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>> hello, i am allysia acuna along with doctor park siegel and joe concha. welcome to the "big weekend show". the big stories of fox news alert. trump takes on the city of brotherly love, the pro forma president had cheesesteaks before heading to north philadelphia for a rally in front of thousands of support supporters. philly is the first in a series of recent stops trump as he tries to gain momentum and blue cities. >> as we await for him to head to the mic in philadelphia, this is the second each of the day, we heard from him earlier today when he was in washington d.c. >> he's clearly serious expanding is based. not only not afraid to see biden at the cnn presidential debate but not afraid of going to blue cities. if you're going to be president of the united states, your president of everybody and want everybody to know what it is you're going to do and how you will help them in the way is to see them, it makes a big difference, we see this with communities of color noting with republicans especially, bothering to go see them, bothering to visit their city, bothering to go to the place that matters and i think it's part of the. >> earlier, alexis mcadams had a chance to have a one-on-one with the former president and we understand he knows his vice presidential pick is and that person will be at the debate. >> i think we buried the lead. the big story. he or she will be is a debate next week in atlanta, the presidential debate simulcast on fox and the convention is a few weeks after that so getting late early around here but looking at trump on the stage, imagine joe biden going to a nascar in talladega or football game or texas or nebraska, it takes real brass because where he speaking in philadelphia, he got 5% of the vote in 2020. he's not afraid to reach out to black voters, hispanic and voters may not have supported him the last time around while other candidate joe biden his hunger down for seven days to study for debate like he's cramming to pass the bar for the first time so trump is expanding the map. >> the vp will be at the debate, it will probably be everyone who's been on that list so whoever is not there is the issue. >> ahead of the polls in pennsylvania so it makes sense to go to philadelphia because the black vote and jewish vote voters, biden is making a mess of israel policies. >> we are going to listen in right now. [cheering] >> wanted twice in actuality and we won all the times in the primaries, great success here, the biggest year we've ever had. this is going to be a big one. this great place, i love this place. i've gone to a couple of games. you still have good teams, i don't know. a great coach, actually. hello, pennsylvania. it's good to be with you. i'm thrilled to be back in the birthplace of american freedom thousands and thousands proud hard-working american patriots which is what you are. in five months we are going to win this commonwealth, evicted cricket joe biden and we are going to make america great again. [cheering] lesson four years ago our border was secure, inflation was nowhere to be seen. the world was at peace, respected your country. america was strong like never before because you finally have a president who put america first. i put america first. [cheering] now under coco joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country, the world is in flags. inflation is raging, crime is out of control. europe and chaos, the middle east exploding. their land is emboldened. china is on the march. this horrible president is dragging us through world war iii, we are going to be in world war iii soon. trump was right about everything, you see it. trump was right. they're racing o'clock. we are raising a clock. world war iii with this guy. that's why november the people of pennsylvania are going to tell crooked joe biden, you're fired, get out. get out. [cheering] your communities have suffered more under the biden regime than philadelphia. under coco joe, the city of about brotherly love is ravaged by bloodshed and crime. two weeks ago, nine people were shot in a single weekend including three teenagers so seriously hurt, murders in philadelphia reached the highest level in six decades. retail theft and philly mice meant so much time here. up 135% since i left office. the convenience stores are closing down left and right, pharmacies to lock up soap. you want to buy a little bar of soap? you got to go to a big deal, open the class, open the steel. they can't keep a bar of soap, people just walk in and take it. you can't buy toothpaste or toothbrush. you want toothbrush? it takes you 45 minutes. meanwhile, schools are ranked fourth from the bottom in the entire nation and cricket joe has no plan to approve them. we are moving the department of education back to the states. [cheering] some of our states are going to do a fantastic job running education. if you think about it, spend more people than anywhere in the world and we are at the bottom of the list so as i used to say, about a group that likes me very much, what do you have to lose? we might as well do it. [cheering] we will be able to cut education and half and get much better education and some i can name right now, the best education anywhere in the world some want do as well, couple of states like gavin newsom will not do very well. under the trump administration, we are going to bring law and order and safety back to our streets. we are going to bring success back to our schools, we are going to bring prosperity back to our forgotten communities. we are going to liberate our great cities and make philadelphia better and more beautiful than ever before. [cheering] saving this once incredible place begins with stopping the killing and crime setting records every single week. unbelievably crooked joe biden is going around trying to blame, he's claiming crime is down. crime is so much up. first of all, we have a new form of crime. it's called biden migrant crime. all these millions of people that have come in, they are just getting warmed up because they wanted to feel out. they didn't know what the words politically correct me because in their country if they do over here with a do over there, they would be shot instantly. they can't believe what's happening over here so it's only going to get worse, worse and worse to the election. after the election in january, it's going to get real good. [cheering] we are going to give community to police so they arrest somebody for speak a little harshly, they won't be discarded, they won't be destroyed. they will be thrown in jail because they raised their voice to a criminal. they won't lose their family, they will lose their home, they will lose their pension but the fbi crime statistics, biden is pushing, they are fake just like everybody else in this administration. now he saying all the mishaps were fake. they say fake news covered him in a fake manner. that's a lot of fake news. that's a lot of fake news. they are all going out of business, nobody believes them anymore and it didn't help when they went along with the biden scam. what does he call it? you know what he calls it? they get them in about nine different positions, even normal positions although i assume he's been some very bad ones but they get into all of these horrible compromising ways and they say it really wasn't that way. and everybody sends cameras, everyone has a camera. if i blow it, they take a perfect brilliant beautiful i make and they go for two hours without teleprompters and if i say one word slightly out, they say he is cognitively impaired. [laughter] where biden can run into walls, he can pull off the stage, he can call up the stairs, he falls up. he in turn around -- listen to this. from 20000 feet of paratroopers landing right in front of him, everybody, all the foreign leaders watching and he turns around to look at a tree. [laughter] then they say it was fake, he's fine and the press goes along with it. they go along with it. isn't it terrible the way they cover him? the worst president in history by four and we have to get him out for this country is not going to survive another year. according to the national crime survey, there has been 43% increase in violent crime before 50% increase in rates and 89% increase in aggravated assaults and 56% increase in robberies other than that, i think we are doing quite well. don't you? with your vote, joe biden, terror will begin to receive the moment i take oath of office : january 20. i will stand with the heroes of law enforcement. we will give our police officers the resources and support they need to drive down your crime zero. federal law enforcement resources to the places that need the most, there are some places like places i know well here that are out of control. if you walk down certain streets, 50/50 chance of not ever seen your home again. let's not too good. instead of throwing them in jail as biden has done, we are going to crack down on the gains of drug dealers, human traffickers and criminal cartels. [cheering] we are going to stand up to the out of control das like philadelphia, despicable prosecutors, larry krasner. how did he get in? the blood of capitalist, men, women, children including american citizens because he refuses, it refuses to prosecute me. more than any human being. about more than the great capone. have you heard of scarface? my parents are looking down, how did this happen to my son? i won an election i wasn't supposed to win. [cheering] and better the second time by a lot. we did much better with those of you in the big news, much better the second time in the first time. we got the most votes for a sitting president in the history of our country but you just missed it. you just lost -- no. we can't let this happen. i have never seen it, we had a great 2016, even better 2020. there's never been enthusiasm like him saying no. never been. [cheering] [cheering] [chanting] [chanting] >> isn't that great they've got the best seat in the house. [cheering] if there is a star in the crowd, the cameras on them, they may be only conceive the back of my head but you figure out the best seats. if there is a on the group, they will be found by the fake news. but my administration will aggressively defend the right of every american who lived in safety and peace. as a country again. [cheering] biden migrant crime, new categories. i told dana white, is what we going to do. tough cookies with prisons and mental institutions. i said he's got a big fight right now, a good friend of mi mine. tena what he said? who's the toughest person you've ever met? definitely donald trump, he said. but i said i have an idea for you to make a lot of money. you're going to go get a new migrant slightly. only migrants. at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion the how it to tell you, i think a migrant might win, that's how tough they are. this is not a normal situation, this is not always these wonderful people. these people are drug dealers, gang members, killers and so many different ways. we probably have 18 million, 20 million by the time we get this guy out there with got to get them out fast and even bigger problems. we got to get them out fast. the biggest problem is what he's saying to russia, china, kim jong un, north korea. what he's saying to these countries laughing at us, the can't believe this is happening. day one i will seal the border, stop the invasion and send joe biden's illegal aliens back ho home. day after day, week after week joe biden leasing illegal criminals into our immunities, to plunder and to kill. by the way, is the only thing. he doesn't even have a clue in my opinion. young people that are fascists and communists that surround, they surround him in the oval office, the resolute desk. it's been soiled. the gorgeous resolute desk. what they are doing to our country destroying our country just this week a 12-year-old girl in houston, jocelyn was set up, stripped and strangled to death after walking to a 711 near the side of the road and heinous murder or two, illegal aliens savages he set loose into our country. they came across our border. [cheering] claiming they feared for their lives in venezuela, they fear for their lives. venezuela, crime is down 72% because they've taken their criminals, their drug dealers and most of the people in their jails, they problem to the united states of america. [booing] they were afraid for their liv lives, they couldn't stand it if they were so afraid, so afraid. but they waited only weeks before murdering this precious young beautiful girl, one was here for 21 days before the order took place. last week another illegal alien who joe biden said into our country, 13-year-old children. machete in broad daylight and like a scene from a horror movie force them into the woods, tied them together and raped a young girl. an apartment i grew up in next to, he put on camera, he thought it was great. i used to go to that part, i would ride my bike, i was a kid, too. i ride my bicycle to the park and my mother left me but she would say be home at a certain time, you know. for years there was never any thought of anything happening. now if you go to a park, have a good chance of never seeing your child again. this is not living in a country we grew up in. we are not going to stand for it. we are going to take our country back. they're going to take our country back. [cheering] in iowa this week, another illegal immigrant released by joe biden that guilty to sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl and last week another biden migrant was arrested for the rape and murder racial, i spoke to her mother, patricia, patty as they say. rachel was a 37-year-old mother of five who he attacked while out for a run, she wanted to stay in good shape and she ends up getting killed. police believe the animal responsible for rachel skilling chris murdered a young woman in el salvador and fled across joe biden's wide open border. wide open, come on in. into the united states. now we have the unsafe this order in the history of the world after what she obviously attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother in a home in los angeles before killing rachel and a lot of rachel's family is here. incredible people and deeply grateful for the brother and sister and rachel. stand up, please? wherever you may be. they've gone through hell. i watched them on television. i've watched you on television, a tough deal. [cheering] people say time, i don't know if that's the answer. thank you very much. we grieve rachel's lost, we pray god will ease your pain and result to secure our border so this will never happen again but you know it's going to happen again because we have an incompetent man, he's incompetent and happens to be the president. all he has to do is say close the border. he doesn't need congress. i didn't have congress. i closed the work, we have the safest border. all has to do is say close the border. [cheering] he doesn't need anything from congress. [cheering] thank you for being with us. [chanting] we built hundreds of miles of wall, mexico to give us thousands and thousands and we had a great border even while building it. then we were going to add 200 miles of wall in every election take place. what happened is when i left, all hell broke loose and they didn't want to finish the wall. they didn't want to put up additional wall we built and the highest border patrol, incredible people, by the way. border patrol are nice. it would have taken three weeks, they decided to sell it for 5 cents on the dollar. when i returned to the white house, we will stop rate, slaughter and destruction of our american suburb cities and towns, that's what's happening. it's getting worse. it's getting worse and worse by the day. federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement. the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. you know who had the largest? general like the eisenhower, good general, good president. very much responsible for the interstate highway system but he was tremendous not wanting people to illegally flow into our country. the strongest deportation problem, hours will have to be stronger than his because he didn't have 20 million people walk in and these are people out of the jails and mental institution, he didn't have the. i know every one of the presidents over there, i called them presidents, dictators, kings and queens, they come from all over the world. i do the same thing as them. they are emptying their jails and mental institutions. i would have done it faster because they have some people left. i would have had -- we are like a dumping ground for the rest of the world. it's going to stop january 20 at a level you haven't seen before. [cheering] we have a card that shows a graph -- i don't know if my guys can find it. there is. i didn't think they would get that. they're getting better after doing this for a few years. if you look at the arrow on the bottom, the red arrow on the bottom, is the week i left office, the lowest level of illegal immigration in the history of our country, recorded history. then crooked joe biden came to office, 3-dollar bill, i used to say to dollar bill the they make to dollar bills. he's crooked as a 3-dollar bill. he came to office right there and there was an explosion of illegal immigration. by the way, drugs and human trafficking is mostly in women, i hate to say. you think of it as an agent thing but you know what made it almost as big? the internet. it's made it massive, human trafficking and there's more going on right now during this horrible pathetic time in offi office, there is. done by the border patrol. that's done by the border patr patrol. the lowest, i am very proud of that and that supersedes a couple of things. last night -- they will never tell you this because they are fake news but last night, in my opinion the most respected pull out there, of course if we get a bad one, i'll take that back. [laughter] if they come up with a bad poland a month from now, saying it's terrible but no it isn't. highly inspected poster and they came out with a poll that trump is ten points up. [cheering] the fake news will not report. but they do report they are leaving -- leading in every single swing state, in pennsylvania by a lot. [cheering] a good-looking man. thank you. i like the hat. thank you very much. we are doing good. we have some people here. you see those beautiful women? [cheering] look at that. they come from a place called -- nobody's ever heard of this, north carolina. [cheering] we won both times and one by a lot. we did so good, the head of the publican party in north caroli carolina, we put in charge. this is there one 18th rally and i don't know what's happening with the husband, there all married. they are all happily i think married. are you happily married? look at this, way over 100. row joe is here. they come in and they have been -- they've been here 201 times. i can't believe i did that many. did i do that many? [cheering] thank you, front row. thank you very much. he looks great. are we going to win? [cheering] we've got this call last night and they did with kennedy and the other ones in their. cornell west, one of my favorite candidates. i like joe stein, i like her very much, one 100% from them. he takes one 100%. kennedy is probably the d/50 but he's a fake. he's a fake. he's a total take. he's more liberal than joe bid biden. kennedy is more liberal than all of them. he wants to be in the debate but his at-bat numbers. i'd like to have him at the debate actually. but his at-bat numbers. i don't think he will ever joe biden's open borders a disaster for african-american hispanic american populations so when millions of people flow over, the people that are number one african-americans in this country. number two, have they taken your job yet? they better not. i don't think they will get your job. i will fight the. they are not getting a job. [cheering] nobody's getting his job but i will tell you, they are taking african-american jobs and hispanic american jobs. you know what else? the unions. we have a lot of teamsters here. i think we are doing 89% or something. i hope sean is losing right now. we russia and getting it to the top but great teams, a lot of new york because they were incredible but the unions are incredibly impacted by millions of people pouring into our country so the african-american population is being destroyed by joe biden. remember his statement super predator, don't forget the super predator statement. the biggest phony on earth, virtually all of the net jobs created hunter biden have gone to migrants. almost one 100% of the jobs created -- what's better, crooked joe or his sleepy joe? people. you do a poll, they say that will cost $1 million. they go out and interview 200 people. that will be $1 million. ready? crooked joe first, sleepy second. ready? okay. who likes crooked joe the best? [cheering] who likes to be joe the best? [cheering] crooked -- [cheering] sleepy joe -- [cheering] that's the first time sleepy joe has ever beaten crooked joe the first so tonight we will refer to him as sleepy joe because as you know, right now crooked joe has gone to a log cabin to study, prepare . he is sleepy now because they want to get him good and strong so little before debate time he gets a shot in the -- they want to drink and him up so he comes out, he'll come out -- okay. i say you will come up all jacked up. will anybody will be watching the debate thursday night? [cheering] they taken so much fun out of it. there's no audience. they wanted us to sit down. i said look, i really want to do this. they gave me something that couldn't be accepted. they gave me an offer i couldn't accept and i said i'll do it. number one, cnn. fake news. [booing] then donna basch -- it's not dana, it's donna. you know that right? isn't it? it's either. then they said -- figure this but no audience. his like death. two of us in two of them, it's like death. could be the most boring or exciting, who knows? i recall them, they had a presidential commission, they were turning off my mike and they were allowed to they had to apologize. they apologized, the debate was over, we won the debate we won just about all those serious how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty? tough and nasty and just say the worst president in history or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? be tough. tough. but anyway, i'm sure he will be prepared. whatever happened to the cocaine missing a month ago? whatever happened? under the trump administration, american workers will come first. we will buy american, we will hire american serious biden wants -- [cheering] seer bringing it back. so oil industry, autoworkers are largely on my side. they have the worst union head in the country. this guy wants to make all electric cars, ev. they don't go far, they cost too much, they are made in china. other than that, i think they are actually quite wonderful but is getting decimated by his union. he actually supported sleepy j joe. just for this -- i'm going back to crooked, in fact, i took it away from crooked hillary so i don't want to give it back to her because now i call her beautiful hillary, she's a beautiful woman. the greatest day of her life when i took the branding off h her. i no longer call her -- i can't give it back but i'm going to go sleepy joe for the rest of this particular -- this is a wild time in philadelphia. [cheering] now the fake news will say trump is rambling. no, it's genius what i'm doing but nobody understands. they know that they don't admit it. when i showed him not being able to get off the stage and i imitate him sometimes, he will go -- [laughter] then he can never find the stairs. we have about seven stairs on every -- we have one, two -- three, four. this was built privately so we have only four. the ones built by the government have seven or eight so i made the mistake of imitating him. there was a wall behind me and kept walking into the wall because that's what happens. i called up my wife, you heard the story and i said who could do this but me? i had 35 -- i had 107,000 people in new jersey. we love wildwood. [cheering] 25000 people and that was a rainbow coalition. there wasn't one that word, it wasn't a fight, it was like a lovefest, the most beautiful d day, everybody came together. do you know why? the people of our country are looking for help. whether they are white, brown, black or anything else, they are looking for hope. they are tired of being called stupid people all over the wor world. four years ago we were so respected now left that. i took hundreds of billions of dollars away from china. one of the fakers up there said he didn't take any money from china. terrorists. i tariff to them for hundreds of billions of dollars. he said the american people -- no, china paid in the american people didn't pay for that at all. they always find a reason. they are genius in a certain way but very bad genius. i am nice genius. joe biden wants to be president for illegal aliens but i will be the president for law-abiding americans of every background and walk of life, every race, religion and color. [cheering] i don't care if joe biden's executive action, he first -- a couple weeks ago signed this -- i want to use bad language. do you know why? a man i like, franklin graham, son of the late billy graham. i like franklin and he wrote me a letter and he said president, i love your speaking, ability to speak is incredible, storytelling is great but could be so much better if you didn't use foul language and he's wrong because -- but i have been working so hard -- it's not that hard. the problem is, if you don't interject every once in a while -- i'm only talking about one or two times during an entire speech. speeches go on for two hours. one or two, frankly give me one or two words. if you don't, you don't get the emphasis but it's okay. so far, i did one today good faith and freedom and i was really good. i didn't interject. could have been better if i used a couple that words. when i see people walk out, then we will stop. okay? i like so i'm not going to use the word bullshit -- i refuse to use it. [cheering] is not that bad a word. i will take media action to so prosperity to every part of our land. when i left office, inflation was practically nothing. during my time, we had gas down to $1.87 a gallon and some points even less than that. mortgage rates 2.7%. then joe biden blew it to shre shreds. biden's inflation price hikes and energy destruction caused the average american family an astounding $28000. that's a lot of money. with me, they made 16000. that's a lot of money. inflation is a disaster, a country buster, total country buster and when you look at the prices of eggs and bacon, it's gone up one 100%, much more than that in some cases and people are making -- she said you can eat anymore. don't ever eat again. even i won't bite bacon anymore, too expensive. i'd love to have lovely bacon darling and she said i'm sorry, too expensive. [laughter] the monthly cost of the typical mortgage has doubled under crooked joe biden but it's got much more than that so with me was around to percentage and now 10% and you can get the money so and you can't get the money, that means it's not 10% rate? day one of my new administration we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with maga. [cheering] it was just announced, this is a big announcement. just announced the budget deficit is now expected to be 2 trillion. that's the green new scam stuff. let's build a window on every corner. a window that doesn't work. i'd like to watch television. sorry, the wind is blowing tonight. cruel inflation much worse than anybody ever imagined. i believe it's the worst inflation the country has ever had. i will and joe wasteful spending and terminate the green new sc scam. [cheering] you know what the green new scam is? the water in your process. have you tried to buy a new home and you turn on the water and they have restrictors? sure hands, turn on the water in the districts. the soap, you can't get it off your hands so you keep it running for about ten times longer. the worst is your hair. i have this beautiful luxuriant hair that was tough on. [cheering] i like lots of lather because i like it, extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. i lathered up and turn on this crazy shower trips. i'm going to be here 45 minutes. they put restrictors and put them on places like here where there is so much water you don't know what to do with it. it rains a lot in certain places but their idea -- did you see the other day, i opened it up and they closed it. i opened it and they closed it. washing machines to wash the dishes. they don't want you to have any water. no water. >> you are just listening to former president trump and we are going to talk about some of the things he he was discuss ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit president biden can run into walls. [laughter] he can fall off the stage, he can go up the stairs, he falls up, horrible compromising posts and they say it really wasn't that way. they say impaired. former president trump moments ago at his rally in front of thousands of supporters in philadelphia. alexis adams spoke with president trump while getting cheesesteaks by before the rally. >> former president donald trump says he's preparing for the upcoming in an presidential debate on the campaign trail, different picture than we see was happening with president joe biden was hunkered down at camp david trying to come up with a strategy. this is what trump had to say about it. >> he's preparing camp david, do you think he's going to be good on the stage? >> you will be fine and then forget it within about an hour of preparing so we will see what happens. >> according to a recent college poll, trump is leading biden by two points. trump on a swing state right n now, michigan, wisconsin, georgia and pennsylvania to name a few in the past few weeks. the former president one in 2016 but lost in 2020 and recent polling shows trump doing better in those states this time around. young and nonwhite voters who say they are upset with biden's handling of the economy and also because every time he's out on the trail, see protesters show up. trump is sitting urban areas to gain support in the swing stat states. >> going to philly, what is the plan? >> a lot of love, there's no hope with this guy, the worst president we've ever had. there's no hope and i say it all the time, i didn't even realize it the people need hope. i go out and see the greatest people, it's a pretty rough area and it's a lovefest, it's incredible. they want hope in the future. [cheering] these are not people who would normally go wild. it's amazing. >> you can hear the chance behind him at this piece take shop in philadelphia but what we didn't find out is who the vp pick will be, that could be announced in the coming days. >> great job, fun stuff. this rally classic, classic trump. the same guy when you think back to 2015 and 16, there's always a plan, he says there's no plan, there's a plan but it's easy because he likes what he's doi doing, it gives him wind in his back. what is your take away very funny. >> incredible even for him, incredibly energized. we couldn't stop watching because right there with the one-liners. when he was referring to the cnn presidential debate thursday, he was talking about how there won't be an audience, they took all the fun out of it and you can see what he's talking about. he had the audience voting on nicknames for president biden and a cheer for one name and everyone would cheer and they would do another. he is very comfortable with the crowd so we were talking, if he can maintain the energy and tone throughout the presidential debate, that could work in his favor. if he's able to do that. >> this i think is key, the difference between having to stay away and prepare for seven days versus owning the nature of the issues knowing what you arty want to convey, is this a sign of things to come, his attitude and demeanor? >> the word i wrote down to some of the speech if i had to do with ongoing work, swaggart. a close second, confidence. this was a 2016 version of donald trump we are seeing. he's a happy warrior and the crowd ate out of his hand. this is in philadelphia, 5% and arena of 10000 sold out tonight. a couple of notes i had as far as the nickname, contest, sleepy joe was edged out by -- look at joe edged out -- >> transfer from hillary. >> hillary has a new nickname, beautiful hillary because she's a beautiful woman. forty-three minutes since the speech still talking about immigration, hammering that home especially amnesty plan joe biden is caring out and talk about inflation, wasteful spending. when you go to places like beverly hills, california, detroit, wildwood, new jersey, the bronx, you are planning to win while joe biden is away for seven days helping not to lose. >> two things -- piggybacking what was already said, it's clear you see his strategy is going to go into the debate, he's going to contrast his abilities to biden's reading off the teleprompter, he said that over and over again and i've interviewed him, he never uses the teleprompter, he doesn't even have notes so he literally just talks. that's what he's saying, this is my cooperative test compared to the other guy falling off the stage. the other thing, philadelphia is number two in the northeast in terms of illegal migrants so that's where he's going to hit. alexis was saying this in her report, he's going to hit cities vulnerable because they are filling with migrants that came across the border that he saying he had a secure whether he really had a secure it, it's not secure enough so he's contrasting his border policies with the current border polici policies, contrasting his cognition to biden's. >> i think -- it's not that these cities are vulnerable necessarily, they are two cities, they voted for democra democrats, they are getting what they voted for, it is the contrast between this is real, this is what you spend voting for, you can make a difference, you can change vote, you can decide this is not what you believed in, this is not what you voted for, isn't that part of it? even people an alternative? >> you hit the nail on the head because what he's doing is going to places that politically are unfriendly. that's the expectation, he's not going to receive 12 but what does he do? take what he's pulling at his highest with and focuses on th that. forty-three minutes, he did this on his western swing as well, order, order, border because when folks are talking about top issues, sometimes it's the economy and border and sometimes democracy. >> he moves into the economy but goes into unfriendly territory and takes his strength and highlights that and brings that. >> he did give black people 500,000 jobs before the pandemic hit. he's only going from 5% in this neighborhood up to 11%. obviously his way behind but he probably thinks he has a sales pitch that. >> for the state and electors of that state and being able to w win, pennsylvania, if you can bring along five to 10% more black americans ten, 20% more suburban women, 5% more urban voters like philadelphia, you can when the state. >> if joe biden cameron of the store the store, he doesn't win georgia. >> even by a few points. >> if he gets to double digits -- we see polls were he's pulling it 23, 24% support he's beating joe biden among hispanics. here's the bottom line. the ballgame is the cnn presidential debate which will be on fox as well june 27. joe biden may be energized, that doesn't help with your memory so if he talks about how he inherited 9% inflation or mass of the border were all these things, they are going to look for in a candidate and i know this because i hear this from cnn -- >> one minute left, what you think will happen? >> i don't know what will happen but what a lot of independents out there, they are going to be looking for something they won't expect because they are already having expectations. >> joe was implying he will have a different. >> this is what people -- people i don't think are confused or don't know who they like best, you have camps already do know what you do have independent who are back in the hills with the conviction and where it stands and they want to see if trump is the same guy and he's got i guess because they will have to talk about details on the issues which trump talks about all the time, biden not so much. this has been fabulous. we were transfixed and laughing, even if you disagree, there is a dry sense of humor a great time, a difficult season always got to be able to laugh and have a good time. take you everyone for joining us today and we had a good time, we are going to do it again have a great night, everyone. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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