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>> you gets a shot in the ass. i say he will come out all jacked up. >> jesse: trump takes over philly. and cnn cuts the mic. >> caroline, thank you for your time. you are welcome to come back at any point. >> what am i supposed to do, i am not supposed fight back. we are going to show them who the [ bleep ] we are. >> something tells me the squad is not behaving. >> he has done a lot of good things for the country. the alternative is unacceptable. >> not all celebrities love joe. drea is here. >> are you. [ bleep ] crazy? >> jesse: plus... [ ♪♪ ] it was billed the fight of the century before he faced off against smoke and joe fraser, ali said he want 15 referees to be at this fight, because there is not one man that can keep up with the pace except me. trump stepping back on the debate stage, and democrats smell trouble. >> president biden versus donald trump is going to be must see tv. so this is like a real live free-style battle. good luck, president joe biden. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> good luck! you are not going to be able to keep up. >> yeah, it is interesting. >> listen, i don't know. maybe it won't be bad. maybe they have new [ bleep ] they are working on. and they are going to shoot him with the super sirrum. donald trump is dangerous because he is funny. he is dangerous because he is funny. he is going to give us one of the greatest stand up specials that we have seen. >> jesse: the refs sense danger too. we are three days from the cnn presidential debate, and the networks are saying it will not be a fair fight. >> what do you expect from joe biden? >> well, first of all, it is -- it takes someone five minutes to google jake tapper, donald trump. >> we are going to stop the interview if you are going to keep attacking my colleagues. i would like to talk about joe biden and donald trump who you work for. >> yes, and i will do that. >> if you are hear to speak on his behalf, we can have the conversation. >> i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> i am sorry guys, we will go back out to the panel. caroline, you are welcome to come back at any point. >> jesse: cnn slapped a gag order on the trump campaign days before the debate. we knew that trump's mic would be muted before the debate. you can lie about russia. but you can't say tapper is bias. if jake is not bias, why is he celebrating trump losing. >> there has been a time of extreme divisions. many of the divisions caused and exacerbated by president trump himself. the unwillingness to respect facts and science and do everything he could to save lives during the pandemic, but now the trump presidency is coming to an end. to an end. for tens of millions of our fellow americans, their long national nightmare is... >> jesse: we know what corner cnn is. they are gagging the trump campaign and giving biden pointers. >> for president biden, one more piece of advice, because this is a visual medium. he has resting old face. (laughter). >> i am going to coin that term! i am learning so much! resting old face. >> he needs to smile. when he smiles, it goes away a little bit. when he smiles his face goes alive. if they are practicing this, practice smiling. >> you basically said, smile more. >> i did! to an 80-year-old man. >> jesse: yesterday, camp david practicing for standing for 90 minutes, and working on his resting old face. nbc says they have been studying trump in an effort to best identify what might get under his skin. biden's goal on thursday is to make trump snap. he will fight dirty. every shot below the belt. twice impeached bigoted bankrupt felon. trump is muted when biden is trashing him, so he needs to compose himself, and say namas day. and when his time is up, react calmly. don't take debate. because biden will make it all about trump because he doesn't have a record to run on. trump needs to make this about the american people. he wants to lock me up instead of the illegals raping our women and children. the biden camp is feeling the pressure. there are feelings and disappointments with the biggest fundraisers that watch their cash advantage just fall. if he falls flat on face fig rattively, and literally, it is a green light for a switcheroo. >> biden is taking this seriously, and i will tell you, you are going to see a very energized president biden looking forward to having direct conversations on thursday night in atlanta. >> jesse: trump knows joe's not going to come that sleepy. >> tonight, we will refer to him as sleepy joe, because right now, as you know, it has been reported that he has gone to a log cabin to study, prepare -- no, he didn't -- he is sleeping now. because they want to get him good and strong, so a little bit before debate time, gets a shot in the ass. >> jesse: biden mocked impersonators with 16 advisers in the woods, he is campaigning in philly, and asking the crowd what they want to see. >> how should i handle him, should i be tough and nasty, or should i be -- should i be tough and nasty and just say, you are the worst president in history, or, should i be nice and calm and let him speak. >> primetime votes for calm. the base is already fired up. we don't need more nicknames and insults. we need this is my four years, this was biden's four years, in a relaxed and charming manner. we are not saying he shouldn't be colourful. >> even i won't buy bacon any more, it is too expensive. >> jesse: bacon is a great way to tell a story about inflation. billions of dollars for 7 car chargers, there is your story about energy. trump has been at the bodega is and the chick-fil-as, and the border, he has personally experienced the biden presidency. joe hides from it. you know how much biden loves going to philly, it is like the only place he campaigns besides delaware, he has not gone to philly for a cheese steak in 14 years. that cheese steak he is chowing down on probably cost a dollar 50 back then. trump was there on saturday. >> usa! usa! usa! >> these are my people! let me tell you, these people built america, you know that. these people built america. make sure you get your special sandwich for yourself. come here! look at him, huh! you know what that is -- huh, come here! [ indiscernible ]. >> we love this kid. i love that kid. if your parents don't want you, i will take you. >> jesse: 45 even left a $500 tip. >> no tax. on tips! [ cheering and applause ]. >> are you ready? i am going to give you 500 bucks, you all split it up. great things happen in philadelphia, let's go! (crowd chanting "trump"). >> jesse: he went behind the blue wall and he was showered with love. >> people need hope. i went out and saw the greatest people. we went out in a pretty rough area, and it is a lovefest. they want hope, they want a future. listen to them. these are not people that would normally be going wild. this is amazing. >> jesse: nikki is the owner of tony and nick steaks where he visited this weekend. what did he get on his steak? >> he didn't get one there. they came back later, and they brought another 60 sandwiches to bring back to mr. trump. >> jesse: 60 sandwiches, that's a small order for you guys over there. what was the vibe like? it is not philly, you don't really consider a republican stronghold, tell me about it. >> not at all. but that day, it was crazy. i mean the crowd was nuts. they were so excited. you could feel the chill in the air when he walked through the doors. >> jesse: are they liking the no tax on the tip deal? >> i know my workers are! but they loved it. they love everything he says and does. >> jesse: what is it about philly, is it really kind of curious about the trump at the phenomenon, or do you think they will go back and blue all the way through? >> i think this is going to be -- it is going to be different this time around. because people are fed up of the high prices everywhere. i mean my steak used to be $8, now it is $14.50. it is crazy, i hate to give that price out for a cheese steak. >> jesse: why has it gone that high? $14.50? when i lived in philly, it was a long time ago, but it was like $5. >> it is from the rib eye, the bread, the meat, the cheese. the oil, everything just went sky high. in a matter of two years. >> jesse: that is absolutely crazy. we did some research. we couldn't find any recent examples of joe biden going to philly for a campaign stop and hitting up a cheese steak place. have you seen it? we couldn't find it. >> i have not seen one. but this man goes in the heart of the battle. he was great. he was wonderful. signing autographs, shaking hands. he was just the best. >> jesse: all right. and nice little autographed andrew jackson for a little trump impersonator, what a good kid. >> ah! >> jesse: thank you so much nick. when i am in philly, i have to swing by. >> yes, please come by. don't forget. >> jesse: i will. i will, i can finally afford a $14.50 sandwich. >> thank you, jesse, appreciate it. >> jesse: alex is a republican media consultant. did you hear what i said at the top that biden is going to want to make the debate about trump, trump should make it about the american people. and he doesn't need to snap, calm, cool, collected. how would you advise him? >> you are giving trump good political advice there. i hope your rates as a political consultant are reasonable. that's what he needs to do. look, this debate is not going to be decided with one guy winning 6 points and the other guy winning 5 points. this is about a big question, which is, is donald trump's strength more dangerous than joe biden's weakness. we know that joe biden's weakness is at the heart of his presidency, no one respects this administration. that's why we have crime on the streets and waves of immigrant coming here. why the russians are running a muck around the world, and the chinese are looking hungry at taiwan. joe biden's weakness has invited the wolves. what is his strategy? make trump's strength dangerous. he is going to say look, donald trump wants you to think he is a strong guy. but he tried to overthrow democracy. oh, my heavens, if you put him in the whitehouse again, he could blow up the world. donald trump has a tremendous advantage. he could resort to a strategy politicians seldom use, he could tell the truth. donald trump's america was a better place than joe biden's america. >> jesse: so don't try to spend all this time defending the ho hoaxes just pivot right to policy. and keep it calm, that's what you would suggest? >> absolutely. i would say, joe maybe you are confused. you may not remember that i handed you an america with 1.9% inflation and you drove it to 9%. our streets used to be safer. you may not remember that the russians had enough respect for our country not to invade the ukraine. but those -- that was a better day for us. stick with the issues that affect the american people and show that discipline that he has shown on the stump -- and just a marvelous campaign. we are seeing peak trump now. no one that can do what donald trump is doing on the stump, inspiring crowds, just managing the moment. it is almost like he is in the crowd's head. this is masterful campaigning. make sure that guys shows up for the debate. >> jesse: now i know why your rates are so high. alex, thank you for joining jesse watters primetime. >> good to be with you. >> jesse: wanda goes to court, and johnny meats a mer maid. >> ismaid. >> is joe biden doing it for you. >> yeah, i think he is doing a great job. >> what is biden's greatest accomplishment. [ silence ]. 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wanda, you were also caught stuffing. what happened? wanda? wanda, don't you want to come clean? wanda, what about the person's ballot you have been having for ten years. wanda? wanda, what happened? wanda, don't run me over, wanda. >> jesse: the judge ordered wanda to not talk to the voter whose ballot she is accused of taking. after the arraignment, she slipped out the side door, she will be back in court soon. we will keep you updated. from the very beginning, joe biden claimed he launched his presidential campaign for one reason and one reason only. because donald trump called very fine people neonazis. >> he said there were good people -- some good people on both sides. they asked what he thought, i said, i thought there were very fine people on both sides. >> he said i thought there were fine people on both sides. >> jesse: before biden launched the campaign, the media was greasing the runway. >> very fine people on both sides. >> the president of the united states said that people -- there were some very fine people. >> jesse: but that never happened. trump didn't praise the neonazis as fine people. he condemned them. and he was talking about the protesters on both sides who were not part of the fringe groups. >> you had some very bad people in that group. but you had people that were very fine people -- on both sides. you had people in that group, excuse me -- excuse me, i saw the same pictures as you did. you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of -- to them a very important statue. i am not talking about the neonazis and the white nationalists. they should be condemned totally. >> jesse: after 7 long years, the favourite fact checker has admitted what real journalists have known all along. he never called them fine people. in a news conference after the rally, protesting the planned removal of a confederate statue, trump said there were fine people on both sides, referring to the protesters and the counter protesters. he said in the same statement, he was not talking about neonazis and white nationalists that should be condemned totally. he said. why wait 7 years to admit this was a hoax. why wait until a week before the biden trump face-off, does it even matter. because the biden campaign doesn't care about fact checks. their campaign is based on hoaxes. they can't come up with a new strategy this late. biden is going to spend the entire debate hitting him with hoax after hoax after hoax, and bait him talking about dictatorships, instead of crime, inflation and the border. they are telegraphing what they are going to do. >> he wants to be a dictator on day one. he has made it clear, alex, if he doesn't win the election, there will be a blood bath. and i know some of the aids have tried to say we are overstating that. no, he has stated that in his own words. so that is an attack line that you are going to hear -- us making the contrast point more and more. but it is a statement of fact. >> jesse:tomy laren is here. why is snopes waking up from their 7 year slumber? >> yeah, jesse, only took 7 summers. now, listen, i am not going to give them too much credit here. it took 7 years, i don't think they just wrestaled with this for 7 years and finally did the right thing. they are sending a smoke signal to joe biden, and his 16 debate advisers over in the camp david cacoon to stay clear of repeating that alternative fact. the liberal mainstream media is trying to do the biden camp a solid and tell them don't go there. if we do go there, we have to fact check you after the fact. it is going to be embarrassing. and jake tapper, one of the moderators of this cnn debate, he even debunked that lie about charlottesville. jake would be in a weird position, because he has debunked it, so he would have to say something. this is a warning shot to team biden, don't bring it up. >> jesse: what about the blood bath, is jake going to fact check the blood bath and dictator. is he going to have to interrupt biden more than trump? >> that's another reason they want the mics muted. they don't want donald trump to correct things in realtime. so this is all set up in favour of joe biden, and for him to be able to come up with some of the hoaxes, but i also think that maybe just maybe, the liberal mainstream media is getting sick of covering for joe biden. he said his uncle was eaten by canballs. and where he was during the civil rights movement. they are getting sick of it. this is a warning shot, hey, joe, try to keep the facts straight. we don't want to be forced to fact check the things you will say. we want to start with the canibal one. >> jesse: it was a big thrill. and everybody got famous and rich during that presidency. >> famous, rich, and it was four years of better ratings, and honestly, who in the mainstream media as a democrat wants to cover for joe biden or kamala harris for another years, or cannibal stories, and closed captioning. nobody wants to do that, maybe they want trump like the rest of us. >> jesse: he really is uniting the country. even cnn and fox are coming together. you can watch the debate on fox at 9 o'clock. tommy, thanks. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: if fauci is retired, why are we still paying his security, a primetime investigation, next. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures... 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[honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at >> jesse: over the weekend, mad max maxine watters says there will be a second world war. >> i am not concerned just about my safety and the safety of the members of congress. i am concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of colour. he threatens about a civil war. and he threatens that there is going to be violence. it is about thousands, maybe millions of people you know, being threatened. and being at risk because of donald trump. and his desire to get revenge on everything and anything. >> anybody? it is mostly jews under attack. jewish people were beat up going to synagog. and the hate crimes were broken up. >> close your eyes. get out. >> stop. stop. stop. [ bleep ]. >> jesse: it got bad on the east coast on saturday. fire marshall in a tough primary race, and called in aoc to save him. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: have you seen aoc that excited about anything, she was not even excited when she got engaged. if boman loses there is no more men in the squad, is it that big of a deal, biden must be watching saying, where is that energy for me. and the fire marshall managed to do aoc. he thought it was an open mic night. [ ♪♪ ] [ singing ] >> jesse: as many of you know, i am 0.1% black, so i am down. and if matt gates started karaoke to guns and roses, i don't judge. but what are you running for, anyways? he is not a fan of the jews. >> we are going to show. [ bleep ] -- the power of the -- [ bleep ]. people ask me why i have a foul mouth? what am i supposed to do? you are coming after me. you are coming after my family. you are coming after my children. >> that's right! >> i am not supposed to fight back? so we are going to roll up our sleeves. and with err going to let the guns out. and we are going to let them know how strong and powerful and mighty we are! get [ bleep ] big money out of politics! i am the hip hop congressman. >> jesse: surprisingly, he made a great point today on the five. >> bowman said, what am i supposed to do, you are coming after my family, or my kids, i am not supposed to fight back. sounds like an israeli. it looks like the party is fractured. hilary is endorsing the fire marshall's a opponent. aoc is jumping around. what is happening. >> well, it appears that jesse, i might have groundbreaking news. according to internal tracking poll, i heard today that bowman is projected to lose his seat. he is not getting electing to congress, but he might have a job at a local gym due to the performance he just made. >> jesse: maybe in a club or something like that. he definitely knows the lyrics. you have mad maxine saying there will be a civil war. republicans are plotting something in the hills. but in la, where she hails from, jews are getting beat up by her party. >> you know, this is the constant problem with the democrats. they always try to accuse us of what they hope for and they are guilty of. i have seen the rhetoric this administration has displayed, not just to members of congress, but to independents and those that have left the democrat party with what they have seen in this administration. they realize they are losing this election. they are trying to define a trump administration before he is sworn into office, despite their attempts to keep him out of office. but i am looking forward to seeing the debate and seeing president trump present the information to the american people and getting out from under this administration. >> jesse: i have never seen anybody just going back, and i hate to bring this up, the lovefest with bowman and aoc. did you see the hug, i don't know if you hug or embrace members of congress, but there was love in the air. and i know she is engaged, and i don't want to speculate, but do you feel that close to your colleagues, honestly, do you feel that close? >> um, i don't. but what i will say is that the only other time i have seen aoc get hyped about something, is eye lashes in committee. and i would not like to see that again. nevertheless, it was not enjoyable. >> jesse: we will hear from you later in the week. i hear that you have something cooking for the attorney general. >> i do. we are going for a vote on friday. congress voted to hold the attorney general in criminal con contempt, and we are bringing that to the floor. >> okay, thank you so much. primetime has been investigating fauci for a while. he had taxpayer security after he retired. it is strange because only government officials that get that treatment are presidents, vice presidents and their families. that's it. fauci still has that security after a year of being retired now. daily mail captured the detail outside of his house. why does he need so much security? he is a doctor, not the head of an intell agency. his protection stint is winding down, but they won't say when it ends. we don't want to see fauci hurt, of course, but every public figure gets death threats. you should see mine and they mostly come from my staff. that doesn't mean you are entitled to expensive security paid for by us. and he was the highest paid guy in government, net worth in the 7 figures, he can pay for his own security if he is nervous. johnny goes to the mermaid parade. >> donald trump and joe biden facing off in a debate later this week. what is your advice to joe biden. >> do what you can to make sure that donald trump is in prison. >> he is no in prison. >> dammit. did i get eggs? 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[ cheering and applause ]. >> because when democracy is at stake, jack black answers the call! >> jesse: step out of line, or you and your career are going to get whacked. but some tv stars are not afraid to break the policy. and speaking out against joe and the democratic party. drea, best known for her role as adriana in the soprannos joins us now. >> is there a quiet trump voter out in hollywood. >> hello there, first of all. and i think there is a lot of them. i think there are a lot of -- that was a hard intro to watch. >> jesse: was it jack black? >> no. it was the italian. we were talking about fauci, deniro. i am mortified by my people. i don't know what we are doing. there are a lot of kennedy supporters and trump supporters. and wow, i wonder how much the actors got paid to endorse biden at this point. i am curious, because that seems -- i wonder if deniro got a locations fee, he had to travel to the courtroom. >> jesse: is that how it works, do you guys get paid? you can maybe not give them cash or slip them a gold bar, but can you make it a silent deal like we can give you the next role or get you a book deal. is it something like that, or an appearance fee? >> i don't know. i don't really maneuver inside that industry. i never have. sopranos, we were the outcast, even though we were critically acclaimed, we were outcasts. i am still an outcast, they are going to take me out to the woods and shoot me for not endorsing them. >> jesse: they would not lay a hand on you, they would not whack you. that's me. or johnny, because he is threaten. you may have lost fauci and deniro, but you have johnny. >> who is johnny? >> he runs around and interviews mermaids and wanda and all the crazy people on the street. this is the first time you have watched the show, isn't it? (laughter). >> listen, i never cared about politics until this moment of time. because it is not about politics any more. this is about freedom and humanity, and we the people. >> jesse: that's right. it is too important. i have never watched the sopranos, full disclosure, and i found out your role earlier this afternoon. but i am very impressed, and you are in and out an outcast, as long as you are on jesse watters primetime. thank you so much, we love you. >> thank you for having me. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the mermaid parade, known as the largest art parade in the nation was this weekend in coney island. people celebrated dressed as mermaids, and octopuses, and more. of course, johnny had to crash it. [ ♪♪ ] >> happy mermaid day. what are we celebrating here? >> doing whatever the hell you want. >> doing all things mermaid. >> sea shells! >> being yourself. >> reporter: where are your clothes? >> this is too much clothes already. >> this is us. our country. >> i am a happy little stingray. >> reporter: are you going to sting me? >> if you want to. >> reporter: i am okay. where can we find you not as a mermaid. >> i am a nurse. >> i am an optician. >> reporter: how are my balls? >> they are good, shiny. >> i am a full blown babysitter. >> save the children! >> reporter: if you were president of the united states, what would be the first thing that you do? >> give everyone food stamps. >> day one, everyone, marshall law. >> half of my family are transgender. >> half? >> my husband, my daughter. >> reporter: you are a big bill clinter guy? >> what do you say we get something done. >> reporter: is joe biden doing it for you? >> he is way, way behind. >> me, not really. >> there are some stale fish in the sea. >> better than the trumpster. >> what is biden's greatest accomplishment? >> go ahead. go ahead. don't get nervous. >> reporter: later this week, joe biden and donald trump are facing off in a debate. what advice would you give joe biden? >> be present. be alive. be awake. >> practice standing up in front of the mirror with the eyes open. >> do whatever you can to make sure that donald trump stays in prison. >> reporter: he is not in prison. >> dammit. >> talk about trump's mom. >> where is mom? mom, is she here? [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: who has the mermaid vote this election? >> joe biden. >> biden. >> do we have any other choices? >> biden. sorry. >> we have different colours. we have orange, black, green. >> i think they want the white guy. >> is kamala a good mermaid or a bad mermaid. >> a good mermaid. >> i have no clue who that is. >> reporter: the vice president. >> wow, i must be did you mean as. [ bleep ] >> um, she uses her voice. (laughter). >> dei policy is sweeping the nation. is that a good thing. >> i don't know what the hell that is. >> i don't know what that is. >> domestic educational institution? >> what is dei? i live under a rock. >> reporter: illegal immigrant pouring into the country. why is joe biden allowing this? >> people are doing all kinds of good. [ bleep ] >> there shouldn't be borders in the world. >> who cares, people are people. i don't give a -- [ bleep ] >> do you have a door on your house? >> yes, there is a door. >> reporter: why? >> so i can be secure. >> reporter: shouldn't the border be secure? >> oh. >> can i answer the question? >> reporter: what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news. >> whatever the. [ bleep ] you are doing, keep on doing it. (laughter). >> jesse: more primetime ahead. [ ♪♪ ] iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. >> jesse: major milestones other the weekend. ellie and sophie graduated from 7th grade. happy graduation. jesse went to his first day of camp, crushed it. and gigi is swimming, going under water. it is unbelievable. let's do some texts. john from seattle, $14.50 for a cheese steak, when i was growing up in philly, they were $0.35. are you older than biden? idaho, trump better be careful on how he records that $500 tip on the taxes. >> joe biden is going to sick the irs on him. dan from texas, great reference to a fish called wanda. if knowing about a fish called wanda makes you hip, i don't know. that's all for us. sean hannity is up next. i am watters, and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]

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Right , Freedom , Disclosure , Nation , Art Parade , We Love You , Coney Island , Mermaids , Octopuses , Mermaid , Shell , Clothes , Doing , Stingray , Sea Shells , Balls , Nurse , Optician , Shiny , Everyone , President Of The United States , Babysitter , Save The Children , Food Stamps , Daughter , Half , Bill , Marshall Law , Trumpster , Sea , Fish , Clinter Guy , Talk About Trump , Mom , Practice , Front , Mirror , Colours , Choices , Vice President , Clue , Green , Orange , Voice , Dei Policy , Domestic Educational Institution , Rock , Door , Good , Shouldn T Be Borders , Who Cares , Shouldn T The Border , Whatever , Symptoms , Iberogast , Combination , Herbs , Nature , Six , Weekend , 7th Grade , Graduation , Milestones , Ellie , Sophie , Camp , Swimming , Texts , Water , Gigi , John , Taxes , Idaho , 0 35 , 35 , Reference , A Fish Called Wanda , You Hip , On Him , Irs , Texas , Dan , Sean Hannity ,

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