Tonight. The biden Ref=''>AdminIstRation T to Ref=''>Accused RussiainteRf of extensive and pRolonged inteRfeRence in the 2024 election. The Ref=''>Russia Hoax, its back. That tuRned out to be a hoax. It was all a hoax. So what has got to be oh, heReoi like somebody has got to sit theRe and Really peppeR heR and get heRRef=''>TopeppeR H get t and aggRavated because thats pRobably what tRumps going to do. Kamala Ref=''>CRammings TRumpill foR goe the debate while tRump goes Ref=''>On Offense. Fense. Rfk jRIs heRe now. I am youR equal. I dont need Ref=''>E Anything FRoma ma a man. A man Is not a plan. A man Is a Ref=''>Companion A. Well, Ref=''>Well, Ref=''>Well. Wh whatsats t thIsRef=''>LoveR Boy to Ref=''>E Rescue . Plus, Ref=''>You Got a happy meal. A can we get a happy get the good happy Ref=''>Mea L . What would you say if i told you Ref=''>Russia Collusion Is back . E, youd say, jesse, democRats aRe stupid, but theyRe not that stupid. No but one would believe it. Its Ref=''>Well, youd be wRong because its back. BReaking news outws out of washington thIs moRning. SouRces now telling us exclusively that the biden Ref=''>AdminIstRation T Is set to accuse, publicly, accused, publicly Russia of extensive and pRolonged inteRfeRence in the 2024 election. E bi the biden Ref=''>AdminIstRation Taking a seRies of actions to taRgetallege what they allege aRe attempts by Russian backed actoRs aby to manipulate public opinion. HeRe in the us ahead of the pResident ial election. TheyRe doing it again and theyRe Ref=''>Usin Doingg the same guys. They always use it. ThIsIs being descRibed by ouRce souRces as a whole of Ref=''>GoveRnment Action Designeasd to taRget Russian Ref=''>PRopaganda And DIsinfoRmation aimedan at inteRfeRing in the 2024 election Is said to include sanctions by the tReasuRy depaRtment, Ref=''>Law EnfoRcement Action by the justicejustic depaRtment. That guy theRe was ken jetnian, who, if hes not a cia agent, hes a cia puppet. EveRy deep state hoax. Agent delaney has got the scoop. SouRces told him theRe was Russia Russian collusion and 16 the laptop was fake and Ref=''>Covi C D definitely didnt leak fRom the lab. Ken dilanian was busted sending the cia dRafts of stoRies befoRe sto he publIshed them. One dRaft he sent to the ciat had the Ref=''>Subject Line does thIs look betteR . The l. A. Times had to Ref=''>DIsown Dilanian afteR he was outed Ref=''>Th A cia collaboRatoilaniaR. The united Ref=''>States GoveRnment has inteRfeRed in neaRly eveRy countRys elections. The cia used to buy off entiRe political paRties in italy and japan, liteRally handing out cachesn, liteR, suitcases oh to politicians. And it stageRef=''>D Violent coups in iRan, guatemala, vietnam, indonesia, countless countRiese,and pumped out o ameRican pRopaganda thRoughout Ref=''>EuRopeut And Asia foR decades. An and weRe now in an all handd s on Ref=''>Deck Situation because of a few Russian websites. The Ref=''>Justice DepaRtmenthe Jus Is seizingti 32 Ref=''>InteRnet Domainn that the Russian goveRnment and the Ref=''>Russia N sponsoRed actoRs have used to engage in a coveRt campaign to inteRfeRetcom and influence the outcome of ouR countRys elections. ThIsRef=''>Task FoRce has been maRshaling the full ResouRces of the Ref=''>Justice DepaRtmendepaRtmt to aggRessively investigate and pRosecute thReats Ref=''>TaRgetings Election woRkeRs, officials anRef=''>D VolunteeRs. J what exactly Is the Ref=''>E BidenhaRRIs AdminIstRatioxactn accusing Russia of . The machine tells the times . The Ref=''>KRemlins PRopaganda Itsel appaRatus has thRown itself behind mR. TRumps candidacy, cReating online Ref=''>News Outlets and fake videos to denigRate pResident biden. And moRe Recently, ms. E pResid RechaRRIs. ARe if youRe wondeRing what thIsRef=''>Russia DIsinfoRmation looks like heRhae it Is. If you see the following naRRatives on the inteRnet, it could be Russian inteRfeRence. ARe you Ready . InflatiRecoRd inflation, unaffe pRices