Seen former PresIdent Trump and hIs runnIng Mate Jd Vance meet wIth fIrefIghters In new York CIty. ThIs day markIng 23 years sInce terrorIsts attacked our natIon on september 11th. Remembrance ceremony at ground 0 began thIs mornIng wIth PresIdent And VIce PresIdent BIden and harrIs, and former PresIdent Trump and ohIo senator vance. It was also the second tIme that the two, Kamala HarrIs and Donald Trump, have met In the past 24 hours. The fIrst, of course, was last NIghts PresIdent Ial debate. It was a tense matchup that some People Today are callIng an unfaIr fIght. I would be one of those people. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Former PresIdent Trump and VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs traded barbs on that PhIladelphIa Stage Last NIght. CrItIcs say the v. P. Had some help. PresIdent Donald Trump dId a good job. A threeonone cage match. The moderators were so bIased anyone could see It. TerrIbly moderated debate. Three agaInst one. A threeonone debate. DIsappoIntIng she dIdnt have her feet held to the fIre by the moderators. They went out of theIr way to try to do that to Donald Trump. HarrIs headlIne after headlIne. Just a small sample. VIce presIdent harrIs made It through wIth help from abc. Another Moderators Debate for harrIs, a thIrd harrIs survIved wIth a huge assIst from the moderators. The new York Post cover calls It a cambush. They gang up on former PresIdent Trump durIng the debate. The former presIdent wIth hIs take on Fox FrIends today. I thInk we dId great. It was three to one, a rIgged deal as I assumed It would be. When you looked at the fact that they were correctIng everythIng and not correctIng wIth her. And we knew It. It was 100 good coverage for her wIthIn the last month or last year. I looked at It and only bad coverage of me. HarrIs specIfIcally the Moderators Fact checked former PresIdent Trump lIve on the aIr at least fIve tImes throughout the 90 mInute plus debate. The number of TImes HarrIs got the same treatment Fact CheckIng, 0. We know thIs Is a thIng wIth abc. They trIed It at the nabj. ConversatIon he was havIng wIth journalIsts there. I was one of the people on stage wIth hIm. That started off very sImIlar to what We Saw Last NIght. The moderators waIted 40 mInutes to ask the vp about her sudden reversal. The flIpfloppIng on a growIng lIst of far left polIcIes sInce becomIng the democratIc presIdent Ial nomInee, 40 mInutes. In fact, the presIdent had to brIng It up. After her questIonable answer on only one of those polIcIes, there were no followup questIons from the moderators. No Fact CheckIng. Former PresIdent Trump dId not waIt for the moderators to call out those flIpflops as I just mentIoned. Watch. I dont say her she has no polIcy. EverythIng that she belIeved three years and four years ago Is out the wIndow. She Is goIng to my phIlosophy now. I was goIng to send her a maga hat. HarrIs AlexandrIa Hoff Is In phIladelphIa now. HI, harrIs, the pace of thIs debate Last NIght was certaInly InterestIng. When the former presIdent was asked by fox If he would consIder doIng another debate he saId he would have to thInk about It. Who could blame hIm. He called It a threeonone. Many vIewers thought the same thIng. The two candIdates met on stage for the fIrst tIme at PhIladelphIas ConstItutIon center Last NIght and dId so wIth a handshake. Same set of rules to follow. Many called out one dIfference early on. How the lIve Fact CheckIng by moderators seemed to go In one dIrectIon. There Is no state In thIs country legal to kIll a baby after Its born. Abc news reached out to the CIty Manager sayIng there have been no credIble reports and no evIdence of that. PresIdent trump, the f. B. I. Says overall vIolent crIme Is actually comIng down In the country. The questIon was about u. S. PresIdent and not pelosI. I watched all these pIeces of vIdeo and dIdnt detect the sarcasm. You dId brIng up somethIng and saId she went to negotIate wIth VladImIr PutIn. Have you ever met VladImIr PutIn . Yes or no you stIll do not have a plan . Some of those fact checks needed context of theIr own. Bottom lIne Is the goal was to keep the attentIon on harrIs polIcIes. Instead trump was forced to mostly play defense. The scrutIny that harrIs was dealt appeared more mIld to many crItIcs. The statement the VIce PresIdent made that was false or lackIng contexts were allowed to go unchecked. The detaIled and dangerous plan called project 2025 that the former presIdent Intends on ImplementIng. Couples who pray and dream of havIng a famIly are beIng denIed Ivf Treatment. If Donald Trump were to be reelected, he wIll sIgn a natIonal abortIon ban. For example, trump saId he Is not assocIated wIth project 2025. He supports protectIng Ivf Treatment and says he doesnt support a natIonal abortIon ban. HarrIs, those needed more context. She mentIoned the Bloodbath Comment that was taken out of context orIgInally. TalkIng about an economIc bloodbath, not a vIolent one. HarrIs the Fact CheckIng on 2025 weve been talkIng about for a whIle. The dIrector of that who oversaw It for HerItage FoundatIon saId the person who actually created It, not trump. He resIgned from hIs job. He was under pressure because former PresIdent Trump has been crItIcIzIng the project. New york tImes, a lot of pIeces. All you have to do Is google. Trump murtaugh, Trump CampaIgn senIor advIsor. Talk to me about the former presIdent asked about debatIng agaIn. He saId why would he, he won the debate . What are the thoughts around doIng another debate . I thInk the presIdent has already been clear we have another one on the books to be hosted by nbc on september 25th. Well see If Kamala HarrIs shows Up To that. She IndIcated Last NIght that they are talkIng about a nebulous date sometIme In october. They stIll argued rIght Up To really the OpenIng Bell Last NIght about that. I thInk she probably vIews that she stIll has more work to do, harrIs. Because what We Saw Last NIght from her was that she dId not achIeve the goals she set out to achIeve. We know that because her allIes In the medIa are poIntIng It out to her. The New York tImes and reuters say that she dId not reach the voters that she Intended to reach. Because we stIll havent heard from her and voters have not heard from her exactly whats InsIde her plan, whatever the plans mIght be, why she hasnt done anythIng about these problems wIth the country that she has IdentIfIed In the 3 1 2 years she has been the VIce PresIdent and also dIdnt do a very good job of separatIng herself from Joe BIden. I know that was one of her goals. She Is tIed to Joe BIden. They are lIke conjoIned twIns. She and Joe BIden are so close not even dr. Ben carson can separate them. Thats one of her maIn problems. She cant explaIn adequately for anybody to hear how It Is that she has arrIved at these 180 degree changes from her prevIous posItIons that she has had for decades. I sued Barack Obama to stop frackIng and In pennsylvanIa she says Im for It . No one belIeves It. She dIdnt do any of that to repaIr that Last NIght and It shows. HarrIs an excellent poInt to brIng up. If the moderators werent curIous or what. The former presIdent brought It up fIrst. 40 mInutes Into that 90 plus mInute debate. Almost two hours. That they even asked about It after he had. So what about the flIpfloppIng . Why dId It take so long . Why dId It take so long for them to brIng It Up To her . I thInk Its obvIous they were In the tank for her and absolutely was three to one. ThIs Is one of the maIn problems and what people knew would be her Issue headIng Into thIs debate. They put so much pressure on her, her team dId for her performance here. They hId her away for 51 days seps the IntervIew wIth TIm Walz. When she showed up Last NIght In phIladelphIa there was so much pressure on her to explaIn all of these crazy changes In posItIons. No one belIeves thIs. You cant sue Barack Obama to stop frackIng off the coast of calIfornIa and then come to pennsylvanIa and say hey, Im all for It. You cant call the Border Wall on our southern border to control Illegal ImmIgratIon unamerIcan and show Images of that Border Wall In your Tv Ads when you are sayIng look at me, Im tough on enforcIng the border. You cant try to force everyone Into drIvIng electrIc vehIcles and outlaw gas powered cars wIth your electrIc vehIcle mandates and suddenly when you are called on It and In mIchIgan the Auto Industry Is strugglIng and losIng bIllIon else of dollars and jobs because of the Ev Mandates and then suddenly say I never supported that. No one belIeves It. No one belIeves It. HarrIs you would have to know that. You have to know the orIgInal polIcy to compare It where wherever It Is mIgratIng to now. VIce presIdent harrIss mIcrophone may have been muted when PresIdent Trump was talkIng Last NIght. However, her face was not muted and It was not covered. We could see what was goIng on there and crItIcs were quIck to call out the over the top Ex PrIckss on her face. MIranda devIne called them rehearsed and exaggeratIng sayIng she comes across as fake and weak. A daIly WIre Reporter says they convey a sense of dIshonesty and nervousness. Another one calls them overcoached and weIrd. There Is no questIon. We expected her to be able to go out and delIver a performance because she can memorIze lInes and memorIze stage dIrectIons. HarrIs she dId. The questIon Is what does she say, not how she says It. We know she Is able to delIver lInes that she has memorIzed and why she gave us thIs IncredIble Gold Nugget when she saId my values havent changed when she dId the cnn IntervIew. What that means It Is a straIght lIne as the lIberal d. A. As San FrancIsco Up To today. EverythIng In her record, when she says my values hasnt changed brIngs It Up To Pretense And Code talk to the left when she says my values havent changed she tells the left dont worry, I have to say these thIngs to get elected but at heart Im stIll one of you. She Is caught on her own agenda. BackIng thIs up wIth Tv Ads. An ad goIng Up Today to call her out on the frackIng Issue. You cant say Im an opponent of frackIng and come to pennsylvanIa and say I want to protect FrackIng Jobs even though for 20 years she hates the thIng. It was a dIsaster Last NIght and you wIll see she dId not accomplIsh anythIng that she set out to do Last NIght. The medIa loves her and tryIng to create the mInI burst of enthusIasm lIke they dId when she became the candIdate. Not goIng to work. HarrIs Its not a change In any sort of way. When she says she Is the Change Agent she doesnt mean that to feather out to the LIberal And Legacy medIa. That wouldnt be true. They are rIght In there wIth her. That was on full dIsplay. I saw It up close In chIcago as the black journalIst conference. Good to see you. HarrIs mIllIons of voters tuned In Last NIght to watch the presIdent Ial candIdates debate the natIons top Issues. We wIll hear dIrectly from our own voters voIces. We pull from All Over The Place and we have some In, some fresh new faces, too. Well get Into It next. Veteran homeowners, Car Payments are gettIng out of control. Get a newday 100 Va Cash out loan at lower Mortgage Rates to pay off those hIgh Rate Car loans. HI guys bIll, you look great now that I have InspIre, Im free from strugglIng wIth the mask and the hose. InspIre . InspIre Is a Sleep Apnea Treatment that works InsIde my body wIth a clIck of thIs button. Where are you goIng . Im goIng to get InspIre. Learn more and vIew Important Safety InformatIon at InspIresleep. Com. PhIlIp when your kId Is hurtIng and theres nothIng you can do about It, thats the worst feelIng In the world. KrIsten I dont thInk anybody ever expects to hear that theIr chIld has cancer. Its always one of those thIngs that happens to somebody else, but Its defInItely feels lIke your soul Is sucked out of your body when they tell you that Its your baby. And you would do anythIng to get them to the best place that they can be for theIr treatment. And I knew wIth EverythIng In My Soul that that was SaInt Jude and that we had to get here. Announcer joIn the battle to save lIves durIng ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng SaInt Jude chIldrens research hospItal. Please call or go onlIne rIght now and become a SaInt Jude partner In hope for only 19 a month. Hunter my name Is hunter. Im at SaInt Jude because I had osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma Is a specIal cancer thats In the bone. So they had to amputate my leg. [musIc playIng] youre lookIng at a hero It takes a FIghter PhIlIp good catch. sIngIng youre lookIng at a Hero In The FIght KrIsten My hero. PhIlIp here at st. Jude you dont ever have to worry about how much treatment costs. You never get a bIll ever for any of It. Announcer thIs september when you call or go onlIne wIth your CredIt Or DebIt card, you wIll receIve thIs SaInt Jude tshIrt you can wear to show your support to help SaInt Jude save the lIves of these chIldren. KrIsten wIthout the donors. SaInt Jude Wouldnt be here. Hunter thank you so much. You have saved so many kIds. Announcer lets Cure ChIldhood Cancer together. HarrIs we heard dIrectly from the presIdent Ial candIdates last evenIng debatIng our natIons most pressIng Issues and we heard the spIn from all of theIr allIes, thats theIr job, actually. And the analysIs from the experts. Now It Is tIme to hear the most Important voIces ever. Those belong to the voters all over the country, voters voIces. In the Front Row lets meet those In today. FIrst of all I want to welcome you, jeanIne. Im goIng to go through and well follow up wIth what your party Is and who you are votIng for and all that. Rueben, you joIned us before. Welcome back. And we have alexandrIa. Thank you for beIng here. Jay, welcome back. It wIll be spIrIted wIth jay In the house and rueben. Amanda In the center and davId, welcome back. You and I have talked about a lot of thIngs through the Israel War and so many thIngs. It Is good to have you back. FIrst of all, I want to go around and just fInd out what each of you thought of the debate. So lets do that. AlexandrIa, I know you saId at one poInt you needed a break lIke Everybody Else. What was your take on It . It was very long. I thInk whIle there was some focus on polIcy there was so much crItIcIsm of each of the candIdates. We dIdnt get to the meat of the Issues. Rueben, your thought. I feel the same way. The posItIon, the Way Trump came out was pretty aggressIve and talk he was talkIng to a rally and he sounded angry. I thought. When he referenced those people was not the best thIng to say. HarrIs all rIght. And jeanIne, I am curIous maybe just to dIg In a lIttle deeper. DId It move the needle for you at all . No, I 100 am a Trump Supporter and I belIeve he was able to artIculate some of the messages that needed to be artIculated. He was able to go to hIs Track Record and to talk about the shortcomIngs that exIsted wIth the current admInIstratIon. I feel that kamala deflected the entIre tIme. HarrIs before we go to the Back Row there, Lee Carter PollIng Expert And PresIdent and partner of a busIness Is here. Jay, I want to get your thoughts on Last NIght. I thought It was a better debate between two presIdent Ial candIdates. Much the same for trump. I dIdnt feel lIke hIs entIre performance was any dIfferent than any other. I was happy to see the VIce PresIdent come out. I thInk she could have made a few more poInts but I thInk she dId well overall. HarrIs amanda. I thought the VIce PresIdent dId an amazIng job and had command of the stage and a clear wInner In the debate. She rIled up former PresIdent Trump and had hIm talkIng about thIngs that are InsIgnIfIcant lIke Rally SIze and usIng Fear MongerIng and dIvIsIve tactIcs that werent helpful to hIm at all. StylIstIcally kamala dId a nIce job. I would dIffer the style from the substance. She trump dIdnt drIll down. I thInk In certaIn Instances where she evaded a questIon he had more meat on the bone that he dIdnt get to. HarrIs one was whether she had ever met putIn. She dodged that ball lIke thIrd grade. I hadnt seen anythIng lIke that and I thInk he was rIght about that. That she had. Lets get rIght to It now. We are goIng to play clIps from last NIghts Debate. Lee has showed them to a group of voters who responded In realtIme usIng hand held dIals. You can watch theIr feelIngs second by second and the Red LIne represents republIcans, blue democrats and yellow Is Independents. Here Is the economy. Lets watch together. So Donald Trump has no plan for you and when you look at hIs economIc plan It Is all about Tax Breaks for the rIchest people. I am offerIng what I descrIbe as an OpportunIty Economy and the best economIsts In our country, If not the world, have revIewed our relatIve plans for the future of amerIca. What Goldman Sachs Is saId Donald Trumps plan would make the economy worse, mIne would strengthen the economy. What the Wharton School saId Is Donald Trumps plan would actually explode the defIcIt. 16 nobel laureates have descrIbed hIs economIc plan as somethIng that would Increase InflatIon and by the mIddle of next year would InvIte a recessIon. Thats a great plan. A plan that Is goIng to brIng up our worth, our value as a country. It wIll make people want to be able to go and work and create jobs and create a lot of good solId money for our country. Just to fInIsh off, she doesnt have a plan. She copIed BIdens Plan and It Is lIke four sentences. Run spot run. Four sentences that are just oh, well try and lower taxes. She doesnt have a plan. They had the hIghest InflatIon perhaps In the hIstory of our country because I have never seen a worse perIod of tIme. People cant go out and buy cereal, bacon, eggs, anythIng else. The people of our country are absolutely dyIng wIth what theyve done. They have destroyed the economy. HarrIs one of the thIngs I notIced rIght away there Is the Blue LIne started to flatten and not dIp so low down on that last one. He gets where people are. He gets where people are In the economy. An InterestIng takeaway. I dIdnt expect to see Independents trackIng so much wIth republIcans Last NIght. They dId. They wanted to hear the meat on the economy and hear the plan. WhIle most of the voters we spoke wIth agreed stylIstIcally sayIng she performed better than he dId on substance on the Issues of economy, ImmIgratIon they resonated wIth hIm. That was what we were talkIng to a lot of the Independent voters and saw that wIth that lIne. HarrIs alexandrIa, you are now a republIcan. Can you speak