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♪. mark: hello america i marked levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. i'm thrilled you are here to great guest peter schwarzer and charles payne before we get to them the constitution of the united states it's an amazing thing, isn't it? it's an amazing thing to listen to some of these lawyers on these reprobate networks, msnbc, cnn, or read the "new york times" of the "washington post" which i really do. i do get clips. or the rest of it you can tell they target certain judges like alito, thomas, now judge cannon in florida how they build up and praise others. this is an effort of obvious intimidation of constitutionalist brain washing of their small audiences at the same time promoting activism on the courts because they do not believe in the constitution. we have heard for years crt we have heard for years the 16th 19 project. we have heard for years the constitution was written by white slaveholders. this is a white dominant society but we are told today that people who want to defend all of this are the democrats and joe biden. so at night there defending the constitution by the date they are trashing the constitution. what does that mean? that means they hate america. they truly do. they want to undermine america that is them, not us. we have the commerce clause of the united states and it's been a verse to read by the (they are attacking the electoral college as i speak. the power of the state legislature to make election law has been under attack and still is in courts throughout america dave attacked the first amendment, the second amendment, the fourth, the fifth, the eighth and the 14th amendment does it sound like they support democracy? i don't think so. i called the 25th a member of the dormant 20th at the moment it applies to joe biden today he has a dimension he's mentally unfit to stand trial. he certainly mentally unfit to be president of the united states but of course we are faking it and joe is the sharpest tack in the drawer now we have this clause the appointment clods is center stage in the case in florida fort pierce florida involving the documents case. if you are foolish enough to listen to the legal analyst on these other networks you will have the foggiest idea of what's going on. that goes to the issue of separation of powers the democrats like separation of powers and their out of office. when they're in office they reject it, why? in order to advance their american marxist agenda you have to destroy the barriers that are against it. that is the constitution. that is her constant effort to attack, attack, attack is a dress up as george washington and claim they support democracy. joe biden has done this his entire life he undermines character assassinates, sneers people really do believe in law and order and a true justice system and our constitution. while he pushes the opposite as i explained in some detail and left science program. what is this appointments clause? let's go to the what does congress say? article two section two clause two of your constitution. it says in part he, the president, shall nominate with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint ambassadors, ugly public ministers and councils, judges of the supreme court and all other officers of the united states whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for. which shall be established by law. so, you and i look at this constitutionally and say that it's pretty clear. while, the left of their lawyers, their justices, their lawyers look at this and say how do we get around this? we look at how do we uphold that this is what it says. they say how do we get around this? they continued to say they are the deliberation of the constitutional convention in philadelphia which are writing to the prominent supporters of ratification the words and records of the state ratify us f the federal constitution reveal careful consideration about the proper method of appointment from federal offices. the delegate to the constitutional convention designing a system of appointment of our federal government offices during their experiences with two flawed methods of appointment. first the columnist who lived on the american revolution resented the often of the english crown. the royal governors the colonies to create and fill government offices. the manipulation generally achieved by creating filling the key offices of government with political favorites. who in turn depend on the entity of who appointed them with why the american revolutionary generation's greatest grievances against executive power, dictatorship. second, many early state constitutions adopted after the declaration of independence was written reacted to the perceived abuses of appointment power by the crown a rural governors by lodging the power to appoint officials with the state legislature alone. so here you have a centralized, here you had completely localized. placing the appointment power of the state representative assemblies cause considerable turmoil there is legislatures were seen as consolidating all government power, executive, judicial, legislative for themselves. remember you need power checking power is the heart of our system hurt separation of powers. this consolidation of power become the principal sort of division infection in the states. their point is this the concentration of power in the hands of a few or the concentration in the power of the legislation is still tyranny. it is still tyranny. at least in the views of many delicacy constitutional convention of the failure to give governors a stronger role in the appointment process with damaging to many state governments whose legislatures have fallen easy prey to demigods. provincialism and factions. the exercise of a points likewise the articles of confederation which provided the governing framework for the young republic before the adoption of the federal constitution author is a continental congress appoint offices. what did they do? the delegates to the constitutional convention in philadelphia were aware of the weaknesses of the models of appointment both of them. thus chosen instead to separate the power to create federal offices from the power to fill them. they chose the best congress and a legislative power including the authority to create federal offices while the power to appoint the most important officers were placed with a single person, the president subject to confirmation by the senate. separating the power to create offices from the authority to appoint officers would, and the words of james and madison provide one of the best of securities against the creation of unnecessary officers or tyrannical powers. so what do we have are with the special counsel? first of all you should note to former attorney general ed neese under reagan, michael under bush, have filed two briefs and one in the supreme court in the immunity case, the opinion of which would root release the end of next week. the case ongoing in florida they have filed a brief arguing the appointment of jack smith as special counsel is utterly unconstitutional these are two former attorneys general. this is a very serious matter. you really need to not listen to the munchkins of the legal munchkins at grifters a slip and fall lawyers are dressed up as some sort of experts on these other networks. so the position established by the constitution or statute the position is to be created by the constitution or statute. or a statute given the authority to and principal officer to delegate power. that is wit what the constitutin says. okay with jack smith appointed under the appointments clause part that deals with confirmation? know his name was never sent to the senate. the senate did not get to participate in his appointment. is there a federal statute that authorizes the attorney general to make such appointments inferior officers to delegate that power? not one there is no constitutional statute authori authority. congress has in fact conferred this power by statute on the departments of transportation, agriculture, hhs to appoint inferior offices. but not the department of justice and the attorney general. now is the so-called special counsel a principal or inferior office? the senate must confirm the appointment. he is the most powerful prosecutor in the united states. the other u.s. attorney federal prosecutors are all called principal officers. every one of them had to be confirmed by the senate of the united states by every definition by his enormous power beyond that of any attorney all of whom require senate conservation. jack smith has the power of a principal officer not an inferior officer. to comply with the constitution all the attorney general had to do is to poi was to point for ea u.s. attorney who was already, already confirmed by the united states senate. but he did not do that. the attorney general cannot get the appointments clause the critical role of the senate and appoint whomever he wants off the street without any constitutional legal authority. that is what ed neese and michael did to former attorneys general are saying. and also attorney general bart most recent example, appointed david weiss special counsel of the hunter biting case the u.s. attorney for delaware so he complied with the constitution and statutory authority he also pointed jon durham special counsel was also a sitting u.s. attorney in connecticut. to conduct his investigation per garland chose to violate the constitution. he has no statutory authority reach into the had to pick someone he wanted. a hit man. jack smith. but, for our purposes jack smith is not a principal officer sent an inferior officer he is a nothing let me give you another example 1978 congress passed the independent counsel act it was called the ethics in government act but it created independent counsel. it allowed the appointment of special counsel by a special three-judge panel i know i live do thito this i was chief to stf attorney general mees independent counsel are being appointed left and right. the law had a sunset provision every five years. it was not renewed in expired in 1999 both the republicans and the democrats set enough of these independent councils. they are doing damage. they are responsible to nobody. but they did not pass a statute to create the power within the department of justice for the attorney general to appoint a special counsel. a regulation was issued by the department of justice, giving it self power to appoint a special counsel. well, that does not fly, doesn't it? you remember the beginning. congress wanted checks and balances separation of power. power versus power for the president can appoint but the senate gets to have a say. and attorney general can appoint but did not appoint someone like jack smith. the department of justice does not have independent power to issue a regulation for appointing a special counsel violation of the constitution. without any statutory authority whatsoever. this is the matter and that is before judge cannon. she is being threatened and intimidated by the media. they are trashing her reading see tproducingthe reports from s before the friday argument the day before the friday argument. on the friday argument the other day. the same thing with the "new york times," the same thing at msnbc and cnn. they are trying to persuade you she is a lightweight and out of her league and other judges feel this way she is slow walking these cases that she is a trump appointed guess what, every federal judge is the somebody appointee with a perforated bite and appointee? of course would they prefer an obama appointee they never say about trump in washington who is a horrendous judge she is an obama appointee of the two horrendous judges on the panel in the circuit court in d.c. those are t are two biting judgy do not say that, do they? she is to be measured by what she is doing and what she is doing is exactly the right way for a judge to conduct him or herself these are unique constitutional issues being raised by an unconstitutional ironically enough special counsel. whether it is immunity, whether it is obstruction under the and enron a law whether it is his appointment per se is constitutional these are issues being raised by the biden ministration the justice department and jack smith that have to be addressed. they want to hurry, they went to get this done for they want her to steamroll all of these issues but she is not. she is doing what a judge many years more senior than her with a great deal more experience would be doing. actually trying to apply the constitutional watch lots of te events taking place. one other thing i want to emphasize, the two former attorneys general take this so seriously they have raised it in the supreme court. in the immunity case. they raised it again in the florida court. in the documents case. the judge can rule one of three ways in florida. number one, she could ignore the constitution. she could ignore the fact there is no statute which would truly undermine another part of the constitution and separation of powers as they steamroll their way, the democrats and the left of the biden administration into the stalinist type chamber. or, she could move insured the appointment of jack smith is unconstitutional therefore everything he has done is a null and void. or secondarily i support that conclusion, she could argue the appointment of jack smith is unconstitutional and give the department of justice 30 days or so forth your hand the case over to a constitutional appointee like a u.s. attorney. i am less excited about that position. but she could do that. full disclosure landmark legal foundation of which i am a chairman has filed one of those briefs. may have on the arguments on friday smith is an unconstitutional prosecutor. so this is a very serious matter and depending on how the ruling is made it could have an enormous effect on yet another part of the constitution of separation of powers that mr. democracy, biden in this hack attorney general don' here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? 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what's yes. there's no question about it hurt here's what we know. these are all facts, not in dispute the biden family has received tens of millions of dollars from formant foreign actors they have lived off of for the last several years. the money started flowing when? joe biden became vice president of the united states this money the vast majority of it came from individuals in china, ukraine and russia the vast majority of whom have ties to ford intelligence services and foreign criminal networks. there was no discernible legitimate business function any of this money was compensation for, zero. none. we know joe biden received hundreds of thousands of dollars of this money via his brother but we know his brother received the money. we know hunter biden receive the money we know hunter biden distributed that money to three generations of the biden family. that is the reality of what we are facing we are talking about not just corruption and the fact the biden's receive this money and who they received it from, it is directly affected joe biden's posture and position as a president of the united states. such that he is making decisions that protect those of people who sent him money rather than protecting the american people. mark: we have witnesses with archer, and others, we have the hunter biden laptop in the last presidential debate for years ago that joe biden did everything he could to bury and was successful in that respect. his fingerprints are in all of those e-mails and so forth but we have joe biden with lunch meetings, dinner meetings, golf events, phone calls with the various in business and partners with hunter bided and so forth. and yet he has never been investigated for this, has he? the attorney general talks unconstitutional counsel to go after donald trump. but when it comes to joe biden he has not paid the department of justice has been you cannot indict a sitting president that we have a special counsel who is investigating documents, not the finances who definitively conclude joe biden committed numerous acts of willfully violating the espionage act. in fact he got $8 million advance in exchange for what appears to be the conference of classified information relating to afghanistan for his book. the fact of the matter is joe biden you argue is a crook. joe biden you argue has received a lot of money. let me put it through this way. joe biden on the senator's salary how did he afford a winch and in wilmington and rehoboth beach? how did he do that? roxanne is a great question and i think we know the answer to it. here's the bottom line. if you look at them bribery statutes involving the federal government it is not a question of just the politician gets paid. if a politician's family member gets paid and there are favors done in return that constitutes a bribery. all you have to do is look at the timeline of a series of actions i will just pick one. we know for example based on the testimony of jason was one of hunter biden's business partners that may four, 2014 joe biden received a phone call from hunter biden and a russian oligarch this is right after the russians had invaded ukraine. she had a lot of concerns. one of them was she was going to end up on this sanctions list. oligarchs of which she is one should be sanctioned by the federal government. we know based on this testimony under oath hunter biden called vice president joe biden. they said hello and joe biden told her please be good to my son. the phone call is over and guess what, even though she is a pro- putin oligarch never ends up on that u.s. sanctions list she sends through a half million dollars to hunter biden's business. that is just one example of a multitude. look at the issue of fentanyl. it is killing 100,000 americans every year joe biden and his family receive a 5 million-dollar interest-free loan from a chinese and businessmbusinessman in 2017. they do not dispute it they did not pay the quote unquote loan back. as a business part of the many send the money to the biden families a business partner with the head of the chinese criminal gang that set up the cartel and the fentanyl trade. joe biden never talks about, does not want to talk about chinese involvement in the fentanyl trade. mark: so basically peter schweizer the supreme court rules in some fashion you cannot pursue a former president first prior actions both as president and before that, and in the appointment clause matter in front of judge cannon in florida she rules the appointment of a check smith is constitutional and should donald trump win the presidency they can appoint a special counsel in there's no statutory or constitutional authority they can pursue these issues you have a raised in exquisite detail you've raised them over and over again. and then joe biden can effect be investigated by the feds under special counsel for his crooked deals and that f is a family. what should this point they have not been ♪ hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for gerald? 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is it possible they don't have to blackmail but he knows what they need and want this is a man who carries mostly number one about himself. number two about himself and number three about himself and his power he is delivering these things even though they harm the united states and our economy pretending it is about climate change when in fact it is about communist china. >> yes i would argue a suck quid pro quo in the sense we will give you this money in return. it's more like a retainer agreement we are your friends. we're good to your family, you be good to us. that has manifested in these approaches let's be clear the chinese are very sophisticated about this. they called this strategy elite capture pay what they say with the leak capture is one thing what it is a big help with the little bad mouth in other words it's okay if joe biden occasionally criticizes them and says stop stealing our technology stop doing terrible things they expect him to do that because they know he has to maintain his political viability but when it comes to the big things the things that really matter to them which is access to our technology. access to our capit to her capi. access to our market joe biden is giving them absolutely everything they want. that is the bottom line. mark: is a reason why i'm sure the communist chinese will be rooting for joe biden that the nazi regime in tehran even russia because they don't trump was tough to them and cut off oil to them they are running for joe biden which preclear our enemies are rooting for joe biden and it's pretty clear the american people are suffering under joe biden and his policies this appeasement if not worse with communist china with iran, with north korea and the others, there has to be an explanation beyond the fact he is a blithering idiot. all right peter schweizer i want to thank you my friend, god bless you for for quick thinkig marco is great to be wit if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? 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what are they getting economically from joe biden? >> nothing. actually they are getting something they are getting pain because all of that money you talked about not only did it stoke and spark inflation, inflation by the way we had written off. we had gone a long time without inflation crisis. all of the sudden you put in a $1.9 trillion unnecessary all the sudden you tell people you do not have to pay back your college loans you not only have to pay this back and you add another trillion on have the nerve to call inflation reduction. when they've actually gotten is the exact opposite of gotten a lot of pain that will not go away. they've also seen the elites get everything. president biden is been the best the president forget about lower taxes i am talking about putting so much money into the economy it is in no way in nowhere to go except in the pockets of the top 1% everyone else is left holding the inflation bag. mark: it's amazing what he says he's defending democracy when he is destroying our public he said is for the little guy and attacking the rich they need to pay their fair share. in fact he is funneling as much money to the wealthiest in america as possible. the average american, their food prices their gasoline prices, rents, home purchasing and so forth and so on. are we in stagflation? i get the sense interest rates are high and inflation is high but the value of money people are able to buy less because of products and services are costing more. >> one 100% spot on. this week at jp morgan use the term had to look it up selective at recession. they're not the first firm on wall street this month to talk about or admit there are two americas. one is in a recession already. on the stag's side that's the economy demand is going down we know this. when these inflation numbers come out they say it's better than expected with the real story is we've had it we can't buy any more airl anymore airlie going down. hotel prices are going down relative to the way they were going up. to be compounded at prices that have compounded over the last four years will never go completely away. people live with that every single day. we have two americas but the one desperate the one barely holding on gross every single day. i could add to that list you just mentioned insurance, whether it is home insurance, whether it's a life insurance, with over 100,000 people this year cancel their pet insurance the average american cannot make it in this economy. mark: he keeps going toward strategic oil reserve in training and out and doing other things and try to put a band-aid over what he has done. but he has done to this economy. he let's the russian pipeline with germany open set up after trump shuts it down but then he shuts down our pipelines. when you look at illegal immigration you are talking about millions and millions of people coming into this country, it doesn't that affect our workforce? doesn't that affect the wages of hard-working americans make? >> i'm so glad you brought this up. over the last four months of economist, particulate labor economists have tried the weave in the story we had a record amount of migrants they have alleviated the job situation. they make illegal immigration part of it a heroic story. if it was not for these illegals prices would be even higher. and of course, listen, just think about mayor adams of new york city. that problem illegal immigration could break new york city the richest wealthiest city in the world. you have to house of people you have to feed people if to make sure they are safe and have clothes on their back you have to police setting up the police the things that they do. it's extraordinarily in the wake of it certainly outweighs any fact you got someone to go with certain tasks low-paying task that is where you heard a lot of uneducated americans and lower income americans. you are a small business owner, small business owners will go to someone who will do the job for a lot less. mark: alright charles payne and we can back my question to use this for more years of joe biden could you possibly actually push america into a depression? by destroying the value of our currency for this endless spending? and redistribution of wealth and war on capitalism? sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. mark: welcome back america. charles payne my questions is qs the value of our money, our pensions, our savings, the constant printing of money. we have four more years under this under joe biden for the average person you talk about two economies could they be facing the likes of a depression? >> i think so i really do. it would be again i was the best of times it was the worst of times it will be the worst of times for the vast majority of americans. neil ferguson's story and put out a great piece recently talked about one thing that just happened in america that should be the ultimate red flag. we are spending more money on the interest on our debt that we can afford to spend on the defense of our nation any time that has happened in history from the spanish empire to the audubon empire to the british empire to the france ancient empire every single time that has happened those empires have grumbled we have spent so much money we've got to spend absorbent amount truly is in the future to satisfy the interest. how do we fund education? how do we fund the police? how do we find our military in the meantime the average american is carrying a burden $27 million this year of this debt went to student loan forgiveness the richest of americans we have turned this thing completely upside down president biden has created in america strictly for the elites the educated elites have it so while the rest of us are going to suffer. mark: you know charles payne he runs as if he doesn't has a record he has not been part of the washington crowd for half a century. if these things and needed to be address social security and medicare we are now told not just now but we are told there on the slippery path that they are going under. all of these things coming together isn't joe biden exactly the wrong person to deal with this because he does not understand economics? what he understands is in propaganda and stoking people up and redistribute wealth. do you think is a capitalist butts? >> is a capitalist for himself if you look at any socialist country or communist country there's those at the very top that have everything. they've got private jets. think about the dictators of the world they have at everything while their people suffered. it is a wealth for me and no one else. i've got to point this out it really is a truly truly important. this is the year i think president trump should go after the labor union labor and uterus are getting the shaft this is the yuriy go after young voters should go after black voters you go after hispanic voters for the democratic party has remade itself under joe biden into an elitist party the recent pew poll admitted as much or more and more do not see themselves as middle-class but upper-class folks who live in new york city they eat avocado toast and water by the mexican cartels are so powerful. you have allowed them to take over the mexican rating force of the drug trafficking and human trafficking they live this amazing life and do not realize the consequences of their amazing life hurts everyone else. mark: i know biden even campaigns that wait ritzy in new york. ritzy in hollywood he is depending on all the billionaires for his money. but it's trump who goes to detroit. it's trump who goes to the bronx. if trump is going to go to these areas it's trump who talks of the head of the uaw it is trump was trying to reach into that population, those of people what they call the forgotten americans. i didn't just assume he's going to get them for just claims he should get them. >> it got a machine the machine' has worked so well for so long. but it is also arrogance. this the kind of arrogance that ultimately is where you do get regime changes. at some point those in charge think they are untouchable. this campaign go to beverly hills and then complain about climate all the private jets went out there and the people that he met in the bigger climate footprint then countries do, entire nations the hypocrisy starting to echo louder and louder and louder and at some point it will catch up maybe it will be this november. mark: it biden has half a century express destroying things and does not build the thing whether it is race, whether it is our economy whether it is the border, the military, he is a wrecking ball. but something is built up as resentment and racial animosity that's the only thing is ever built up. mark: charles payne thank you my brother. god bless you sir. >> you've got it, thanks. mark: we will be right here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. >> welcome back america i am not naïve, i understand how these work in the presidential debate coming up. if joe biden manages to stand there without spittle dripping down his chin and without falling asleep you leaving the stage without banging his head he will be called victorious, joe biden can be president of the united states, whatever happens in this debate, nothing is changed, joe biden hasn't changed, he is a failed politician who is destroying their country, our border, our economy, our military and our allies, donald trump has not changed, he is a strong president who loves the country, who supports the military, supports the police, believes in capitalism and loves you, the american people. whatever happens on that stage is called the stage for a reason, the facts don't change. joe biden must be defeated. liberty and levin". ♪

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