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for time served on criminal has been taken off our streets a 13-year-old girl it shocked our entire city. >> on this day i am here to tell your rachel's murder is no longer a free man. we all expected perhaps rachel was not his first victim. >> law enforcement announcing with migrants charged in violent crimes as an out-of-control crisis at our southern border makes many americans feel less and less safe. any moment now the migrant accused of king maryland mother rachel morin is said to appear in court. that is where we are in new york city i'm sandra smith and aisha a big hello to. >> hello and thank you for having me on. i am aishah hasnie john roberts is off spending time with family good friend this is "america reports." just this week alone sandra we have covered three cases of murders and rapes all involving illegal immigrants across the border hunter biden's watch. elenchus distinguishing killing of a 12-year-old girl in texas. dhs sources sink fox news charged these two men of the 12-year-old jocelyn gary venezuelan nationals who entered the country illegally earlier this year. >> aishah: chad wolf will join us in just a few moments. >> sandra: we begin with fox team coverage griff jenkins covering the crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants in maryland and new york city but we begin with mike tobin who kicks things off at the latest in a murder case out of houston hi, mike. >> hi, sandra entering the u.s. illegally were caught allowed to stay and now a 12 year old texas girl is dead. son and i jocelyn snuck out of her bed in houston, texas, it is not clear how she made contact with the two venezuela men though they were captured on surveillance cameras right up to the last moments of jocelyn's life. they walked to a bridge where authorities say the 12-year-old girl was strangled and dumped in a bye you, her body later found in a creek. the last time jocelyn's mother saw her was when she sent her little girl to bed. >> i would've given her the biggest hug. the biggest hug. and probably would not of let go. >> sources told fox news 26 26 euros a penny arrest crossed into el paso on an unknown date, he was picked up in may by border patrol and released with a notice to appear in court at a date. also 21-year-old johan jose ringel martin is also crossed into el paso at 88 and was released with a notice to reappear after being picked up d marched very police a surveillance video by the police and good police work held by the public and good police work tracked the two men down. >> we asked for the public health and they came through too very people stepped up from a biblical. >> we were able to find the two suspect, detain them, transport them back here to travis for questioning. while they are csu to do to process their locations are cheaper more evidence they have found. >> the acting houston police chief says evidence is being examined to determine whether jazmine was actually a fence says only that the crime scene was horrible. center? >> sandra: just an awful awful story all around. we will have more reaction to that coming up. mike, thank you. >> aishah: sandra also getting new details about that brutal's between anyone and murder of a maryland mother rachel morin the suspect in that case is expected in court. we will see him we are learning both he and the migrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl what also learning about his alleged killer? >> hernandez is expected a bail hearing this hour and we have the charging documents here and the details i have to warn you are grizzly. too much to put on the air but let me read just one line to you it says this. there were signs that marin had been beaten to death and sexually assaulted now hernandez is charged with first-degree murder, rape, and assault and he is wanted for murder of a woman in his own country with known gang ties in el salvador and most frustrating he repeatedly entered the country illegally. first in mexico and then again in texas in january of last year. than a third time in february of 2023 in new mexico and as we now know a fourth time undetected as a got away. rachel's half sister blames president biden and his policies for her death. >> biden's first day in office was to remove every executive order trump had put to secure our border and stop the building of the wall. i mean, as far as i'm concerned the biden demonstration has the blood of rachel morin on their hands. >> meanwhile the illegal ecuadorian charged raping a 13-year-old girl named new york city partner should not of been here. crossed years ago "was encountered by border patrol in 211 after unlawfully entering the united states without inspection, admission, or paroled by an official paired on the same date border patrol issued him a notice to appear and released him on his own recognizance. what is more, aisha, inga was reported removed by an immigration judge in 2022 and of course rotation followed -- >> nothing happen. >> tweeting out there and then this fiscal year there've been over 13,700 illegal immigrants caught with criminal infections. 's feet one and incredible story this could have have in any one of our families. great thank you for staying on top of the spirit appreciated. center? >> sandra: thank you for your child while former executive dr. an american first policy institute, chad, thank you for being here. it is hard to understand some of the reaction to these killings by people who should have never been here in the first place. they were here illegally and allowed to stay. this is a member of congress rev jaya paul making a case not for families and showing simply for the loss of innocent lives but labeling this simply is fearmongering. >> what is happening now with the asylum process is when people do come in it takes a long time for them to even be able to get work authorization. most of them are ready to work, they want to work, why not let people work? >> and record low crime rate. and immigrants bidding crimes and they are citizens. >> there's a lot of fearmongering. >> harris migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old so there's a lot of fearmongering. >> sandra: what will it take for the media to call this what it is? >> that clip you just showed, i don't know where to start. the congresswoman simply does not know immigration law. she is talking about the asylum claims and work authorization what we know is about 85-90% will never qualify for asylum so this idea you are giving them work offered to stay in the united states is exactly the wrong move. as the launch. which she has advocated for and others have advocated for. look, my hearts go out to these families. i think the first order of business for any initiation for the federal government and for our border security and immigration enforcement is to protect americans. it is really that fundamental end of that simple. i think what we have seen over the last three and a half years is every policy put in place whether talking about catch and release, talking about parole, talking about all the things we have seen, they are endangering americans and american communities left and right. instead of having the biden administration coming out and saying look, we have made a mistake but we are going to do these 17 things to get this under control, they don't do that. instead they are holding white house news conferences and talking about undocumented or illegal aliens and spouses and to get them work authorization. it is absolutely backwards. i think most americans are just shaking their heads saying what is going on? >> sandra: governor abbott has been dealing with us longer than anybody else. he reacted to exactly what you just said. about further action on the administration to help people stay here that of them over here illegally but also talks about texas having to take more and more of this crisis into its own hands. >> this is the last straw. americans have had it. because of joe biden's policies we have had record breaking illegal immigration that hasn't two crime. and now this amnesty proposal is a magnet that will entice even more people to come to our country illegally. texas is to step up and take legal action and shut it down. >> sandra: i mean are you surprised that this close to the presidential election you are not seeing this white house do more to get this problem under control knowing this has been a top concern for americans all over the country? >> let's be clear they should have been doing this all along over the past 3.5 years they should be putting policies in place that are protection americans but they are here in an election using the executive order they did a week and a half ago that talks about a cap is as aggressive as you are going to see this administration which is not aggressive at all. there are so may loopholes and exemptions to that, you see the san diego sector still exempting hundreds of foreign nationals from different countries in the eastern hemisphere, it is not working. their solution has not worked. i go back to all of these heinous murders we are seeing across the country at the hands of illegal aliens and every one of those is preventable. it is preventable in the sense those individuals should not be released into the country. it is what we did during the trump administration when we were called all sorts of names and racist end of terrible things. all we were trying to do was prevent this type of violent crime and activity in american communities. it's why we put in remain in mexico and other policies that were torn down on day one of this administration. so to all of the americans out there there is a different way to do this and you can secure the border and you can protect american communities all of the same time. >> sandra: chad, i appreciate you coming on. a lot to take in there. it is heartbreaking what we are seeing happen to these innocent lives and young children. chad, thank you. if our team, aishah, could tee up this from wesley hunt, the congressman joined jackie and i on "america's newsroom" this morning. he made a passionate plea of urgency, listen. >let me know when you can teed up. wesley hunt said "our governors tried to close the border, what do we get for it? we got sued for it. okay, we can play it up. go ahead. >> i find it very interesting to see these blue states and these blue governors not realizing that every single state is now a border state. guess what? here in texas we have been dealt with us the last four years. our governor trying to close our border and what we get for it? we got sued. we got sued for the state doing their job of the federal government. now the american people are watching this going we don't believe you anymore because four years ago we did not have this problem. now we do. >> sandra: he talked about having young daughters of his own and how absolutely awful it is what is happening. that it is going unacknowledged in many cases by the administration and the left and the media the media. >> aishah: i think he is exact to write the essay political nightmare for democrats. obviously the whole laken rally thing happened in a red state but when it happens in a state like maryland that is very, very blue it makes a ripple effect and i don't think the best way for democrats to react is to laugh when we talk about a family that has gone through a horrific moment in their lives. shocking to hear that clip. >> sandra: we will have more on that coming up, aishah. >> aishah: president biden spending his time at camp david while donald trump takes the campaign trail. will break down the latest polling ahead plus this. >> you want to respect the rule of law you have to start from the original law given. which was moses. >> sandra: that was lafayette, louisiana, on wednesday at a bill signing when louisiana became the first state to require the ten commandments be placed in public school classrooms. will the new law survived legal challenges? louisiana governor let jeff landry's here in an exclusive interview first in signing that in the law to respond to his critics. but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe. 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>> just the thumbs up and off he went. this is a president who according to all accounts privately likes to get bogged down in details about policies but allies are urging him right now to simplify his approach. >> i would encourage our president not to talk in the abstract about percentages and economic terms appeared to have the sternest economy, but instead to focus on new manufacturing plans, high skilled highways jobs. >> as for trump he is doing a more traditional debate prep then he did in 2016 or 2020. >> all trump has to do is be calm. may be asked biden some questions like did you really know vladimir putin when he was a lieutenant colonel in the kgb in east germany which biden claims he did. or do you really believe your uncle was eaten by cannibals? i mean, biden is so open, you know, my advice to trump would be deal with biden with humor, not with anger. because biden is pathetic. >> even though there is kind of a lot going on in the country and in the rest of the world, president biden has nothing on his schedule for the next couple of days. they just have him hunkered down at camp david, nothing planned anywhere near any cameras until the debate. and it seems like they're trying to figure out how much he should go in there to pump up his own record versus how much he should go to attack from. center? >> sandra: probably trying to find just the right balance. peter live at the white house for us peter doocy, thank you. aishah? >> aishah: so for more on all of this former deputy to white house chief of staff and fox news contributor karl rove thank you for joining us happy friday to you. we will get to debate prep and a second because i can imagine you have lots of thoughts on that and the differences in how they are doing it very get to this is today that the prime just made former president trump that he is going to hold a big rally in virginia the day after the debate. it's really interesting because virginia, i mean he seems to think is in play now. he just met with the governor, governor youngkin about a week ago. he is sort of expanding the map into states you normally would not think would flip for him. what will you think of this? do they get to good call to focus on states like virginia? >> well, the trump campaign believes they are on the edge of a significant realignment of american politics. they will sweep not only the states they one last time around plus the six battleground states this time but also pick up states like virginia, minnesota, there is even talk of new mexico and may be another one of the rocky mountains states. so, yeah. i think it's a little premature, but we don't know how much of this is real and how much of it is positioning to get a good news day. but the election of glenn youngkin that you could elect a republican statewide and donald trump wants to follow up on that. >> he's also looking at maryland hoping to lip that in the senate take a look at this pump up the battleground state of pennsylvania here. here is the latest rail clear average pretty neck and neck trump up by terkel points here. looking at that as well. fox actually has biden in the general up by terkel points but they have trump up by terkel points of this neck and neck both men, carl, cannot just get out of no matter what they do the conviction did not change anything. the hollowed fund-raising didn't change anything doesn't seem to change this neck and neck was having a question mark i ask this because the piece of the electric that no one wants to talk about are the people who don't like either of these people. they don't want to see either of them on the ticket. is this what is happening here? >> it is a tight race because each candidate has a group of supporters that are strongly committed to them. those who are committed to donald trump by the traditional pulling measures are more committed to him then biden's supporters are committed to him. but there's a little bit of something going on here. since may 30th let's take a look at the poll in june. on june 5th emerson had trump up by 1. june 7th, yahoo by terkel. nine for cbs up by one and then on the tenth biden was up by 1 and the next terkel days later apel has them tied and back to trump up by two and trump up by two tied and if you look at the real clear politics average today it is a 0.5. that is to say with a half a percent lead for donald trump. the problem is that includes as part of the 11 poles two polls will drop out shortly they gave him a five-point lead in a two-point lead this is as tight as a tech race. trump does not need to win the popular vote to a 90 election that's what happened in 2016 lost the pot popular vote but won electoral college but it shows this race is tight at its tighten up little bit after the may 30th conviction of donald trump. admittedly most people were not affected by it, but 21% of independents said that they were less likely to vote for donald trump as a result and 9% jump in the support among independents for joe biden which has given him the lead in the latest fox poll. >> aishah: read quickly want to get to this debate that could change pulling. >> absolutely. >> here's a taste of what happened last time around watch this. >> no wonder your son goes in and he takes out -- he takes out billions of dollars. takes out billions of dollars to manage and makes millions of dollars. >> that's not true. >> what'd he did to deserve it? >> none of that is true. >> 180 of $3,000. fickle president, answer. >> did he borrow thousands of dollars a month with no experience in energy? >> my son did nothing wrong. >> i think he did. >> the car all of the microphones will be muted when one person is talking but hunter biden has to come up the laptop from hell has to come up we know the present will bring it up and it's a sensitive sort subject for president biden how to see this playing out? >> i think what newt gingrich said about doing this with humor is important. look, here's what each guy is looking for appeared on trump's case he needs to be reasonable. he cannot be the angry and interrupting guy we saw in the first debate. everyone pretty much said that was not the factor. he does need to be calm. i thought newt had great advice there. he needs to turn it into a referendum on the issues. you have done bad things, i can get it right and he needs to be about the future, not the past. biden has to accept the incoming, try to make it a choice, and most important of all he has to have 90 minutes without gobbledygook frozen moments come weird sentences, this will be tough given what we've seen in recent weeks. >> sandra: end like you said if they mess up, if they fumbled us they have to sit in it four more months before they got another chance to fix it. karl rove thank you. >> yes until the next debate. >> aishah: a long time thank you so much have a good weekend. >> sandra: a florida judge considering a motion to dismiss the classified documents case against former president donald trump a lab report on today's hearing just add. >> aishah: plus former president trump putting tips in taxes on the election menu so it voters really think about making tips tax-free. >> and remember with trump no tax on tips. i think it's good you work, work, work and they come out and they harass you, they really harassing. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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everybody wants to make and take home more of their hard-earned dollars. in capitalism they know how to spend that money better than the government. so are you in favor of this plan? is it a good push? >> i know some purists are out there. >> great suit by the way. >> they say 90 and i'm like that's the season. some people say it's picking winners and losers but this is not picking the federal government right now giving the richest companies that ever lived or ever existed $50 billion to build a chip factory. this is a different way. i think people need to understand so federally a tip to the employee is engaged where he or she customarily receives more than $30 a month in tips. that means the employer only has to pay $2.13 an hour and direct wages. i mean, think about that for a minute, sandra. these folks, they are stru struggling. they are getting on the job performance. they have to satisfy. i mean these are hard workers at the lower end of the economic and i think it's an amazing idea. i really, really do. >> sandra: when we say it's gaining popularity we pulled it and here it is. we asked the question do you approve or disapprove of trump's proposal to limit tax on tips those who approve 62% to an overwhelming majority. 32% is approved. they want to collect those taxes. 6% say they do not know. the support for no federal taxes on tips, okay so that's kind of interesting. it sort of splits both directions. 83% of republicans mentioned from. ted cruz says he feels like it could win donald trump nevada. >> there is no doubt about it. how the culinary union which is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful in that state is weighing in on this. i find it interesting that these unions are in this position. they have to tell the union workers hey we are against this proposal even though more than likely and obviously you keep more money but it would reward you. this is the reward and recognition these workers the desire and they need deserve. you're absolutely right. even though unions are trying to find a way against it because they know it is gaining traction. people do know it is a good and fair idea. the democratic party uses the word fair at lot like "pay your fair share" than ever give you a number because we know the top 10% -- >> sandra: we just know it's more. >> yes or even though you're paying a lot more than everyone else we want you to pay a "nebulous thing your "fair shar" let's be fair to the lowest income workers in america. >> sandra: and small businesses, that uncertainty kills them when they don't know by how much their taxes are going to go up or how much more they will have to pay. they have to plan for that. this is a sampling of what we are hearing out there from everyday people when it comes to the economy and their paycheck. >> i am making more money now than i ever did in my life. it is paycheck to paycheck. >> since prices have soared from interest rates have soared. >> how we pay off his student loans? holy eventually by maca house question mike >> and blowing through my savings just trying to keep up. food, electric, gas for my home heating, everything is increased. >> sandra: you look at the stock market today and while the dow is down a few points still sitting up at record high. still over 39,000 that the s&p 500 and nasdaq new heights this rally does not seem to be going away. it's the rich getting r richer d the lower middle class and that inflation tax. it is just brutal up there for them. >> it is. i've been railing against this a long time last couple of years i was giving speeches using as those checks were going out the hangover and the headache and the pain, it does not go away. and yet you put in 1.9 trillion ostensibly for covid, another trillion inflation reduction, all of that money eventually goes to the bottom line of the wealthiest corporations. i mean we are spending 20, 30, 40, 50 billion to spend on factories for the companies spending billions of dollars a day to buy back their own stock. jennifer did a great piece on this early last year that all of this money will end up in the pockets of the 1% because the fact of the matter is we live in a trickle up economy. >> sandra: but that's not what you would hear you hear president biden saying the wealth they paying their fair share. they need to pay more. when in reality his policies are proving to help the rich more than any other group of americans. >> president biden has been the best president of the wealthiest people in america ever bottom line period. he has poured a lot of money directly into their pockets and indirectly into their pockets and guess what? the rest of the american republic has had to carry the weight of that in the form of higher prices and inflation that will not go away. >> sandra: the thing that would help everyone would be to get the prices down and we haven't had a plan to fix that. >> the plan is to put money and we are pouring kerosene on the runway fire. they won't stop. >> sandra: and with interest rates still sky-high the affordability crisis with housing and it is just the perfect storm. thank you, charles. >> thanks a lot. >> today's the first day of summer. >> aishah: yes sander, former president trump's legal team is warning of a potential "shadow government" of special counsel jack smith's point is upheld, they are in court in florida right now arguing that smith was unlawfully appointed and should be removed from that classified documents case. live outside of that courthouse in fort pierce, florida, so any updates from inside the courtroom just yet? >> ideation no phones, recording devices, or computers allowed inside the federal courthouse here in fort pierce, florida, for this hearing today but we just got an update a short time ago when our team inside took a break for lunch. a little while ago they tell us so far today has been dominated by these very complex and technical arguments as well as dense legal analysis of u.s. code. at the moment constitutional lawyers from both sides are arguing their case is. trump's team argues doj regulators or regulations don't allow for attorney general merrick garland to appoint a special counsel. they believe that since his appointment was unconstitutional smith can't prosecute former president trump in this case. therefore the case should be thrown out. special counsel smith's team says that argument simple he does not hold water. no several courts have rejected similar or near identical challenges regarding other special councils in the past. and because of that judge aileen cannon who was appointed by trump back in 2020 is facing some criticism for slow walking the case or seemingly delaying the trial past the november election but former u.s. attorney for these southern district of florida kennel copy says the pace of the pretrial hearings is justified given the gravity of the 40 felony that he faces. >> lodged against judge cannon the fact she is giving extra attention, extra time to these issues is a positive. and people forget about the fact the classified information procedures act as complex. >> according to our folks inside the courtroom they tell us judge eileen kennedy is very engaged asking all sorts of questions from both sides. we also know this will be going on for several more hours as court is supposed to go late into the afternoon. >> aishah: that was going to be my follow-up question and you answered it. thank you, jeff paul for us in florida thank you, jeff. >> sandra: one lawmaker about the nuclear capabilities in space comparing it to the cuban missile crisis. dan hoffman away and next next plus this. >> this mandates the display of the ten commandments in every classroom in public, elementary, secondary, and post education schools in the state of louisiana. [cheers and applause] 's be able to locate louisiana's first of its kind mandate it could be headed to a courtroom as critics now vowed to challenge it. we will speak to louisiana governor jeff landry about the impending legal battle coming up. and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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>> most everything russia and north korea have been doing has been happening behind the scenes. north korea has been providing russia with the artillery russia is using indiscriminately to bomb ukrainian neighborhoods and their critical infrastructure. and russia has been providing north korea with military technology as well as intelligence and diplomatic top cover. but now by going public with this a very meeting between putin who is traveling to north korea with head and hand knowing he needs a lot from north korea because he spilled so much of russia's blood and treasure in ukraine in the failed war, russia is doing this i think to demonstrate to the west united states in particular to extort us because russia believes they can influence u.s. policy by openly embracing kim jong un's world dictatorship. russia is kind of graduating to pariah state status with this. openly advocating sanctions busting to assist north korea, this is quite a change for vladimir putin and it's really the result of his failed war in the ukraine. >> congress in session for literally a blip this week but quite a bit of attention by bipartisan lawmakers here. senators lindsey graham and blumenthal wanting to declare russia a state sponsor of terror, listen to this. >> exhibit a, i rest my case. terrorists sponsors. this picture says it all. i don't think we are being provocative by labeling put in a state sponsor of terrorism but after the defense of agreement north korea and russia, it is time for us to push back. >> sandra: labeling russia a state sponsor of terrorism -- of terror doesn't mean anything to rush or put in. >> i think it does mean something here in the united states. first of all bipartisan collaboration on foreign policy is too rare these days so that is noteworthy in and of itself. but i think with the senators are trying to do here is demonstrating that russia has taken these steps, deserves to be on the list along with north korea, iran, and syria and cuba. and by calling out russia just as the european parliament did two years ago senators graham and blumenthal want united states policy to fall in line. let's stop allowing russia to export their oil and earn the income they need to keep their war economy going. let's be tougher on russia. i think that is what they are doing here. ringing alarm bells with the threat russia poses to the united states and the rest of the world. >> aishah: intel chairman turner is trying to ring the bell about this russian attempt for nukes in space he is calling it now the cuban missile crisis in space. i know you have said that this is putin trying to scare us. dan hoffman we ran out of time, so much to get to but thank you for being on. have a great weekend. >> thank you, you too periods aishah it is hurricane season and we are keeping an eye on two storms in the gulf of mexico right now where they are heading. that is next. plus vulnerable democrats are now distancing themselves from president biden. the administration's electric vehicle pushed and we will have more reaction coming up next. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> sander it's going into the first official weekend of summer and folks in florida and even up in georgia can experience scattered thunderstorms and even high wind speeds in the 20s and teens as the storm approaches the coast tonight. here on jacksonville beach is one of the many places where this storm is really turning up the ocean from the carolinas down to florida. high recurrent risks span from that area. on thursday the mother and father of six children ground after getting pulled out to sea in strong rip currents while on a trip near port st. lucie. now jacksonville beach coach ocean rescue teams have put up red flags as a notice of dangerous beach conditions. some swimmers have already needed help, take a listen. >> we have had several cases where we have to go assist people out of the water. no major rescues yet today, knock on wood. please heed the lifeguard advice and don't swim there any obstructions. and other areas where there are not lifeguards may be considered don't go in the water. >> all right a high surf advisory behind us and the surf zone with wave heights between 4-7 feet but sandra i will say regardless families are out here on the beach they found a way to have fun playing in the sand or just relaxing and enjoying the sun whatever it does keep out but now we are finally starting to get a little bit of the rain coming into our area and that will continue as we get into the later hours of today. center? >> definitely seeing people out and about enjoying the day behind them going for a walk on the beach but the water looks like you may still want to avoid it at this point. thank you very much, we will check back in soon. aishah? >> aishah: have you heard about chicago? 70 people shot there in just one weekend. we will talk to a chicago pastor about the city's violent crime crisis and his search for solutions plus the ten commandments and the new law in louisiana that requires public schools to post . why he signed it into law and whether it can survive all the legal challenges. for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. ♪ music ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ ♪ unnecessary. ♪ was that necessary? 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