Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240626 :

FOXNEWSW Jesse June 26, 2024

the media can't deny it, should they pull him? >> i would say yes. >> jesse: democrats wetting the bed so obama and hillary take the wheel. >> i understand you are looking for coaching help. >> the last thing someone needs in a debate is a drug. if they take cocaine they will forget the lines. >> he's going to be debating three people. >> jesse: get ready for the royal rumble! >> jesse: what's behind the smash and grabs? chris hansen is here. plus... >> he tends to just -- [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: the democratic party kingmakers have seen enough. clinton world joining forces with obama world and taking over the reins of the biden campaign. hostile takeover. obama sees the race for what it is, a nailbiter, but biden does not always listen to obama's advice, he questions his judgement so obama is going around joe and is personally calling biden's campaign chair and close advisers asking about strategy and how biden was taking their advice. he has the biden campaign wired. obama's people have ordered the biden campaign to "make sure obama is in the loop on campaign updates." obama is even making staffing decisions at biden's headquarters in wilmington. obama's lieutenants warning they will be watching thursday night. no pressure. >> this is the most important 90 minutes in joe biden's political career, it's one of the most important 90 minutes and recent political history because if joe biden does not do what he needs to do thursday, and i think he can, he's a solid debater, i'm not sure trouble even debate september 10th. >> jesse: we agree, it's a most important presidential debate since kennedy nixon, only to see if biden can hack it. if he can't they will swap them out, if he can the progressive takeover of america is imminent because a second biden term would bring this country to it's knees. obama's team not stopping, inundating biden with last-minute advice. >> tell me what's the one thing david axelrod wants to see thursday night? >> well look, i think from biden i would like to see him make this a very comparative exercise, don't get caught up in the presidential trap of touting your own record and defending your own record endlessly. >> jesse: that should be easy because biden does not have a record. it's all hands on deck for the democrats so they are bringing in an expert, the only person who has debated trump and biden. she's back. hillary is nagging biden with debate tips now since joe won't take her calls. hillary is giving him advice in the new york times. hillary says the key to winning the debate, go hard on abortion, democracy, january 6th, column a convicted felon out for revenge and joe should mention something about how he will lower costs. hillary is giving biden the answers and cnn is probably giving part in the questions. remember it's the same network that leaked her questions the last time. how do you trust a network that has been calling from hitler to play fare? you can't. if there's any time to play dirty, it's now, because biden is losing to trump in every swing state, everyone. the media, like with all things, can't understand what's happening. >> the debate is going to make it clear the contrast between our president, the current president who works on behalf of the american people, fights for the american people, and the former president who pretty much spends full-time fighting for himself. >> if the contrast is so obvious, what's going on? why does it pull so closely, why is the race so close? >> these races are always close. >> jesse: if biden can't deliver his lines, the democrats will play ring around the rosie with harris, newsome and crooked in chicago, watch. >> if he flops so hard that even the media can't deny it, should they pull him? >> i would say yes. the reason i would say yes is because you know the base is going to show up but it's about those independents and those hypothetical swing voters, the people who may be undecided. it's about them. >> jesse: as we speak it's day five of biden at camp david was 16 councilors binding -- backing binders full of zingers into his brain. aids whizzing in and out of the room on golf carts and carbo loading joe with lasagna while he practices standing for 90 minutes. only problem is, biden's debate prep is too white. >> there's a profile in the new york times today of the three closest advisors, longest serving advisors, formal advisors to the president, and they are all white men in their sixties or higher. former senator ted kaufman, 85 years old. is that too insular? >> jesse: the media wants to dei debate prep, even though obama is calling the shots, i guess he's not black enough. think about it, joe biden needs to take a week off of his job to prepare to do his job. this is the first time in presidential history where the president has taken a full week off to prepare for a debate. maybe he does not remember the last four years, i'm sure trump will jog his memory. biden is incapacitated so they are making him memorize thousands of sentences for seven days, but on the debate stage, biden is his own worst enemy, he torpedoed his own campaign during a debate in 87 where he plagiarized a brit. >> why is it that joe biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? why is it that my wife who's sitting out in the audience is the first and her family to ever go to college? is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? is it because i'm the first biden in 1000 generations to get a college and graduate degree, that i was smarter than the rest? those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me how to sing verse? >> jesse: as soon as biden climbed down from the stage, anxiety filled the faces of his closest aides and they knew at that moment it was over. on thursday night, if biden cannot regurgitate all the talking points pumped into his head, he will revert back to biden's him, half of which are plagiarized or made up, like cannibals snacking on his uncle. if biden steals her forget his lines, the party elders will send out bat signal for an understudy at the convention. these 16 camp counselors, many loyal to obama, are putting biden through a stress test, like a patient under constant observation. the whole time on the phone with the head physician, barack obama , who has power of attorney and is ready to pull the plug. former presidential -- former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joins us. what is great you happen thursday? >> the reality is that democrats have set the expectations rock-bottom low. keep in mind back in 2012 when obama showed up in the first debate versus romney it was the other way around. expectations were high and obama bombed. they've tried to set up biden as well as they can, a three on one debate versus trump that includes the two cnn moderators with expectations at rock-bottom and no live audience. if biden still fails in that circumstance, i think he's done as the candidate, but they've tried their best to set themselves up for a win win. my best advice to trump is to be yourself. the american people are sick of being full by the media, they will see through the medias tricks. tell the people what your record was, compare it to biden's and i think president trump nonetheless despite the way they've set this up is still going to be able to succeed. >> jesse: you think the democrats are winning the expectations game in collusion with the media, winning the expectations game and they rigged it to win? >> they rigged it in every sense of the word. cnn monitoring there debate, in their own turf, with no live audience. this is like the equivalent of hosting the debate in mississippi with donald trump posted by fox news with a 3000 person audience. >> jesse: [ laughter ] >> kayleigh: >> and yet i respect trump for agreeing to the terms because this is a debate the american people deserve to see on fair terms. does that mean it will be fair? of course not but i think trump is ready to show the people who he is. one thing i would like to see come across and i think will come across is that donald trump can be the president who unites the country. joe biden ran on a message of national unity, he has failed miserably. trumps approach to unity is different. success is unifying, excellence is unifying and the excellence of that record of a growing economy, a sealed southern border, global stability, that is excellence and that's how he's going to unite the country, not just through rhetoric but through action. i think that will come across in a way that americans -- you have to give the voters more credit than sometimes the pundits give them. they will see through the shenanigans of the moderators put up and that's why i'm optimistic that despite the traps they played, trump can come out stronger for it. >> jesse: what about hillary's advice? if hillary's advice is true and these will be the game plans, he's just going to talk about january 6th for 90 minutes, he's going to call him a convicted felon, a bankrupt bozo that's going to bring more chaos and racism to the country, and trump is not going to be able to talk. he's going to have to hold his breath, compose himself because his microphone will be muted and then he will have to fire back. if he's firing back at these hoaxes and smears, is he not getting his unifying message across on policy? >> of course that's what they will try to do. i think president trump is experienced, he's led the country against the backdrop of an impeachment hoax, a trump-russia collusion hoax so i think he set up to do well. but i far was giving advice to biden it's not to take clinton's advice because she's conflicted as an advisor. if biden bombs there are a lot of people waiting in line, salivating for that dnc nomination, no doubt hillary clinton is one. when you have an advisor with up call looked of interest, you may want to think twice before following their advice. >> jesse: does obama have an interest? he's hiring and firing inside wilmington. did you have any idea how deeply wired he is into the biden campaign? i don't think biden even knows who's in charge. >> the reality is, biden's cognitive deficits are not a bug to the people who control him, they are a feature because it allows him to serve as a puppet for the managerial class and that's made him sufficiently appealing to the managerial class, enough to barely get the job done while still advancing their actual deep state and managerial class interests. now that the puppet has lost the battery, the battery is almost brain-dead, now they maybe prepared to move him to one side but this debate is the final hoop they are making him jump through. regardless of the matter, i think trump will succeed by focusing less on that managerial machine, less on the democrats and biden and more on his vision for the country which i think will be unite the nation at a time when we need it and that's why i'm rooting for him. >> jesse: if steven spielberg can't get him to her one last hoop i don't know who can. vivek ramaswamy, see you in the spin room. >> see you in atlanta. >> jesse: trump is the most politically dangerous when he's calm, cool and collected but democrats have been painting him as a genocidal dictator who puts secret service agents and had locks. >> my concern as a democrat is not a lot of people will expect the unhinged donald trump. there's a lot of indications that that might not either donald trump who shows up. this election cycle he has a much more professional, disciplined team that he's had in the past and we saw that when he's had big moments before, like the night he won the iowa caucuses, a very restrained and dare i say boring donald trump showed up and joe biden and democrats need to be prepared for that and be prepared for someone who won't show up and be a raving lunatic. >> jesse: tranquil trump, major problem for democrats. it makes it harder to call him a rage a hollett so they are finding out ways to get him. >> bankruptcies, talking about donald's poor business acumen, you talk about him being a genius. the delivery by biden has to be a legitimate almost comedic type of delivery, one that pokes fun at donald. it's not just necessarily the topics. >> tell me what it sounds like. >> my opponent says, you know, many things that make no sense at all. i mean, you know, just because the stable genius says he can do something in 24 hours, it's almost like -- it's almost as ridiculous as when he decided that he was going to be able to move a jetstream for a category five hurricane using a sharpie. >> jesse: no one has ever wanted to get in the mud with trump, except at this debate. biden does because of the mute button. eight d fangs trumps quick lick -- lip and makes him steam while he's being ridiculed. why did trump agree to these conditions? here's the back story. trump says they approached me with a debate i could not take. no audience sitting down, originally sitting down, a dead debate, turn off the microphones when you are not speaking so i can't interrupt. they knew i would not accept that because it was cnn and i like an audience and all bubbly he doesn't, who knows, so they thought they would present it, i would say no, and then we would say we can't debate because trump said no. so i said yes before they even gave me the terms. so he got roped into it. a nationally syndicated radio host, that's an interesting back story. i think trump said sure and then biden steam was like so we are doing this in june. >> yeah, i think you made an important point, jesse. people who say that trump is over-the-top or a maniac, i've known him for years, he's been on my radio show many times, he's never been nuts. he's just funny. he's a smartass and he's very casual and he's a very casual manner of speaking. if they think they will ride him up like that, is not going to happen. but what you said is i think the most important point, trump's biggest weakness on debate night isn't joe biden and it's not anything the democrats are going to throw at him, it's not even jake or dana, trump's biggest disadvantage is a lack of an audience, because there are speakers that when they take to the stage, they feed off that audiences energy. in fact many politicians are this way. this is not unusual. trump is one of those individuals, that's what he connects with people, he reads the room, he reads the energy and feeds off it. i don't know how that will work in the debate but democrats can find out some way, which i'm sure they are just reading everything they can to figure out an advantage for joe biden, they will try to figure out how to work that to biden's advantage. it will be interesting to see how he navigates that but honestly that that is the only downside of this and that's the only way, if trump may be isn't as casual or if he feels like he's got a read off of jake or dana, that might be the only thing i can see but honestly the old joe biden, you remember the old joe biden. he was a jack wagon, he was a jerk, not a nice guy. this is prestroke joe biden. he could not even go into a debate room because joe biden is easy to emotionally manipulate, everyone has a currency, we know biden's currency. it's easy to push his buttons and it's still easy to push his buttons, that's all trump has to do. >> jesse: fit under joe's skin. trump should get under joe's skin. this will just be an insultfest is what we should expect, nothing substantial catches them getting under each other's skin, how's the audience going to feel about that? >> i don't know. i don't think trump is going to let it get that far and i don't think biden's people will either but if biden thinks he's going to be funnier than trump, that will be so cringe and that will do it all. we will die from cringe. >> jesse: okay, did not want to go out that way but if it's cringe, it's got to be cringe. i may not see you on friday, nice having you on "primetime". >> good to see you, my friend. >> jesse: should joe biden take a drug test? [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: if you are expecting biden to fall over enteral on the podium thursday i have bad news. joe biden will show up rested and propped and trump will have a fight on his hands. but he wants a clean fight and demands biden get drug tested. biden's friend al sharpton a happy dei thursday. in case we forget he says there's no way joe is on drugs. >> the last thing someone needs in a debate is a drug because you may get hyped up, you may forget something, somebody could easily provoke you. >> jesse: forgetting things, easily provoked? that sounds exactly like biden. and how would you know, al? >> i have friends in the entertainment world, managers used to worry if they took okay and they will forget the lines, if they really wanted to defeat biden, they would want him on drugs because he would forget what he's done for unemployment numbers and what he's done around the economic stability because he's pumped up. >> reporter: al sharpton says trump should want biden coked up thursday. does hunter still have mookie's number? no matter what happens the press will hand joe a gold medal and inflate what trump said into a scandal. in 2016 trump dominated hillary but for the next 24 hours the medium cult -- media called him sexist because he happened to be taller than she was. they booked a chimp expert to analyse trump's movements. in many ways, the performances of donald trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals in order to impress rivals, males sinking to rise and the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays, stamping, slapping the ground, tracking branches, throwing rocks. in 2020, every headline after that debate was about the proud boys. >> what you want to call them? >> white supremacists, proud brothers. >> proud boys. stand back and stand by. >> jesse: trump said stand back and stand by because he was paraphrasing wallace's question earlier, will you ask them to stand down? but since -- since moscone's twitter, the social media spin room will be hotly contested. clips and memes explode seconds the clock strikes nine and videos will be careening across american iphones for weeks, even months. and there's not much of the media can do about it. that does not mean they won't try. the biden campaign already launching a cheap fake task force and colluding with the media to flag videos that make biden looked dazed and confused, because he is. now the campaign is hiring an army of social media stars to hijack the algorithms, highlighting biden's good moments and hiding his groups. they are standing back and standing by ready to give berth to the next hoax, and this is not organic. biden is paying them. >> most people will not be watching the debate in full, they will see the eclipse on local media,'s eclipse on tiktok , clips of their are sharing on social media. it will be getting donald trump, trapping him into saying some of the worst stuff he said about abortion rights, trapping him into saying some of the worst things he said about the election and january 6th, getting him to admit to the fact that he was the reason why republicans taint our best chance it bipartisan immigration reform and decades. >> reporter: >> jesse: but trump isn't just up against biden and the media, he's up against the fbi, the cia and corporate america who all have skin in the game. with trump's deportation mandate and tariffs and the acts he will be taking to dei and the electric mandates and the peace plans for europe and to the mideast, there's a lot of money moving in the wrong direction for these guys. these are powerful forces, they won't just let trump win the debate and walk right into the white house. there's a war here. the progressive takeover of america is imminent. if they can drag joe across the finish line and install harris, the first female president, a full eight years with this wide-eyed marxist agenda, this country could be crippled beyo

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