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>> trey: good thank you for joining us. i'm trey gowdy and it is "sunday night in america" up your been saying it for months,r democrats will replace joe biden if they are convinced he will lose in november. n and thursday night's debate did nothing to change my mind. many democrats are in full blown panic over biden's performance. as the debate began, president biden looked feeble and lost. >> $500 billion, million-dollar side tyearo say in a 10-year pe. to wipe away the debt and help make sure all of those things we need to do, child care,make eldercare, making sure ween o continue to strengthen ourre health care system and make every single solitary person --a eligible for what t i've been ae to do with -- with covid, excuse me, with daily with everything we have todeal do with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare.h >> trey: his campaign said hade had a cold. we've all had colds before, but we didn't talk about killing medicare or sisters committing sexual assault on their sistersa in response to a question aboutf roe v. wade up your firsirtbi impressions were truly important, israeli was in trouble from the opening bell. he gained footing in the middle ofdeba the debate but closing ws weak and disjointed up your don't take my word for it, listen to what democrats are saying. it was a defcon 1 moment. they are three years appoint and sing 30 years apart tonight. for that was painful. i work with joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he did not do well at right now as we speak, there is a deep, wide, aggressive panicpt in the democrat party. i've known joe biden for 20 l years and i've never seen joe biden like i saw him last night.worr it is worrisome. >> with gretchen whitmer or gavin newsom, you would probably winning by the phone.ou >gh>> trey: i thought this debae would be as much about acuity as agenda as much as cognitive hern at most can sense the hatred many have he havr donald trump stronger than any love they may have for joe thursday night, biden did not look like a man capable of running anything. if it were a prize fight wethro would blame his corner for not throwing in the towel. no one should allow that to happen i'm a not to someone they care about, but will thewi narrative stick? will he rebound?o or will he go into that good night and bow out of the race? joining us kim strassel and jose arista mineral democratmy f strategists, my friends on both sides of the aisle las tt night were in a state of shock especially as the debate began. i was never one who believed o biden was on some type of drug but if he picked a drug last night, he picked the wrong one because the onbecae i saw was el parts infuriating and sad. really, my dominant thought last night was one of sadness but what did you see? >> look, we talk about past bade debate performances bu tt when e talk about that we talked about someone having a moment or making a gaffe that gets used in a commercial leader and nott being able to respond to a question sufficiently. this was 90 minutes ofn. unmitigated disaster for joe biden. but i wanto ma to make a point. most people are focused on the style question, his simple appearance, and how problematicl and disturbing that was, but can i also note it was also a disaster on substance, meaningoh americans tuned into this to hear not just a sea of joe biden up to the job but to hear hiss answers on things and he wasle o given multiple opportunities to hammer oaln trump. he whipped all of them. he was incapable of offering disjointed or too many og f the attacks trump made on him. it was a failure not just ofstan style but substance also will so pure that is what madeis w itg. devastating. >> trey: jose, to be fair there were lucid parables, but there are many democrats who panic today over biden's performance. is there any chance you will be replaced as the nominee and is logistically come is that even possible? >> look, it is a? great questio, but there is no question it was a tough night for joe biden. if he didn't do well, trump wont the debate but we have to remember, number one, barack obama had oneha in 2012. number two, the american people will not make a decision on ari resident of the united states oa america on a 90 minute debate setting. i don't think debates move the needle all that much. but they helped joe biden whent it comes to his age and is heidn ready to be president?ju 90 minutes if you judge him by 90 minutes, i think it would be a problem. we saw joe bidenaw this week in raleigh, north carolina, and he e madesy energetic and h it clear he does not plan to goe anywhere. he is up for the job. get look, that happens in life, you get knocked down and get up and keep we will have joe bidenk come fn the convention come november. >> trey: kim, you mentioned content fromyo agenda but i'm actually such a nerd that i was listening for content last night here or there was a little bit.h let's listen and i will ask about it on the other side.atio >> he because the inflation and it's killing black families andn hispanic families in just about everybody. it is killing everybody.ymor i can't buy groceries anymore. i gave a country essentially no sinflation and it was perfectly and so could appear and because there was no inflation when i became presidentyo pure general wife? the economy is flat on its back, 50% unemployment, he decimated the economy.licy >> trey: m, policy is actually important for thato office. i hate to sound like you, but it is pure and immigration economy, that, but all seem to beht t subordinate to fitness for office. w is there any way to jose's point joe biden can recover from this performance? because, look them up barack obama maye ha not have a debate performance and nothing like what i saw last night. >> there is no comparison look at the white house will try to talk this out. they say he will not quit but will sta, hey the course but hes the thing to watch in my mind going forward. democrats have had these antics briefly buythit nothing as largs this. then they settle back into the paradigm pure the reason they do so is because they looked at thl polls and as jose said, didn't move the needle much and he was not dragging down the down ticket ballot. you watch those polls now but if you begin to see donald trump widening his national lead or key battleground states and just as importantly, if you see senate candidates and democratic candidates beginning to gete drowned in the tide of problems for biden, that will be the moment whether democrats decide if they will make this. but the problem is, they are to mrunning out of time logistiy to make that decision.trey >> trey: jose, i realized democrats seem to genuinely likh president biden, but it also appears there are a lot ofno democrats who do not want donald trump to o win., if the polling begins to separate and this debate performance remains main topic of conversation, what happens inhapp? >> look, it is a great question. i think we have gotten to a point that we saw president maybe his ability to communicate the words from here to the convention.thin the plans, i do not think that will happen, by the way. it has happened at theis a convention but i don't think any other way to go about it. i think it is too early to talkj about and i don't think it isaf holistic. i saw joe biden after the debatw and he was so energetic.not i think he had a bad night. i do am not justifying he had a coal. we have all had colds and may be a bit more on the ball but we don't travel to three countriese not president of the think thetes so i t toll it takes on a president are little bit different than maybe on the show tonight. in the last thing i will say, policy on the record.eric the american people will look at the 18 and age will be an issue. inflation 9%, 15 million jobs created as a president who likea immigrants and once the illegal immigrants to come. he's helping 500,000 undocumented immigrants marriede to american citizens. we have another person who is ae criminal and in reality, aal por latino grown up watching the sho show and he wants to deport him. which one do you want? the criminal that may be caner deliver a debate or the oldergo guy that actually has a record that will help you move forward? that is the big question. >> trey: actually did not hear president trump, former president trump say he wanted to deport all latinos.he but i will let people judge it, listen to it for themselves. >> not last night, but watch the record. >> trey: kim strassel, and v6, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you, trey. >> trey: i wasn't around for the lincoln/douglas debates in 1958 but the next guest is a lot older than i am but i don'td think he was around either. a level of political discourse is higher than what we experience the left has welcomed to scrutinize trump's ideas but they cannot stop there. they want you to believe if you elect donald trump would never leave office and cancel elections and become a dictator. i don't know what a satyr,beli people who really believe that k for those who know better, but just say it anyway. our next guest went to washington to be the speaker of the house and then left. he also knows the former president very well. former speaker of the house, kevin mccarthycart. welcome mr. speaker. e deyou and i have talked durine debate so let me get your initial reaction to what lookedr like really an awful performance by president biden. >> trey, your 100% right but you have to put it in perspective. one of these candidates president biden took the entirek week off. as the leader of the free world and for the entireth last week with warren ukraine, war in israel, everything going on with inflation and the border and secure, they said he could deal with nothing else. 16 experts camp david to prepare for a debate. that is what you to me, that debate is worse thav any situation we've ever been able to watch. it is not even the words he used. it is what i have seen privately and have been warning about. when "the wall street journal" just wrote a story a while back about some situations i had with him when trying to negotiate the debt ceiling or him taking me om some wild tour down to see the swimming pool, people attacked me. like morning joe said, you knowi joe biden's the best he's ever been right and now we find today that is not true.ue america is waking up to what we have said before., the other canada, president trump, what did he do? he went to three states a day, campaign, raised money, talk and listen to people, and walk out there and showed from alliv perspective that he can beain, president again, handle the course, and actually have a debate with all of the rulesg benefiting president biden, cnn, turn at the microphones off, not audience. biden got tot al set the rules d president trump that i will debate you any time, any place to many roles, and he provedhy what he will win in november. >> trey: you know, speaker if he reallhey took a week off to prepare and that is what youhoul got, he should have done what you whennd i did when we were in school, which is not study at all and show up for the test. let's listen to the formert i' president together, and i willut ask you a question on the other side. >> like so many politicians, this man is just a complainer.nt he said we want to do this, we want to do that, get rid of this text, but he doesn't do are anything. we are ailin feeling nation, but will not be failing anymore. will make it great again.wer >> trey: i know nobody knows his question better than tha tht you do, things have to get organized and realistically, how long will it take before committees could actually start doing their work and getting bills passed and the g.o.p., infighting, stop long enough to actually pass agenda, it an agenda if there is a president trump? what is a reasonable time framer >> we usually have three months but you have to think about this, the hous gete and senate h sworn in early january and the new president not till january 20th. with president trump comin yg ad if you had a republican house on senate, which it looks like that will be the case, you have an individual who doesn't have to e learn on the job instantaneously, he will be abl to secure the they will have to take action l legislatively to actually secure the tax bills that havthate gone through to make sure thisom economy and cut back on this wasteful spending to curb inflation so t affordability be able to move again. but instantaneously, just having the election in november, th eor world willld change course becae remember, the only times un vladimir putin has not invaded another country is under president trump. d will be morerl balanced in a safer situation, but it will really take about three months to get bills passed. but remember, the new president, president trump, will have to confirm his new cabinet her that takes time in the senate as well. let youtrefore i will while butbroulittleey since you brought up cabinet, president trump wound up not being happy with some of his initial cabinet picks. do you think the vetting process will improve thiprocs time aroue won't have ttoo replace so manyf his top cabinet officials? >> yeah, because when he came ih last time he was not in politicr before. now he has worked with people.a when i watch the debate, do youh know who he spoke about the most?t senator tim scott. he would be an excellent t vice president or fabulous in the cabinet.pres the opportunities, president trump talked about tim scott work through and a number of times he's able to do it.ows he knows a lot of the players now and the governors and others. i think he will have the strongest cabinet we have everry seen with very best people working with him.u ar >> trey: will, you are right. he mentioned tim scott and we will see who is vp pick is. thank you for joining us on aou sunday night. >> thank you. >> trey: up next former president trump will soon be sentenced with new york pretrial motions pick up in the florida documents case.ibutor a fox news contributor, mccarthy and the trump courtroom. 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[laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back toin a "sunday night in america." who knew having a lawyer degree would come in handy discussing politicst ?uly sentenced by juan merchanam july 11, judgeen merchan amended his gag order but ports remain in place. meanwhile judge aileen cannon in pretrial motions in floridation document retention case.l co some legal commentators on other networks, not all of them butt some seem to think search warrants have never beens ha challenge before pure and indictments have never beenf a challenged before. the jurisdiction of a prosecuto have never been challenged before. in real in reality, trump's do what thengley do across the coue every single day. judges don't operate on political calendars. they operate on their own calendars.ryin speaking of which, theed springboard is trying tole three a needle and shirley presidents could not assassinate politicalr rivals but they can order military strikes on americans overseas without fear of future prosecution? what are the limits and what nel rule will emerge and what shoulh weou expect from the high courtn this pending immunity case? joining us as one of my favorite legal minds, former federalcc prosecutor in fox news contributor, andy mccarthy, and counselor, i will talk fast andi give you more time. in florida, or they are defense arguments you think can significantly alter thsigne landscape of that prosecution? >> yocum i think some, trey herf are the classified information stuff is tough to get toia triall and you basically have to have a pretrial trial of the trial to figure out what the classified information is admissible here that is very important. i think this motion attacking jack smith status whether constitutionally under the c appointments clause he is qualified to be special counsel is very important. and the motion that is based ond whether trump's attorney/client or what should be taken away from him. he is not bound by the ruling in washington that basically said c the crime-fraud exception to the attorney/client privilege meant trump's lawyer evan corcoran had to testify. that is critical evidence in the case and important motions, i h think. >> trey: all right. you when iad come i had the pleasure to sit between you anda jonathan turley for the speciesl [boos] trump trial. i will be back on the 11th but an posy possibility gives the fr president custodial sentence, any possibility? >> i think he will give custodial sentence but i don't think you will wind up in custody. perversely, trey, part of the sentence to sentence him toawar prison is the awareness he will not actually go to prison because he will get bail pending appeal. as we saw in the trial, unlike what the charges were, which were pretty puny ossification of business records charges, thethy way they teed the case up for the jury was to present it as a successful conspiracy to steal n the 2016 election. if that is the fiction under which he wils l be sentenced, it is hard to believe you can say 34 counts of that and then turn around andthen say, that is worh about two days of probation. i don't see that. >> trey: all right, is there aiu quick ruling on the issue of immunity that could in theoryee get the d.c. trial started now between now and the election?es >> yes, , i think so. o during the oral argument of the immunity case, trump's lawyer's made some pretty important concessions the charges in the indictment, the conduct charges private behavior that no matter whether the supreme court goes extensive or narrow when it rule s on immunity, those thingse to will be available to be prosecuted. so, i think this would be veryhi unjack smith-like but if he wase willing to take the stuff that even they can see is private ant not immune and go to trial on gjust that, i think you could t to trial. in it looks to me the way the supreme court decided the obstruction ruling earlier thise possibility that you could build a case on the so-called fake collector scheme. i do think there is going to be grabs he can pick up and go to trial with. wou he would have to contend not having that big indictment. >> trey: the good news for me is i get to talk to you morere here at the moore crime theorys is, moreth criminal trial, i geh to talk to you. i will see you in july. coming up in a couple of weeks and thank you for joining us on a sunday nightnigh. >> t>> thank you very much, tre happy independence day. >> trey: democrats taking aim at the supreme court on the two-year anniversary of the dog's decision but some democrats don't need a reason.eo they like attacking the cord. senate judiciary committee weighs in next on sunday night in america. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to "fox news live." you're up on high alert right now. over concerns of possible terrorist attack. the u.s. defense official telling fox news thursday and until that an attack could happen over the next week or so. a level four protection level to the second highest level with bases u.s. army in germany where u.s. european command is headquartered pure the warning comes as european football championships in germany ahead of this month's paris olympics. set to make a major ruling in the coming hours with her former president trump is immune from criminal prosecution here or there are as many as four opinions outstanding including the trump immunity case. it is arguably the most anticipated and consequential case the or as had this term. ashley strohmier, back to "sunday night in america." >> t♪ ♪ >> a supreme court that has puts itself above the constitution has put itself above democracy itself andracy is driving anist extremist agenda. >> do you have confidence in the supreme court? >> know i'm i think they have gone rogueit i. reb it is most unfortunate. >> in order to rebalance we have twin stack the court and a whole generation of americans will have to be saddled with reactionary partisan court. hearing >> trey: i guess i should say welcome to armageddon, but welcome back tok "sunday night in america." i will try t o break this down as i simply as i can, democrats like a court decision, it is okay. if they don't like a court decision, the world will end. perhapths this court, the one se calls extreme actually reserved her beloved consumer financial protection bureau. perhaps nancy pelosi forgets it was republican appointed judge who wrote the opinion preserving her beloved obamacare. and judges are not politicalt hacks like adam schiff here are they actually sometimes,y, t sometimes have the modesty,to humility to do rule against what they would prefer to see happent adam schiff, you will recall spent years chasing a ghost called collusion among nativeioa fact pattern of congressionalice hearing and ended up gettingis a kicked off of the intelligencerp committee. he's a lot more partisan of any member of the high court.e ra joining us senate judiciary ranking member from the greatdsy state of south carolina, senator lindsey graham. senator come i like to use the word humility, following their o oath, but judges routinely exercise restraint that is not a always seen in politics. they havmplee completely separae rule for lawmakers, right wrist mark >> yeah, thank god they doy you don't want nine unelected people making laws for all of uo with no accountability at thedon ballot box. let's break this down, overturning of roe v. wade, the supreme court ruled no elected official in this country could have a say about theuld life ot the unborn, the rights of theoe unborn until roe repealed.he there is nothing in the constitution, trey that says yoh have a right to abortion. this was judicially created fiah the right of privacy that was made up from -- there is no specific mention of abortion in n ofthe constitution but formide judges created a right toot abortion that doesn't exist.ed t conservative justices turned this issue back over to the people. the roberts court was an exception and the most constitutional sound, conservative court in my lifetime your thank you, president trump, for giving uscs constitutionally sound judges on your watches and democrats, myck friend, will stack this court if they get the house, senate, white house pure they will obliterate the conservative majority to work for 50 years to create. remember that whenar you vote. >> trey: all right, president obama, you willn remember this better than i do.e he voted against nearly all republican-nominated judges. no one was to his like here at biden wasn't much better. to quote my senior senator, if you want to start a point in judges, figure out how to win collections. it is really hard for me tole believe thatah the leah was approved given where we are now. >> that is a good point, 96 votes and 97 votes for ginsberg, opposite ends of the polls looking at a judge but both qualified. it started with ted kennedy trying to destroy clarence thomas. what thet y tried to do to cavanaugh. so conservatives they could care less about the rule of law unless the rule of law is working for them. r when the rule of law is used to advance a liberal agenda, it isd great like you said before. if they seek constitutional conservative judge to go intoif court, they will destroy this person if they can get away with it. they tried it with thomas and they tried irkt with kavanaugh. i'm proud of the role i played with conservative judges to get on the court.t co when it comes to trump trump judgeswe, their artists there ii no rule. that chevron case, that is a big deal and courts nd for it administrative rulings that make no sense. they can revisit the rulings anew. the chevron doctrine was putting a blanket over the economy giving power to unelected bureaucrats. that has been bee changed.rts the roberts court with conservative judges ares arbe beginning to put the court back into the lane it was created f for. >> trey: you mentioned work and to kavanaugh. i would also throw into that -- >> totally! >> trey: let me ask you about kavanaugh. he had a brutal confirmation process. challenged on everything personal and professional. is there some chance -- i know you and i are not psychologist, but is there a chance on what of their votes are designed to improve their critics wrong? in other words, the left does o such a good job of vilifying these men and women that they tried to over prove that they are not what they are accused ou being? or am gisti plating immature psychologist? >> i think the work productst answers thatio question. it kavanaugh have been constitutionally sound. they all voted to overturn thech chevron doctrine. they voted to give elected officials a say about the right of the unborn. i think they have been good constitutional conservatives fear they've made decisions i n occasion,liith o but they live up to the building of being thoughtful, scholarly, constitutional conservatives. they will take a path i will i take sometimes, but i like thato in a judge. these judges are smart, thoughtful, and only sin they committed is they do not consider themselves politicians in a row. they have been in tune with the leftmost of adult lives. squ they are's squealing like pigs.l it is welcoming news and thank you for any by kavanaughug and not pulling the plug on him. thank you, president trump, for giving us these judges were coming if you win. >> trey: and you may very well be the chairman of the senateai judiciary committee if there are a future confirmation hearings. lindsey graham, the great state of south carolina, thank yousu r joining us on a sunday night. up next from a southern border, terrorism, crime, hopelessly intertwined and house judiciary committee and formercomm circuit court judge congresswoman loralee is next only on "sunday night in america." it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back todh "sunday night in america." dhses secretary alejandro mayori is doing his best reincarnation of thaf tht old line, other than that, mrs. lincoln, how did you like to play? >> dhs confirms at least 400 migrants with potential isis ties recently crossed into the united states? >> that is incorrect. >> tell us why. >> that reporting is incorrect we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties. >> trey: that's reassuring. maybe it's only 300 terrorists. bea couple of tons of fentanyl r fewer criminals released intoign the country than a recently thought. one thing for sure, a dead nursing student in georgia, a dead mother of five out for a walk and another girl and strangled to death all by people in this country either unlawfully or unleashed to wait on some sham asylum hearing.eryt biden blames republicans. everything would be great ifsed only you had passed the senate border bill. let's find out you are joining us house judiciary committee member and former circuit court judge, congresswoman loralee wel are and how would lincoln riley or rachel still be alive if the senate bile l had passed? that is what i don't get. how would they still be alive? >> well, that is exactly right. his first day in office, joe biden made the deliberatede decision to reverse president trump's policies that we knew were working and had secured our southern border.r since then come everyday he's been in office, he's made the same choice not to go back toto remain in mexico, to carry forward with asylum process that allows these criminals into our country and puts americans at riskt hear this news this weeko continues to underscore the threatnts to to our country ando the nature of some of these people who are coming in. new reporting that a group with ties to isis's smuggling people across the southern border is consistent with the behavior and the actions of this administration from the outset.o house republicans passed the est strongest border bill in a00 generation. over 400 days ago that said still on chuck schumer's desk waiting for the senate to take action and for the president to sign it into law. >> are right, this issue camet up last night. let's listen and i will ask you about it on the other side.rt >> part of o this team that you put together with a team. he said don't do wit. it will hurt me. >> many young women have been murdered by the same people he allows to come across the border. we have a border tha.t is the most dangerous place anywhere ig the world. >> trey: i actually thought the moderators did a good job last night he read a appropriate follow-up question a good lawyer like you would ask, exactly how the children who have been ndkilled or have this bill passa >> everything he is saying and doing right now is too little, too late hero e this was a deliberate choice by president biden from the beginning to try tginno appeasee radical left and immigrationup interest groups instead ofti prioritizing american nationalon security and the safety of the american people when ioplet como the southern border policy. fbi director for, christopher wray, has been trying to sound the alarm to tho american public and congressbl about the incredibly heightened threat environmenthrea we are fc right now because of our failure to secure the border. the fact that we now have millions of people, we know -- who are also right, he wants to say it is not 400. how many is okay? how many people tied to isis is' okays ? t we knohew hundreds of ties to te terrorist watch list who have gotten to the southern border. there is absolutely -- it can't be overstated the threat to overall security because of these millions of people.e we don't know who they are or wherwe e they are. the biden administration has no plan to remove them from ourfrom country. it goes back to just basic enforcement of our laws. they have been tying the handsfc of local law enforcement even for states who want to pull these people into custody and keep and deport them as they should be as consistent withe ar law. it has to stop. biden and alejandro mayorkasro have lost trust and confidence from the american people and rightfully so. we have to fix this at thebo ballot box because it is clearon and you will not tak he the actn he needs to stop this.his. >> trey: joe biden has been in office by bet you, longer than n you have been alive and so thenl fact that he is waiting until jt a few months before anto election to get serious about the border and tell people howia unserious he is.sswo congresswoman loralee from thent great state of florida,n thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> great to see you, trey. >> trey: yes, ma'am, you too. i learned a new word: neat. it is spelled differently and not what you think. all actually it is an acronym but wn will explain all of that next only on "sunday night in america." mus guys, are you tired of frequent nighttime bathroom trips? well, force factor prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder, and promote a normal prostate size. don't settle. rush to walmart for force factor prostate, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand in america. >> trey: welcome back to sunday night in america. neat is a new word coined for generation z, it stands for not in employment, education or tra training. if you're not doing those things, what are you doing and are you happy doing or not doing it? we documented struggles young people face with essential mode y media, loneliness. the drive for success in young people is nearly absent with half saying they have poor work/life balance, it is hard to find a job and they are seeing debt and delinquency rates. you have to work to eat and buy a car for your family. is there a balance between empathy and obsession. welcome, jade, i have sympathy for this generation, they grew up on social media with school shootings, political warfare. apathy is not the answer. what is? >> that is right. i am looking at parents. this is reflection of that, we have coddled confidence out of the children. they are young adults going into the world and they have taken the cop-out route. it is you have to, they will wake up quickly and go, ig ignorance is not bliss, it is broke. i will look up and be 30 and be scrambling, we have to get them on track today. >> trey: speaking of broke, jade, i was a prosecutor for 20 years and debt is debilitating and depressing, how should young people avoid having money as a c constant source of anxiety? >> listen, i know a little something about that. i came out of college, my husband and i got married quickly and had $460,000 in debts, mostly student loan debt. you have to take responsibility for your own life, say i'm here and i am the only one that is fix this. my husband and i started working ramsey plan. i would recommend for anyone. if you can work the first three steps, you get $1000 saved and pay consumer debt and save up three to six months of expenses. if you can do that alone, you are so far ahead of all americans. many americans can't cover a $1000 emergency. being able to do that is huge. >> trey: i wrote a book, titled "star, stay or leave be." find what you like and you are good at and go lead a significant life that makes a difference in the lives of other people. how can we moelt motivate people to not be mired in this slew of despond. lo loneliness and high, how do we get them through that? >> that's a really good question. here is the thing, so much of that is power of words, i'm big on that. this generation has heard how hard it is for them, how they are going to struggle financially more than any other generation and that gets inside of a person and it is easy to steal hope away with that. up to each gen-zer to go, that is not true, i have purpose. it is up to them to find what are they on fire about? what are they passionate? what gives you the juice? it is up to you to find those things and the way the world is now, there is more opportunity than ever before to go out and do what you love and monetize it. end of the day, no one can do that for you. you have to be the one who wakes up and says, today is the day i go out and start something new. when you can find a plan to connect to you strategy, you build confidence that you can succeed. >> trey: you gave them a strategy, i wish i had known about you when i was mired in debt. i'm going to learn about you, i may be back there one day. jade warshaw, thank you for joining us on sunday night. thank you for spend ing part of your sunday with us. until next week find us online or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. >> carley: a fox news alert, right now extremely dangerous

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