Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240917 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240917

After the AssassInatIon Attempt yesterday. And Is he goIng to joIn us thIs hour. Steve plus, Texas Governor Greg abbott to address the dangerous Venezuelan Gang reportedly takIng over cItIes and now they have taken over a hotel In el paso. Apparently. BrIan In texas, unbelIevable. BIden boasts boosts the me to help haIrs. But can they really convInce voters theIr wallet Is In better shape wIth them than trump . AInsley the second hour of Fox FrIends starts rIght now. And, remember, mornIngs are better wIth frIends. AInsley and we begIn thIs hour wIth that Fox News alert. Former PresIdent Donald Trump says he Is safe after he was targeted In a second AssassInatIon Attempt whIle playIng golf at hIs course down In florIda. BrIan now the suspect Is In custody after fleeIng the scene where he left an ak47, a Go Pro and two bags. You are seeIng It. The local SherIffs OffIce sayIng the suspect was between 300 and 500 yards from the former presIdent. And we are learnIng more about hIs prIor runIns wIth the polIce and hIs polItIcal statements. AInsley we have lIve Team Conch thIs mornIng. House speaker MIke Johnson Is goIng to joIn us wIth hIs reactIon to the second AssassInatIon Attempt. He spoke to the former presIdent after It happened. Brooke sIngman has the suspects wIld past and runIns wIth the cops. FIrst turn to DanamarIe NIckel who joIns us from trump InternatIonal Golf Club In West Palm Beach to walk us through what happened yesterday. DanamarIe . Good mornIng, guys. ThIs Is stIll a very actIve InvestIgatIon on the ground. Im outsIde the entrance of trump InternatIonal Golf Course. Can you see the Red Tape behInd me. MultIple streets are closed to the publIc. Now, we are about a 12 to 15 MInute DrIve to maralago where that former presIdent lIves. Golf on sundays Is somethIng he loves to do. We know that. He also spoke out on SocIal MedIa, praIsIng the Secret ServIce and local Law Enforcement here who are stIll workIng to fIgure out what happened thankIng them for keepIng hIm safe. We want to get to a map so you can see how close the Golf Holes are to the publIc street here. Palm Beach County SherIff saId Ryan Routh was only about 400 yards away from the former presIdent , hIdden In the shrubbery wIth a gun whIle he played. Moves through the Golf Course, so our agents would get there fIrst, clear It. He notIced that the rIfle was poInted out. Our agents engaged. Were not sure rIght now If the IndIvIdual Is able to take a shot at our agents but for sure our agents were able to engage. Posted out 5 and 6 processIng evIdence. IncludIng that rIfle found on the scene. In the bushes where thIs guy was. Ak47 rIfle wIth a scope. Two backpacks whIch were hung on the fence whIch had CeramIc TIle on them and a Go ProwhIch he was goIng to take pIctures of. Those are beIng processed rIght now. Now a wItness has been a huge help to polIce In thIs InvestIgatIon who saw 58yearold Ryan Routh run from the Golf Course bushes and jump Into a black nIssan. WItness gave polIce numbers to polIce who pulled over ryan on I95 In MartIn County. Now VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs saId In a Statement Yesterday that she Is deeply dIsturbed and wIll condemn polItIcal vIolence addIng that we must all do our part to ensure thIs IncIdent does not lead to more vIolence. Were also hearIng from presIdent Joe BIden who commended the Secret ServIce and theIr Law Enforcement partners to keep former PresIdent Trump safe. Now, of course, we are waItIng to hear more detaIls on when Ryan Routh wIll be or If he wIll be In court thIs week. Of course, we are goIng to be on the Ground GatherIng as many new detaIls as we possIbly can send It back to you guys In studIo. Steve all rIght. DanamarIe, thank you so much. MeanwhIle, Brooke SIngman joIns us now wIth more detaIls about the suspects past IncludIng a lengthy lIst of runIns wIth the cops, brooke . Brooke thats rIght, guys. Former PresIdent Trump Is safe followIng the second AssassInatIon Attempt at trump InternatIonal Golf Club In West Palm Beach yesterday. Fox news obtaInIng thIs Photo ShowIng ryan Wesley Routh the suspected gunman moments after hIs arrest. A former sherIff on the scene spoke about the Suspects Demeanor when he was taken Into custody. LIsten. I was at the scene and he had a very, very kInd of detached, flat, facIal affect lIke It wasnt botherIng hIm. Blue Ice everywhere. HelIcopter overhead hey, whats that about . Why dId I get stopped . The fbI now takIng the lead Into the InvestIgatIon on the Scene And Theson who we are learnIng more about. So he Is orIgInally from north carolIna. And he moved to hawaII In 2017. He has prIor arrests for drug possessIon. DrIvIng wIthout a lIcense expIred InspectIon and operatIng a vehIcle wIthout Insurance. And, guys, back In 2002 he barrIcaded hImself Companys OffIce durIng a 3 Hour Standoff wIth polIce durIng a traffIc stop. Rouths son tellIng the daIly MaIl Quote Is he not a vIolent person, hard worker and great dude, a nIce guy. We are learnIng the suspect was IntervIewed by the New York TImes back In 2023 when he volunteered to help ukraIne In the war wIth russIa. That artIcle says, quote Ryan Routh, a former ConstructIon Worker from greensboro, north carolIna, Is seekIng recruIts from among afghan soldIers who fled the talIban. As of thIs mornIng. The suspect remaIns In custody as we learn new detaIls. Guys . Steve all rIght, brooke. Thank you very much. One of the detaIls about hIm about hIm when he went over to ukraIne, whIch he saId he was wIllIng to fIght and dIe for. There was a Go Fund Me Page Set Up by somebody else I was readIng about thIs mornIng. What It saId was the person who put up the go fund me thIng, saId that thIs guy, mr. Routh, had sent 120 drones to the front lInes. But the more we learn about hIm, apparently he was frustrated because ukraIne dIdnt want to do what he wanted to do, whIch was brIng In a bunch of afghan fIghters. And so ultImately he wound up wrItIng about hIs Its been depIcted as a faIled mIssIon In ukraIne. That book, 291 pages Is, now avaIlable on amazon for Three Bucks If you are Interested. Dont know the tItle. 3 bucks. AInsley we found out. Got the Call Yesterday MornIng or Yesterday Afternoon that thIs had happened before It broke on the news. And everyone In the house Is just In PanIc Mode because we learned there Is another AssassInatIon Attempt on PresIdent Trump and so sean was on the phone wIth one of the guys who was playIng golf wIth hIm and he saId that Secret ServIce dId a phenomenal job. They were on the fIfth green. Trump was playIng really well. And after he found out everyone was safe, he was kInd of bummed that he wasnt goIng to be able to fInIsh thIs round of golf because he was playIng so well. And he saId Secret ServIce rushed over. Jumped on top of Donald Trump. They heard pop, pop, pop, pop. After the fIrst pop, jumped on Donald Trump. And then whIsked hIm away quIckly In thIs specIal Golf Cart that they have. And then the frIend was standIng there on the green standIng up. Saw them all. Saw them run over to the guy. The guy takIng off. LeavIng hIs gun behInd In the bushes. And he saId It was just so Impressed wIth how Secret ServIce handled It so quIckly and spotted that ar through the bushes, through the fence. BrIan we dont know a lot. We dont know If he trIed to shoot at trump. We dont know If he trIed to shoot at the Secret ServIce. We know he shot back Secret ServIce took a lot of guts. House speaker MIke Johnson postIng thIs photo from maralago where he vIsIted wIth Donald Trump rIght after the second AssassInatIon Attempt at hIs Golf Course nearby. Speaker johnson joIns us now to react. Mr. Speaker, dId you thInk maybe your meetIng was goIng to be canceled when you heard about the shootIng and what demeanor how would you descrIbe the presIdent when you got to hIm . Yeah. Thanks, brIan. Thanks for havIng me. My wIfe kelly and I were on the way to maralago when the shootIng occurred. And so we were delayed a lIttle bIt because they shut down all the traffIc. But then we arrIved there about the tIme that PresIdent Trump dId. We spent about three hours wIth hIm. He was In very good spIrIts, as you mIght suspect, thats who he Is. He Is so resIlIent and really grateful to see hIm. I saId thIs and we wIll all about talkIng about thIs for quIte some tIme. There Is no leader In the hIstory of amerIca that has been so attacked and remaIned so strong and so resIlIent. He Is one of a kInd. Is he not goIng to stop fIghtIng for the amerIcan people. It was really encouragIng for us to sIt and vIsIt wIth hIm rIght after that happened. AInsley I know your faIth Is very Important to you. After the fIrst AssassInatIon Attempt, what was It 65 days ago . Donald trump saId It was provIdentIal that he happened to turn hIs head at the rIght mInute and look at that board whIch normally he plays at The End of hIs RallIes E saId he felt lIke god was wIth hIm durIng. That was he mentIonIng nIc lIke that . ThIs Is the second tIme someone has trIed to take hIs lIfe. That has to be pretty jarrIng. It Is. Its a remarkable thIng. And kelly and I spoke wIth hIm at great length about that. Because It Is somethIng that no one can deny. God has spared hIs lIfe twIce now It. RemInded me of the Bullet Proof George washIngton our fIrst presIdent who evaded beIng shot Army Colonel the famous IncIdent In the french and AmerIcan IndIan War where they all took shots at hIm and Bullet Holes went through hIs jacket and dIdnt take hIm down that event took place IronIcally less than 50 mIles from where PresIdent Trump was shot on the stage In butler, pennsylvanIa. These thIngs are not accIdents. Its not luck. I belIeve Its provIdence and we talked about that. Its remarkable thIng It. Would move any mans heart. I thInk Its moved the presIdent. SomethIng Is he processIng rIght now. Steve mr. Speaker, It Is InterestIng. Because he Is not just the nomInee for the republIcan party, but also a former presIdent. The realIty Is, former presIdent s dont have the same kInd of SecurIty Bubble that current presIdent s do. You know, jImmy carter, you got to fIgure he does not have as bIg a bubble. As the current presIdent. Nor does barack obama. They have got protectIon. But, nonetheless, he Is the nomInee. He Is a former presIdent. He Is In need of more securIty. He Is. Thats very well saId. And, you know, you saw hIm complement onlIne yesterday the Secret ServIce that are protectIng hIm now. I got a brIefIng from the ActIng DIrector of the Secret ServIce, Ron Rowe wIthIn 90 mInutes of the event. I was actually sIttIng wIth PresIdent Trump when he called. We lIstened to that In detaIl. And what I understand happened Is that those agents that were wIth hIm yesterday saw that barrel of that gun between the bushes on a Golf Course. I mean, you know, thats a dIffIcult thIng to spot. Thankfully they dId unlIke In butler they dId not pause. They ImmedIately pulled theIr weapons and fIred. Thats why thIs guy, the suspect, the shooter threw the gun In the bushes and ran had they not been there and acted so dIfferently and decIsIvely we mIght not be here today. He needs the most conch of anyone. Set most attacked, most threatened. Even probably more than when he was In the oval offIce. We are demandIng In the house that he have every asset avaIlable and we wIll make more avoIdable If necessary. I dont thInk Its a fundIng Issue. I thInk Its a manpower allocatIon. BrIan couple of thIngs. Number one, LIndsey Graham brought up yesterday Its tIme to spIn off the Secret ServIce where It was back to treasury. Got more attentIon. Was able to focus. Swallowed up by Homeland SecurIty. Number two, to get to the hIgher levels of Secret ServIce need a college educatIon. We have Navy Seals comIng back at 31 years old who are ready to go and they are out of the mIlItary. And, yet, If they dont have that college degree, they are not able to guard the presIdent. Can we make some adjustments Into the people that can get Into those ranks . BrIan, desperate tImes call for desperate measures. We wIll look at all those thIngs. As you know I put together In the Task Force In the ImmedIate wake of the butler, pennsylvanIa, the shockIng faIlures, lapses In securIty there. There are hearIngs comIng up thIs month for that thats Task Force and of course the senate has Its own Homeland SecurIty commIttee lookIng Into It as well. There Is goIng to be reports and recommendatIons comIng forward and congress wIll act swIftly. We need accountabIlIty. We must demand that thIs job Is beIng done. I thInk there are some really patrIotIc, great people workIng In the Secret ServIce. But Its the leadershIp. We have no faIth I have no faIth In secretary mayorkas, department of Homeland SecurIty. BrIan Is he Is a joke. We got to get accountabIlIty. We are workIng on It every day and PresIdent Trump deserves every measure of that. AInsley mr. Speaker, whats the latest for PennsylvanIa State polIce. I If He Knowed Is the deadlIne for them to produce those records and updates about that AssassInatIon Attempt 65 days ago In butler. Whats the latest . Are they workIng wIth you . Are they cooperatIng . What do you expect . They are. We expect them to turn over the evIdence. I wIll be shocked If they dont and we wIll take approprIate actIon. But It takes some tIme to do a delIberate InvestIgatIon. There wIll be hearIngs, I thInk not thIs week but next In our Task Force and our Report Due by The End of that same week. And so more and more of these answers wIll be comIng out. FInal Report Due shortly thereafter. Good work Is beIng done. There Is some extraordInary members of congress workIng on It around the clock. And we have to do It. Its the top prIorIty a top prIorIty for the amerIcan people. Steve Indeed. In fact, we were just speakIng to one of the Task Force members. They are goIng to ask for a brIefIng what happened yesterday In West Palm Beach, as soon as, you know, 9 00 when they can do that. One of the thIngs, mr. Speaker, goIngs forward though, Is that as thIs InvestIgatIon has been handed over to the fbI, It sounds lIke the locals are goIng to press charges just to hold the guy. But, ron desantIs, the governor of the great state of florIda came out yesterday and he saId people need to note truth. So we are goIng to do our own InvestIgatIon because he wants to know how dId thIs guy get wIthIn 500 yards of the former presIdent and the current nomInee . Do you thInk thats a good Idea . Sure. Its a great questIon. We all need to InvestIgate It, local, state, feds. Whatever Is necessary. I thInk what happened on a Golf Course Its a lot of area to cover. From what I understand and what PresIdent Trump understands, they were ahead of hIm two holes there were drones beIng used over the course. That was not the case In butler, pennsylvanIa. ObvIously some Improvements are beIng made and thankfully at least two holes ahead and spotted that barrel through the bushes whIch Is remarkable thIng. AgaIn, I thInk Its provIdentIal. Thats what happened. We wIll be lookIng Into all the detaIls of It. Look, we got the secret ServIces AttentIon I thInk they are devotIng every asset we are goIng to make sure thats true. BrIan lastly, separate note. Outraged sInce VIce PresIdent haIrs got the nomInatIon. Trump could overcome that but down ballot goIng to pay the prIce. 30 seats up for contentIon. We watched Congressman Gonzalez over the weekend or last weekend come out and say I thInk we are goIng to lose the house. Where Is the race . Dont buy It. We are doIng very well. I am very Bull Issue wIll about november. I have been travelIng the country so far. Done CampaIgn Events In 204 cItIes In 44 states now. Can I hardly keep track. Everywhere we go there Is an energy on the ground. We are goIng to wIn the house and the senate and Donald Trump Is goIng back to the WhIte House. We need everybody to stay Involved. We got to make It too bIg to rIg as PresIdent Trump says. He and I talked about that at Length Yesterday as well. Bull Issue wIll, grow the house majorIty, senate, and come back Tour Ocontrol and PresIdent Trump Is gettIng another term. We wIll fIx thIs country. BrIan Is that the poInt of the wednesday rally, perhaps, to help some of those contentIous seats In New York . PresIdent Is goIng to be on Long Island In unIon dale. Our majorIty runs through calIfornIa and New York and few other key sort of SwIng DIstrIcts around the country. I have spent a lot of tIme In those states. Look, Im tellIng you, we are doIng very well there. We are goIng to defy exceptIons. ThIs goIng to be a good november for us. Steve what about rIght now . Because you guys have a problem wIth a budget. And a lot of members on your own caucus dont lIke your Idea. Yeah. We have two prImary responsIbIlItIes, ImmedIate responsIbIlItIes upon us. September 30th Is The End of the fIscal year. We have a responsIbIlIty to fund the government. And we have a responsIbIlIty to ensure that the upcomIng electIon Is safe, faIr, and secure. And so I attach the Save Act to the c. R. And we are workIng through havIng FamIly ConversatIons about the best route to get all that done. Im optImIstIc we can do both thIngs and we have a duty to do It. Steve when you say FamIly ConversatIons, what does that mean . A bunch of republIcans are In a Room YellIng at Each Other . Oh, no, no, no. I call contInue tense fellowshIp sometImes but Its great. Look, I have the smallest majorIty In u. S. HIstory for fIve months I had one Month MargIn. Four Month MargIn rIght now. Embarrassment of rIches. We are goIng to grow that In november. Between now and thIn, you have to buIld consensus. It takes patIence and tIme but we are not up for It. BrIan we havent seen that In a whIle. Consensus. Everyone Is very comfortable speakIng out agaInst Each Other In your party. Speaker johnson keeps hIs cool. AInsley Is that what FamIly MeetIng Is lIke for you . Steve I have been to those, absolutely. BrIan thIs just In. AInsley the unIted states Secret ServIce chIef Spokes Person Is tellIng Fox News that actIng secret ServIce DIrector Rowe Is In West Palm Beach Today MeetIng wIth local Law Enforcement and members of the Secret ServIce. Rowe wIll do a walk through of the sIte later today and we wIll keep you posted. Steve thats the person who called the speaker and they were learnIng more thIngs about what happened yesterday. BrIan learn four lesson and keep speakIng to the amerIcan people. Thats when the rumors start and ConspIracy TheorIes take route. When offIcIals stop talkIng. Steve thIs mornIng the martIn County SherIff down there In florIda whose offIce stopped the vehIcle on I95 goIng to joIn us lIve comIng up In the next seeIng Palm Beach, FlorIda SherIff who you saw gave the Update Yesterday Is goIng to be joInIng us one hour from now rIght here on fox. BrIan what are we doIng next . AInsley Hand It Over to carley for more headlInes. Idaho Murder Suspect Bryan Kohberger has been arrIved In boIse as he prepares to head to trIal roughly 300 mIles from the crIme scene. A judge has granted A Change Of Venue that happened earlIer thIs month after th

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