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>> >> bret: good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, for the second time in a little more than two years, major u.s. supreme court ruling on abortion appears to have been leaked to the public ahead of its official release. this time the high court is apparently poised to allow emergency abortions in idaho when a pregnant patient's health is at serious risk. this happens as we await a major decision on presidential immunity from the justices who did issue some rulings today. fox news chief legal correspondent, anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream takes a look tonight. good evening, shannon. what do we know about this abortion case online posting? >> yeah. so the court said today there was briefly a document that was posted on the website but a spokesman for the court says it was inadvertent uploading of a document to the opinion itself out of idaho this case has not been released yet. bloomberg captured the document. it appears to show that the court will not actually rule on the merits of the case but send it back to a lower court for now. now if, big if. that ends up nearing the actual opinion, it avoids a ruling on a major hot topic in an election year but gives the biden administration a temporary win on procedural grounds because, bret, it will broaden access to emergency abortion, at least in the short-term. >> bret: we did get a decision today on how the biden administration is allowed to interact with social media companies and it's really a big win for the biden white house. >> shannon: it is, again though on a technicality. the court said that plaintiffs who said the federal government was unduly influencing social media company on things like covid-19 and the 2020 election. counter said they simply didn't have the legal right or standing to sue wasn't enough connection the government with various social media platforms and harm to the plaintiffs moving forward. justice alito wrote for the desenders he said high government officials placed up relenting pressure on facebook, in particular to suppress americans' free speech. he chided the court the majority for not addressing what he called a threat to the first amendment. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre praised the decision. she says it will allow the administration to continue working with tech companies to flag content they deem a threat to safety. saying this, quote: important work will continue. now numerous conservative groups as you would imagine are continuing to vow that they are going to fight they say it's dangerous to allow any presidential administration to decide what it deems miss or disinformation and pressure social media companies. >> obviously we have other cases to come but the biggest is the trump immunity case? >> shannon: we are still waiting. we could get it tomorrow at early as 10:00 a.m. eastern thursday and friday. it's possible this term bleeds over into next week. improbable but possible but it's also possible we get that decision, bret, on debate day. and that would make things interesting. >> bret: we never really got to the bottom of the leak predobbs decision. >> um-huh. >> bret: now the question is, is this happening again? >> yeah, more than two years later, we are still waiting for a decision there about who may have been responsible. the court decided to handle it internally, they didn't bring the doj, the fbi. they tell us ongoing investigation. they will let us know. >> bret: shannon, thank you. >> shannon: you bet. ♪ >> bret: also breaking tonight, new concerns over illegal immigrants who may have ties to terrorism. more than 400 migrants from central asia and elsewhere had been flagged because they were brought in by a network affiliated with the isis terror group. this comes on a day when homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas visits a key border sector. correspondent matt finn is in tucson right now and is with the secretary today. good evening, matt. >> good evening, bret. we asked secretary mayorkas about that reporting. the 400 migrants who were smuggled into this country via an isis-linked group; however, today, dhs and secretary mayorkas disputing those migrants have any ties to isis. here's our exchange. >> dhs confirms that at least 400 migrants with potential isis ties recently crossed into the united states. >> that is incorrect? >> homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas shooting down his own department's information during a border visit today. >> a department of homeland security senior official tells fox news it's identified more than 400 subjects of concern who came to the u.s. through an isis affiliated human smuggling network. dhs takes issue with the initial reporting saying the vast majority were not subjects of concern. more than 150 people from eastern europe and central asia were arrested but 50 remain at large. mayorkas disputes the question of whether they have potential isis ties. >> we do not have identified 400 people with potential isis ties and let me, again, assure you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and a security perspective. and they would be priorities for detain -- detention and removal; >> however, biden administration critics believe the current vetting system is weak and a threat to national security. >> we don't know who they are. we don't know where they came from and we don't know their intentions. >> during first three-point barred state since february, mayorkas said 40% drop in migrant encounters in the past three weeks to about 2400 a day. he said the president's recent executive order limiting migrant asylum is working but congress needs to pass comprehensive immigration reform. >> these actions are changing the calculus for those considering crossing our border. still, as i will continue to make clear. they are no substitute for congressional action. >> now at least one border patrol agent here on the ground tells us that it's too early to tell what type of impact president biden's executive orders on immigration are having. also, i followed up and asked secretary mayorkas if he understands that many americans just aren't buying that this border is secure. he punted that question. said he has answered it before and would not answer it to me. bret? >> bret: matt finn in arizona. thanks. issue that of immigration will likely come up in this first debate with just a day away from the first debate of the presidential election cycle, which will be simulcast right here on fox news. tonight, we look at the differing preparations styles for president biden. and former president trump. senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story lye tonight from the north lawn, good evening, jacqui. >> jacqui: good evening, bret. former president trump said he got good reviews last cycle when he was more tempered so he is going for that again tomorrow night. biden's team has reportedly been teeing up jabs to get him angry about the 2020 election loss and january 6th. but biden also wants to appear as the adult in the room. so some of the psychologic warfare is playing out ahead of time. >> the dnc says it put up billboards around atlanta welcoming former president trump as a convicted felon as a sign of southern hospitality. finding ways to get under trump's skin, a key goal for team biden staffers, according to an nbc report. but if past is prologue, the president will also have to mind his own temper. >> supreme court justice radical left. >> will you shut up, man? >> who is on your list, joe? >> this is so. >> gentlemen, i think we have ended it. >> so unpresidential. >> i'm not going to give a list. >> moved on. >> that was really a productive segment, wasn't it? keep yapping, man? >> on day six at camp david with at least 16 advisers, biden has reportedly been holding mock debates in hangar and movie theater as trump opposed out of former preps policy talks. >> he understands his policies. he understands his jobs. he doesn't need to be caught up in camp david or wherever for six or seven days cramming for a test. >> all right, everybody, you are on with the president. >> at a round table for black business leaders in atlanta, trump predicted unfair treatment tomorrow night. >> am i going to get a fair? probably not. it would be very good for cnn to have a lot of ratings problems. i think it would be very good for cnn, actually, in terms of its credibility. it will be interesting to see. >> the biden campaign is also organizing on the ground and using republican voices. >> i have been very impressed at that time biden campaign has recognized that there are gettable republicans out there and we are defending democracy. you are welcome, no matter what your political stripes are. >> trump is expected to hit biden hard on two vulnerabilities, the economy and immigration. it might be no coincidence that today, one day before the debate the biden administration announced illegal border crossings have dropped by 40% since his executive order, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn, jacqui, thank you. ♪ >> bret: the economy, may, of course, be the single biggest factor in the minds of many voters this november since it effects everyone. it will surely be a major issue in the debate. fox business correspondent grady trimble has a preview from atlanta. >> before the candidates arrive in atlanta, the trump and biden campaigns are already here. both meeting with small business owners, highlighting the importance of the economy tomorrow night and in november. >> mr. president, how are you doing? >> at the trump team's event, the former president wasn't in the room but he called in taking questions bashing president biden's handling of the economy and discussing his plans to cut taxes and regulations. >> now the inflation is a disaster, it's killing the black community and it's killing the country. i just came up with the concept of no tax on tips. let the people earn what they earn. >> president biden on the other hand claims his legislative wins like the bipartisan infrastructure law and the so-called inflation reduction act are creating jobs. georgia senator jon ossoff campaigning for biden with small business owners tuesday, says all that government spending is spurring private sector investment. >> electric vehicle production, advanced energy, research development and manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing. coming here to georgia. >> even though polls show an extremely tight race, when it comes to the economy trump has a 5 point advantage over biden. our latest fox news poll shows less than a third of voters say the economy is in good shape. >> i think biden has done a good job with the economy. >> i am voting for the president who done the most for my stocks who had the highest share price. >> you look at the gas and food prices you look at all that before the pandemic when trump was in there i think it was a lot better. >> country cannot move forward until they fix the economy. >> on this particular issue, the economy, trump clearly has the edge, but, biden is going in to tomorrow night with the best economic polling of his presidency. bret? >> bret: grady, thank you. stocks were up today on tech share performance. the dow gained 16. the s&p 500 finished ahead 9. the nasdaq rose 87 and a half. up next, did the 2020 biden campaign conspire with the cia to discredit the hunter biden laptop story? that's the allegation from some republicans on capitol hill. we'll take a look. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. wsvn in florida as a florida family sues nasa over a space of space junk from the international space station, a damage their nape pells home in march. the lawsuit alleges that the family suffered property damage as well as emotional and mental distress. they are seeking $80,000 in damages. and this is a live look at a stormy nashville, tennessee. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 17, country music's biggest stars will honor toby keith with attribute show in nashville this summer. keith passed away in february after battling stomach cancer he was 62. the show will be held july 29th. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. ♪ but every now and then ♪ i want to talk about me ♪ i want to talk about i new centrum menopause supplements help ♪ i want to talk about i ♪ i want to talk about number unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. 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[laughter] >> i'm sorry. >> the people have spoken, they do not want the uniparty representing them. but what you do want is a unified republican party. >> bret: digest all of that and bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume. we don't often read tons into primaries. but that jamaal bowman loss as an incumbent congressman in a primary where aipac, the pack tied to israel is a part of that and he really argued that it was the part that made him lose was an interesting moment. >> it was, bret. and i think that it's -- there is a danger of overstating aipac which, of course, is a political action committee, america, israel political action committee because he was down in the polls before aipac really got involved. aipac spent some money something in the order of $14 million and obviously didn't help him. but, you know, this is a democratic district in which he had won before, what, twice. and he went down by, what, 17, 18 points. that's big. and it suggests that voters may not be in a mood anymore, as much as they might once have been for these very noisy, somewhat radical politicians who as he admitted yiewsdz foul language and so on. there may be a hope, a sense here the guy that beat him george latimer is talking about, more civility is something people are starting to think about and care about. and, you know, the cori bush, one of his fellow squad members in the house of representatives is in some trouble in her race out in missouri. which is thought to be neck and neck. and she has won out there several times before. remember, this is within the democratic party. it's not as if, you know, republicans are coming in here and making a difference, that comes later if it comes at all. but, something is happening out there for sure. and it appears that a turn toward moderation and civility may, may, be coming. >> bret: to that point some trump backed candidates in south carolina and utah and colorado, they did not win and the more traditional candidates backed by, if you will, the establishment in those places all won the primaries, which also seems like a shift in some of those states. >> brit: i think so, bret. also, donald trump gives science that he is beginning to take notice of all of this. he has been moderating his views on a number of issues on a number of candidates. backing the establishment candidate in a number of places including as you heard me say, bret, most conspicuously support for leah hogan to be the new republican senator from the very, very blue state of maryland. trump seemly clears to recognize that he is better off with larry hogan than he would be from a democrat even though larry hogan has said he will not vote for donald trump there is change in the air. i think we are seeing signs of it. >> bret: brit, i have covered many elections but have you covered more than i have. have you ever seen a president getting ready for a first debate prepping like this president is for so long hold the way with camp david. >> brit: normally do you have to bone up to some extent to remember details. what this president is going through is quite unusual. because the president, by the very nature of his or her job, his job so far is cognizant of the details of these major issues. you have to deal with them all the time. so this level of preparation is unusual, and it probably knows something to the fact that biden is pretty old and his memory is not so good. and people have seen that and they see how awkwardly he walks and all the rest of it. they are obviously trying to get him mega prepared in the hope that he can get through this encounter with donald trump and look like, you know, look like a vibrant man. whether he will be able to do that, of course, i think one of the big things we will be watching for tomorrow night, bret. >> bret: yes, you will be part of the big conch here on fox. brbrit, as always, thanks. >> brit: thank you. >> bret: china's expanding influence close to the u.s. the report from the statement se department. and then the trial of reporter evan gershkovich begins in russia. ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. good morning, georgia. we're so happy to be in this great state and be with all of you today. making history, showing the united states and the world how to properly care for our heroes who cared for us we're here to break ground on our newest veterans village. it■ll house ninety of our heroes it is in a state of dilapidation. and we are going to be performing a full renovation of this property in houston, we're able to treat them one on one, and i think that's the real breakthrough that tunnel to towers has made. we treat the veteran as they are where they are. each of these units is an efficiency apartment. it has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full size refrigerator and their own bathroom. it's their home. many people believe that we■ll be building shelters. we don't build shelters. if frank siller won't stay there or our donors wouldn't stay there, we're not putting anybody else there. we have financial training we have job placement, interviews. everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. we■re here to help them do that. the idea here is that this is not a handout. it's a hand up. so the more support we that we recieve, the more we can support our veterans. well, once you become member of the tunnel to towers family, you're in it. after our groundbreaking, similar to this project we've got projects coming up in denver, colorado. all the way up to buffalo, new york, and extending out to las vegas. the second prong of our program, is our national case management network. anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness. we provide them with direct financial assistance so we're able to help veterans in real time if there's a veteran at need or at risk, you simply contact us either through our telephone number at our headquarters, or through we are dedicated 100% to eradicating veteran homelessness in the united states. we will not leave our veterans unsupported. we will not give up until no one is left behind. ♪ >> bret: sections of the midwest are dealing with flooding from torrential rain since last week. residents are also experiencing a heat wave now. images show water overflowing farm land from eastern nebraska and south dakota, to iowa and minnesota. the national weather service says some places have received up to 18 inches of rain. hundreds of people were rescued. homes damaged, at least two people died after driving in flooded areas. meantime, outside of the u.s. and outside of this world, two nasa astronauts stuck on the international space station because of troubles with their boeing star liner spacecraft have an approximate return by date of july 20th. that's 45 days from their june 5th liftoff which is how long star liner can spend docked to the iss. astronauts sunny williams and butch will more's original stay was scheduled for only a week. a series of issues including recent helium leaks and thruster problems have pushed their home coming back multiple times new signs of china's growing influence of china's hemisphere. massive facility in peru. state department correspondent gillian turner explains what this means tonight. >> china's communist government is constructing a massive new $3.5 billion mega port in america's backyard. it's slated to launch later this year. >> in november xi jinping will be in peru to cut the ribbon on a major sea port that is built and designed to compete with our west coast sea ports. >> port will be 60 feet deep and give china a foot hold 4500 miles from san francisco. china's main goal, establish a great trade route from china to shanghai. companies doing business with china should keep their eyes, quote, wide open. >> if they enter into agreements with china they ought to ensure that those agreements have transparency, that they are in the best interest of their governments and most importantly in -- in the people of their countries. >> biden administration officials have warned about china also using this mega port to plant military operatives. something they have already done at 100 or so other foreign ports according to the "wall street journal." the peruvian sport an extension of chinese xi jinping belt and road initiative known as bri and attempt to link the regime with the rest of the world. >> it fits squarely within the ccp's military. many projects especially deep water ports are tailored for military use. >> this port will allow china to bypass other large ports already in existence in the u.s. and mexico and bring them a step closer to their ambition of dominating the panama canal. >> well, secretary blinken has said that the u.s. relationship with china is the most consequential in the world and his actions late delay reflect that he last met with xi jinping back in april and we do anticipate him traveling to the region again over the coming weeks. breath? >> bret: gillian turner live at the state department, thank you. the trial of "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich is underway in russia. he is accused of spying for the u.s. correspondent alex hogan reports from london. >> jailed american journalist evan gershkovich on the first day of his poje trial appearing in court in a glass cage with a shaved head. it's been 15 months since the "wall street journal" reporter's arrest while on assignment in the russia. the white house once again today calling this a sham trial. >> evan has never been employed by the united states government. evan is not a spy. >> russia accuses the 32-year-old of working for the cia and gathering secret information about a company building tanks for russia's war in ukraine. >> his illegal activities were committed in a highly discreet manner. >> with no proof provided, the u.s. embassy in moscow today stated his case is not about evidence, procedural norms, or the rule of law. it is about the kremlin using american citizens to achieve its political objectives. the closed door trial means that aside from the media's brief chance to see gershkovich before this morning's proceedings, journalists and family are barred from the courtroom. >> we already know how this is going to go. is he going to be convicted. this is hopefully leading towards prisoner swap but they are going to convict him of these bogus charges first. >> gershkovich faces up to 20 years behind bars if found guilty, which is likely given that russian courts convict more than 99% of defendants. russian president vladimir putin said late last year we want to make an agreement. that has not materialized yet. >> i have no doubt that there is a back channel discussion going on now as we have in the past with russia. >> gershkovich's next day in court is august 13th. the house today also protesting the continued detention of former marine paul whelan arrested on espionage charges five and a half years ago and sentenced to 16 years behind bars. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. the former president of honduras has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for drug crimes. juan orlando hernandez was accused of conspiring with some of the largest traffickers in the world to send, get this: more than 400 tons of cocaine from his country to the u.s. he was convicted in march following a three week jury trial. up next, the panel on the countdown to the debate tomorrow night. first, beyond our borders tonight. >> armored vehicles ram into the doors of oblivious' government palace as president louise arsay say the country is facing attempted koop. shows confronting the general commanders of the army who appears to be leading that rebellion in the palace hallway. the president named a number of new officials and new army commander who then ordered troops to stand down. watching that tonight. kenya's president says he will not sign into law a finance bill proposing new taxes. this comes a day after protesters stormed the parliament there in kenya. several people were fatally shot. it was the biggest assault on kenya's government in decades. yesterday, about 200 kenyan police officers arrived in haiti as part of a united nations backed security force. the country has been dealing with deadly gang violence in haiti. and this is a live look at amsterdam courtesy of earth cam. one of the big stories there tonight, nato's ambassadors appoint outgoing dutch prime minister mark ruta as the new secretary general of nato. he will be congratulated by president biden and nato counterparts at a summit here in washington, d.c. next month. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ you got to be free ♪ come together ♪ right now ♪ over me ♪ [car door shuts] [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. 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"the washington post" out with swing state polls and the former president donald trump leading in five of the seven swing state polls. several of them outside the margin of error. if you look at people who look at the debates and to make a difference and how they will vote, all voters about 30% say it will be extremely important to their vote. you see the breakdown with democrats and republicans there and then ap out with a new poll, are you going to listen to the debate or watch the debate or some part of it? extremely or very likely 37%, somewhat likely 27%. six in ten roughly will watch some piece of this debate tomorrow night. that's a lot of folks if we are at 330 million americans. let's bring in our panel mollie hemmingway editor and chief at "the federalist." axios political reporter stef kight and host of media buzz howie kurtz. howie, i can't remember a time where one debate was this anticipated at this crucial time even though it's so early in the process. >> yeah. no. it's absolutely unprecedented. and you know, biden is doing the traditional mock debates. trump's people don't want to overprepare him. they feel like his prep is doing interviews, of course, biden she'lled from the press. biden will come out reasonably cogent and energetic and clear the bar set by trump and allies say he can't string two sentences together is he confused and senile. donald trump, if he comes out and is disciplined and he was when i sat down with him and you have had this experience, too. he can be very serious and substantive when he is not taking shots at the other person. and for those republicans, independents who feel like i don't like when he says crazy stuff and i remember the chaos. that might put aside their doubts and vote for him perhaps when they are not going to. >> bret: interesting. reverse take. i heard that today also, this format with the mics being muted after a two minute and one minute rebuttal with no audience in a studio actually may go to trump's benefit somehow and that he is not going to be, you know, like he was in the first debate in 2020. >> you get the feeling these were things requested by the biden team. >> bret: thinking they were going to benefit. >> donald trump agreed to whatever they put out there. but it might actually help him. we have a really unique situation in that we have never before had two previous presidents on this kind of stage at this point in the process we can compare them. we can compare their policy records. that's something that's a huge advantage for trump according to polls and situation with the economy, the border, foreperson policy, on pretty much every metric americans seem to support the policies of donald trump. and they don't like the policies. but we also have something interesting and different happening with the personality. so, in 2020, trump was much less light than biden. but biden had had a really big drop in his favorability ratings with many more people not finding him in a favorable way and many more -- many fewer people saying that they don't find him favorable. and then with trump he is actually improved a little bit with this new way of not being totally in everybody's faces all the time. even on the personality issue, it might be to trump's benefit. >> bret: stef? >> one thing i'm really interested in is how many people actually tune in and how that changes the race moving forward. in the past there has been a question around how much debates actually change, you know, how american voters perceive the candidates. how they vote. one thing that i'm interested in, obviously, people like us have been paying very close attention for a while we are in the middle of the 2024 cycle where we stand. but there are many americans who have yet to tune in yet. whether we see more american voters tune in actually start thinking about how they are going to vote earlier on in the process and how that changes the dynamic of the campaign and how we see the polling potentially fluctuate after that. >> bret: bill maher continuing his tour. he wrote that book. he has been on gutfeld and other places e was at the aspen institute saying that the left has essentially lost its mind and can't communicate with other republicans. here's what he said. >> mike pence, you know, not my favorite republican or person. but did the right thing. that's as good as it gets. if you can't talk to those people, you're just abandoning the country to half the people who are worse who are going to vote for trump next time and they're and he very likely will win. >> bret: he is obviously not a trump fan but saying that howie, this dynamic has changed in the country and you look at the jamaal bowman race and other races that may be canaries in the coal mine about a shift in the country wj of the reasons that joe biden won in 2020 besides the pandemic he was perceived as more moderate democrat been around forever seemed like a safe character. the far left in his party has made it seem like at times they have lost their mind. that they are more interested in battles over pronouns and you mentioned jamaal bowman and i think put the president in kind of a box. particularly the opposition to his handling of the wars that he didn't start but trying to preside over particularly the situation with israel and gaza, and that's the problem with being an incumbent you get to fly around on the fancy plane anything going wrong in the world can be played laid at your doorstep. >> not just the fringe. people engaged in political lawfare. bill maher has talked about that and how dangerous that is to prosecute political opponents rather than work through the ballot box. it's the fringe is a problem but so is just the average democrat. >> bret: another republican who has backed president biden is former georgia lt. governor jeff dunkin' saying it's through the prison term of how you look at the economy, how you perceive it. >> there is two sides. some people wake up today and it's the worst economy they have ever faced. they can't arecord rent or houses or groceries. some are waking up in the greatest economy ever because their houses are worth more and their 401(k) rose worth more. >> bret: it is a feel thing. so far in the polls we haven't seen people feeling great about this economy. >> that's the greatest hurdle for biden and his campaign. that's what they have been trying to change the narrative around for months now they feel like they have good economic data. you can point to job growth numbers at the end of the day it's inflation and how much just living day-to-day is costing average americans, that is going to make or break this election. >> bret: big thing is how much is substance in this debate. specific substance and how much is gig digging at each other and try to tweak the other guy. >> i think there will be a healthy mixture, bret. >> bret: mixture. up next the border crisis and then a heroic rescue. ♪ and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. 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the parents. >> our hearts with them. the safety and security of the american public is indeed our highest priority. >> obviously we have seen a number of these high profile cases and we have covered them here on fox. the "new york times" covered it this way. killing a texas girl becomes new immigration flash point. killing of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray in houston has become the latest crime seized on by republicans to attack president biden over h his immigration policies. here is ap. two men arrested in strangulation 12-year-old houston girl found in a creek. not noted that they were illegal immigrants who entered the u.s. in march. wear back with a panel. howie, we see this a lot. ahead of a debate and framing of this story that republicans are pouncing on it, it's happening can't be terrible on its own republicans are exploiting it. high profile claims are troubling. it ta talks about a porous bord. everybody sees through it, bret, when the white house the day before the debate trotz out mayorkas says 40% reduction since biden closed the border. that still leaves 2400 migrants coming across a day which is apulling. at the same time, what i don't understand is why didn't joe biden knowing this albatross for him and his party kept hearing he doesn't have the authority. he doesn't have the authority. magic wand i have the authority and it looks blatantly political five months before the election. >> bret: point out that was the only story about this that the "new york times" did. the only one. >> you might remember back in 2020 around this time when it was shortly after the george floyd murder, the killing of george floyd, that was super big news for the media, for the remainder of the summer and going into the election. you have here all these americans had will being killed by he will lyle immigrants and don't see the same concern from a lot of people in the media. but it is one of these things that has become a really big issue for voters. and the big problem for the biden administration is it's directly a result of biden administration policies. he ran in 2020 on a pledge to open things up to reverse all of donald trump's border policies. and he did it. and it is kind of similar to what is happening with the economy. people know the economy is bad in part because of after all of the covid relief the biden administration pushed for $2 trillion in more stem also which led to inflation. there are problems that are directly related to biden and his governance that he is going to have to deal with in this campaign. >> bret: clearly stef, the biden administration realizes the vulnerability. our latest poll has him going up slightly on approval on immigration 35. still under water on disapprove, approve. trying to do something will probably hang a lot on the senate negotiation on the bipartisan bill that never came to be. but it's stale vulnerability. absolutely. i covered immigration trump this entire time under biden. it's been fascinating to see the way the white house has shifted its strategy when it comes to the border. when you go back and remember the things that mayorkas and biden was saying about immigration when they started the administration, it's a very long way from where they are now. the most recent policy that biden did announce using an executive order using the exact same legal authority that trump used in some of his most high profile immigration. it's clear that biden know that's needs to do something about this now. and i think the time something intentional as well. the timing was before the debate that he has something to point to on stage. it's before the convention. also before the summertime where we typically see large numbers of migrants coming across the border and it also gives time for the actual policy to be worked out on the border and hopefully to keep those numbers low through the election. >> bret: i want to play this one soundbite from our interpret report hillary vaughn take a listen. >> we know migrants according to data and police departments are actually less likely to commit crime than natural born citizens. >> documented immigrants commit far fewer rhymes than anyone else. >> immigrants, legal or illegal commit crimes at a rate far lower than native born americans. those are the facts. >> aren't the crimes preventable though if these people don't have a right to be here in the first place? >> i said what i'm going to say. [laughter] >> bret: that's all i have on that we keep on asking the questions. thank you. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: finally tonight, a "special report" salute. >> >> bret: mesa arizona real estate agent nic reeves being called a hero after rescuing a dog from a house on fire. can you see the flames there. reese was showing another house. clients nearby they saw this other house and then saw the smoke and flames jumped into action. he realized there was a dog inside. after jumping the fence, seeing a pet relief area, reeves says he thinks a lot of people in that situation would have done the same thing. i'm not so sure. nice job rescuing the dog. tomorrow on "special report." you bet. complete conch of the hours before the cnn presidential debate plus analysis everywhere you want to hear from. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us to your home tonight and every night. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. we will have the countdown clock pretty soon i'm sure. here comes laura. ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham and this is a special

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