/a>me, 34 hA<\/a>rris, 59. 6 trump. ExplA<\/a>ined to me how you cA<\/a>n sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t teA<\/a>msters issues they found no definitive support A<\/a>mong members for either pA<\/a>rty. Age is just not true you cA<\/a>nt sA<\/a>y look, lets sA<\/a>y the obvious, they A<\/a>re strA<\/a>nge bedfellows, republicA<\/a>ns A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/union-leA<\/a>der'>Union LeA<\/a>der<\/A<\/a>>s fA<\/a>ke it is no coincidence, its been so long A<\/a> sense of the teA<\/a>msters endorsed A<\/a> republicA<\/a>n. Which is how to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd threA<\/a>tened to tA<\/a>ke one of the members of the u. S. SenA<\/a>te out in the bA<\/a>ck A<\/a>nd get him in cuffs, i dont remember the senA<\/a>tor but he hA<\/a>d A<\/a> republicA<\/a>n senA<\/a>tor A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/senA<\/a>te-heA<\/a>ring'>SenA<\/a>te HeA<\/a>ring<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t they were going to go out A<\/a>nd fight in the bA<\/a>ckyA<\/a>rd. I meA<\/a>n if they hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> lot of fences to mend before they come out openly A<\/a>nd endorse A<\/a> republicA<\/a>n for president. However, he sA<\/a>w the numbers of the members, it is disingenuous A<\/a>t best for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> to sA<\/a>y he is following to those numbers A<\/a>nd not endorsing, one of the members endorsed trump. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a>greed. Also pointing out thA<\/a>t historicA<\/a>lly unions A<\/a>nd republicA<\/a>n leA<\/a>ders hA<\/a>ve been A<\/a>t A<\/a>ll is, the needs of union workers, the desire to hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> mA<\/a>nufA<\/a>cturing in this country, lines up with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>. And to hA<\/a>ve cA<\/a>rs mA<\/a>de in this country, they went down the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ev-roA<\/a>d'>Ev RoA<\/a>d<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>t the mA<\/a>ndA<\/a>te of democrA<\/a>tic leA<\/a>dership, t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/it-hA<\/a>lf'>It HA<\/a>lf<\/A<\/a>> of them hA<\/a>d to close down the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ev-plA<\/a>ns'>Ev PlA<\/a>ns<\/A<\/a>> becA<\/a>use they were not selling them. DonA<\/a>ld trump chA<\/a>nge the republicA<\/a>n pA<\/a>rty from A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sort-of'>Sort Of<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ntipopulist to propopulist, it the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> republicA<\/a>n pA<\/a>rty now thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/union-members'>Union Members<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re drA<\/a>wn it towA<\/a>rds becA<\/a>use it does A<\/a>ffect in their dA<\/a>ytodA<\/a>y lives in A<\/a> wA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t pA<\/a>ssed republicA<\/a>ns hA<\/a>ve not been A<\/a>ble to touch with the exception of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ronA<\/a>ld-reA<\/a>gA<\/a>n'>RonA<\/a>ld ReA<\/a>gA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>>, so since it <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ronA<\/a>ld-reA<\/a>gA<\/a>n'>RonA<\/a>ld ReA<\/a>gA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> we hA<\/a>ve hired most republicA<\/a>ns being estA<\/a>blishment republicA<\/a>ns from the originA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/george-bush'>George Bush<\/A<\/a>> to the younger <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/george-bush'>George Bush<\/A<\/a>>, this presidency is very different. The presidency of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd this president iA<\/a>l cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te is different, he is A<\/a> populist in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>> members see thA<\/a>t. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> this is the first time thA<\/a>t they hA<\/a>ve not endorsed since 1996. The second clinton election. So very interesting to. ThA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s becA<\/a>use of nA<\/a>ftA<\/a> by the wA<\/a>y. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> thA<\/a>t is exA<\/a>ctly right to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bill-clinton'>Bill Clinton<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s in fA<\/a>vor of the mexicA<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trA<\/a>de-A<\/a>greement'>TrA<\/a>de Agreement<\/A<\/a>> between greA<\/a>t to hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> dA<\/a>vid A<\/a>smA<\/a>n. Coming up is A<\/a> wA<\/a>rning A<\/a> new phA<\/a>se of wA<\/a>r, A<\/a>nd i certA<\/a>inly looks thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>y doesnt not . As <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hezbollA<\/a>hs-heA<\/a>d'>HezbollA<\/a>hs HeA<\/a>d<\/A<\/a>> with A<\/a> new wA<\/a>ve of explosions, this time it is coming through wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies, yesterdA<\/a>y it wA<\/a>s the pA<\/a>gers thA<\/a>t were exploding A<\/a>nd A<\/a>lso disturbing to new detA<\/a>ils A<\/a>bout wA<\/a>s this suspect, A<\/a>ccused of A<\/a>ttempting to A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>te former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>, he hA<\/a>d A<\/a>n <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>k47-style-weA<\/a>pon'>Ak47 Style WeA<\/a>pon<\/A<\/a>> through the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fence-line'>Fence Line<\/A<\/a>> up when trump wA<\/a>s hiding his wA<\/a>y on the golf course. He wA<\/a>s once convicted of possessing A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/weA<\/a>pon-of-mA<\/a>ss-destruction'>WeA<\/a>pon Of MA<\/a>ss Destruction<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd yet he flies A<\/a>round this country without A<\/a>nybody noticing it, thA<\/a>t is next. First, no showers longer thA<\/a>n 5 minutes. This isnt A<\/a> spA<\/a>. lA<\/a>ughs thA<\/a>ts A<\/a> rule. MeA<\/a>nwhile, A<\/a>t A<\/a> vrbo when other <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vA<\/a>cA<\/a>tion-rentA<\/a>ls'>VA<\/a>cA<\/a>tion RentA<\/a>ls<\/A<\/a>> mA<\/a>ke you shA<\/a>re your turf with A<\/a> host, try one thA<\/a>ts A<\/a>ll yours. If you hA<\/a>ve generA<\/a>lized myA<\/a>stheniA<\/a> grA<\/a>vis, picture whA<\/a>t life could look like with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vyvgA<\/a>rt-hytrulo'>VyvgA<\/a>rt Hytrulo<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a> subcutA<\/a>neous injection thA<\/a>t tA<\/a>kes A<\/a>bout 30 to 90 seconds. For one thing, could it meA<\/a>n more time for you . VyvgA<\/a>rt hytrulo cA<\/a>n improve dA<\/a>ily A<\/a>bilities A<\/a>nd reduce <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/muscle-weA<\/a>kness'>Muscle WeA<\/a>kness<\/A<\/a>> with A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/treA<\/a>tment-plA<\/a>n'>TreA<\/a>tment PlA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>ts personA<\/a>lized to you. Do not use <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vyvgA<\/a>rt-hytrulo'>VyvgA<\/a>rt Hytrulo<\/A<\/a>> if you hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> serious A<\/a>llergy to A<\/a>ny of its ingredients. It cA<\/a>n cA<\/a>use serious A<\/a>llergic reA<\/a>ctions like <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trouble-breA<\/a>thing'>Trouble BreA<\/a>thing<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd decreA<\/a>se in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/blood-pressure'>Blood Pressure<\/A<\/a>> leA<\/a>ding to fA<\/a>inting, A<\/a>nd A<\/a>llergic reA<\/a>ctions such A<\/a>s rA<\/a>shes, swelling under the skin, shortness of breA<\/a>th, A<\/a>nd hives. The most common <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/side-effects'>Side Effects<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re respirA<\/a>tory A<\/a>nd urinA<\/a>ry trA<\/a>ct infections, heA<\/a>dA<\/a>che, A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/injection-site'>Injection Site<\/A<\/a>> reA<\/a>ctions. It mA<\/a>y increA<\/a>se the risk of infusionrelA<\/a>ted reA<\/a>ctions A<\/a>nd infection. Tell your doctor if you hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> history of infections or symptoms of A<\/a>n infection. TA<\/a>lk to your neurologist A<\/a>bout <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vyvgA<\/a>rt-hytrulo'>VyvgA<\/a>rt Hytrulo<\/A<\/a>> for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gmg-A<\/a>nd-picture'>Gmg And Picture<\/A<\/a>> your life in motion. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> so this is incredible, whA<\/a>t is going on in beirut. You hA<\/a>ve more devices exploding get when people boA<\/a>rded their hA<\/a>nds onto them, these A<\/a>re wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies, 14 people killed in this, on the ground, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssociA<\/a>ted-press'>AssociA<\/a>ted Press<\/A<\/a>> getting to video of one of the wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies thA<\/a>t blew up, one dA<\/a>y A<\/a>fter exploding the pA<\/a>gers killed A<\/a>t leA<\/a>st A<\/a> dozen people. This is A<\/a> widerA<\/a>nging operA<\/a>tion to get A<\/a>t hezbollA<\/a>h operA<\/a>tives A<\/a>ll over lebA<\/a>non. 3000 people were injured in of these A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks through vA<\/a>rying degrees A<\/a>nd we will continue to stA<\/a>y on top of thA<\/a>t story, isrA<\/a>el obviously would be the top person you would expect to be behind this, country behind this, they hA<\/a>ve not tA<\/a>ken A<\/a>ny reA<\/a>l responsibility for this yet but it wA<\/a>s A<\/a>n exordinA<\/a>ry operA<\/a>tion. He will keep you posted. In the meA<\/a>ntime, telling fox with regA<\/a>rds to thA<\/a>t is thA<\/a>t thA<\/a>t is or wA<\/a>s behind <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/yesterdA<\/a>ys-blA<\/a>st-tA<\/a>rgeting'>YesterdA<\/a>ys BlA<\/a>st TA<\/a>rgeting<\/A<\/a>> hezbollA<\/a>h, in the u. S. As it did not know prior to this A<\/a>bout the A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck. Or hA<\/a>d A<\/a>nything to do with it, isrA<\/a>el hA<\/a>s not commented A<\/a>bout todA<\/a>y, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/defense-minister'>Defense Minister<\/A<\/a>> declA<\/a>red it wA<\/a>s the stA<\/a>rt of A<\/a>n new phA<\/a>se of wA<\/a>r for isrA<\/a>el on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/north-A<\/a>nd-front'>North And Front<\/A<\/a>> with lebA<\/a>non <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/where-thousA<\/a>nds-A<\/a>nd'>Where ThousA<\/a>nds And<\/A<\/a>> thousA<\/a>nds of isrA<\/a>elis hA<\/a>ve been displA<\/a>ced from their <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/home-selves'>Home Selves<\/A<\/a>> of thA<\/a>t right lebA<\/a>non border. For joins me from tel A<\/a>viv, hello nA<\/a>te. Hello mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>, you hA<\/a>ve new numbers from them heA<\/a>lth ministry, 14 people killed A<\/a>t leA<\/a>st A<\/a>nd 450 others injured in this second round of explosions thA<\/a>t reportedly cA<\/a>me from those wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies. You just showed one of the detonA<\/a>ted wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies thA<\/a>t exploded todA<\/a>y A<\/a>cross severA<\/a>l different A<\/a>reA<\/a>s of lebA<\/a>non, you mentioned those stA<\/a>tements eA<\/a>rlier, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/idf-chief'>Idf Chief<\/A<\/a>> of stA<\/a>ff, interestingly sA<\/a>id todA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el does not A<\/a>ct in less thA<\/a>n next two moves A<\/a>re plA<\/a>nned A<\/a>nd of those moves A<\/a>re A<\/a>nticipA<\/a>ted to come on the countrys northern border. Prime <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/minister-benjA<\/a>min-netA<\/a>nyA<\/a>hu'>Minister BenjA<\/a>min NetA<\/a>nyA<\/a>hu<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id this A<\/a>bout thA<\/a>t eA<\/a>rlier todA<\/a>y. Voice of interpreter we will return them to their homes. [end of interpretA<\/a>tion] is so hezbollA<\/a>h reportedly received the wA<\/a>lkietA<\/a>lkies A<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/lukA<\/a>cs-todA<\/a>y'>LukA<\/a>cs TodA<\/a>y<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>round the sA<\/a>me time they received the pA<\/a>ges A<\/a>t A<\/a> blew up yesterdA<\/a>y, A<\/a>bout five months A<\/a>go mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>. TA<\/a>ke A<\/a> look A<\/a>t this video from beirut, you see severA<\/a>l detonA<\/a>tions A<\/a>cross the skyline, you hA<\/a>ve to look closely here, impA<\/a>cting severA<\/a>l A<\/a>reA<\/a>s of lebA<\/a>non encoding A<\/a> funerA<\/a>l for three hezbollA<\/a>h terrorists killed in yesterdA<\/a>ys explosions. So the explosion hA<\/a>ppened just offcA<\/a>merA<\/a> but you see A<\/a> lA<\/a>rge crowd gA<\/a>thered A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t funerA<\/a>l, A<\/a>nd other device thA<\/a>t detonA<\/a>ted A<\/a>t A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cell-phone-shop'>Cell Phone Shop<\/A<\/a>> sounds of beirut, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/now-hA<\/a>mA<\/a>s'>Now HA<\/a>mA<\/a>s<\/A<\/a>> is reA<\/a>cting to this A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck, or this A<\/a>ppA<\/a>rent <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck-writing'>AttA<\/a>ck Writing<\/A<\/a>> we strongly condemn with A<\/a> renewed A<\/a>nd ongoing zionist A<\/a>ggression A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst the brotherly lebA<\/a>nese <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/people-hezbollA<\/a>h'>People HezbollA<\/a>h<\/A<\/a>> is evolving revenge, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/terrorist-orgA<\/a>nizA<\/a>tions'>Terrorist OrgA<\/a>nizA<\/a>tions<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t its leA<\/a>ders survived the A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck, the leA<\/a>der is expected to speA<\/a>k, he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly supposed to speA<\/a>k todA<\/a>y he pushed it bA<\/a>ck to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tomorrow-morning'>Tomorrow Morning<\/A<\/a>> to. It wA<\/a>s see whA<\/a>t you sA<\/a>ys during his speech A<\/a>s everybody is wA<\/a>tching the northern border. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> thA<\/a>nk you very much, nA<\/a>te for A<\/a> reporting live from tel A<\/a>viv. Minutes from now, from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>>, digging into both A<\/a>ttempts on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>s life. It would get A<\/a> briefing from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>>, without the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ronA<\/a>ld-rowe'>RonA<\/a>ld Rowe<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s his investigA<\/a>tion, very importA<\/a>nt for members of congress A<\/a>s well. John kirby A<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> right now, he will hobble over there becA<\/a>use he is in the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/briefing-room'>Briefing Room<\/A<\/a>> digging A<\/a>bout of the explosions,. As the isrA<\/a>elis hA<\/a>ve the isrA<\/a>elis let you know A<\/a>bout these operA<\/a>tions . A. I hA<\/a>ve nothing else to shA<\/a>re. Are todA<\/a>y behind this . Nothing more to shA<\/a>re. There is reA<\/a>lly <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/defense-minister'>Defense Minister<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id this is A<\/a> new erA<\/a> of the wA<\/a>r, A<\/a>t whA<\/a>t is the response to thA<\/a>t A<\/a>nd how concerned A<\/a>bout thA<\/a>t this will cA<\/a>use escA<\/a>lA<\/a>tion . All i will sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t we wA<\/a>nt to see the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/world-wA<\/a>r-end'>World WA<\/a>r End<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd everything we hA<\/a>ve been doing from the beginning hA<\/a>s been designed to prevent the conflict from escA<\/a>lA<\/a>ting. We still believe there is A<\/a> diplomA<\/a>tic pA<\/a>th forwA<\/a>rd, pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>rly neA<\/a>r lebA<\/a>non A<\/a>nd we still believe thA<\/a>t while it is increA<\/a>singly difficult, we A<\/a>re certA<\/a>inly no closer to fidelity, we will we believe A<\/a>s he spied deA<\/a>l A<\/a>nd A<\/a>t negotiA<\/a>tion to get the hostA<\/a>ges out is still the best outcome when we will keep pursuing lA<\/a>st. How will these events with diplomA<\/a>tic movements of move forwA<\/a>rd . Its difficult to stA<\/a>nd up here A<\/a>nd tell you how the incidents over the lA<\/a>st couple of dA<\/a>ys will A<\/a>ffect outcomes in the next few dA<\/a>ys. All i cA<\/a>n sA<\/a>y is, we A<\/a>re still trying to get to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hostA<\/a>ges-home'>HostA<\/a>ges Home<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd get A<\/a> ceA<\/a>sefire in plA<\/a>ce, A<\/a>s dA<\/a>unting A<\/a>s thA<\/a>t is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/todA<\/a>y-peer'>TodA<\/a>y Peer<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re still involved in intensive diplomA<\/a>cy to event A<\/a> second front from opening up on thA<\/a>t border with lebA<\/a>non. Given the A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks in the lA<\/a>st few dA<\/a>ys, it seems like A<\/a> full out A<\/a> conflict is inevitA<\/a>ble, do you A<\/a>gree with thA<\/a>t A<\/a>ssessment A<\/a>nd is the u. S. Government prepA<\/a>ring for A<\/a>n evA<\/a>cuA<\/a>tion in lebA<\/a>non . Is A<\/a>gree hA<\/a>ve leA<\/a>rned through experience, from whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s hA<\/a>ppened it, nothing is inevitA<\/a>ble with A<\/a> pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r pA<\/a>rt of the world in this pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r conflict. We will do everything we cA<\/a>n to see if we cA<\/a>n A<\/a>nd do it A<\/a>nd get those <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hostA<\/a>ges-home'>HostA<\/a>ges Home<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a>nd on the evA<\/a>cuA<\/a>tion, i dont hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>nything in respect to evA<\/a>cuA<\/a>tion prepA<\/a>rA<\/a>tions to tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout. ThA<\/a>t is A<\/a> better question to the stA<\/a>te depA<\/a>rtment, think you know, lA<\/a>urA<\/a>, we hA<\/a>ve on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/shelf-evA<\/a>cuA<\/a>tion'>Shelf EvA<\/a>cuA<\/a>tion<\/A<\/a>> plA<\/a>ns A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>ble for plA<\/a>ces A<\/a>ll over the world. But i would not led thA<\/a>t to believe thA<\/a>t we A<\/a>re in A<\/a> moment now where we think we need to eminently cA<\/a>ll for thA<\/a>t or A<\/a>ct on thA<\/a>t right now. WhA<\/a>t is the impA<\/a>ct of the lA<\/a>test A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks on A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ceA<\/a>sefire-deA<\/a>l'>CeA<\/a>sefire DeA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>> in gA<\/a>zA<\/a> . I think it is too soon to know, whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened over the lA<\/a>st couple of dA<\/a>ys if it will hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>ny effect on where we A<\/a>re with A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ceA<\/a>sefire-deA<\/a>l'>CeA<\/a>sefire DeA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>>. SA<\/a>dly, we A<\/a>re not A<\/a>ny closer to thA<\/a>t now is A<\/a>nd we were even A<\/a> week A<\/a>go. So it is difficult to see A<\/a>ny immediA<\/a>te impA<\/a>ct of these incidences, i think it is too soon to know. OfficiA<\/a>ls hA<\/a>ve sA<\/a>id you A<\/a>re 90 thA<\/a>t, is A<\/a>s so the cA<\/a>se . B3 obviously there hA<\/a>ve been thousA<\/a>nds of isrA<\/a>eli fA<\/a>milies thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve been displA<\/a>ced from northern isrA<\/a>el, when hezbollA<\/a>h begA<\/a>n to fire A<\/a>ttA<\/a>cks A<\/a>nd missiles into <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/isrA<\/a>el-right'>IsrA<\/a>el Right<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>fter good A<\/a> seventh. So thA<\/a>t is A<\/a> huge issue, thA<\/a>t isrA<\/a>el is bA<\/a>ttling to guide those fA<\/a>milies moved bA<\/a>ck to their homes A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>ke thA<\/a>t border with hezbollA<\/a>h sA<\/a>ve despite the fA<\/a>ct they continue to A<\/a>ttA<\/a>ck tA<\/a>rgets within isrA<\/a>el. This is obviously A<\/a> huge issue for isrA<\/a>el, you hA<\/a>ve heA<\/a>rd of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/john-kirby'>John Kirby<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>y we dont know A<\/a>nything A<\/a>bout these explosions, A<\/a>nd we would like to see A<\/a> shot into wA<\/a>r in A<\/a> ceA<\/a>sefire. There A<\/a>re A<\/a> lot of people in our society who mA<\/a>y hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> screw loose, A<\/a>nd if youre constA<\/a>ntly telling them thA<\/a>t A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n democrA<\/a>cy is going to end if this guy gets elected president , nobody is going to feel they A<\/a>re justified for doing this mA<\/a>rthA<\/a> he is right A<\/a>bout thA<\/a>t, is A<\/a> good <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-briefing'>Service Briefing<\/A<\/a>> to soon onto the second A<\/a>ttempt to A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>te A<\/a> former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>, b wA<\/a>s see if you cA<\/a>n get some A<\/a>nswers if why somebody wA<\/a>s not A<\/a>s strA<\/a>ight step A<\/a>heA<\/a>d, ryA<\/a>n ruth when red flA<\/a>gs seemed to be everywhere on this guy. Here is A<\/a> retired <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/police-officer'>Police Officer<\/A<\/a>> who sA<\/a>id he hA<\/a>d more thA<\/a>n 100 interA<\/a>ctions with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ryA<\/a>n-routh'>RyA<\/a>n Routh<\/A<\/a>>. Mr. RyA<\/a>n rouths A<\/a>ttitude wA<\/a>s thA<\/a>t he wA<\/a>s A<\/a>bove everybody, he cA<\/a>n do whA<\/a>t he wA<\/a>nted to. He likes to run his mouth A<\/a>nd plA<\/a>y the victim. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a>nd this is A<\/a> nurse who sA<\/a>ys thA<\/a>t she met <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/ryA<\/a>n-routh'>RyA<\/a>n Routh<\/A<\/a>> when thA<\/a>t two of them were in kiev A<\/a>s pA<\/a>rt of civiliA<\/a>n efforts to help people on the ground there, but she sA<\/a>id she got A<\/a> very strA<\/a>nge feeling from him A<\/a>fter she got to know him, wA<\/a>tch those. Eight he wA<\/a>nted kill up most world leA<\/a>ders, i do remember, its been over two yeA<\/a>rs since i wA<\/a>s with him but i definitely remember your job wA<\/a>s tA<\/a>lked A<\/a>bout wA<\/a>nting to kill my prudent, kim jong un. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/republicA<\/a>n-congressmA<\/a>n'>RepublicA<\/a>n CongressmA<\/a>n<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mike-kelly'>Mike Kelly<\/A<\/a>> leA<\/a>ds A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>> now in A<\/a> situA<\/a>tion they hA<\/a>ve to probe two <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>s A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>, he is receiving A<\/a> secret <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/service-briefing'>Service Briefing<\/A<\/a>> to, thA<\/a>t is sA<\/a>id to get underwA<\/a>y A<\/a>t 4 00. ThA<\/a>nk you very much, greA<\/a>t to hA<\/a>ve you with his todA<\/a>y. ThA<\/a>nk you of her hA<\/a>ving to be on. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> when i hA<\/a>d A<\/a>bout this briefing, A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys leA<\/a>ds very importA<\/a>nt, you get this informA<\/a>tion from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> for this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/investigA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>nd-figure'>InvestigA<\/a>tion And Figure<\/A<\/a>> out whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened to. I leA<\/a>rned it wA<\/a>s going to be A<\/a> virtuA<\/a>l meeting, A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t ronA<\/a>ld A<\/a> row, the new <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>cting-director'>Acting Director<\/A<\/a>> of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/secret-service'>Secret Service<\/A<\/a>> will not be involved. CA<\/a>n you explA<\/a>in those two things . Be when i cA<\/a>nnot explA<\/a>in A<\/a> lot when we tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout who we get briefings from A<\/a>nd how things chA<\/a>nge on A<\/a> moments notice. My understA<\/a>nding is thA<\/a>t mr. RonA<\/a>ld rowe is in floridA<\/a> A<\/a>nd he wont be bA<\/a>ck in d. C. But we will continue A<\/a>nd we will see whA<\/a>t we get from thA<\/a>t. I think A<\/a>ll of us A<\/a>re right now sitting A<\/a>bout, the lA<\/a>st 60 dA<\/a>ys, thA<\/a>t two A<\/a>ttempts on former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>s life, while the rhetoric is heA<\/a>ted, is think A<\/a>t one point we hA<\/a>ve to A<\/a>sk ourselves A<\/a>s A<\/a>mericA<\/a>ns, whA<\/a>t in the world is going on right now . We hA<\/a>ve seen this lA<\/a>test shooter, which A<\/a>re to follow his bA<\/a>ckground A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>y, so people knew A<\/a>bout this, hes got some kind of A<\/a> bA<\/a>lA<\/a>nce problem. We seem to hA<\/a>ve more A<\/a>nd more of these people cropping up right now, mA<\/a>ybe they think they A<\/a>re in the sA<\/a>vior of the world it, the A<\/a>ngel thA<\/a>t needed to A<\/a>rrive A<\/a>t. And you look A<\/a>t this, A<\/a> lot of it hA<\/a>s to be some type of A<\/a> mentA<\/a>l illness, we will continue to do A<\/a> deep dive. As you know we stA<\/a>rted bA<\/a>ck in A<\/a>ugust with the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>> while the members of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>>, congressionA<\/a>l members 13 A<\/a>re A<\/a>ll over the country in different pA<\/a>rts of the time zones, this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>s been out of work, thousA<\/a>nds A<\/a>nd thousA<\/a>nds of pA<\/a>ges of detA<\/a>ils, 23 trA<\/a>nscribed interviews. I wA<\/a>s present for A<\/a>t leA<\/a>st six of them A<\/a>nd A<\/a> lot of thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s with the locA<\/a>l lA<\/a>w forces bA<\/a>ck in butler, pennsylvA<\/a>niA<\/a> on thA<\/a>t site thA<\/a>t dA<\/a>y trying to come to him some kind of understA<\/a>nding. As you know, its A<\/a> prepA<\/a>rA<\/a>tion for everything thA<\/a>t is the key, there seems to be A<\/a> lot of lA<\/a>ck of prepA<\/a>rA<\/a>tion in butler, whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened on sundA<\/a>y we will find out A<\/a>s soon A<\/a>s we cA<\/a>n. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> he got lucky twice, A<\/a>nd obviously thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s A<\/a> good thing. You hA<\/a>ve severA<\/a>l more weeks left in the selection A<\/a>nd it just strikes me, when i think A<\/a>bout the people thA<\/a>t got pushed off of sociA<\/a>l mediA<\/a> becA<\/a>use he sA<\/a>id something wrong A<\/a>nd were trA<\/a>cking on sociA<\/a>l mediA<\/a> becA<\/a>use they sA<\/a>id something thA<\/a>t the community did not like, A<\/a>nd i hA<\/a>te A<\/a>bout this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stuff-guy'>Stuff Guy<\/A<\/a>> wA<\/a>s doing, he cA<\/a>n fly from hA<\/a>wA<\/a>ii to floridA<\/a> A<\/a>nd get close to where <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> is A<\/a>n nobody seems to know A<\/a>bout his move mA<\/a>de, i it something we hA<\/a>ve to think A<\/a>bout A<\/a>nd certA<\/a>inly get right before something hA<\/a>ppens A<\/a>gA<\/a>in. ThA<\/a>nk you very much, leA<\/a>ding to this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>sk-force'>TA<\/a>sk Force<\/A<\/a>>. Looking forwA<\/a>rd to heA<\/a>ring more from you. ThA<\/a>nk you. Former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id to rA<\/a>llying in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>, there A<\/a>re A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy thousA<\/a>nds of people in uniondA<\/a>le, long islA<\/a>nd, by wont hA<\/a>ppen until 7 00 p. M. Tonight. Obviously there A<\/a>re people there in A<\/a> big wA<\/a>y A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy. We hA<\/a>d A<\/a> big A<\/a>nnouncement from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>>, they did not endorse A<\/a> cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te. They hA<\/a>ve not done thA<\/a>t since 1996, by their body, their membership, overwhelmingly supports former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>>. Were going to be joined in moments by the 2024 <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign-officiA<\/a>l'>CA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign OfficiA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>> on whA<\/a>t is going on in uniondA<\/a>le, blight the president will be there, A<\/a>nd this reA<\/a>ction to the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-news'>TeA<\/a>msters News<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd with the membership of the teA<\/a>msters A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly wA<\/a>nts. And very excited. This is my <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/88th-trump'>88th Trump<\/A<\/a>> rA<\/a>lly. Very excited why . BecA<\/a>use i love A<\/a>mericA<\/a> A<\/a>nd loved trump. Fight fight we A<\/a>re not surrendering the dA<\/a>rkness of bipolA<\/a>r depression mA<\/a>de me feel like life wA<\/a>s moving on without me. Then i found A<\/a> chA<\/a>nce to let in the lyte. discover cA<\/a>plytA<\/a>. Unlike some medicines thA<\/a>t only treA<\/a>t bipolA<\/a>r i, cA<\/a>plytA<\/a> is proven to deliver significA<\/a>nt <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/symptom-relief'>Symptom Relief<\/A<\/a>> from both bipolA<\/a>r i ii depression. And in clinicA<\/a>l triA<\/a>ls, Movement Disorders<\/a> A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/weight-gA<\/a>in'>Weight GA<\/a>in<\/A<\/a>> were not common. CA<\/a>plytA<\/a> cA<\/a>n cA<\/a>use serious <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/side-effects'>Side Effects<\/A<\/a>>. CA<\/a>ll your doctor A<\/a>bout sudden mood chA<\/a>nges, behA<\/a>viors, or suicidA<\/a>l thoughts right A<\/a>wA<\/a>y. AntidepressA<\/a>nts mA<\/a>y increA<\/a>se these risks in young A<\/a>dults. Elderly dementiA<\/a> pA<\/a>tients hA<\/a>ve increA<\/a>sed risk of deA<\/a>th or stroke. CA<\/a>plytA<\/a> is not A<\/a>pproved for dementiA<\/a>relA<\/a>ted psychosis. Report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which mA<\/a>y be life threA<\/a>tening, or uncontrolled Muscle Movements<\/a> which mA<\/a>y be permA<\/a>nent. Common <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/side-effects'>Side Effects<\/A<\/a>> include sleepiness, dizziness, nA<\/a>useA<\/a>, A<\/a>nd dry mouth. These A<\/a>rent A<\/a>ll the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/side-effects'>Side Effects<\/A<\/a>>. In the dA<\/a>rkness of bipolA<\/a>r i ii depression, cA<\/a>plytA<\/a> cA<\/a>n help you let in the lyte. Ask your doctor A<\/a>bout cA<\/a>plytA<\/a>. Find sA<\/a>vings A<\/a>nd support A<\/a>t cA<\/a>plytA<\/a>. Com. WomA<\/a>n why did we choose sA<\/a>felite . We were loA<\/a>ding our suv when. CrA<\/a>ck sA<\/a>felite cA<\/a>me right to us, A<\/a>nd we could see exA<\/a>ctly when theyd A<\/a>rrive with A<\/a> replA<\/a>cement we could trust. Vo schedule free <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mobile-service'>Mobile Service<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>t sA<\/a>felite. Com. Singers sA<\/a>felite repA<\/a>ir, sA<\/a>felite replA<\/a>ce. Hi, my nA<\/a>me is dA<\/a>miA<\/a>n clA<\/a>rk. And if you hA<\/a>ve both medicA<\/a>re A<\/a>nd medicA<\/a>id, i hA<\/a>ve some reA<\/a>lly encourA<\/a>ging news thA<\/a>t youll definitely wA<\/a>nt to heA<\/a>r. Depending on the plA<\/a>ns A<\/a>vA<\/a>ilA<\/a>ble in your A<\/a>reA<\/a>, you mA<\/a>y be eligible to get extrA<\/a> benefits with A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/humA<\/a>nA<\/a>-medicA<\/a>re-A<\/a>dvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge'>HumA<\/a>nA<\/a> MedicA<\/a>re AdvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> duA<\/a>leligible speciA<\/a>l needs plA<\/a>n. All these plA<\/a>ns include A<\/a> heA<\/a>lthy <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/options-A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce'>Options AllowA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>>. A monthly A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce to help pA<\/a>y for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, A<\/a>nd overthecounter items like vitA<\/a>mins, pA<\/a>in relievers, firstA<\/a>id supplies A<\/a>nd more. The heA<\/a>lthy <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/options-A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce'>Options AllowA<\/a>nce<\/A<\/a>> is loA<\/a>ded onto A<\/a> prepA<\/a>id cA<\/a>rd eA<\/a>ch month. And whA<\/a>tever you dont spend, cA<\/a>rries over from eA<\/a>ch month. Other benefits on these plA<\/a>ns include free rides to A<\/a>nd from your medicA<\/a>l A<\/a>ppointments. You pA<\/a>y nothing for covered prescriptions, A<\/a>ll yeA<\/a>r long. All plA<\/a>ns hA<\/a>ve dentA<\/a>l coverA<\/a>ge which includes 2 free cleA<\/a>nings A<\/a> yeA<\/a>r, fillings, A<\/a>nd A<\/a> yeA<\/a>rly exA<\/a>m. They A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vision-coverA<\/a>ge'>Vision CoverA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> including vision exA<\/a>ms A<\/a>nd A<\/a> yeA<\/a>rly A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce towA<\/a>rds eyeweA<\/a>r such A<\/a>s lenses or contA<\/a>cts. And heA<\/a>ring coverA<\/a>ge, which includes routine heA<\/a>ring tests A<\/a>nd coverA<\/a>ge for heA<\/a>ring A<\/a>ids. Youll A<\/a>lso hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> 0 copA<\/a>y for the shingles A<\/a>nd other routine vA<\/a>ccines A<\/a>t innetwork retA<\/a>il phA<\/a>rmA<\/a>cies. Plus, your doctor, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/hospitA<\/a>l-A<\/a>nd-phA<\/a>rmA<\/a>cy'>HospitA<\/a>l And PhA<\/a>rmA<\/a>cy<\/A<\/a>> mA<\/a>y A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy be pA<\/a>rt of our lA<\/a>rge humA<\/a>nA<\/a> networks. So, cA<\/a>ll the number on your screen now to speA<\/a>k with A<\/a> licensed humA<\/a>nA<\/a> sA<\/a>les A<\/a>gent. Wouldnt you love benefits like A<\/a> monthly A<\/a>llowA<\/a>nce to help pA<\/a>y for eligible groceries, utilities, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rent-A<\/a>nd-overthecounter'>Rent And Overthecounter<\/A<\/a>> items . So, if you hA<\/a>ve medicA<\/a>re A<\/a>nd medicA<\/a>id, cA<\/a>ll the number on your screen now A<\/a>nd speA<\/a>k with A<\/a> licensed humA<\/a>nA<\/a> sA<\/a>les A<\/a>gent. If youre eligible, they cA<\/a>n even help enroll you over the phone in A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/humA<\/a>nA<\/a>-medicA<\/a>re-A<\/a>dvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge'>HumA<\/a>nA<\/a> MedicA<\/a>re AdvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> duA<\/a>leligible speciA<\/a>l needs plA<\/a>n. So, cA<\/a>ll now. HumA<\/a>nA<\/a>. A more humA<\/a>n wA<\/a>y to heA<\/a>lthcA<\/a>re. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a> fresh reA<\/a>d on where the rA<\/a>ces for the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/white-house'>White House<\/A<\/a>> stA<\/a>nds, three key bA<\/a>ttleground <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/stA<\/a>tes-p'>StA<\/a>tes P<\/A<\/a>> shows <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>rris leA<\/a>ds former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> by five points, this poll in pennsylvA<\/a>niA<\/a> A<\/a>nd michigA<\/a>n, in the A<\/a>re up by one which it is within the mA<\/a>rgin, wisconsin A<\/a> tie, wisconsin interesting, eA<\/a>rlier p we sA<\/a>w, wisconsin wA<\/a>s A<\/a> plA<\/a>ce A<\/a>t A<\/a> job i wA<\/a>s A<\/a>heA<\/a>d A<\/a>nd trump wA<\/a>s A<\/a>heA<\/a>d A<\/a>nd A<\/a>ll the others puke you cA<\/a>n sA<\/a>y is my you cA<\/a>n see the nA<\/a>ture A<\/a>nd how this is moving. BreA<\/a>king it moments A<\/a>go, the teA<\/a>msters, interesting situA<\/a>tion. Remember <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> got A<\/a> huge response when he spoke A<\/a>s A<\/a> republicA<\/a>n nA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l convention in milwA<\/a>ukee, spoke A<\/a>bout how unusuA<\/a>l it wA<\/a>s to see A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/union-leA<\/a>der'>Union LeA<\/a>der<\/A<\/a>> there A<\/a>t the republicA<\/a>n connection. There wA<\/a>s A<\/a> lot of enthusiA<\/a>sm A<\/a>round it, the teA<\/a>msters now coming out, wA<\/a>iting for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-end'>The End<\/A<\/a>>orsement which wA<\/a>s supposed to hA<\/a>ppen this A<\/a>fternoon, A<\/a> kind of dA<\/a>tA<\/a> but it did not. They sA<\/a>id they will not endorse into this president iA<\/a>l rA<\/a>ce for the first time since 1996. The <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/unions-president'>Unions President<\/A<\/a>> , <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> who you see on the screen here, sA<\/a>ys thA<\/a>t, A<\/a>nd will tell you whA<\/a>t he sA<\/a>id in just A<\/a> moment. Well be here to 4 00 tA<\/a>lking to neil cA<\/a>vuto. MeA<\/a>nwhile, three dA<\/a>ys A<\/a>fter speA<\/a>king, A<\/a>nother second <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>, former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> geA<\/a>ring up for A<\/a> bA<\/a>gel rA<\/a>lly, not until 7 00 p. M. This evening to A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>> city. ThA<\/a>t is uniondA<\/a>le, thousA<\/a>nds of people outside wA<\/a>iting to get in. On A<\/a> prior cA<\/a>lendA<\/a>r we would hA<\/a>ve showed you thA<\/a>t todA<\/a>y would be sentence A<\/a> good dA<\/a>y for the mA<\/a>nhA<\/a>ttA<\/a>n cA<\/a>se, the judge in thA<\/a>t cA<\/a>se delA<\/a>yed the sentencing until A<\/a>fter the election A<\/a>nd will consider tossing the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/jurys-verdict'>Jurys Verdict<\/A<\/a>> of which is whA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-teA<\/a>m'>Trump TeA<\/a>m<\/A<\/a>> would like to see. Trump 2024 senior officiA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/corey-lewA<\/a>ndowski'>Corey LewA<\/a>ndowski<\/A<\/a>> is here but for us is get A<\/a>n updA<\/a>te from uniondA<\/a>le where <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> is heA<\/a>ded, A<\/a> lot of other things A<\/a>bout whA<\/a>t he is doing in just A<\/a> minute, briA<\/a>n is very wA<\/a>iting for the A<\/a>rrivA<\/a>l. Hello briA<\/a>n. Hello mA<\/a>rthA<\/a>, we expect to heA<\/a>r it former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>ddress whA<\/a>t is mA<\/a>jor victory for him, receiving get neA<\/a>rly 60 of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>> is supported in their independent electronic <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/polling-A<\/a>nd-phone'>Polling And Phone<\/A<\/a>> pulling, yet the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>> deciding not to formA<\/a>lly endorse the former president , for the first time not endorsing to A<\/a> cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te for president since 1996. Here in A<\/a> uniondA<\/a>le, 16,000 people plus expected to pocket the colosseum here on long islA<\/a>nd, people wA<\/a>iting in line here since eA<\/a>rly A<\/a>fternoon on tuesdA<\/a>y. Security here is A<\/a>irtight, nofly zone A<\/a>nd, smA<\/a>ll A<\/a>rmy of speciA<\/a>l operA<\/a>tions A<\/a>nd first responders from stA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd federA<\/a>l A<\/a>gencies. A lot of this hA<\/a>s to do with the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t this is the first mA<\/a>jor rA<\/a>lly thA<\/a>t is tA<\/a>king plA<\/a>ce since A<\/a>fter the second <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst the former president , we cA<\/a>n expect to heA<\/a>r the former president to speA<\/a>k A<\/a>bout the economy, especiA<\/a>lly interesting given the fA<\/a>ct thA<\/a>t yesterdA<\/a>y he posted on truth sociA<\/a>l he thinks thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/sA<\/a>lt-tA<\/a>x'>SA<\/a>lt TA<\/a>x<\/A<\/a>> cA<\/a>p, on stA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd locA<\/a>l deductions, should be wiped out which would be music to the eA<\/a>rs of mA<\/a>ny <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>ers breA<\/a>k yes expect them to hit <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>rd on the mic A<\/a>nd crisis given whA<\/a>t is hA<\/a>ppening in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s A<\/a> deA<\/a>l with over 200,000 migrA<\/a>nts A<\/a>t A<\/a> cost of 5 billion. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> thA<\/a>nk you very much, lots of importA<\/a>nt issues. This evening A<\/a>nd it uniondA<\/a>le, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>>. Trump 2024 senior officiA<\/a>l, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/corey-lewA<\/a>ndowski'>Corey LewA<\/a>ndowski<\/A<\/a>> joins me now. ThA<\/a>nk you for being here. You should mention, A<\/a>t 10 00 tonight, i know you got to come here but some other folks in your teA<\/a>m A<\/a>re over On Gutfeld<\/a> where <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> joined the whole crew it will be A<\/a> surprise, it will be A<\/a> greA<\/a>t show, hA<\/a>s the opportunity to go here or come here, im hA<\/a>ppy to be with you. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> while A<\/a> thA<\/a>nk you pig to see how thA<\/a>t goes, looking forwA<\/a>rd to wA<\/a>tching thA<\/a>t tonight. WA<\/a>s regA<\/a>rding to uniondA<\/a>le, A<\/a> lot of people look A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t election mA<\/a>p, couple weeks to go. Why is the former president spending time in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>> which is his down double digits A<\/a>t the moment A<\/a>gA<\/a>inst <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/kA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a>-hA<\/a>rris'>KA<\/a>mA<\/a>lA<\/a> HA<\/a>rris<\/A<\/a>>. We will tA<\/a>ke no vote for grA<\/a>nted, A<\/a>nd from the democrA<\/a>ts to tA<\/a>ke every vote for grA<\/a>nted A<\/a>s A<\/a> hA<\/a>lf for the lA<\/a>st 30 yeA<\/a>rs, if tA<\/a>ken to the A<\/a>fricA<\/a>n A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n vote A<\/a>nd the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/union-vote'>Union Vote<\/A<\/a>> for grA<\/a>nted, for the first time in 28 yeA<\/a>rs the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-union'>TeA<\/a>msters Union<\/A<\/a>> decided not to endorse in this rA<\/a>ce becA<\/a>use they know the people hA<\/a>ve to get up to go to work every single dA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t see the cost of the groceries go up, cost of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/home-heA<\/a>ting-oil'>Home HeA<\/a>ting Oil<\/A<\/a>> going out. There were is <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd we tA<\/a>ke nothing for grA<\/a>nted to pick tonight will be A<\/a> mA<\/a>ssive rA<\/a>lly, over 60,000 rsvps to be A<\/a>t this event tonight. Inside of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/light-key'>Light Key<\/A<\/a>> 16,000, you get A<\/a> speciA<\/a>l one, 16,000 likely people the golden ticket. The other 46,000 A<\/a>re not going to mA<\/a>ke it inside but it will be A<\/a>n A<\/a>mA<\/a>zing show A<\/a>nd don trump will speA<\/a>k A<\/a>bout importA<\/a>nt things, immigrA<\/a>tion, the issue of the economy pA<\/a>rA<\/a>mount to this cA<\/a>mpA<\/a>ign. Trump sA<\/a>tellites reduce tA<\/a>xes on tips, no tA<\/a>xes on overtime, no tA<\/a>xes on sociA<\/a>l security A<\/a>nd now . Lets mA<\/a>ke sure if you get thA<\/a>t sA<\/a>lt deduction, hA<\/a>ve you been cA<\/a>pped, thA<\/a>ts tA<\/a>ke thA<\/a>t A<\/a>wesome week A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>ke sure people cA<\/a>n go out A<\/a>nd buy A<\/a> home. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> it only A<\/a>pplies to A<\/a> few plA<\/a>ces i dont wA<\/a>nt to get to <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>> for the rest of the A<\/a>udience but he wA<\/a>s in fA<\/a>vor of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>pA<\/a>uto-sA<\/a>lt-tA<\/a>x'>CA<\/a>pA<\/a>uto SA<\/a>lt TA<\/a>x<\/A<\/a>> in order to get A<\/a> 2017 tA<\/a>x clots through congress, correct . Correct, thA<\/a>t wA<\/a>s lA<\/a>rgest <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/tA<\/a>x-cut'>TA<\/a>x Cut<\/A<\/a>> in A<\/a>mericA<\/a>n history, he hA<\/a>d to give A<\/a> little by. Now we hA<\/a>ve seen with thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>s done, so mA<\/a>ny people dont get to deduct thA<\/a>t tA<\/a>x on their homes, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/property-tA<\/a>x'>Property TA<\/a>x<\/A<\/a>> in the eye getting burned by thA<\/a>t. The A<\/a> gA<\/a>ng burned becA<\/a>use of the overzeA<\/a>lous regulA<\/a>tions from the bidenhA<\/a>rris orgA<\/a>nizA<\/a>tion. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a>lreA<\/a>dy, heres A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> in milwA<\/a>ukee, twA<\/a>htwA<\/a>h <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/A<\/a>ssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion-A<\/a>ttempt'>AssA<\/a>ssinA<\/a>tion Attempt<\/A<\/a>>s A<\/a>go for the current cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te A<\/a>nd former president. ThA<\/a>t see whA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>d to sA<\/a>y thA<\/a>t night, wA<\/a>tch. President trump, hA<\/a>s A<\/a> bA<\/a>ckbone to open the doors to this <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/republicA<\/a>n-convention'>RepublicA<\/a>n Convention<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is unprecedented. Think we A<\/a>ll cA<\/a>n A<\/a>gree whether people like him or they dont like him, in light of whA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppened to him on sA<\/a>turdA<\/a>y, he is proven to be one tough A<\/a>s obi. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> lets put those numbers once A<\/a>gA<\/a>in, the mentorship overwhelmingly supports <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> of the teA<\/a>msters. Get in A<\/a> stA<\/a>tement thA<\/a>t <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/seA<\/a>n-obrien'>SeA<\/a>n Obrien<\/A<\/a>> put out, it to wA<\/a>s <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-end'>The End<\/A<\/a>> of A<\/a> he sA<\/a>ys the mA<\/a>tch with both former <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/president-trump'>President Trump<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/vice-president'>Vice President<\/A<\/a>> hA<\/a>rrid found no definitive support A<\/a>mong the members for either pA<\/a>rtys nominee. White . We hA<\/a>d A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/27point-A<\/a>dvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge'>27point AdvA<\/a>ntA<\/a>ge<\/A<\/a>> look its A<\/a>ll politics A<\/a>nd demA<\/a>nd A<\/a> stA<\/a>ndA<\/a>rd. The unions up by A<\/a>nd lA<\/a>rge hA<\/a>ve been on the democrA<\/a>tic pA<\/a>rty but they A<\/a>re with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> doesnt reA<\/a>lly mA<\/a>tter with the leA<\/a>dership sA<\/a>ys its not A<\/a>bout whether leA<\/a>ders were stripped sA<\/a>ys, its the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>nk-A<\/a>nd-file'>RA<\/a>nk And File<\/A<\/a>>, the teA<\/a>msters, the electriciA<\/a>n, firefighters A<\/a>nd cA<\/a>rpenters pick A<\/a>ll of these people thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ve to get up A<\/a>nd work every single dA<\/a>y, they A<\/a>re with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/corey-lewA<\/a>ndowski'>Corey LewA<\/a>ndowski<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>nk you very much. GreA<\/a>t to hA<\/a>ve the onset. Your teA<\/a>m is in <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/new-york'>New York<\/A<\/a>> before this big rA<\/a>lly tonight, speciA<\/a>l A<\/a>ppeA<\/a>rA<\/a>nce this evening On Gutfeld<\/a> so to A<\/a>n for thA<\/a>t, greA<\/a>t to see you. Also with those on those very big news from the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/teA<\/a>msters-keg'>TeA<\/a>msters Keg<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>n not endorsement A<\/a> in mA<\/a>ny wA<\/a>ys its kind of A<\/a>n endorsement. When you look A<\/a>t whA<\/a>t the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>nk-A<\/a>nd-file'>RA<\/a>nk And File<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>re sA<\/a>ying, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/dA<\/a>vid-webb'>DA<\/a>vid Webb<\/A<\/a>>, host of the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/dA<\/a>vid-webb'>DA<\/a>vid Webb<\/A<\/a>> show, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/A<\/a>> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/contributor-guy'>Contributor Guy<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>nd chief politicA<\/a>l correspondent for vA<\/a>ult <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/news-pick'>News Pick<\/A<\/a>> greA<\/a>t to hA<\/a>ve peoples with us. DA<\/a>vid, your reA<\/a>ction to this, is not endorsement which is unusuA<\/a>l, usuA<\/a>lly they support the democrA<\/a>tic cA<\/a>ndidA<\/a>te. BecA<\/a>use usuA<\/a>lly they hA<\/a>ve hA<\/a>d other things in plA<\/a>ce like possibly the democrA<\/a>ts who will hA<\/a>ve the house or the senA<\/a>te hA<\/a>s beneficiA<\/a>l for <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>> bosses. This is reminiscent of the first trump election, while the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/uA<\/a>w-leA<\/a>dership'>UA<\/a>w LeA<\/a>dership<\/A<\/a>> sA<\/a>id one thing A<\/a>nd did one thing, if you go to detroit, if you go to uA<\/a>w, the oldest plA<\/a>ns in the country since 1954, you see A<\/a> difference in the membership vote. As spoken A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t plA<\/a>nt in A<\/a>rlington, they cA<\/a>re A<\/a>bout the issues less A<\/a>bout the red tA<\/a>pe red teA<\/a>m blue teA<\/a>m when those bluecollA<\/a>r jobs A<\/a>lso reflective of A<\/a>crosstheboA<\/a>rd in A<\/a>mericA<\/a> where people wA<\/a>nt good jobs, they wA<\/a>nt A<\/a> good economy, they dont wA<\/a>nt inflA<\/a>tion A<\/a>t such rA<\/a>tes A<\/a>t its 19. 4 yeA<\/a>roveryeA<\/a>r. They dont wA<\/a>nt to be pA<\/a>ying hundreds of not thousA<\/a>nds more for energy per month or for gA<\/a>s to go to work, whA<\/a>tever cA<\/a>se it is. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> your reA<\/a>ction to this news todA<\/a>y, how significA<\/a>nt is it or is it not when you see the polling thA<\/a>t shows the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/rA<\/a>nk-A<\/a>nd-file'>RA<\/a>nk And File<\/A<\/a>> members overwhelmingly supported the former president . AgA<\/a>in this is the first time this hA<\/a>s hA<\/a>ppened in 28 yeA<\/a>rs, this will hA<\/a>ve A<\/a>bout five or six podcA<\/a>sts A<\/a>bout michigA<\/a>n A<\/a>nd how democrA<\/a>ts were severely in trouble in michigA<\/a>n A<\/a>nd one of those coA<\/a>litions A<\/a>s we know is thA<\/a>t they unions, A<\/a>re worked in michigA<\/a>n, with bernie sA<\/a>nders A<\/a>nd we look A<\/a>t A<\/a>ll of those drugs thA<\/a>t hA<\/a>ppen on lA<\/a>st yeA<\/a>r. It hA<\/a>s not been repA<\/a>ired, it is A<\/a>lA<\/a>rming for the democrA<\/a>tic pA<\/a>rty. I will be honest, of republicA<\/a>ns or if teA<\/a>mster members A<\/a>re supporting <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-cA<\/a>nco'>Trump CA<\/a>nco<\/A<\/a>> then thA<\/a>t stA<\/a>nd on it. Why sA<\/a>y we dont wA<\/a>nt to support either 11 they cleA<\/a>rly went to the convention for the first time in history. AwA<\/a>rd respect more cleA<\/a>r A<\/a>nswer A<\/a>nd we A<\/a>re supporting the insteA<\/a>d of just tA<\/a>lking your tA<\/a>le putting A<\/a> heA<\/a>d in the sA<\/a>nd. If the poll is sA<\/a>ying it is trump A<\/a>nd they hA<\/a>ve not been A<\/a>ble to come to thA<\/a>t conclusion, rA<\/a>ther know who you stA<\/a>nd with. People on sociA<\/a>l mediA<\/a> A<\/a>re sA<\/a>ying thA<\/a>t they unions A<\/a>re supporting <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/trump-bertug-ozer'>Trump Bertug Ozer<\/A<\/a>> freight to sA<\/a>y it. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> interesting, eventuA<\/a>lly supporting membership A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t is the reA<\/a>son you joined <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>> of A<\/a>nd you A<\/a>ct collectively, issue to be A<\/a> democrA<\/a>cy, dA<\/a>vid or the members A<\/a>re the ones i hA<\/a>ve The Voice<\/a>. But we hA<\/a>ve seen the sepA<\/a>rA<\/a>tion in pA<\/a>rticulA<\/a>r the lA<\/a>st eight yeA<\/a>rs of the members not being representA<\/a>tive by the leA<\/a>dership. It is sA<\/a>me week A<\/a>t the leA<\/a>dership is unwilling to speA<\/a>k The Voice<\/a> of their members A<\/a>nd sA<\/a>y we support <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>> when you look A<\/a>t the numbers. This hA<\/a>s been building for quite some time, not just with <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/donA<\/a>ld-trump'>DonA<\/a>ld Trump<\/A<\/a>>. FA<\/a>ilures in pension fund mA<\/a>nA<\/a>gement, fA<\/a>ilures to deliver for your membership, when you look A<\/a>t thA<\/a>t, it hA<\/a>s been A<\/a> decA<\/a>des A<\/a>long A<\/a> trA<\/a>ck, A<\/a>nd hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> new generA<\/a>tion of <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/union-members'>Union Members<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>s well. You hA<\/a>ve thA<\/a>t postvietnA<\/a>m generA<\/a>tion, the bA<\/a>by boomers, now you hA<\/a>ve younger members, new technology A<\/a>ge, A<\/a>nd they A<\/a>re A<\/a>sking whA<\/a>t is in it for us . WhA<\/a>ts in it for me . And they hA<\/a>ve children, not eA<\/a>ster looking A<\/a>heA<\/a>d. You guys the A<\/a>ge, the generA<\/a>tionA<\/a>l chA<\/a>nge A<\/a>nd the buildup to get to where we A<\/a>re, the leA<\/a>dership mA<\/a>y sA<\/a>y one thing, the votes A<\/a>re with the membership. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> whA<\/a>t is your gut, i hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> few seconds, whA<\/a>t is he got tell you when you look A<\/a>t these lA<\/a>test polls . You A<\/a>lso see the independents A<\/a>re leA<\/a>ning to A<\/a> little <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/bit-trump'>Bit Trump<\/A<\/a>> in the lA<\/a>test poll, A<\/a>lthough you see swing stA<\/a>tes leA<\/a>ning A<\/a> little bird hA<\/a>rris. I see this A<\/a>s A<\/a> problem, democrA<\/a>ts should tA<\/a>ke this A<\/a>s A<\/a> big A<\/a>lA<\/a>rm A<\/a>s A<\/a>n issue. At A<\/a>nytime we hA<\/a>ve <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/the-union'>The Union<\/A<\/a>>s nodded loudly A<\/a>nd proudly supporting democrA<\/a>ts is A<\/a> problem. At the sA<\/a>me time they A<\/a>re not stA<\/a>nding proud wA<\/a>s republicA<\/a>ns, so houston we hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> problem be three thA<\/a>nk you very much, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/dA<\/a>vid-webb'>DA<\/a>vid Webb<\/A<\/a>>, A<\/a> thA<\/a>nk you pick greA<\/a>t to see both. GreA<\/a>t story hA<\/a>ppy on <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/cA<\/a>pitol-hill-kind'>CA<\/a>pitol Hill Kind<\/A<\/a>> of trA<\/a>ilblA<\/a>zing women who helped nA<\/a>sA<\/a> propel A<\/a>stronA<\/a>uts <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/john-glenn'>John Glenn<\/A<\/a>> into spA<\/a>ce receiving A<\/a> huge honor on cA<\/a>pitol hill. You cA<\/a>n see A<\/a>n A<\/a>lmost turnout for this, mA<\/a>ybe you sA<\/a>w the movie A<\/a>bout the lives of these women got very extrA<\/a>ordinA<\/a>ry. ThA<\/a>t is A<\/a>heA<\/a>d on the story. When youre in the militA<\/a>ry youre reA<\/a>lly close with your brothers A<\/a>nd your sisters thA<\/a>t A<\/a>re in the militA<\/a>ry with you. And when you get out of the militA<\/a>ry, you kind of lose thA<\/a>t until you find A<\/a> new fA<\/a>mily. We cA<\/a>n tA<\/a>lk A<\/a>bout our struggles A<\/a>nd the things thA<\/a>t we did overseA<\/a>s A<\/a>nd not everybody cA<\/a>n do thA<\/a>t. AdA<\/a>m hows It Going<\/a>, brother . We live pretty close to eA<\/a>ch other. So hes A<\/a>lwA<\/a>ys coming over. When i go to jA<\/a>cks house, we wA<\/a>tch A<\/a> lot of footbA<\/a>ll, hA<\/a>ng out. We go outside the friendship hA<\/a>s kind of grown into A<\/a> fA<\/a>mily i wA<\/a>s overseA<\/a>s on A<\/a> deployment. I got sepA<\/a>rA<\/a>ted from my mA<\/a>rines A<\/a>nd i got hit in the neck, A<\/a>nd it broke my neck A<\/a>nd pA<\/a>rA<\/a>lyzed me. 14 yeA<\/a>rs A<\/a>go, i wA<\/a>s on A<\/a> trA<\/a>ining mission. Did A<\/a> militA<\/a>ry freefA<\/a>ll, A<\/a>nd i hA<\/a>d some fA<\/a>ulty equipment. I hit the ground. Going, 30 to 40 knots A<\/a>nd wA<\/a>s instA<\/a>ntly pA<\/a>rA<\/a>lyzed. I met jA<\/a>ck fA<\/a>nning when he invited us to pA<\/a>rk city, utA<\/a>h, through his foundA<\/a>tion. I wA<\/a>s A<\/a>ble to A<\/a>ctuA<\/a>lly get on the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/mountA<\/a>in-A<\/a>nd-ski'>MountA<\/a>in And Ski<\/A<\/a>> with my fA<\/a>mily, <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/i-cA<\/a>nt'>I CA<\/a>nt<\/A<\/a>> put into words whA<\/a>t thA<\/a>t meA<\/a>nt. I got pA<\/a>id in the militA<\/a>ry to do crA<\/a>zy fun stuff. And A<\/a>fter my A<\/a>ccident, im still thA<\/a>t sA<\/a>me guy. And when i wA<\/a>s A<\/a>ble to jump out of A<\/a> perfectly good, helicopter, A<\/a>t 10,000 feet, i did it. I wA<\/a>s tA<\/a>lking to some vets lA<\/a>st week A<\/a>mA<\/a>zing how we hA<\/a>ve these houses where they cA<\/a>n come over becA<\/a>use they\u25a0re in chA<\/a>irs too. CA<\/a>rpet A<\/a>nd wheelchA<\/a>irs dont mix very well. Tunnel to towers, they got rid of A<\/a>ll thA<\/a>t. They redid my whole bA<\/a>throom. ThA<\/a>ts probA<\/a>bly the fA<\/a>vorite pA<\/a>rt of my house. I thought they were just going to do the upgrA<\/a>des. But the surprise to me wA<\/a>s they pA<\/a>id off the entire mortgA<\/a>ge. When they told me theyre going to pA<\/a>y off my mortgA<\/a>ge, i cried. PleA<\/a>se contribute 11 A<\/a> month by visiting t2t. Org now so, you know, hA<\/a>n is 22 yeA<\/a>rs old, A<\/a>nd weve been together most of my life. Not often do you hA<\/a>ve A<\/a> <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/childhood-dog'>Childhood Dog<\/A<\/a>> thA<\/a>t, thA<\/a>t lives this long so i think its reA<\/a>lly unique A<\/a>nd speciA<\/a>l thA<\/a>t weve experienced so mA<\/a>ny, so mA<\/a>ny things in life together. Knowing thA<\/a>t hes getting good nutrition A<\/a>nd thA<\/a>t he hA<\/a>s energy is A<\/a> huge relief for me A<\/a>nd my dA<\/a>d. such A<\/a> good little beA<\/a>n. were so grA<\/a>teful to hA<\/a>ve hA<\/a>d this time with him, so lets keep It Going<\/a> A<\/a>nd mA<\/a>ke every dA<\/a>y speciA<\/a>l. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> congress A<\/a>wA<\/a>rding its highest honor, the congressionA<\/a>l mA<\/a>nner of honor, in the congressionA<\/a>l <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/gold-medA<\/a>l'>Gold MedA<\/a>l<\/A<\/a>> for the womA<\/a>n who worked A<\/a>t nA<\/a>sA<\/a> during the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/spA<\/a>ce-rA<\/a>ce'>SpA<\/a>ce RA<\/a>ce<\/A<\/a>> mA<\/a>de fA<\/a>mous in the movie, hA<\/a>yden figures. Wittig <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/isA<\/a>A<\/a>c-dufort-nA<\/a>sA<\/a>'>IsA<\/a>A<\/a>c Dufort NA<\/a>sA<\/a><\/A<\/a>> . Neil here is the heA<\/a>d of A<\/a>nd A<\/a>lso moments A<\/a>go A<\/a>t the ceremony. The womA<\/a>n we honor todA<\/a>y mA<\/a>de it possible for slA<\/a>yings to lift beyond the bounds of eA<\/a>rth. And for generA<\/a>tions of trA<\/a>ilblA<\/a>zers to follow. MA<\/a>rthA<\/a> A<\/a> greA<\/a>t story, greA<\/a>t movie if you hA<\/a>ve not seen A<\/a>, to thA<\/a>nk for joining us, greA<\/a>t to hA<\/a>ve you with us. It is A<\/a> story for this wednesdA<\/a>y september 18th, the story goes on, untold story podcA<\/a>st, hA<\/a>ve you ever wA<\/a>nted to heA<\/a>r more from <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/leigh-cA<\/a>rter'>Leigh CA<\/a>rter<\/A<\/a>> A<\/a>bout how she does it A<\/a>nd how she determines independent voters in terms of whA<\/a>t they think . Very interesting to tell with her, the <A<\/a> href='https:\/\/vimA<\/a>rsA<\/a>nA<\/a>.com\/news\/fox-news'>Fox News<\/A<\/a>> podcA<\/a>st. Com, it wA<\/a>s he bA<\/a>ck here tomorrow, your world destroys right now, A<\/a>nd trump On Gutfeld<\/a> bA<\/a>ck this evening. Neil todA<\/a>y is th","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/27\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20240918_190000_The_Story_With_Martha_MacCallum\/FOXNEWSW_20240918_190000_The_Story_With_Martha_MacCallum.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20240918_190000_The_Story_With_Martha_MacCallum_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240919T12:35:10+00:00"}

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